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Title : A Study on Various Simulation Tools for Wireless Sensor Networks Authors : S. Gnanaselvi
Abstract :
Wireless sensor network refers to a group of spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment and organizing the collected data at a central location. WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks)is mainly used to measure environmental conditions like temperature, sound, pollution levels, wind speed and direction, pressure, etc. The wireless sensor nodes gather the data from the sensing field and send the information to the end user. These sensor nodes can be deployed on many applications. Current wireless sensor network is working on the problems of low-power communication, computation, energy storage, and sensing. Sensor nodes are usually attached to microcontroller and are powered by battery. Simulation is essential to study WSNs, which is the common way to test new applications and protocols in the field Protocols, schemes, even new ideas can be evaluated in a very large scale.. This leads to the recent boom of simulation tool development. |
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Title : Air India Limited: Project Report Authors : Mayur Shellar
Abstract :
one of the most commonly debated and research field in the business world is Motivation. What people do at their work place, what made them do that, what they want from their job, what are their expectations from the job and from the employer are some of the few questions that every employer and researcher wants to know in today’s competitive world. I got this opportunity to work as an intern on the topic Motivation with special reference to job satisfaction at Air India Limited, Mumbai. During my research, I found various motivation instruments used by the Personnel/HR department to motivate their employees. The present study investigates the extent to which the motivational factors affect the employees and the relationship between Motivation and Job satisfaction. The respondents were the employees working in Personnel/HR department of the Air India Limited, Western Region, Mumbai. The result has clearly delineated that the company has been successful in motivating and satisfying majority of the employees of Air India. The study also finds relative importance of different factors that contributes to job satisfaction. The various factors used for the motivation by the company were included in the questionnaire and then the employees were asked to rate their views on those questions. Various factors that can lead to job satisfaction, and very well related to motivation, were also asked to rate in the questionnaire and further hypothesis were generated and tested so as to check whether these factors are correlated with job satisfaction or not. The study has provided the researcher a deep insight into the phenomenon of motivation which would definitely help a long way in my career as well as to other management students for thoroughly understanding the things that are required to be done in an organisation to keep the employees motivated |
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Title : Automated Irrigation System Using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Authors : Akshata. S. Jagatap, Asso. Prof: S. R. Dhotre
Abstract :
Adopting an optimized Irrigation system has becomes necessity due to the lack of the world water resources. The system has a soil moisture sensor, temperature and relative humidity sensor. The project focuses on a smart irrigation system which is cost effective. The objective of this project is to control the water supply to each plant automatically depending on values of soil moisture, temperature and relative humidity. Mechanism is done in such a way that soil moisture sensors are dipped in to the soil and Temperature and Humidity sensor is kept open in the land. Automatic irrigation scheduling consistently has shown to be valuable in water use efficiency with respect to manual irrigation based on direct soil water measurements. The aim of the implementation is to demonstrate that the automatic irrigation can be used to reduce water use. |
17-25 |
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Title : An Analysis on Sport Utility Vehicles Development in India and Its Safety Authors : Mr.P.M.Subramanian, Dr.V.Muthu
Abstract :
Sports utility vehicles (SUVs) are known for their ruggedness and aggressive design often defined as a light truck-like vehicle used for personal transport. During the 1990s, sport utility vehicles (SUVs) became the fastest growing segment of the automotive industry globally. SUVs are larger and heavier than conventional passenger cars. SUVs with their higher height and weight will cause severe injury for occupants of passenger cars during collision on the highway. As per National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) SUVs are more prone to roll-overs than other passenger cars. In spite of their roll over propensity, Indians love SUVs in a way like the Americans. Indian automotive sector show sign of increasing in popularity for SUVs. They will be occupying the most dominant position among other passenger cars in future. Over the past years, SUV’s sales have ballooned, accounting for one in every four passenger vehicles sold by automobile industry in India. As per Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) in 2017 SUV sales rise by 30% than last year where car sales grew only by over 4%. The expanding SUV markets coerce the manufacturers to add SUVs in their vehicle gain the market share. This research aims at analyzing the purpose for rapid increase in popularity of SUV in India. This paper also examines the impact of SUVs on passenger car sales, technological development and Highway safety |
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Title : The Study of Effect of Pozzolanas on Fiber Reinforced Concrete Authors : Er.Yogesh, Er. Rahul Sikka, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Er. Bhavana Arora
Abstract :
Durable concrete Specifying a high-strength concrete does not ensure that a durable concrete will be achieved. It is very difficult to get a product which simultaneously fulfill all of the properties. So the different pozzolanic materials like Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS), silica fume, Rice husk ash, Fly ash, High Reactive Metakaolin, are some of the pozzolanic materials which can be used in concrete as partial replacement of cement, which are very essential ingredients to produce high performance concrete. So we have performed XRD tests of these above mentioned materials to know the variation of different constituent within it. Also it is very important to maintain the water cement ratio within the minimal range, for that we have to use the water reducing admixture i.e superplasticizer, which plays an important role for the production of high performance concrete. So we herein the project have tested on different materials like rice husk ash, Ground granulated blast furnace slag, silica fume to obtain the desired needs. As our aim is to develop concrete which does not only concern on the strength of concrete, it also having many other aspects to be satisfied like less porous, capillary absorption, durability. So for this we need to go for the addition of pozzolanic materials along with superplasticizer with having low water cement ratio. |
