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Title : Effective Utilization of Technology for Discovery of Equilibrium Prices: Forward Auctions of NCDFI eMarket Authors : Srinivas Sajja
Abstract :
While technology can help any organization in a number of ways, effective utilization of technology increases the return on investment. This paper considers one such case where the technology is used for protecting the interest of dairy farmers and buyers by discovering the Equilibrium Prices. This paper discusses methodology for Forward Auctions adopted by NCDFI, an apex cooperative dairy, for its eMarket operations. Results of an empirical test that demonstrates the relevance of the adopted model and merits of the system also discussed in this paper. At the end, the paper also discusses future research and application areas. |
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Title : Risks of Crisis Situation: Communication Contribution Authors : Iman Zrelli
Abstract :
Background: Communication has become one of the central themes of our contemporary societies of the Head of State to the citizens. Objective: Everyone wonders: why so many difficulties to communicate? How to promote communication between individuals, between groups or within an organization? What to say when it comes to a crisis situation. Methods: The interest of this work is to present the issues related to a crisis situation especially during communication. Results: The various episodes of communication in crises have shown that public authorities have understood issues related to the media component. The media are increasingly linked to communication. Conclusions: It can not be denied that communication plays a crucial role, in crisis situations, for institutions, both public and private. Communication is required to inform and reassure residents and to restore confidence. But the crisis can arise by communicating itself. |
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Title : A Study on the Adoption Level of Mobile Banking In the State Of Gujarat Authors : Rinky. A. Menon, Dr. Kamini Shah
Abstract :
The rapid growth of technology has transformed the way businesses work today. With this there has been an evolution in the past decade in the field of banking too. The banking industry has evolved from the traditional maneuvers to the modern acceptance of technology to bring about change in the business industry. The present study explores the adoption rate and awareness levels of mobile banking in the state of Gujarat. The study has been carried out using structured questionnaire in different areas of Gujarat. The respondents were varied in their age to occupation to their usage patterns. The study revealed that users are adopting mobile banking but face technical and security issues with their regular usage. |
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Title : Study on the Stability Convergence Rate of Fluid Flow Congestion Control Model with Time Delay Authors : Yang He, Yanhui Zhai
Abstract :
This paper studies the fluid flow congestion control model with time delay by using the switching geometric criterion method of stability for systems with time delay, discusses the stability and -stability of the model, and verifies the accuracy and validity of the conclusions by numerical simulation, finally compares the differences and connections between the two stability |
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Title : Interaction Solutions of the Whitham–Broer–Kaup Equations Authors : Huaitang Chen Hongyu Lai
Abstract :
In this paper, a new auxiliary equation method is presented. A nalytical multiple function solutions including trigonometric functions, exponential functions and hyperbolic functions can be easily obtained. Using this method,we obtain the interaction solutions of the Whitham–Broer–Kaup equations. It is significant to help physicists to analyze special phenomena in their relevant fields accurately. |
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Title : A Mixture of Expert-Based Prediction Approach by Using Genetic Programming and Clustering: A Case Study on Predicting the On-Time Percentages of Local TRA Trains in Taiwan Authors : Chih-Ming Hsu
Abstract :
The accurate prediction of on-time percentages of trains is an important issue since it can significantly affect the management of trains’ operation in many fields, such as making an appropriate timetable, organizing trains’ waiting, arranging trains’ running tracks, settling the required manpower etc. However, the problem of predicting the on-time percentages of trains is very complex and difficult since the on-time percentages of trains can be influenced by numerous factors. To deal with such a problem, genetic programming (GP) and clustering techniques are used to develop a prediction procedure by means of a mixture of experts in this study. The GP method is utilized to construct prediction models, as well as to identify the feature variables, i.e. critical independent variables. The clustering approach is applied to partition the data into several clusters where data in each cluster are as similar as possible. To illustrate the usefulness and effectiveness of this approach, prediction of the on-time percentages of local trains operated by the Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) in Taiwan are demonstrated as a case study. The execution results show that the GP can construct an adequate model for predicting the on-time percentages of local trains. Furthermore, a comparison also shows that the technique of mixture of experts can yield a superior GP prediction model by evaluating the performance through MSE, R2, and MAPE. Hence, we can consider our proposed prediction approach to be a useful and effect procedure for resolving a problem of prediction in the real world. |
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Title : BP Neural Network Simulation Model of Specific Capacity Decay Rate between Porous Carbon/Sulfur Composites and Batteries Authors : Ma Jishou
Abstract :
The decay rate of cell specific capacity is closely related to the physical structure parameters and test conditions of porous carbon materials. In this paper, BP neural network principle is used to establish the relationship model between them. The first 201 groups of 211 groups of effective data are used as training data, and the last 10 groups are used as prediction data. The average relative error of prediction is 16.28%. It provides a theoretical basis for the design of porous carbon anode materials. |
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Title : Effect of Location of Shear Wall on Buildings Subjected to Seismic Loading Authors : Dr.P.A.Krishnan, Anjaly Francis, V.N.Pradeep
Abstract :
Earthquake is a phenomenon which causes shaking of the earth, resulting from the sudden release of an enormous amount of energy in a short time. As earthquake acts laterally on a structure, lateral load resisting systems are used. Shear walls can be defined as the vertical structural elements which resist the horizontal forces acting on a building structure. Shear walls have very large in-plane stiffness and therefore resist lateral load and control deflection very effectively. Shear walls are like vertically-oriented wide beams that carry earthquake loads downwards to the foundation. The behavior of shear walls is influenced by their proportion as well as the support condition. They are usually provided in high rise buildings to avoid total collapse of the building under seismic force. In this study, an analysis of a twenty story building, irregular in plan, in zone IV is performed by changing the location of the shear wall and the effects of the parameters like story drift and displacement are determined using standard package ETABS. Four different models have been considered and analysis is performed using time history analysis method, by considering different earthquakes. |
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Title : A Study on Seismic Performance of Hexagrid Structures Authors : P A Krishnan, Renjith Kumar, Prasad J S
Abstract :
This paper presents a study on seismic performance of hexagrid structures. Hexagrid structures are tubular type structures, in which structural steel is provided along the periphery of the structure. This eliminates the need for corner and interior columns in the structure. Lateral load resistance of such structures are achieved by axial or truss action of members provided along the periphery of structures. In this paper, first a study with both horizontal and vertical orientation is done and it was found that the latter is more efficient. For evaluating seismic performance of the structure, equivalent static method (static method), pushover analysis and time history method (dynamic methods) are adopted. Analysis is performed on 18 and 24 storey structures of regular pattern and 36 storey structure of varying density and varying angle is modelled in ETABS 2016, conforming to IS 1893: 2016. Module size of each structure is varied to obtain optimum module density. Parameters like storey displacement, drift, base shear etc are used to evaluate structural performance of each structure. It was found that the model with varying density is the most efficient with more stiffening in the middle portion compared to other models. |
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Title : The Adoption Level of Mobile Banking: A Review Authors : Rinky. A. Menon, Dr. Kamini Shah
Abstract :
The Banking Industry is truly the backbone of any developing country. Technological advancement and major impacts to serve the customers in the utmost manner have influenced the banking activity majorly in the past decade. The banking industry basically depends on the adoption patterns of the customers which implies that the technological developments in the banking industry are based on the foundation of customers behavior and attitude to accept to the changes. The research paper here tries to explore the literature and studies conducted by experts in the past decade about adoption of mobile banking and the technicalities lying within. It has also put up the various regulations confronted by RBI in context of mobile banking. |
46-50 |
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