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Title : Dynamic Performance of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines and Brushless DC Motor Fed Single Phase Source with Different Starting Circuits in Closed Loop Using Simulink Authors : Qazem Jaber
Abstract :
This research presents the dynamic performance of the permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) and brushless DC motor (BDCM) fed single phase source with usually starting capacitance circuit and with electronic triac circuit in closed – loop control and compare these process with the dynamic performance of the (PMSM) and (BDCM) motors with three phase source that are been done. These simulation using simulink with needed adaptation and results lead the machines can be used in modern domestics applications that demand only single phase source and small power. The dynamic performance of PMSM and BDCM motors fed single phase source in closed–loop with electronic starter closes to the dynamic start of these motors with three phase source |
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Title : Machine Learning - A Revolution in Artificial Intelligence Authors : Abhishek Masiwal, Sudhakar Sharma
Abstract :
In the field of machine learning one considers the important question of how to make machines able to “learn”. In the future, intelligent machines will replace or enhance human capabilities in many areas. Machine learning is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software. It is the subfield of computer science. Machine learning is becoming a popular field in computer science as it has enhanced the human life in many areas. Machine learning in the last two decades has greatly improved performance of the manufacturing and service systems. , it helps in taking an optimized decision for the machine which eventually increases the efficiency of the machine and more organized way of preforming a particular task. Now-a-days the concept of machine learning is used in many applications and is a core concept for intelligent systems which leads to the introduction innovative technology and more advance concepts of artificial thinking |
10-12 |
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Title : Using Decision Trees for the Classification of Pregnancy Outcomes Authors : Peer Waseem Ul Aslam, Sanjay Kumar, Muheet Ahmad Butt
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Early pregnancy hormones play an important role in gestational outcome. Most abortions (miscarriages) occur in the first trimester, which require follow-up procedures and specific measures for the next pregnancy. Early detection of a pregnancy and its outcome enables us to assess optimal management for another healthy pregnancy. Methods: We used decision trees to classify pregnancy hormones, which will detect the final outcome. Based on particular levels of hormones and a patient’s previous history, we can handle the situation in advance. The hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), has also been used with decision trees; it is a widely-used model for similar datasets. Results: The groups into which a pregnancy might fall, based on HCG levels, is defined by Decision Trees. This data mining technique would support the concept of ‘outcome generation,’ which is based on previous data. For example, historic data from two hospitals could be used to classify various patients and their pregnancy’s eventual outcome. Conclusions: This multi-level classification should help with the diagnosis of many conditions, e.g., a normal pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy, a molar pregnancy (hydatidiform mole), an intrauterine pregnancy, choriocarcinoma, and Down syndrome |
13-18 |
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Title : A Study of Organizational Change A Comparative Study of Organizational Change in UNJ and UPI Authors : Supadi, Desi Rahmawati, Fathurrohman
Abstract :
This research aimed to compare the paradigm shift in strategic planning, leadership, and academic services at the State University of Jakarta (referred to UNJ henceforth) and Indonesia University of Education (referred to UPI henceforth) at the revamp transition time from the Higher Education for Teachers Training and Education (referred to IKIP henceforth) into a university. The research was a case study conducted from May, 2012 to June, 2013. The collection of data was done through the techniques of interviews and document analysis, while the validation was done through the process of data triangulation. Data reduction, display and drawing conclusion were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the shift in paradigm implied in 1) the differences in the driving and resisting forces to the change; 2) the approach in developing strategic planning –UNJ implemented direct and goal approaches whereas UPI implemented goals approach and vision of success approach; 3) the management and development priorities, UNJ prioritized HR and institutional management, while UPI prioritized infrastructure development, 4) optimizing academic services, UNJ through students involvement in lecturers’ performance assessment, integrated schedule, pilot classes, academic journal publication, and block budget, on the other hand UPI through enhancing the value of discipline, students involvement in lecturers’ performance assessment and providing budget in encouraging lecturers to perform better in their academic activities. |
