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Title : In Push-Pull Converter Output Voltage Stability Comparison with Using Fuzzy Logic, PI and PID Controllers Authors : Hilmi Zenk
Abstract :
Today dc converters are widely used in industrial applications. The research on DC converters are typically focused on determining the optimum switching method. In this study, a push-pull converter model arranged in MATLAB / Simulink digital environment, the output voltage in response, using with proportional integral control (PI) , proportional integral derivative control (PID) and fuzzy logic control ( FLC) methods performance were examined. PI, PID and fuzzy logic control methods for MATLAB / Simulink environment necessary simulation models were constructed and compared the results in terms of stability and efficiency of these three approaches. |
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Title : The Research Paper on “Role of Cashless Economy in Developing India”- A Conceptual Study Authors : Dr. Anil T. Gaikwad
Abstract :
The cash is the main way to perform financial transactions in present society . The medium through which we purchase goods, services is in the form of Government approved currency. Rupee is the currency of India. The developing countries have their currency strong over under developed or developing countries due to which the purchasing power of the citizens is affected. The main aim of this paper is to study effect of cashless transactions and how we can create the awareness among people to use debit card, credit card and online payment mode to perform maximum transaction . The Indian Economy mainly depends on agriculture sector due to maximum population being in Rural Area and the main occupation being agriculture . The Use of debit , credit cards is not more in rural area due to unavailability of banking facility and ATM machines still are not enough to meet the requirements of the rural population. The Cashless transactions will save operations cost in Banks and also save the time of the users . It will directly have positive effect on Indian Economy . Following are the measures government should take to motivate large population of India to use the various cards and Internet to perform financial transactions. Awareness , Infrastructure building, Banks Outlets , large number of Installations of ATMs , Point of sale Machines and reliable and most economical access to Internet is must. |
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Title : Assessing Contemporary Challenges Crippling the Sustainability of Microfinance Industry in Accra Metropolitan Area Authors : Mensah Marfo
Abstract :
The aim of this article is to identify the main contemporary challenges affecting the sustainability of MFIs in Greater Accra Metropolis. Notwithstanding the benefits accrue from microfinance business in other part of the world; most MFIs have failed in delivering their promises in the Republic of Ghana (Awojobi 2011).Employing a cross-sectional survey design, data on the variable was collected via self-administered questionnaires, distributed to 30 licensed microfinance institutions with sample size of 300 respondents in Accra. A multi-stage sampling technique procedure was adopted for the study. Analyses of data from the 300 retrieved questionnaires involved descriptive statistics and standard multiple regression techniques. The study revealed that regulation and supervision, institutional framework, coordination, access to finance for the development of MFIs in Ghana is challenged with poor implementation and corruptions. Also respondents rated regulation and supervision as the most challenging among all the dimensions under consideration. On the other hand, the data/information and dissemination has significant positive effect on microfinance sustainability based on respondents’ response |
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Title : Secure IOT Infrastructure Based Smart City Services Using Augmented Reality Techniques Authors : Dr.Mallikarjunaswamy S, Dr.Nataraj K R, Dr. Komala M, Balachandra P
Abstract :
Augmented reality finds application in the service of a smart in public transport domain. This paper presents the above mentioned application deployed in Bengaluru. Important details such as arrival time of bus its routes, etc. can be accessed by the citizens easily in an efficient manner using AR technology along with smart phones. Triggering of Augmented Reality information is achieved by markers used to mark geo-location and image. The data is sent along a secured IOT infrastructure. A secured CoAP software protocol is used by the bus-mounted IOT devices to transfer the data to the cloud servers. A solution end-to-end description is presented in this paper gives complete information about overall system setup, user’s experiences and security of overall system, which focuses on lightweight encryption used in IOT devices. |
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Title : Removal of Plaguicides MCPA and Imazapic from Aqueous Solution Using Carbonaceous Materials Authors : Agustin Spaltro, Maricel Caputo, Matias Nicolas Pila, Diego Damian Colasurdo, Sergio Luis Laurella, Danila Lujan Ruiz, Maria de las Mercedes Schiavoni, Patricia Ercilia Allegretti
Abstract :
Two different carbonous materials have been used in this study as adsorbents for the investigation of the adsorption kinetics and isotherms of two pesticides: (MCPA and Imazapic) from aqueous solution at various pH. Two simplified kinetic models, pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order, were used to predict the adsorption rate constants and activation energy. Both pesticides followed pseudo-second-order kinetics on both adsorbents. The adsorption capacity of activated carbon was found to be relatively higher in acidic rather than in basic solutions for both agrochemicals. The equilibrium data were analyzed by Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, Sips and Guggenheim–Anderson–de Boer (GAB) isotherms in order to define the best correlation model for each pesticide on both adsorbents. MCPA adapted to Langmuir model on CAT and CARBOPAL with a R2=0.997 and 0.988, and Imazapic adapted to GAB model with R2=0.989 and 0.933, respectively. |
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Title : Mineralogy of the Iron Mineralizations Associated With Uckapili Granitoid (Nigde Massif) Authors : Tumuklu. A, Altuncu. S, Ozgur.F.Z.
