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Title : Era of Accounting from Stone Age to Standard Age Authors : Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Jain, Palash Rijhwani
Abstract :
It is paper presented not only to gain knowledge of Accounting Standards but to have understanding why it is important to have standards in accounting. These standards not only benefit to organization individual but globally it also enhances the marketing standard of the organization. It is a governance tool in which organization sphere around all the spokes of circle and gives importance to its financials. It is important to understand that with view to have understanding of standards you ought to have increase market share and standing. This not only help to increase investment but to have widen space of shareholders and enhanced trust. This not only help to comply with standard but also gain government support your organization. Organizations are able to present their products and services globally. The implementation of standards is a strategic plan in which step-by-step you are able to make your financials strong and present as per the desire of stakeholders meeting their expectations |
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Title : Hsu-Structure Manifold on Affine Connexions Authors : Prashant Kumar Shukla, Geeta Verma, Virendra Nath Pathak
Abstract :
In this paper we have studied some affine connexions in a Hsu-structure manifold. Certain theorems have also been proved, which are of great geometrical importance |
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Title : Numerical Solution Exploration of Stochastic Dynamical System Based on Mathematica Authors : Dongwei Huang, Lijiao Cai
Abstract :
In recent years, stochastic differential equations have been widely used in financial economy, engineering technology, biological mathematics and other fields. Based on Mathematica system, this paper improves the existing numerical simulation methods and obtains a new numerical simulation algorithm. First, we give the derivation of the original Milstein numerical simulation algorithm. Secondly, we apply the idea of Runge-Coulthard method to the existing Milstein method to obtain a new numerical simulation algorithm. Then, for two common bioeconomic dynamic systems, a more realistic stochastic dynamic system is established by considering the influence of non-negligible noise in real life. This paper not only analyzes the dynamic behavior of the state variable, but also applies the improved simulation method to the system. The numerical simulation results verify our theoretical analysis, and then show that this method is feasible. |
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Title : Automatic Load Sharing of Transformer using Arduino and Microcontroller with their Comparison Authors : Akshata Desai, Deepa Patted, Manjunath Vaggar, Pavangouda Jakkanagoudar, Kandagal S.S
Abstract :
Transformer is a static device, which converts power from one level to another level. The aim of the proposed work is to protect the transformer under overload condition by load sharing. Due to over load on transformer, the efficiency drops and winding get overheated and may get burnt. Thus, by sharing load on transformer, the transformer is protected. This will be done by connecting another transformer in parallel through a microcontroller on the other hand through the Arduino. The both controllers compare the load on the first transformer with the reference value. When the load exceeds the reference value, the second transformer will share the remaining load. If the load exceeds the rating of both transformers, then system is going to be shut down. Whenever the sharing of load on transformer occurs, the operator gets message through the GSM. An IOT is also used to inform the control station about sharing load. This arrangement will provide proper maintenance facility for both transformers. Hence, temperature of both transformers, load shared to another transformer along with timing are recorded. These can fetch about a year of records. All these make system very efficient and reliable. |
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Title : Malignancy Cells Discovery Utilizing Photonic Crystal Based Biosensor Authors : Indira Bahaddur, Kavana K V, Dr P C Srikanth
Abstract :
Biosensor is an explanatory gadget that is utilized to recognize a biomolecule from the example. Right now cells are contrasted and diverse malignant growth cells like Cervical disease, Jurkat cell, MCF 7 cell, PC 12 cell. The biosensor detecting component utilizes the refractive record of various sort of disease cells and those are contrasted and the refractive file of typical cell, which prompted the comparing shift in the power and frequency. Right now, the photonic band gap ranges from 1400 nm to 1800 nm and the Quality factor accomplished is 272.24. It has been seen that for a little change in refractive file, there will be a huge move in the force and frequency consequently it goes about as a sensor |
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Title : Pedestrian Detection with ID Authors : Dr. Sanchari Saha, Abhinav Gupta, Abhinav Pratap Singh, Dalbir Singh, Kanaram T
Abstract :