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Title : Hopf Bifurcation and Stability of an Improved Fluid Flow Model with Time Delay in Internet Congestion Control Authors : Lei Peng, Yan-hui Zhai
Abstract :
this paper mainly investigated a modified fluid flow model with time delay by using the control and bifurcation theory and discussed the effect of the communication delay on the stability. It is find that there exists a critical value of delay for the stability by using the communication delay as the bifurcation parameter. When the dealy value passes through the critical value, the equilibrium loses its stability and a Hopf bifurcation emerges. Besides, the linear stability of the model and the local Hopf bifurcation are studied and we derived the conditions for the stability and the existence of Hopf bifurcation at the equilibrium of the system. At last, some numerical simulation results are confirmed that the feasibility of the theoretical analysis. |
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Title : Further Enhanced Authentication Scheme for Telemedicine Systems Authors : Hong Jiang, Baoyuan Kang, Lin Si, Mingming Xie
Abstract :
Telemedicine system allows patients at home can access the medical services. But the security and integrity of transmitting data should be guaranteed. Recently, to telemedicine system, Lu et al. proposed a biometric based authentication scheme combining password and smart card, and claimed that their scheme satisfies many security properties. But, in this paper, we show that Lu et al.’s scheme is vulnerable to anonymity attack, and based on anonymity attack the attacker then can conduct user and server impersonation attack. Furthermore, we proposed improved scheme. Security analyses show that our improved scheme not only overcomes the flaws of Lu et al.’s scheme but also keeps its merits and satisfies more security properties. |
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Title : Institutional Schemes of Self-Financing Housing for Government Lease Land Authors : Akhmad Raditya Maulana Fajrin, Happy Ratna Santosa, Rika Kisnarini, Dewi Septanti
Abstract :
Surabaya city has more privilege in land management compared to other cities in Indonesia where there is government land that can be leased to city dwellers to be used in accordance with the allocation. One of which is the land of community of Gubeng Kertajaya in which entirely of their home is an asset of the city government of Surabaya. With the regulation on the change of the permits of the land to private property rights, the community seeks to change the status of their land into private property. The problem is that most of them are lower- middle-class people, so a particular scheme is needed for the case. Using credit approach for middle and lower society, this research aims to find the right scheme/approach. This research uses post-positive research paradigm with observation, interview and triangulation analysis, so that the form of an institutional scheme which is under coordination by the city government Surabaya is found. An independent cooperative that can accommodate community payments in the form of goods and money, is proposed, it can also market the products of society. The typology that can be allowed to change the status of land use permit (IPT) into a private land consists of two types, while the rest should be coached from the city government of Surabaya. |
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Title : Critical Success Factors for an ERP System Implementation Authors : Hicham Amine, Yousra El Belkacemi, Mesnaoui Abdelouahab
Abstract :
In a highly competitive market, firms should adopt innovative business processes in order to remain surviving within the market. Indeed, the marketplace recognized drastic changes during the last decade. Thus, these continuous transformations created in return a stimulus to reconfiguring the firm’s business processes. Product development, extremely advanced business models, continuous innovations, developed distribution networks, are some of the major approaches adopted by companies in order to better fulfill the customers’ needs and to remain viable. In the light of this, the reengineering of the firms’ business processes is an important tool that has been used to evolve the activities needed to carry out their strategies. Information technology is considered as the most powerful approaches used to restructure the business process of an organization to achieve higher efficiency and effectiveness, greater quality, and more advanced productivity (Bosilj-Vuksic, Spremic, 2004). Therefore, information technology has a great impact in terms of enhancing the firm’s business model, the customers’ relationship management, operations, and supply chain network. It must be stressed that Enterprise Resource Planning system are highly embedded in the management of business processes. In response to the high competitive market, many companies opted for the implementation of advanced information system that appears in terms of Enterprise Resource Planning system. |
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Title : The Study of Design of Industrial Factory Steel Shed and Foundation and Compare with Reinforced Concrete Portal Frame Structure Authors : Er. Annu Sharma, Er. Rahul Sikka, Er. Bhavana Arora, Dr. Arvind Dewangan
Abstract :
the object of project is to typify at national level the common forms of industrial structures used in light and medium engineering industries, warehouses, workshops and process industries, and to obtain economical designs under-these conditions. Even if an industrial complex is classified as heavy industry, it need not necessarily mean that all the industrial structures coming within the complex should be heavy industrial structures and that many structures could be from the typified design. The main objective of typification of industrial structures is to reduce the variety to the minimum and provide standard prefabricated designs so that the structures Could be easily mass produced and made available to the user almost off the doing so, there will be tremendous saving in time in putting up an industry into production and hence increased production. |
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