Abstract :
Nigde Massif is the southest part of the CACC (Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex) which is composed of magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Niğde Massif consist of Gümüşler, Kaleboynu and Aşıgediği formations. Üçkapılı granitoid cuts all these units. The iron mineralization is observed in all the units forming an irregular distribution in the Niğde massif. Field studies and the results of mineralogical research on polished sections indicates that the origin of the mineralization is hydrothermal. The iron ore deposits in the study area have a paragenesis composed of magnetite, hematite and limonite. The mineralization paragenesis is accompanied by chalcopyrite, malachite, covellite, chalcocite, native Cu and native Au. |
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Title : Optimising Information System in Business Authors : Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Ezzat Emir, Muhamad Helmi, Ahmad Sobri, Muhammad Azli
Abstract :
World of business is getting bigger from time to time. In beginning of business, it was started by barter system then change to currency system which requires an exchange between goods and money by face to face. However, internet has been introduced and used by all people in this world. The advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) affect the social with negative and positive thought. In this paper, we will discuss about the positive thought of information system (IS) in business. Nowadays, most of organizations are using IS to create an easy way to expand their businesses while giving maximum benefits to customers. Al-Ikhsan Cooperation is selected as an organization to study about how information system helps an organization to have a better performance of the operation in the world of business. This project will give a lot benefit to both of the customers and sellers. Literature review, BMC (Business Model Canvas) and 4 Lenses of Innovation tools are used as methodology for this paper. By this project, the operation of the business will become smooth in all aspects, including supply chain and customer relationship management. |
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Title : Early Detection of Software Defects: Needs and Process Authors : Anjaneya Awasthi
Abstract :
Every Software Needs to be tested after it is developed. No software can be said to be free of defects or faults. Defects may be traced by employing a mechanism for testing of the Software and may be termed as Defect Sensing System. The defects or bugs reported by this mechanism can be handled in order to assure the quality of Software. This Paper presents the way that how the defects may be handled and suggests a method for doing so. This maybe termed as the Bug Management process. This may be used to get desired results such as: Iterative process handling and improvement on different levels or stages of Software development to avoid future failures and occurrences of these defects. |
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Title : Development of Thermoplastic Starch/Poly(Lactic Acid) Blends With Glycerol Monostearate As Plasticizer And Compatibilizer for Use As Packaging Materials Authors : Samuel H. Clasen, Carmen M. O. Muller, Alfredo T. N. Pires
Abstract :
Thermoplastic starch (TPS)/poly(lactic acid) (PLA) blends were produced using glycerol and glycerol monostearate (GMS) (amphiphilic molecules) as a starch plasticizer and the micro- and macroscopic properties were evaluated. The blends were prepared in a twin-screw extruder after the physical mixture of all components, with a constant composition of starch and PLA but varying the glycerol and glycerol monostearate contents. The blends were thermopressed and the morphological, mechanical properties, water vapor permeability and sorption isotherms were evaluated. An increase in the GMS composition in the blend induced changes in the interphase of the PLA domains and the TPS matrix, as can be observed from the data obtained in the DMA and SEM analyses. The GMS affects the blend properties, decreasing the monolayer water absorption, increasing the stiffness and fragility of the sheets, and acting as a compatibilizer for the starch component in TPS/PLA blends. |
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Title : Automatic CAE Mesh and Analysis Results Export for Presentation in Virtual Reality Environments Authors : Dimo Chotrov, Angel Bachvarov, Stoyan Maleshkov
Abstract :
Using Virtual Reality (VR) interactive and immersive presentation of 3D CAE meshes and analysis results facilitates and enhances the engineering decision making which reduces the duration of the product development cycle leading to decreased product development costs and increased competitiveness. Due to the different purposes of CAE and VR, CAE aiming at precision and VR – at interactivity and immersion, there are significant differences in the input data formats which makes the transition between CAE and VR not a trivial task. The CAE data usually has to be exported to an intermediate format and then has to be imported in the VR environment. Here we propose a way to automate the workflow of exporting CAE meshes and results and importing them in VR directly from a CAE application. This is made possible through an add-in for the respective CAE application using its native Application Programming Interface (API) or Software Development Kit (SDK). Through the interface of the developed add-in the CAE application user can specify how to present the current CAE mesh and analysis results within VR. |
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Title : Study on Biogas Production from Kitchen Waste Authors : KirankumarRathod, S.S. Inamdar
