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Title : Physicochemical and Bacteriological Analysis of Drinking Water Quality under Tuensang District, Nagaland, India Authors : Nohochem Sangtam, Thsazila Sangtam
Abstract :
The present study was aimed to analyze the physicochemical and bacteriological properties of public drinking water (tank water, bore well water, supply tap water) of Tuensang District Nagaland, India. The methodology for physicochemical analysis of drinking water sample was followed by scientific manual (Adoniet al. 1985, APHA 2005 and HACH pH and TDS meter), and FTK Instrumental manual kits (Octopus Inc) It concludes that management of infrastructure is good. However lots of review and replacement of water pipe need to take in many villages, and water supplied in most of the places for public drinking purpose is not scientifically treatment,However, 90% of drinking water supplied to the public community is found to be healthy for drinking and free from bacteria and other harmful chemical contamination. pH more than 8.5 and less than 6.5 is not good for drinking purpose due to highly basic and acidic nature, Higher values of MPN, TDS, and Calcium made this water unfit for drinking. However, it is being found in the recent study that , sample studied in the reservoir tank in the collected villages under Tuensang District has been found to be free and fit for drinking purpose. |
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Title : Gurukul and Modern Education System in India: Holistic Outlook Authors : Dinesh Joshi
Abstract :
It is an undeniable fact that the present day society, which nurtures the younger generation, faces serious shortcomings in terms of moral, ethical, spiritual and Dharmik values. Parental pressures on children are increasing at an alarming rate, with stress to focus on the competitive examinations alone, taking a greater toll on the young mental framework. Children are getting alienated from the crucial aspect of personality development through moral and ethical training. The pointless pressure has taken the reallocation of educational parlance from a holistic approach towards education to farcical rote learning. Unfortunately, the standard of education has drastically deterioriated in the last couple of decades due to lack of infrastructure and degradation of moral capacities. The present paper mainly emphasis on the gurukul and modern eductation system, its pros and cons |
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Title : Rule 86B: A Barrier to Free Flow of Input Credit Tax in GST Authors : Prof. (Dr.) Sitaram Harne, Manas Khandelwal, Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Jain, Palash Rijhwani
Abstract :
It is paper presented not only to gain knowledge of Rule 86B of CGST but to have an understanding of its impact on free flow on input credit on Goods & Service Tax Act. This rule will not only affect the organization financially but also enhance the compliance requirement of the organization. It is important to understand the Rule that ought to have increase cash liability and compliances. This will not only help to comply with Rule 86B but also helps in avoiding consequences for non-compliant to Rule 86B on your organization. The implementation of Rule 86B is a strategic plan to curb fake invoicing by requiring taxpayers to pay tax in cash. |
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Title : The Effect of Tax Knowledge, Taxpayer Compliance and Tax Sanctions on Revenues Income Tax and Its Impact on Public Accountability Authors : Tika Septi Mardini, Hari Setiyawati
Abstract :
This study begins with the phenomenon of the lack of income tax revenue obtained from taxpayers. The purpose of this study, to determine the effect of tax knowledge, taxpayer compliance and tax sanctions on income tax revenues and their impact on public accountability. This research was conducted at the Mukomuko Regency Tax Office. The population in this study were 100 taxpayers other than services. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling method with a sample size of 30 entrepreneurs. The analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is path analysis. The results of this study indicate that tax knowledge has a positive and significant effect on income tax revenues. Meanwhile, taxpayer compliance and tax sanctions do not have a significant effect on income tax revenues, as well as income tax revenues do not have a significant impact on public accountability. |
11-22 |
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Title : Power Management System for Minimizing Transmission Losses Authors : Lupthavisha Netam, Pusapally Srinivas, Mohan Kumar Iyer
Abstract :
Globally, Indian power system is one of the largest with installed capacity of 372.693 Gigawatt and a complex transmission network which is an integration of Alternating Current and Direct Current transmission systems. With modernization and addition of new generating capacities to meet the growing demand, a robust transmission system can be instrumental in the growth of power sector and also significantly contribute to the country’s economy. India’s goal towards diversifying its energy source cannot be achieved until its transmission network develops capabilities such as distributed intelligence, demand response integration and effective coordination with generation. This research article emphasizes on the key power transmission challenges which can potentially hinder future economic growth of India. Advanced technologies that can be extremely useful in the augmentation of the transmission network are also discussed. |
11-16 |
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Title : Women Empowerment: A need for National Development Authors : Kaladevi P S
Abstract :
Women empowerment means facilitating women to make a choice of living on their own and not dominated by men. In all over the world women are facing lots of burdens to lead their life. They were ill-treated by domestically, physically, and psychologically by the society. Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skill and self-confidence. Education plays a vital role in the lives of women, without the knowledge of education they may face lack of security. They need to give education at a right time. As a society they need to give them chance to equipping themselves and need to take a decision by their own self. Male dominance exists in every door step whether they are educated or uneducated. The Indian constitution has embodied within itself grounds for gender equality. The fundamental rights and duties, and gender equality, together works for shaping policies and draft safeguard measures for women empowerment in India. |
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Title : Quality and Process Control Initiatives for Achieving Manufacturing Excellence in Cooperative Tea Factories Authors : Himanshu Soni, Mohan Kumar Iyer
Abstract :
Tea is the largest consumed beverage after water worldwide. In Nilgiris alone there are 63,000 small tea growers and 15 tea factories run by the cooperative society for tea growers. There are few tea factories run by private companies as well. It is reported that the tea growers are not availing a good price for their tea leaves from the factories they supply. The factories report that they are not able to pay the desired value for tea leaves because the sales price in the tea auction is not great. The prices in the tea auction are reported to be not favorable as buyers are not willing to pay more for the given quality. It is thus concluded that, if quality of tea leaf and the process of manufacturing tea is good, then the quality of ‘Made Tea’ would obviously be good, and if the quality of ‘Made Tea’ is good, then its sale price will be good in the tea auctions. Thus, a good price could be given to the tea growers. This research study involves an analysis of tea leaves supplied by tea growers, the manufacturing process, quality control practices adopted by the tea factories and provides suggestion to achieve excellence in product quality. |
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Title : Challenges Faced by Women in Rural India Authors : Priyadarshini.R
Abstract :
Women are an integral part of the society contributing for social and economic development of individuals, families and the nation. Since independence, efforts are being taken by the government and responsible bodies for the development of women in India. Equality, Respect, dignity and security are the fundamental to every woman in a democratic country like India. Through various reforms and enactment of policies, these fundamental expectations of women are being taken care by the government. But then, the family and society plays a vital role in assuring these fundamental rights are upheld. From birth, women face challenges as they pass through the various stages in their lifecycle such as access to education, employment, early marriage, dowry, domestic violence and many more. Another critical point is that, the challenges for women and their wellbeing are more in rural areas. The various types of incidents with varied magnitude inflicting women are being exposed through media reports are alarming and calls for immediate action. This research article brings out the persisting stigma with regard to women in the country, particularly in the rural areas. A fact that cannot be ignored is that 70% of India’s population is made up of rural areas and nearly 50% of them are women. |
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