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Title : Factors Influencing Saudi Nurses Turnover “Empirical Study in Ministry of Health Hospitals- Jeddah City” Authors : Raniah Alharthi, Amal Mohammed Sheikh Damanhouri
Abstract :
This study targeted to investigate the impact of family responsibilities and relations on Saudi nurses and how they direct nurses to turnover their profession. Depending on this research and its findings which presented in this paper, it contributes to reduce Saudi nursing turnover and may use to build detailed studies to overcome Saudi nurses’ turnover. Design and Methods: this study used a cross- sectional survey. The questionnaire targeted female Saudi nurses. The respond rate from 800 questionnaire distributed in five MOH hospitals was 90.6%. After excluded the uncompleted answers, 725 nurses’ data were analyzed to study research variables. Descriptive statistic utilized to obtain results were frequencies, percentage, means, Standard deviation, anova test, LSD test, which applied for analysis in SPSS v20. The study outcomes were found significant differences between study variables and nurses turnover. Study findings adds to existing researches on Saudi nurses turnover and specify a direction to next studies that aimed Saudi nurses in era of Saudizing the health sectors. In the domain of increase the responsibility of MOH to put suitable strategies and interventions to prevent nursing turnover. |
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Title : The Organization Performance Analysis of Citi Trans –A Travel Company Based on Balanced Scorecard in Bandung Authors : Bambang Hermanto, Rivani
Abstract :
This research was conducted with a main objective to analyze the performance of Citi Trans Travel Company in Bandung by using the Balanced Scorecard concept. Balanced Scorecard-based performance appraisal is basically a performance evaluation using an integrated four main perspectives, namely financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning and growth perspectives. The research method used in this research was the case study with the type of research was descriptive analytic study. Object taken in this research was Citi Trans Travel Company in the city of Bandung. Data used both primary and secondary data. The population of this research was all leaders and employees of Citi Trans Bandung. Whereas technique sampling used was purposive sampling technique, which was sample taken based on the consideration of the parties that know best about this topic of research, those are 11 persons from the management and from 4 persons from the employees, thus in total was 15 persons. For the validity of the data, this study used triangulation techniques, both sources and data collection techniques. The conclusion of performance appraisal of Citi Trans based on Balanced Scorecard which measured by 4 dimensions was all those 4 dimensions were on “Good” categorize, with the highest total of score was Customer Dimension, and the lowest total of score was Financial Dimension. This showed us that Citi Trans had put the customer satisfaction as their company main priority. However Citi Trans needed put more attention on their level of cost efficiency without sacrificed their product or service quality. |
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