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Title : Application of Gaussian Process Regression Function for Predict Tool Wear Authors : Nguyen Duc Luan
Abstract :
This paper presents a cutting tool estimation technique based on the Gaussian process regression (GPR) function for predict of tool wear (flank wear width). Tool wear prediction parameters and corresponding confidence intervals are provided by the GPR model. In addition, the GPR model provides better performance than artificial neural networks (ANN) and assistive vector machines (SVM) on the predicted accuracy due to Gaussian noise can be quantitatively modeled in the GPR model. Experimental settings were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed tool wear predictive model. Experimental results show that the flank wear width of the cutting tool can be accurately monitored using the robust tool wear assessment technique presented in many cutting conditions. This study lays the foundations for monitoring tool wear in true industrial environments. |
1-5 |
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Title : The Effect of Virtual Reality Technologies Usability on Museum Visitor Experience and Satisfaction Authors : Marina Ezdina
Abstract :
The expansion of opportunities for the use of Virtual Reality technologies increases the scope of scientific research. The usability of VR technologies and the Experience Economy play an important role in satisfaction of Museum visitors. Based on the theory of Experience Economy, this study looks at the impact of usability on the overall experience of visitors and their satisfaction with visiting the Museum. In this study, we developed a model that links usability with four realms of experience, identifies the dependencies of visitor satisfaction and willing to recommendations, and conducted an empirical analysis based on data collected mainly among visitors to Russian museums and art galleries. A total of 312 data units were collected and analyzed using SmartPLS3.0 (SmartPLS GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). Usability turned out to be an important component that positively affects the complex experience of visitors, on which a direct dependence of satisfaction with visiting the Museum was revealed. The results of this study are important both for scientific research and in practical work for the correct organization of the VR exhibition. |
6-18 |
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