19-27 |
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Title : Corporate Social Responsibility for Consumers at Retail Grocery Stores Authors : Dr. Chandu Ravi Kumar, Dr. Ravi Kumar Goriparthi
Abstract :
There are different views on the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business: by operating with a CSR perspective, proponents believe that companies are capable of making more long term profit and increasing long term success, while the opponents argue that CSR would only distract firms from the economic role of businesses, namely profit generation Both the proponents as well as the opponents present a list of sound rational reasons do defend their viewpoint. Despite the ongoing debate as to whether or not social responsibilities should be the concern of corporate decision makers, it cannot be denied that corporate social responsibility has been increasingly present in today’s world. Research indicates that consumers care about it and that nowadays most consumers expect companies to have fairly high levels of CSR. Consumers are very important stakeholders for companies and the success of a company’s CSR policy is to a large extent determined by these consumers. Hence, understanding them is critical, part of understanding these customers relates to trying to find out why they buy from companies which incorporate social responsibilities into their business practices. Consequently companies try to understand consumers through analyzing what kind of value(s) these consumers derive from CSR, which brings us to the research question of this paper “What is the value of corporate social responsibility for consumers?” The results of this study show that consumers associate CSR most often with the environment. It is also discovered that consumers don’t always recognize the CSR activities of companies as CSR activities. The CSR activities in the product-related activities category seem to be the ones that the respondents most often recognize, while the activities of the philanthropy category are recognized the least. Consumers indirectly indicate that they find CSR important as the activities they perceive as most important for companies to engage in, are also the ones they indicate as being an expression of CSR. This paper tried to contribute to a better understanding of the complex consumer regarding the value they derive from CSR |
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Title : System Level Implementation of Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for High Speed Real-time Applications Using Novel Mathematical Framework Authors : Dr. S. V. A. V Prasad, Anshu Thakur
Abstract :
With the advancements in the field of communication technology, it has been seen that many different architectures and configurations of antenna have emerged. One of the most popular type of antenna is the Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) which has been quite prominent in most modern high speed communication applications. Although, the design of DRA in various geometric forms have already been accomplished, the methodology for the design which is followed is not at all systematic. In this paper, we have carefully analyzed the theoretical model of a DRA and have proposed various mathematical methods for its analysis. The methods proposed herein can reduce the complexity of analysis and design of circuits involving DRAs. Furthermore, we also show system level implementation of a cylindrical DRA which can serve as a benchmark for microwave and millimeter wave communication circuit designs. |
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Title : Enhancing Algorithm for Dynamic Data Mining Association Rules Authors : Hebah H.O. Nasereddin
Abstract :
The paper; discuss the concept of dynamically estimating and building the model process using association rule model, scanning itemsets with their counts and design a novel, efficient, dynamic mining algorithm. Enhancing (ARBSI) will not require rescanning the original database after collecting the data, even if a number of transactions have been newly inserted, and this will work regardless of the support value used and regardless of the confidence value used. Enhancing (ARBSI) can work in both dynamic and conventional form, this is more efficient and will reduce the time when its performance is compared with the previous techniques used, in such away as: It will know the number of items used from the last process after normalization sub-process which will reduce the time for scanning each transaction, It will know the types of modification insert, update, and/or delete, In case there is an new inserted record Enhancing (ARBSI) can translate this record to numeric using dummy table for attribute without duplicate (especially for nominal values) |
40-48 |
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Title : Septage Purification and Nutrient Uptake Potential of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in a Batch System Authors : Oluwadamisi. E. A, Sridhar M. K. C, Coker A.O, Jacob. S. O.