Abstract :
The world is facing crisis of fossil fuels on which the large population is dependent and is likely to be exhausted in a few years. In these circumstances, the focus of the government of the several countries is on the renewable sources of energy. Biogas is one such fuel. Kitchen waste which is rich in organic content can be good source of feed material to the biogas plant and is likely to increase the efficiency. In this work, an attempt has been made to design floating head digester for 0.401 m3 of biogas generated per day. For this, several parameters like pH, loading rate, total solids content etc. have been investigated. |
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Title : Experimental Study on Glass Fiber/Coir Reinforced Composite Authors : N.Rajiv Kumar, P.Umar ahamed, N.Thirumalaisamy
Abstract :
In present work, an attempt is made to hybridize the material using synthetic (glass) as well as natural fibers (chemically treated jute), such that to reduce the overall use of synthetic reinforcement, to reduce the overall cost, and to enhance the mechanical properties. All composite specimens with different weight percentages of fibers were manufactured using hand lay-up process and testing was done by using ASTM standards. The attractive features of natural Fibers are their low cost, light weight, high specific modulus, renewability and biodegradability. It has been observed from this work the tensile strength of the composites slightly increase in all three samples. The maximum tensile strength among all the composites is 58.573MPa for 5mm Fiber length 25% of coir and 10% of glass Fiber respectively. The maximum flexural strength was 219.004 MPa for 25% of coir and 10% of glass Fiber and the maximum impact strength was 3.143 for 15% coir and 20% glass Fibe |
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Title : Securing an Enterprise through Governance, Risk and Compliance Using an IT GRC Platform Based On Multi-Agents Systems Authors : Mohamed GHAZOUANI, Redouane ELALJ
Abstract :
The implementation of appropriate security controls for an information system is an important task that can have major implications for the operations and assets of an organization. Security controls are the management, operational, and technical safeguards or countermeasures prescribed for an information system to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system and its information. One such intelligent choice is Securing an enterprise through Governance, Risk and Compliance. This paper aims to make an implementable, realistic, cost-effective, and workable platform available to IT managers which they can adapt to their own enterprises. Our methodology gives answers to several important questions that should be answered by organizational officials when addressing the security considerations for their information systems. |
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Title : Residual Stress Measurement of Aluminum 5052 Using X-Ray Diffraction Method Authors : Gudikandula Sravanthi, Parre Hanuma, Ch.Satya Sandeep
Abstract :
X-ray diffraction method measures the strains closer to the surface. It has the ability to measure the strain or the changes in strain, from an unstressed state, by measuring the shifts in the diffraction peak due to a residual stress. Today the aluminum alloys contribution is increasing in manufacturing the aerospace components with good forming nature and high strength. During the forming of a component, stresses are developed and retains with the material. This metal alloy should posses’ sufficient strength to bear the strains developed during flight as the development of strains extinct decides component of life. In the present work, A5052 is selected to analyze the forming nature under grease and annealed conditions using Erichsen cupping test method. Finally the residual stresses of A5052 are also analyzed for two conditions to know the residual stress left over in the material after cupping test. Therefore the effect of stresses is analyzed in a formed component to decide the aerospace component life. |
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Title : An experimental investigation of annular fins under forced convection Authors : Ch.Ragha Leena , G.Swathi , M.Snigdha
Abstract :
Fins are the extended surfaces, generally used to enhance the heat transfer rates from the objects and safeguard them from failure. Heat transfer characteristics under forced convection are investigated on fins experimentally by varying parameters like surface area, temperature difference and Reynolds number and heat transfer distribution is analyzed at different loads. During the experimental investigation, variations of Reynolds number and surface areas greatly affect the heat transfer rates. Base temperature for annular fins is reduced by 30% when compared to 11mm diameter fin due to increase in surface area about 40%. Base temperature for annular fins is reduced by 10% when compared to 31mm diameter fin due to decrease in surface area about 41%. It is also observed that at higher heat load 45W, overall fin efficiency of annular fins is increased by 44 % and 8% when compared to fin with diameter 11mm and 31mm respectively. |
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Title : The Study of Tensile Behaviour of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Authors : Er. Mamta Devi, Er. Ravinder Kumar, Er. Vedpal Mehla
Abstract :
