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Title : An Analysis of the Educational Status of Chinese School Students- Chi-Square Test to Explore the Importance of Planned Learning Authors : JianXin Zheng
Abstract :
With the continuous development of education in China, education has become the country's largest basic project. As the pillars of contemporary Chinese social development, students are particularly important to explore their future development of Chinese society. The data in this paper were collected by questionnaire survey method and interview method. And use statistical methods such as chi-square test, factor analysis, and analytic hierarchy process to analyze the data reasonably. Based on the results of data processing, reasonable suggestions are made for the education of students at school |
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Title : A Study on Life Insurance Industry of India Authors : Prof. Dr. S.R. Varade, V. M. Chaudhari
Abstract :
Insurance industry in India has seen a major growth in the last decade along with an introduction of a huge number of advanced products. This has led to a tough competition with a positive and healthy outcome. Insurance sector in India plays a dynamic role in the wellbeing of its economy. It substantially increases the opportunities for savings amongst the individuals, safeguards their future and helps the insurance sector form a massive pool of funds. With the help of these funds, the insurance sector highly contributes to the capital markets, thereby increasing large infrastructure developments in India. With the change in the consumer perception on life insurance and its awareness and penetration, the industry has witnessed a remarkable growth in its business. After globalization in 1991 the Indian life insurance industry has geared up in all respects, as well as it is being forced to face a lot of competition from many national and international private insurance players. This paper is aimed at examining the status of LIC of India in this highly competitive scenario as well as estimating future trend of insurance business of LIC of India, as to analyze its future position in the high competition. |
4-8 |
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Title : Review Paper on Vajra: A Block chain Based Payment Platform by NPCI Authors : Shivam Soni, Risahbh Soni
Abstract :
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has emerged as one of the most important and disruptive technologies in the last decade. It has the potential to change the way people do their business, transact their assets, and control their personal data. Though the concept of DLT was first implemented in 2009 as Bitcoin, it has gained significant attention over the past few years. During this time, different DLT enthusiasts and commercial companies have the advantage of developing several DLT platforms. These platforms are usually categorized as public vs private, general-purpose vs application-specific and so on. As a growing number of people are interested to build Distributed LedgerTechnology applications, it is important to understand their underlying architecture and mechanism in order to determine which DLT platform should have the best use-case for a specific DLT application. In addition, the platforms need to be checked and analyzed to assess their applicability, resiliency, and sustainability in the long run. In this paper, we have compared several leading DLT platforms and analyzed their capabilities based on several quantitative and qualitative criteria. The analysis presented in this paper will help the DLT developers and enthusiasts to choose the best platform as per their requirement(s). |
9-12 |
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Title : Design of Modern Wastewater Treatment Plant for the University of Port Harcourt Authors : John N Ugbebor, Lucky J. Daniel
Abstract :
A design of wastewater treatment plant for University of Port Harcourt was carried out. The detailed computation of the parameters needed for proper design of a modern wastewater treatment plant was evaluated for the University of Port Harcourt. The incremental method was used to estimate the population of the University in fifty years’ time which was observed to be 141,742. The wastewater sample from the sewage vacuum truck was tested in the laboratory for BOD5 and TSS which gave an average of 280mg/l and 584mg/l respectively. The volume of water supplied to the University was estimated to be 800l, with an average and maximum flow rate of 0.343m3/s and 0.740m3/s respectively. With the application of a completely mixed activated sludge system, the results indicated that treated wastewater had a BOD5 and TSS reduced to 14mg/l and 29.2mg/l respectively. The amount of sludge generated from the primary treatment was 4137kg/d and the secondary treatment was 2342.96kg/d. The research is significant because it showed the possibility of establishing a wastewater treatment plant in preference to septic sewage tank in the University of Port Harcourt |
13-18 |
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Title : Strategic Management in the Context Organizational Politics: Conceptual Review Authors : Riad Amehmed Etbiga
Abstract :
The role of organizational politics in the strategic process is receiving a great deal of attention from managers and scholars today Organizational politics, as argued by various researchers, can be either positive or negative (Othman, 2008: 44) and this paper delves into both sides of the organizational politics by offering examples from literature and research carried out throughout the years. it provides some examples of political strategies that managers use, arguing that political action is not all bad and that managers have much more choice in strategic change strategies than they are willing to acknowledge. Organizational politics is generally viewed as having negative outcomes in the strategic management process or as an indication of problems in the process. We argue that organizational politics can have both positive and negative outcomes |
19-22 |
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Title : Using Eco-Friendly Adsorbent for Lead (II) and Cadmium (II) Removal from Industrial Waste Water and Simple Column Application Authors : Alaa E. Ali, Gehan S. El-Assala, Essam M. Elmeleigy, Amany S. Abd-Elhamied
Abstract :
Sugarcane Bagasse was used as environment friendly adsorbents in the present study. This study focuses on the investigation of the adsorption ability of Lead Pb(II) and Cadmium Cd(II) from aqueous solution. The adsorption of heavy metals onto Sugarcane Bagasse was dependent on initial concentration, dose, solution pH, contact time, agitation speed and temperature. Kinetic data were tested using pseudo-first-order, pseudo- second order kinetic, Elovich rate equation and Intra particle difussion models. The best fit was obtained with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Langmuir, Freundlich, Tempkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) isotherm models have been applied to calculate adsorption data and the thermodynamic parameters; entropy (∆S°), enthalpy (∆H°), and the Gibbs free energy (∆G°); were determined. The results suggests that the adsorption of heavy metals by the Sugarcane Bagasse are endothermic and a spontaneous process. Thus, it was concluded that Sugarcane Bagasse is promising adsorbents for the adsorption of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. |
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Title : Relationship between Organizational Culture and Performance in a Health Organization: Conceptual Review Authors : Khalid Salim Debbik, Aysun Kanbur
Abstract :
Based on a review of some of the organizational culture models and the interrelationship between organizational culture and performance in organizations. Important findings show that there is a mutual relationship between organizational culture and performance That hospital organizational culture influences organizational commitment is an assumption implicitly held by many researchers; Also, relatively few empirical studies have provided detailed insight into organizational performance by hospital executives. The ideas garnered from the study may help nursing executives to develop specific policies to create a more positive hospital organizational culture. |
41-44 |
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