Abstract :
Septage arising from septic tanks in urban areas represents complex water-carrying waste of high-strength which needs to be safely disposed. Inappropriate handling of septage due to poor construction of septic tanks and processes of evacuation of its content into waterways leads to environmental pollution and associated health problems in developing countries such as Nigeria. Several emergent aquatic plants such as water hyacinth, water lettuce etc. had been utilized to handle wastewater of varying degree and strength. This study evaluated the nutrient uptake potentials of water hyacinth in septage purification processes and the effect on plant’s behaviour. Septage evacuated from septic tanks by mechanical evacuators from six Districts within Abuja were collected. The septage samples were diluted 0, 25, 50 and 75% with water and used in 50L capacity containers. The samples were planted with water hyacinth and tested daily for ammonia, phosphate, BOD5, TSS and DO for 2 weeks. The efficiency of Water hyacinth for ammonia, phosphate, BOD5 and TSS removal were found to be 100%, 92%, 97%, and 99% in the 75%, 75%, 50%, and 75% diluted septage, respectively. Water hyacinth thrived in septage with low organic loading of 75% water and 25% septage. Water hyacinth is not suitable for raw septage treatment as the plants did not survive in the undiluted septage and did not recover even after 14 days. |
49-56 |
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Title : Analysis of the Impact of Green Manufacturing in Indian Oil Co-Operation Limited, Noonmati, Guwahati, Assam, Using Anova Authors : Annanya A Baruah
Abstract :
Due to increasing environmental pollution, green manufacturing processes are being employed in many industries today. Green Manufacturing not only reduces pollution but also contributes to sustainability management. A survey study was conducted is Oil India Limited, Noonmati, Guwahati, to analyze the impact of GM on the industry. A questionnaire was prepared and the data collected was evaluated using Minitab 16. The impact on the industry after implementing GM was studied and validated using one way analysis of variance, Factor Analysis and cronbach’s alpha |
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Title : Implementation of Free Space Optics Link at Visible Light Red Spectrum Authors : M. R. Bibin, N. Victorjaya
Abstract :
Free space optics (FSO) system is an optical communication technology in which air or vacuum is used as medium for the transmission of signal from one place to another in the form of light propagating in free space. FSO meets the need of modern wireless communication by high speed connectivity, license free operation; long distance and high security are some of its various features which add its effectiveness. In this paper FSO link is analyzed for 650nm wavelength operation. Simulation results provide maximal link range of around 2540 meters using visible light red spectrum. The bit rate obtained for optimized link is 10Gbps. The performance of proposed link can also be improved for sustainability of communication channel in various weather conditions and is evaluated on the basic of parameter like BER, Q factor and eye diagram. For θdiv 0.2mrad and θdiv 0.5mrad the achieved values of quality factor (Q) are 13.05 and 12.38, bit error rate (BER) is and respectively |
67-71 |
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Title : Control of Soil Acidity Using Remote Sensing Data Authors : Ilya Mikhailenko, Valery Timoshin
Abstract :
In the present paper an example of effective use of remote sensing data in agriculture is considered. To this end, management considered the problem of soil acidity on agricultural fields. To solve this problem using remote sensing placed on unmanned aerial vehicles. The starting point for solving the problem is a new methodology for estimating the state of the crops and the acid value based on remote sensing data. A feature of the methodology is to construct a quantitative estimate of crop biomass and soil acidity index. This approach differs significantly from the well-known method of determining the vegetation index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). New mathematical models and algorithms for the construction of quantitative estimates are proposed. Soil acidity is controlled by introducing ameliorant containing calcium. They act in the soil from 5 to 8 years. Therefore, the result of the formation of a management strategy for making dosage ameliorant data used crop rotation. To account for the spatial heterogeneity of soil based on the results of evaluation is isolated area with close indicator of acidity. These areas are considered to be homogeneous. Optimal strategies make ameliorant for each homogeneous area is formed. To generate jobs onboard regulators executive machinery of the entire strategy is only used optimal doses making improver for the first year crop rotation. In real time when driving through the field the machine to make ameliorant job-board regulator flow improver is formed as a weighted average value of optimum doses in homogeneous areas of the acid value.
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Title : Designing and Calculation of Marks for Grade card system in GUI Authors : Spurthyshree N
Abstract :
Now a days the evaluation of papers in the universities for every semester for each and every branch in different institutions is a very big task, that indicates the performance of the student in the exam. Evaluating the papers, allotting the marks according to the question papers pattern which can be done manually but in the meanwhile the marks scored by the student has to be entered to the prescribed university and should announce the result. All these procedures will be done manually but in the meanwhile there will be some mistakes would be done by the evaluator such as total marks counting, if any skip is done in evaluating some questions, marks allotted for the same questions more than one time and total number of questions attended by the students. So as all these problems may occur in some cases which should not make disappoint to the students, so to avoid such problems here I have mainly concentrated to make the evaluator more easy and time reducing in their work that is to build a MATLAB code for a particular problem that is, by using Graphical User Interface tool (GUI) system, we can overcome by the problem. Using GUI system in MATLAB that is, by taking a scanned image of the question paper and Marks Sheet is designed for a particular subject and after the evaluation, the marks are entered that is scored by the student where the marks are calculated automatically and display the marks sheet. By keeping the idea of this, we can design a marks sheet for different question paper pattern for every semester for various subject and marks are entered and calculated |