Glass-fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) is a material made of a cementatious matrix composed of cement, sand, water and admixtures, in which short length glass fibers are dispersed. It has been widely used in the construction industry for non-structural elements, like façade panels, piping and channels. GFRC offers many advantages, such as being lightweight, fire resistance, good appearance and strength. In this study trial tests for concrete with glass fiber and without glass fiber are conducted to indicate the differences in compressive strength and flexural strength by using cubes of varying sizes.This Paper focuses on studying the effect of glass fiber on the properties of concrete mixtures as a partial replacement of cement. The main goal is to investigate the possibility of using glass fiber as a partial replacement of cement in concrete. A series of tests were conducted to study the effect of 10% ,15% and 20% replacement of cement by glass fiber. The compressive strength, split tensile strength and the flexural strength test were determined for the mixes at the curing age of 7 days and 28 days. The results obtained for the above mixes were compared to investigate the effects of partial replacement of cement by glass fiber. Use of glass fiber in concrete can prove to be economical |
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Title : Significance of Strength of Con cret With Waste Tyre And Steel Fibres Authors : Er. Sweta Devi, Er. Vedpal Mehla, Er. Ravinder Kumar
Abstract :
The present study aims to investigate the fresh, strength and durability of rubcrete and rubcrete with steel fibres. A superplasticizer of Fosrock chemicals CONPLAST SP430)(G8) (an aqueous solution of sulphonated naphthalene polymer) was used to increase the workability of concrete. carried out to compare the properties of control mix (replacement of coarse aggregate 0% ) with other mixes (replacement of coarse aggregate 10%,20% and 30% ). The work was further extended to fiber reinforced concrete i.e by incorporating steel fibres for the above stand replacement mixes. Various mechanical characterstics were investigated in terms of compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength. Test result shows that compressive strength, tensile strength and flextural strength decreases with increase in rubber content but increases with increases in fiber content. The durability properties which includes carbonation was also studied in which concrete indicater basicity in nature.The aim of the present work was to use waste tyres as to increase the strength of cement concrete. A series of tests were conducted to study the effect of 10% ,20% and 30% replacement of cement by solid waste.The compressive strength, split tensile strength and the flexural strength test were determined for the mixes at the curing age of 7 days and 28 days. The results obtained for the above mixes were compared to investigate the effects of partial compressive strength of steel fibres. Use of waste tyres in concrete can prove to be economical as it was non useful waste and free of cost. |
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Title : Self-Adjusted Fluid Drive of Translational Motion Authors : K.S. Ivanov
Abstract :
Now in fluid engineering the fluid drives with one degree of freedom are used. Such drive provides univocal constraint between input and output links motion. However it is necessary to use the variable transfer ratio between input and output links for overcoming of variable resistance force and inertia forces. Use of electronic control systems for force and volume regulating leads to extreme complication of drives, decrease of their reliability, raise of manufacturing cost and service. Recently the principle of creation of the fluid-flow self-controlled mechanism by use of fluid system with two degree of freedom has been developed. In the paper the compact adaptive mechanism which provides force self-regulation without a control system is developed on this principle. |
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Title : Restaurant Ordering System for Nando’s Restaurant: A proposed conceptual solution (MyRos) Authors : Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad Dahlan, Siti Fatihah binti Ab Rahim, Nur Atikah binti Hashim, Nor Anira binti Zulkifli, Amira Izzati binti Abu Bakar
Abstract :
Players in the hospitality industry have constantly been in search of new ways to improve their daily operations. In order to provide quality service, the utilisation of advanced technology is imperative. In the running of restaurants specifically, the utilisation of technology can increasingly be seen in their daily operations. One such example is the shift from using the traditional paper-based system to Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) for purposes of taking orders. This technological shift is believed to be able to attract more customers and boost the efficiency of operations in restaurants. Thus, the purpose of this research paper is to provide a solution for the betterment of restaurant services by incorporating a Tablet-based Ordering System (TOS) called Restaurant Ordering System or in short MyROS. This paper proposes the design and implementation of the TOS and discusses its expected effects on the operations of Nandos restaurant outlets. This system requires the installation of tablets at each customer table which have the ability to display the details of the menu and the price, and deliver information into a centralised database. The customer tablet, kitchen display, and the cashier counter connect directly with each other via Wi-Fi. This wireless application is user-friendly, enhances efficiency by saving time, reduces human errors, and has features to enable the collection of customer feedback. This paper is based on a study conducted by Multimedia University on the implementation of the TOS in enhancing dining table services. The conceptual solution suggests that the TOS, if executed properly, can provide better value for both Nando’s and its customers. |