Pedestrian detection and tracking are widely applied to intelligent video surveillance, intelligent transportation. We select OpenCV as the development tool for implementation of pedestrian detection, tracking, counting and risk warning in a video segment. We introduce a low-dimensional soft- output SVM pedestrian classifier to implement precise pedestrian detection. Experiments indicate that the system has high recognition accuracy and can operate in real time. The concept can be used for the maintaining Hygienic saving the memory of data base and count the number of people passes in the fame. This is done under the Digital Image processing. We use the concept of Feature Extraction and Feature Selection. This paper of the project will undergo under many methods like Deep Neural network, Convolution Neural network, MNSIT, HOG and YULU etc. The paper is based on the project which used concepts as Machine Learning, Deep Learning and code is written in Python. |
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Title : Implementation of Computer Integrated Manufacturing in the Nigeria Machine Spare Parts Manufacturing Process in the Light of Globalization Authors : Luqman Muhammed Audu, Jimah Khadijhatu Quincy, Igbesi Friday Chukwuyem
Abstract :
Sophistication in the information and technology sector has resulted to economic liberalization in respect of trade and investment. Quality goods and facilities produced by high technological processes from the major industrialized countries flood the Nigeria market. The net effects have been poor industrial capacity utilization, high industrial mortality and indifference towards the actualization of the technological potentials to achieve competitive and sustainable development in the manufacturing sector. This is particularly true in the machine and machine parts industry. This paper assesses the Nigeria machine and machine parts industry in the light of globalization and liberalization of trade. A review of research and development effort in this sector by the Federal Government of Nigeria was carried out. Manufacturing systems in Computer- Aided Process Planning (CAPP), Computer- Aided Design (CAD), Computer - Aided Manufacturing (CAM) were outlined. The production chain processes of some active steel firms were assessed in respect of their level of CAD and CAM integration and CIM compliance. A model in local capacity acquisition that embraces computer automation manufacturing using the instruments of Computer Integration Engineering (CIM) to put the industry on the track of sustainable development and global economic competitiveness was developed. |
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Abstract :
Packaging waste forms a significant part of municipal solid waste and has caused increasing environmental concerns, resulting in tightening of regulations aimed at reducing the amount of waste generated. Among other material, a wide range of plastics are still used in packaging applications by producers from both organized and unorganized sectors and traders of various products even though it is being banned in a phased manner by the Indian Government. These are virtually non-biodegradable, and some are difficult to recycle or reuse due to being made of complex composites having varying levels of contamination. In our vicinity, such packaging material is observed to litter the environment in every nook and corner, around our residences, on the roads and everywhere. Recently, significant progress has been made in the development of biodegradable plastics, largely from renewable natural resources, to produce biodegradable material with similar functionality to that of plastics. This study focuses on understanding the level of awareness about plastic ban and the potential for the use of biodegradable packaging material so as to contain the planet from further deterioration and to restore its heritage to the best of our capabilities. |
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Title : Women: No Longer A Weaker Sex Authors : Susmitha K S
Abstract :
India is a country where women were highly respected. Women of India have a background history and tradition which is even to be enshrined in walls. Supporting the statement even the rivers in India hold the Indian names of women like Ganga, Cauvery, etc., But presently, women in India confront some offenses that are unique like female infanticide, child marriage, domestic violence, dowry deaths, throwing acids on faces, eve-teasing, and passing lewd comments in public places. So violence against women is not a myth but a reality and is more serious and heinous crime. This research paper aims towards justice and empowerment of women and perpetrate people who call women a weaker sex, also it encloses and particularizes on rural women who fight in the battlefield against abuses and it also owes some solutions to succumb the happenings. |
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Title : Artificial Intelligence – An Effective tool in Times of Pandemic Explosions Authors : Madhav M Karpur
Abstract :