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Title : Development of Environment Friendly and Low Cost Unburnt Stabilised Soil Bricks Authors : Dr.Aradhana Mehta, Er. Kuldeep Kumar
Abstract :
This paper reveals the study related to feasibility of using sustainable material for the stabilized soil brick manufacturing. Mud brick construction is not a new technology. Burnt clay bricks are widely used as a fundamental building material in most countries. However, with rising awareness to reduce carbon footprint and promote sustainable development, earth-making has taken a different path to minimize the environmental impact. Various efforts have been directed to develop, environmental friendly and low-cost bricks, including the use of different binding agents, raw materials and technology. As part of the research effort, a series of trial samples were prepared with three types of stabiliser at different ratios using soil collected from the site. The prepared samples were tested for compressive strength, water absorption and density at the end of 28 days curing period. The test results were then analysed and compared with burnt clay bricks and fly ash bricks. The investigation results show that compressive strength and water absorption of unburnt clay bricks are improved by adding OPC. The report concludes that the soil with less clay content can be stabilised by adding stabilisers which increases its compressive strength and water absorption properties, simultaneously economical viable and environment friendly |
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Title : Creation of a Value Stream Map to Improve the Flow of Materials Using Cellular Manufacturing Authors : Luis F. Romero-Dessens, Anel Arce, Jaime A. Leon-Duarte
Abstract :
Nowadays, many manufacturers are struggling with improving productivity and producing the right products or services according to the demand. In order to survive on this competitive world, companies need to innovate the way they operate and quickly adapt to changes. Lean Manufacturing is an applied methodology that has proved to be resilient at facing such challenges, since it focuses on creating flow of value to the costumer by performing work tasks with a minimum of non-value adding activities; lately, value stream mapping has been the preferred tool to support the lean approach and reduce waste. Another helpful technique to reduce waste is cellular manufacturing, which offers the advantage of being able to maximize the cell independence and reduce the material handling, work-in-process, setup time, and manufacturing lead time and improve productivity, due to the fact that the cell is dedicated to a unique product family. The main objective of this study is to design an efficient value stream mapping to improve the flow of materials and increase the productivity by eliminating non-value added activities at an electronic components manufacturer. The methodology consists of, first, to analyze the wastes located at the production system in the current state map; second, to implement a single minute exchange of die and cellular manufacturing tools aiming to effectively support future state of the action plan. This paper concludes that the designed future value stream map in conjunction with cellular manufacturing and other lean tools is helpful to identify wasteful activities at the production system. The applied tools are an important input for continuous improvement by increasing the productivity at the manufacturer. |
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Title : Efficient Scientific Research Literature Ranking Model based on Text and Data Mining Technique Authors : Ronald Brisebois, Alain Abran, Apollinaire Nadembega, Philippe N’techobo
Abstract :
With the rapidly increasing of the volume of scientific publications, find quickly the relevant papers for literature review (LR) about specific topic becomes a challenging task for researchers and students. In this vein, a new literature review assistant scheme (LRAS) (1) to evaluate scientific papers relevancy according to discipline and specific topic and (2) to find papers that match a specific research topic for LR is proposed in this work. More specifically, we propose an approach based on text and data mining (TDM) that computes paper index, called Dynamic Topic based Index (DTb Index), takes into account (i) venues impact, (ii) authors and their affiliated institutes impact, (iii) key findings and citations impact and (iv) papers references impact. We also implement efficient search prototype that find papers according to researcher selection parameters and his annotations. The required researcher selection parameters are (i) the main topic of his research, (ii) description of his research, (iii) the title and the keywords of the paper that he plans to provide in the context of his research and for which he needs to make a LR. Based on these parameters, the engine computes the literature corpus radius index (LCR Index) of each paper. The main contribution of LRAS search engine prototype is the fact that the LCR Index takes into account the area of research. We evaluated our proposed scheme and the simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms traditional schemes. |
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Title : Structural Analysis and Optimization of Cylindrical Drum of Horizontal Scree-bowl Centrifuge Authors : LIU Ji, SHEN Yi, XU Hai-bin, YUAN Ming-xin, WU Xin-hua, FAN Chun-yang
Abstract :
To improve the intensity and performance of cylindrical drum of horizontal scree-bowl centrifuge, cylindrical drum is analyzed and optimized with Workbench in this paper. Firstly, the three-dimensional modeling for cylindrical drum of the horizontal n scree-bowl centrifuge is built. Then, the aspect ratio and wall thickness are optimized and analyzed based on Workbench. Finally, the optimization program of the cylindrical drum is determined and the intensity, deformation and vibration are verified. The results show that the stress intensity and deformation achieve the best optimizations with aspect ratio of 1.5 and wall thickness of 15mm.The model which is optimized satisfy the request under static effect. |
106-109 |
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