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Title : Canning of Statements in IOT Using Arduino Uno Authors : Selviprithi Kodishwaran, Vijaya Krishnamoorthy, Vignesh Boopathy, Shanmuga Vishnu Sakthivel
Abstract :
The security of the information is a tough task. But security challenges will be satisfied with Arduino IDE. These techniques are crucial one while addressing user authentication and information privacy. Therefore, once this sensitive information is moving from device to device over the Arduino network, then there's a necessity for coding of the information. Coding conjointly helps to safeguard information from intruders. The information will be simply encrypted with the assistance of cryptography, that is that the method of changing easy text into unintelligible text. The first objectives of the project are confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and authentication. The Elliptic Galois Cryptography (EGC) protocol is introduced. In this protocol, a cryptography technique is used to encrypt confidential data that came from banking and military fields. The sensed data are given as input to the Arduino. Next, by using the Arduino coding the data is encrypted and then it will be decrypted itself by Arduino coding. And the final output is seen through mobile or computer |
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Title : Smart Classroom Authors : Varsha S Jeevannavar, Pramod M Badiger, Somanath V Naik, Manjunath J Shejawadakar, Dr. Iranna M Korachagaon
Abstract :
This paper instantly infers the power consumption in the classrooms. The knowledge about the power wastage is used to suggest the smart classroom in which the operation of the electrical and electronic devices are automated. In this method it is first estimated what are all the devices a classroom consist (i.e.) fan, light. Some existing method had already control this kind of devices using infrared remotes. Though the infrared remotes are used, power wastage due to human negligence is possible. Hence by replacing the infrared remote with wireless sensor effective automation can be achieved in the classroom. The smart classroom system controls automatic ON/OFF of fan and light system based on the presence and absence of the human inside the room and based on the temperatures of the room. The system is developed with the help of ARDUINO board which can be used to control the speed of an electric fan based on the changes in temperature of its surrounding using Thermistor. In recent years, RFID technology has been widely used in various sectors, such as in-education, transportation, agriculture, animal husbandry, store sales and other sectors. RFID utilization in education is student attendance monitoring system, by using Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud technology, it will produce a real time attendance monitoring system that can be accessed by various parties, such as lecturer, campus administration and parents. With this monitoring system if there are students who are not present can be immediately discovered and can be taken immediate action and the learning process can run smoothly |
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Title : A Study on Properties of Concrete Containing Micro Fine GGBS with Polypropylene Fiber Authors : Rohit Kumar, Mr. Manvendra Singh, Dr Mayank Varshney
Abstract :
In this study development of concrete by making an efficient concrete mix design blending with mineral admixtures on micro fine GGBS for higher grade concreteand with addition of various percentages of polypropylene fiber (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%& 2%) in concrete has been undertaken. Development of efficient concrete mix design plays an important & vital role in producing eco-economical concrete. This study represents the effect of presence of mineral admixture micro fine GGBSand polypropylene fiber in concrete. GGBS partially replaced by cement in concrete for evaluating the workability and strength of concrete along with flexural & split tensile strength. This study has been done by varying 10% GGBS on partial replacementand with addition of various percentages of polypropylene fiber (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%& 2%) in concrete. About twenty-four trial mix, control mix and other variation mix were developed for M25 &M30 grade of concrete. |
9-13 |
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Title : Natural Ordered Relation on Totally Ordered Ternary Semirings Authors : Koneti Rajani, Cheerla Meenakumari, Dr. G. Shobhalatha
Abstract :
In this paper we discussed about natural ordered relation in a totally ordered ternary semiring (T,+,.,,≤) in which(T,.) is semilattice defined as a ≤ b ⟺ a =xyb = xby = bxy; a= xya. And also we characterize different properties of a totally ordered semirings with natural ordered relation.. In section 2, the required preliminaries are presented. In Section 3, properties of totally ordered ternary semirings with natural ordered relation were discussed |
14-18 |
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Title : IoT Based Digital Notice Board using Raspberry PI Authors : Mahantesh.S. Katapur, Eranna hadapada, Mahant.G. Kattimani
Abstract :
