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Title : A Comparative study of e-Commerce and Commerce with Reference to Customer’s Trust Authors : Dr. Devendra Kumar Tiwari, Swati Pandey
Abstract :
In the past few years the globe has experienced significant changes. Placing ‘e’ in front of any process or function seems to be the magical prescription for never ending story of success. This massive change makes existence of e-Commerce. It is the internet based commerce system that offers electronic buying and selling. It is the most important application of the technology. It reduces the transaction costs allied with purchasing. It enhances the global market. It also reduces the time spend on shopping. Commerce means mere buying and selling without using any technical aid. In spite of all the above qualities of e-Commerce, the traditional commerce in India does not loosen its roots in the market. Customers use both the type of commerce according to their convenience. But a question arises in the mind that between both the methods of purchasing which one is more trusted by majority of customers. So, for knowing customer’s trust in both the type of commerce, this research i.e. “A Comparative study of e-Commerce and Commerce with reference to Customer’s Trust” helps and delivers the information of current market scenario about the same. |
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Title : Investigating the Performance Levels in Concrete Buildings Reinforced with the Braced Frame (Inverted V-CBF) and the Shear Wall through Non-linear Static Analysis (Push Over) with Plastic Hinges Formation Approach Authors : Benyamin Razaziyan, Nima Amani
Abstract :
Using the design in extreme limit state, known as the design based on the performance, is one of the major advances in design and retrofitting the structures. In this design, the static analysis methods play special roles in which the non-linear static method (push over) is the main analysis method. The seismic demands of the structures are estimated by the performance point. The performance point in this method is the roof displacement which contains forces, displacements, and internal efforts. The current study aims at investigating three types of special concrete moment frame once reinforced with the steel braced frame (inverted V – CBF) and once with the shear wall by the regulations of ASCE7-10, ACI318-14, and AISC360-10 are analyzed with the Etabs. Moreover, the drift amount of the structures is compared after and before the reinforcement. Then the performance level and formation of the plastic hinges based on the reinforcement regulations of Fema-356, Fema- 440 and ATC40 in two earthquake risk levels of 1 (DBE) and earthquake risk level 2 (MPE) were compared by the SAP2000 software. Then, all models supplied the demanded performance levels after the retrofitting and finally their effects on the seismic behaviour of the structure or different heights are evaluated. According to the results, it is recommended to use the reinforcement with braced frame for the short-rise concrete frames and reinforcement with the shear wall for the mid-rise frames. |
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Title : Social Benefits of Sustainable Design-An Overview Authors : V. Sumateja Reddy
Abstract :
This paper provides an overview of theory on the human benefits beyond energy saving of building design. Identified human benefits include improved health outcomes, psychological well being, reduced stress, improved cognitive performance, and improved work, and life satisfaction. While many building variables affect these outcomes, there is growing evidence that the high impact design features are connection to nature, incorporation of daylight and sunlight in buildings, sensory change and variability, and improved personal control over ambient conditions. Many stakeholders move to the conservation beyond energy saving and look at impact on the people and society. |
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Title : Exchange Rate Fluctuations - Major factor affecting the Entrepreneurs in International Trade Authors : Ms.G. Jayashree, Dr.I.Carmel Mercy Priya
Abstract :
International trade has helped the entrepreneurs to explore their business globally. Globalisation has paved way for the countries to depend on each other for purchase of raw materials, technology, manpower, etc. While doing business with other countries the most important factor affecting the traders is the exchange rate of currencies. The researcher in this study has focused on the importance of exchange rate and the various theories proposed for exchange rate fluctuations. Appreciation and depreciation of currency value affect not only the business traders but also it’s an indicator stating the economic status of the country. The paper also concentrates on these areas. Exchange rate fluctuations have become threat for business entrepreneurs in doing business. On the other hand, in order to overcome this threat various hedging tools like forward contract, futures contract , options etc. are being used. The paper is prepared from the data collected from secondary sources. |
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Title : Determination of Hydraulic Flow Unit using Integrated Petrophysical Method: A Case Study of Field “X” in the Niger Delta Authors : Ubani Chikwendu Ebenezer Okafor, Ikechukwu Stanley
Abstract :