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Title : Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation of Artificial Knee Joint in Biomedical Applications Authors : R.P.Thirumurugan
Abstract :
Artificial Knee Joint dynamic models capable of forecasting muscle forces and joint contact pressures simultaneously would be valuable for studying clinical issues related to knee joint degeneration and restoration. Recent three-dimensional Artificial Knee Joint models are either static with deformable contact or dynamic with rigid contact. This investigation gives an efficient methodology for replacing Mobile bearing dynamic simulation methods with a deformable contact knee model. The recent implementation accommodates natural or artificial Knee joint models, small or large strain contact models, and linear or nonlinear material models. Applications are presenting for static analysis or dynamic simulation of a natural knee model created from MRI and CT data and dynamic simulation of an artificial knee model created from manufacturer’s CAD. This investigation can be replaced the mobile bearing from Polyethylene to PMMA with PLLA by copolymer property. Mostly Polyethylene and PMMA used in Artificial Knee Joint. Its stability is in 10 to 12 years only. It was worn out. It can be prevented by replacing of copolymer material of PMMA and PLLA for purpose of stability and more wear resistance and withstand load. This investigation is focused on the force and stress analysis in replacement of mobile bearing in Artificial Knee Joint with 3D modeling in PRO-E and analysis in ANSYS. |
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Title : Design & Fabrication of Sierpinski Fractal Antenna for Multiband Wireless Application Authors : Mayank Jain, Prof. (Dr.) R. P. Agarwal
Abstract :
The Sierpinski (SPK) geometry has a paramount application in multiband antennas. The multi frequency characteristics of the SPK are characterized by its scaling factor and successive iterations. Here I propose a modified fractal Sierpinski patch antenna capable to work with multiband wireless application is proposed. Various heights of a triangle component in Sierpinski antenna are compared to achieve the desired resonant frequencies and then a coplanar wave guide feed is used to achieve more multiband resonant frequencies within 0-7 GHz frequency range. The characteristics for Return loss clearly shows that the antenna can be utilized for WLAN and also GSM bands for VSWR<2. |
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Title : A Study on Lending Practices of Cooperative Banks in India Authors : Yogesh Garg
Abstract :
Co-operative banks are small-sized units organized in the co-operative sector which operate both in urban and non-urban regions. These banks are traditionally centered on communities, localities and work place groups and they essentially lend to small borrowers and businesses. The term Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs), though not formally defined, refers to primary cooperative banks located in urban and semi-urban areas. The government of India started the cooperative movement of India in 1904. Then the government therefore decided to develop the cooperatives as the institutional agency to tackle the problem of usury and rural indebtedness, which has become a curse for population. In such a situation cooperative banks operate as a balancing centre. At present there are several cooperative banks which are performing multipurpose functions of financial, administrative, supervisory and development in nature of expansion and development of cooperative credit system. In brief, the cooperative banks have to act as a friend, philosopher and guide to entire cooperative structure. The study is based on co-op banks in Delhi (India). The study of the bank’s performance along with the lending practices provided to the customers is herewith undertaken. The customer has taken more than one type of loan from the banks. Moreover they suggested that the bank should adopt the latest technology of the banking like ATMs, internet / online banking, credit cards etc. so as to bring the bank at par with the private sector banks. |
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Title : A Study on Green Finance with Special Reference to India Authors : Yogesh Garg
Abstract :
Green finance represents a wide-ranging challenge to the traditional constructs of financial law. New green instruments threaten to transform conventional investment practices (ethical investment), lending standards associated with project finance (environmental/social impact assessment), and accounting conventions (green/social reporting). Green financing is not new but effective concept in context of Indian Economy. It focuses on investing in environment friendly projects, technologies and policies. This paper discuss the challenges and opportunities in front of India in pursuance of Green Financing and also highlights environment friendly trends in Indian Economy like green jobs, green taxes, etc. which reflects the responsibility of government and corporate towards society and environment. The objective is to bring out the role of financial sector in promoting and facilitating green growth. There are certain steps taken by government and big business houses to conserve the Indian environment but scarcity of resources plays a major hurdle in goal towards Green Financing along with administrative barriers, lack of entrepreneurship, limited access to financial resources, lack of skills and technologies, etc |
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