With the advancement in Digital Technology, it is more efficient to represent the information on digital devices. Now a day’s internet is the primary mode of communication everywhere. Digital Notice Board is primary thing and plays a vital role in any institution or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations, colleges, malls, etc. But sticking various notices day to day is a difficult process. In this paper, it has been implemented an IoT (Internet of Things) Based Digital Notice Board using Raspberry pi and Operating System With the help of this project. At any time, we can add or remove or alter the text according to our requirement and authenticated person can convey the message/notice even from remote place on digital devices like LCD display |
19-22 |
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Title : Solar Highway Lighting System with Auto Turn Off On Day Time with LCD Display Authors : Divya pujar, Jyothika.P, Anupama Naik, Mahant.G.Kattimani
Abstract :
This paper is based on the idea of maintaining maximum utilization and minimum loss of available energy. Sun is the source of all energy on the earth. It is most abundant, inexhaustible and universal source of energy. All other sources of energy draw their strength from the sun. India is blessed with plenty of solar energy because most parts of the country receive bright sunshine throughout the year except a brief monsoon period so this paper is based on solar highway light system. If any of the light is fault message sent to authorized person as well non working solar. To avoid accident intelligent system is implemented high beam and low beam. Power saving is the essential now a days, so to avoid wastage of power intelligent lighting system is implemented, when vehicle is present it will work with 100%intensity rest of the time 50%. Solar energy is used for this application so solar tracking is implemented to track sun and store energy during day timeThis paper is based on the idea of maintaining maximum utilization and minimum loss of available energy. Sun is the source of all energy on the earth. It is most abundant, inexhaustible and universal source of energy. All other sources of energy draw their strength from the sun. India is blessed with plenty of solar energy because most parts of the country receive bright sunshine throughout the year except a brief monsoon period so this paper is based on solar highway light system. If any of the light is fault message sent to authorized person as well non working solar. To avoid accident intelligent system is implemented high beam and low beam. Power saving is the essential now a days, so to avoid wastage of power intelligent lighting system is implemented, when vehicle is present it will work with 100%intensity rest of the time 50%. Solar energy is used for this application so solar tracking is implemented to track sun and store energy during day time |
23-26 |
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Title : Solar Powered Intelligent Power Management for Electric Vehicles Authors : M Supriya, Shubhalaxmi N Poojari, Sindhu T S, Vasundhara D Desai, Dr. Iranna M Korachagaon
Abstract :
Electric vehicles are rapidly becoming viable options for consumer use as regular transportation. Charging solutions should be both intelligent and renewable. This project focuses on the design and construction of an intelligent power management for optimal battery charging in solar powered electric vehicles. The aim is to complete the process of charging a battery independently while the other battery provides all the energy required for the consumption of electric vehicle. The power generated from the synchronized dynamo is stored in the battery. Wireless technology is used to control vehicle. Vehicle movement is controlled using ASK TX/RX. To charge battery renewable energy is used , if any dust on solar panel it will effect the power generation , manual cleaning is not correct method it may cause error, so automatic cleaning mechanism is implemented |
27-30 |
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Title : The Algerian Exchange Rate System: a Cointegration Analysis Authors : Fatima BENBOUZIANE, Mohamed BENBOUZIANE
Abstract :
Based on the theoretical background given in the previous chapter, we try in this chapter to study the exchange rate policy in Algeria by using a cointegration analysis. Unfortunately, we are not going to test the Efficient Markets Hypothesis of the Algerian Dinar. This is simply due to the lack of forward exchange rates. Nevertheless, we are going to look for other aspects of exchange rate in Algeria , mainly the parallel exchange rate. Thus the first part of this chapter examines the situation of exchange rate in Algeria by giving an historical review. Secondly , we will define the main factors behind the development of the parallel exchange rate market that lead to a situation of misalignment. Then, in the third part of this chapter, we show that the Algerian parallel exchange rate is more efficient that the official rate using a purchasing power parity approach . Section 4 gives the implications and recommendations. Evidence shows that authorities should take into account information provided by the parallel exchange rates in deciding the level of the appropriate official exchange rate. |
31-37 |
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