In a very short span, Covid-19 has spread all over the world and caused lot of devastation. The pandemic is revamping the style of our healthcare systems. Healthcare organizations need to quickly adapt to the situation using modern technologies. This paper focuses on the use of Artificial intelligence to track, trace and predict the outbreak at greater speeds and also various challenges that need to be overcome for the further advance of the field and to implement the change. Research and medical trails on the development of drugs and vaccines are also conducted quickly and effectively with AI as the algorithm can give results on different trail runs than to do all the manual research. The aim of the article is to review the role of Artificial Intelligence in combating the pandemic at present and also its potential for the future outbreaks. With the support of modern technologies like AI it is possible to reduce the impact of future pandemic explosions or at least we can be more than ready. |
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Title : Woman: An Integral Member of the Society Authors : Rebecca Elsa Jess
Abstract :
Women empowerment is the need of the hour. Education for women has improved rapidly over the past decade in urban areas, whereas in rural areas the situation is stagnant. The reasons are many, but the chief ones are mentioned below. The patriarchal society in India, which prevails even today, is one of the main causes for illiteracy amongst rural women. Child marriage and other social customs stress that there is no necessity of educating a girl as she is going to sit at home. Poverty has also proved a stumbling block in a girl’s education. In short, people in rural areas feel that women’s education is a total waste of money and time. This article seeks to highlight the causes of rural women's illiteracy and how the various measures taken by the government to aid women in rural areas can brighten the lives of women. |
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Title : Unseen Bruises - Unraveling the truth of Domestic Violence Authors : Sejal Pramod Hatiskar
Abstract :
‘HOME’, a word which can sum up our entire world, a certain place which is supposedly intended to make us feel safe, but what if it doesn’t? Violence in any form is entirely despicable and repugnant but much worse when it happens to an innocent woman who misconstrues it to be love. Domestic violence is REAL. As per 2011 census, the percentage of people residing in urban areas in India is 31.16%, rest is a rural sector. Majority of times, such misogynistic mind set of a man having power over a woman or he having every right to hit her can be more prevalent in the rural areas compared to the urban ones. This can in turn encourage domestic violence and it is about time we stand together and eradicate it entirely from our country. We need to know that there can be a soul victimized, mentally ruptured and torn, for not everything is supposed to be ‘happy’ behind those ‘happy homes’. This research article elucidates the nature of domestic violence, India’s efforts to eradicate domestic violence, changes needed and expected outcome. |
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Title : Time Series Analysis and Prediction of Climate Change Authors : Hari Priya R, Harinee S, Yogapriya H, Deivarani S
Abstract :
Climate change refers to regional or global changes in patterns of climate variability over years, often identified using statistical methods. It is also sometimes referred to as changes in long-term weather conditions. The changing climate due to global warming is considered as the main consequence of the drastic increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases due to human activities. There are several studies published on Climatic Change which reveals that the temperature increase is mostly caused by CO2 emissions in different regions around the world. Temperature raises linearly in most parts of the world which corresponds to CO2 emissions. The scope of our paper is to predict the temperature for the next 100 years using time series methods and also determine how helpful the CO2 emissions data is in forecasting the temperature. |
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Title : “BREAK THE OUTBREAK”-COVID 19 Authors : Anusha M S, Nishanth S, Revanasiddappa M
Abstract :
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared global emergency due to the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus. Rising incidents of COVID-19 among majority of the countries is an increasing concern to all of our heaths. It is important that we all know about this deadly virus and its behavior to hence prevent us from acquiring it.The purpose of this paper is to investigate about the COVID-19 and to prepare a futuristic model to prevent such outbreaks. Using graphical analysis and mathematical modeling this study analyzed the trends of COVID-19 in all the provinces of China, where the virus originated from. The obtained results are compared and we get a definitive value of the number of confirmed, cured and death cases so far in China. It was found that the COVID-19 disease has an 80% recovery rate. It is likely to affect older people and persons with chronic illness. A unique similarity was observed between COVID-19 and SARS [Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome], which had an outbreak in 2003. This study definitely answers questions regarding the symptoms of the disease and how it spreads. It also gives a clear image of the number of people witnessing it. This disease still does not have a definitive cure. Further studies are needed to establish the same |
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