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Title : Development and Validation of a Questionnaire for Measuring Factors Affecting Labor Productivity in Iranian and Turkish Private Banks Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Authors : Mostafa Bahrami, Sara Heidarpour, Alireza Morsali, Şükran Güngör Tanç
Abstract :
Improving productivity is one of the most important strategies for socioeconomic development. The purpose of this research was to develop and validate a questionnaire for measuring factors affecting labor productivity in Iranian and Turkish private banks using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The population consisted of the employees of Türkiye iş Bankası in Ankara and Eghtesad Novin Bank in Tehran. A 29-item questionnaire was developed based on the AHP technique with 5 main factors, each comprised of several components. Face, content, and construct validity of the instrument was examined. Also Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine its reliability, and an alpha of 0.819 was obtained. Overall, the results showed the effectiveness of the questionnaire for measuring labor productivity in banks |
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Title : Integrating Environmental and Social Impact Assessment into Resettlement Management: Example from NN2 Hydropower Project in Laos Authors : Bounphong Syladeth, Lianqing Xue, Saychai Syladeth
Abstract :
Population displacement resettlement is complex system engineering, especially in dealing with big development projects. Successful resettlement should be based on scientific planning, implementing and monitoring. This paper aimed to examine the ESIA instructions, social impacts, mitigations and integrating ESIA into resettlement management of NN2 hydropower project in Laos. The paper shows that, SIA is a process for estimating, identifying, consulting, mitigating and planning those environmental and social impacts into resettlement management of any development project. SIA is still new practice in Laos, which is merged in a same document and instruction of EIA. Both EIA and SIA are required for appraisal documents of development projects. Since NN2 project had environment, social, cultural, economic and agrarian livelihood impacts among PAPs at a large scale. Therefore, the ESIA, reports and plans were conducted by outside companies, which covered executive summary, introduction, project description, profile of PAPs, environmental and social assessment, mitigation measures, environmental and social management plans. The social assessment was more important part, which highlighted the characteristic impacts, stakeholder analysis, institution analysis, public participation and consultation. The social mitigation measures were corresponded through resettlement of social relationship, provision of community resources and cultural site, provision of income and livelihood restoration assistance, provision of public and infrastructures, provision of appropriate training, institutional strengthening and capacity building program, implementing of monitoring and evaluation program. Social action plans and development activities for compensation and resettlement programs were integrated into resettlement management by planning, implementing and monitoring from affected villages to a new town |
9-18 |
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Title : Hospital Performance Improvement Method Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Authors : Bagas Satya Dian Nugraha, Rahmadwati, Sholeh Hadi Pramono
Abstract :
Hospitals always need to improve their performance. These performance improvement require an analytics system that integrates clinical data, financial, human resources, and other the organization’s data sources. SWOT analysis might be the one of the solution for performance measurement. It also has been frequently used by experts for improving performance. But, SWOT analysis doesn't prioritize issues, doesn't provide solutions or offer alternative decisions, it also generate too many ideas without help to choose which one is best and even more produce lots of useless information. In this research, Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (M-PSO) algorithm used to improve the hospital performance that is to reach a target performance using the optimum development of hospital resources. A target is the value of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the SWOT analysis, and based on Critical Success Factor (CSF) to choice strategic implementation. Experimental results show that this method can produce appropriate strategies to improve hospital performance. |
19-25 |
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Title : Cyber-Physical Systems: Educational Problems and Solutions Authors : Ivan E. Ivanov, Vesselin E. Gueorguiev, Desislava V. Georgieva
Abstract :
The development of qualified multidisciplinary-educated engineers is complicated task. At the same moments this is very responsive task. Most of the current social life has for a background the different engineering solutions, support and work. Education of engineers for a today needs is under increasing pressure for non-breakable adaptation to new technical and technological realities. Designing and implementing cyber-physical systems is modern and preferable, and there are work positions in many companies – so students and engineers are interested in it. In the last years the new trend to Internet-of-Things also increased this interest. Unfortunately many of the newly graded engineers start to look for position change after several months of work or at least for extra courses. Now we have a lot of web programmers and many control engineers but there is a lack of people working in the area of the design and implementation of the cyber-physical systems (or as they were known before real-time embedded systems). |
