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Title : The Bounty of Nature and Boundaries of Human Averacity Authors : Dr. K. R. Subramanian
Abstract :
Natural Resources are available in plenty and widely spread over different regions of the world, some of them discovered and many still to be discovered. Man is impatient to consume the available natural resources without counting the cruelty and consequences of doing so. World over natural resources are depleting, and there is inadequate perception and very little action to prevent such irresponsible act. There is a very urgent need to create awareness among countries and people about the depleting resources and the need to prevent over consumption and depletion of resources. The efforts to regenerate natural resources are lacking and before long human beings will realize their folly – but will it be too late? World over politics has taken over the destiny of humans and the commonsense has become most uncommon among the people of this planet. The present research paper is to focus attention on this important human problem with the fond hope that creative solutions will be forthcoming from all parts of the planet for the benefit of human civilization. For the purpose of the current research paper specific objectives have been identified to have a better focus. |
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Title : Towards the Latin-American Union and the Latin-American Peso (LAT) Authors : Luis F. Copertari
Abstract :
Objective. To propose the creation of a Latin-American Union and support it with solid arguments such as the creation of the Latin-American peso (LAT) as the common currency. Methodology. Analysis and synthesis proposing theory and reviewing its validity. Results. The LAT seems to be a robust enough currency. Limitations. Several questions remain: Should the LAT be exchanged for USD? How to finance the Latin-American Central Bank? Would the LAT create inflation?, among others. Originality. The idea for the LAT is completely original, although the Latin-American Union idea has considerably history. Conclusions. The LAT promises to be a good option for stabilizing Latin-American and promote its regional development. |
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Title : Detailed Study of Methods to Create Image-Print for Digital Color Image Authors : Naseem Asad, Ziad Alqadi, Ismail Shayeb, Qazem Jaber
Abstract :
Color images are an important digital type, they are used in many vital applications which require a high speed processing, so creating a color image features is a an excellent issue. In this research paper we will study famous methods of features extraction, we will implement them, and the obtained experimental results will be compared, efficiency parameters such as extraction time and throughput will be obtained and a speedup of each method will be calculated. Image histogram will be used to improve the efficiency and make the extraction method insensitive to the image rotation. |
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Title : Land use and Land Cover Change in Kabul, Afghanistan: Using Remote Sensing to Evaluate Urbanization Progress in Kabul Authors : Abdul Hakim Nazari, Gao Fei
Abstract :
This paper presents and evaluates the LULC changes and urbanization in Kabul, Afghanistan. The study used satellite images, socio-economic data, and the information provided by the government of Afghanistan and published in their websites between the years 2000 to 2019.The maximum likelihood classification algorithm is used to classify related remote sensing images. |
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Title : The Impact of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment On Angola Economy Growth Authors : Flavia Darcy Ferreira Cabral, Na Ming, Dibonji Ndjansse S.R, Tchantchou Wague J.L
Abstract :
China’s economic evolution over the past year, two decades has generated Ripple effects in the world economy particularly in African continent .China-Africa relations are one that have been ongoing for centuries transcending to present day, however their investment and trade have mushroomed over the last 10 years. it’s economic impact to the region is both huge and far fetching especially in the sub Saharan Africa with its biggest investments made in Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan and Angola. Chinese investment abroad though Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) and Angola Mode has subsequently increased especially in natural resources to satisfy it’s growing demand of industrialization ,the trade between China and Africa totaled to more than 50 billion in 2006 with Chinese companies importing oil from Angola and Sudan ,Timber from Central Africa and copper from Zambia, this particular kind of assistance has not been received well by the western politicians as they are worried China is conducting a new form of imperialism in Africa, however Chinese aid bares no political influence or pressure for political change, thus makes more lucrative deal. The growing mutual benefits have prompted the development of a new and stable partnership by offering aid without preconditions. China has therefore presented an attractive alternative to that of conditional western aid. In this context, it is of great importance to explore China’s Foreign Direct Investment in Angola with the objective of understanding the barriers, regulation and economic environment of Angola and understand the impact of these historical phenomenon .The study analyzed the impact of Chinese foreign direct investment on Angola economic growth over the period of 2003- 2017. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) of multiple regression method is the estimation technique that is being employ in this study to determine the relationship between Chinese FDI and Angola’s GDP growth, the findings revealed that Angola economic growth is directly related to Chinese foreign direct investment and it is also statistical significant at 99% level which implies that foreign direct investment is an engine of economic growth. The paper recommended that government should liberalize the foreign sector in Angola so that all barriers to trade such as arbitrary tariffs; import and export duties and other levies should be reduced so as to encourage investors. |
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Title : Experimental study on Geo Textiles and Geo Membrane for Deteriorated Concrete in Offshore Structures Authors : Vijaya Sundravel K, Barath K, Jayasurya V, Jeeva S, Karthi A, Ramesh S
Abstract :
Due to increasing rate of population, urbanization and industrialization in India, the demand for land is becoming increasingly more at alarming rates. This necessitates the use of unsuitable land for soils for various Civil Engineering applications. There are three basic classification of soil in nature viz: sand, silt and clay. Clay soils are generally classified as “expansive”. This means that a given type of clay will tend to expand (increase in volume) as it absorbs water and it will shrink (lessen in volume) as water is drawn away. Structures, which include lightly loaded buildings, pavements, underground pipelines constructed on expansive soils to severe distress caused by swelling/shrinkage nature of such clays during summer and winter seasons due to fluctuations in water table. There are many methods for improvement of ground. Some of them are compaction grouting, vibro systems, jet grouting, wet soil mixing, dry soil mixing, column methods, pre compression/pre loading, Thermal methods and soil reinforcement using geo-synthetics and coconut fibers. Of the above mentioned ground improvement techniques, the soil reinforcement using Geo-synthetics is the latest development, which can be used for the improvement of any type of soil and particularly for the above mentioned clay soils with the view of increasing bearing capacity and reducing compressibility. Geo-synthetics (Geo-grid, Geo-membrane and Geo-textile) are used as separator, filter reinforcement and for drainage purposes. In this paper the study of the performance of geo-synthetics on the settlement characteristics of soft clay in which soil pertaining high Free Swelling Index was studied. |
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Title : Effective Cost Management Model in a Controlled Electricity Market: A Case Study Eastern Part of Nigeria Authors : Nelson O. Ogbogu, Abiaziam F.C., Adeniyi D. Adebayo
Abstract :
Constructing distribution substations is capital intensive and hence is the best practice in order to obtain optimum profit. Nevertheless, most power distribution companies in Eastern part of Nigeria operate within the substations with equipment and materials that cannot restrict the targeted projected lifespan of the equipment. This study however investigates critically the actual cost of building a typical substation using Eastern part of Nigeria as a case study. The substations consist of New Haven, Abakaliki, Nkalagu, Onitsha, GCM, Awka, Agu Awka, Oji, etc. To determine the cost effective management of these substations, so many questions were raised and analysed in SPSS environment., Z-test was also carried out using Pearson’s approach and the result gave no significant difference since the calculated z-values of 0.52 and 1.07 were less than the critical value of 1.96, hence two formulated hypotheses were found satisfactory |
46-48 |
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