26-30 |
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Title : Enhancement of CT images with Pseudo-HDR Method Authors : Desislava V. Georgieva, Vesselin E. Gueorguiev, Ivan E. Ivanov
Abstract :
For decades the medical images have been an essential part of the diagnostic process of many diseases. In many cases the quality of diagnosis process depends on the quality of the medical images. An example is the diagnosis of cancer in its early stages, when the changes are very small and hard to spot. Therefore, the image quality improvement is an essential part of medical imaging techniques. This determines the importance of research to improve the quality of the medical images. |
31-36 |
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Title : Analysis and Design Study of Concrete Paver Blocks with Feedback Loop Authors : Raman, Rahul Sikka, Bhawna Arora
Abstract :
Concrete block pavement (CBP) can be an alternative pavement to asphalt and concrete pavements. CBP is formed from individual concrete paving blocks (CPBs) that fit next to one another on a suitable sub base leaving a specific joint space among them to be filled with jointing sand. CBP differ from other pavements according to their mechanical behaviour, manufacturing technique, structural design, installation technique and structural behaviour. For a serviceable pavement all of these subjects have to be studied. This study aims to design the paver blocks of specified strength and to eliminate the defects arose during the life of the paver blocks. For this purpose, several designs mixes with different cement contents and W/C ratios were designed and the one meeting all the required criterion is selected. However, even after getting desired strength and other required properties some defects arises in the lifespan of the blocks. These defects are then further studied by collecting data of all the defects. Defects arising in the paver blocks include mainly edge breaking and lesser strength of the blocks. Recorded data is used for further modification in the design of the blocks and better quality control of material and manufacturing process is obtained. The compressive strength, tensile splitting strength, abrasion resistance, density and % water absorption tests were performed on each mix at 7, 14, 28 days. This study concludes that with better control at the quality of the materials and in the manufacturing process better products can be made. All the defects arising in the blocks are eliminated with the re-design of the blocks by data collection studies for the defects of blocks |
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Title : Fabrication and Characterizations of TiO2/ZnO Nancomposite: Improving Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Efficiency Authors : H. selim, Amr A. Nada, Mona Eid, R. M. Hegazey, Eglal R. Souaya, M. F. Kotkata
Abstract :
In our study, TiO2 doped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized by sol-gel co-perception method applying different TiO2 molar concentration ratios. The structural morphology, optical and electrical properties of the prepared nanocomposites were studied by various techniques including: high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy, UV-diffuse reflectance (UV-DRS), photoluminescence (PL) and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. The XRD results obtained showed that the TiO2 deposition on the surface of the poly crystalline hexagonal wurtizte structure of ZnO is in conformity with HR-TEM, FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy results. Some modifications in the absorption and band gap emission, observed through UV spectra, exhibit red shifts compared to the undoped ZnO NPs and PL spectra that present blue shift to lower wavelength at about 310 nm. I-V measurements showed enhancement of the efficiency of dye-Sensitized solar cell (DSSC) from 1.26 ± 0.08 % for pure ZnO to 3.15± 0.22 % for TiO2/ZnO NCs at the optimum doping (ZT1.0). |
44-47 |
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Title : Multi-Plant Multi-Product Aggregate Production Planning Using Genetic Algorithm Authors : Fahron Dakka, Muhammad Aswin, Bambang Siswojo
Abstract :
Aggregate production planning (APP) is a mid-term planning tool used to analyze the relationship between the offer and the demand to determine the production levels to satisfy a demand that is not always completely known. It is associated with the determination of inventory, production and work force levels to consider fluctuating demand needs over a planning horizon. This paper presents a Genetic Algorithm approach for solving APP with different selection methods and crossover procedures. Combination of three selection methods and three crossover procedures are taken and compared to choose the best combination for solving APP in this present work. The problem statement depicts multi-plant, multi-product, multi-period APP with forecasted demand. The proposed approach attempts to maximize revenue as well as minimize production costs which includes labor cost, backordering cost,, inventory cost and overtime cost. Results show the outstanding performance of rank selection method and scattered crossover combination. |
48-52 |
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