Improvement on reservoir description technique is one of the emerging challenges for geoscientist and engineers in a bid to reduce the amount of hydrocarbon left behind pipe. Key to improved reservoir description and efficient hydrocarbon exploitation involve understanding complex variations in pore geometry within different lithofacies. This variation in pore geometrical attributes, provided by core data information on various depositional and diagenetic controls defines the existence of distinct zone (hydraulic units) with similar fluid flow characteristics. Classic description of reservoir rock has been based on subjective geological observations and on empirical porosity-permeability relationships. However, it has been observed that for any porosity within a given reservoir rock, permeability can vary by several orders of magnitude indicating the existence of several flow units. This study is set to use a theoretical methodology in the identification and characterization of hydraulic units within a geological unit (facies) through the integration of core data analysis and well log data analysis. The technique is based on the modified Kozeny-Carmen equation and the concept of hydraulic mean radius. The study documents the theoretical development of proposed technique, validates and characterizes the hydraulic units and present predicted versus actual permeability data to demonstrate the usefulness of the technique. |
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Title : Building an Employer Brand Authors : Dr. K. R. Subramanian, Dr. Usha Jaiswal
Abstract :
One of the challenging roles of Human Resource Management function is recruitment and placement of employees at various levels of organization. Organizational effectiveness is a big challenge in recruitment activities since that is the beginning of a philosophy that will result in achievement of the aims of recruitment that arises out of the philosophic commitment. The present paper explores the various organizational philosophies in acquiring talented employees through recruitment process that will ultimately result in employer brand building. The paper will consider first the various parameters which contribute to organizational brand building and then see how it will match the efforts to the management philosophies guiding the activities. Innovation as we are aware is a key factor, and newer skills and software have a long term impact in the process. Drivers of investment priorities and policies for recruitment software, out sourcing services and other parameters will be considered for an evaluation of the various processes and strategies for achieving the recruitment results. Potential costs and benefits will also be analyzed to arrive at conclusions and suggest ways and means of building a lasting brand. Various shortcomings in the recruitment policies also will be analyzed to suggest better strategies |
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Title : Modified CSR Pyramid: An Indian Prospective Authors : Manabhanjan Sahu, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sahu
Abstract :
Section 135 of Indian Companies Act, 2013 made Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mandatory for a certain category of companies in India on the basis of financial performance for last three years. Among different models of CSR Carroll’s model is mthe most referred one. Carroll’s pyramid of CSR has both reflected, and helped in prioritizing economic responsibilities as the most prior than the rest three responsibilities i.e. political, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. This paper argues that the conception of CSR as per Carroll is not a universal principle, and it changes as per different dynamics of the country. Hence the structure of the pyramid in India is different from the original model. To conclude the same the researchers in this paper explore the structure of CSR pyramid by doing an empirical analysis of the corporate houses in India. The researchers have done primary survey and analysis of 50 corporate responses in India. Based on the empirical research and conceptual arguments, we tried to present the revised CSR pyramid which proposes an alternation in Order of responsibilities in a pyramid. The modified pyramid ranked in a hierarchy from bottom to top as follows: legal, ethical, economic and philanthropic |
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Title : The Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) on Brand Image and Consumer Buying Decision: An Empirical Study of Cosmetic Products Authors : Giang-Huong-Thi Vo, Binh-Duy Luong
Abstract :
The study is aimed to examine the relationships among electronic Word of mouth (eWOM), brand image, and consumer buying decision in cosmetic industry. The questionnaire was distributed to 644 respondents who had experience with online communication. A structural equation modeling is applied to test the relationships among the research variables. The findings show that eWOM has a positive influence on brand image and consumer buying decision. In addition, the results also find the significant relationship between brand image and buying decision. This study suggests that marketers should focus on organizing the virtual communities besides developing the info-based company website. |
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Title : “One Panchayat, One Product” A Strategy for Sustainable Rural Economy Authors : Manabhanjan Sahu
Abstract :
The OVOP Movement started in 1979 at Oita prefecture of Japan became one of the successful regional economic programmes across the globe. This is mostly based on transforming indigenous local products in to a global competitive product for improving the welfare of rural people, village economic dynamism, local income, and social solidarity. The extensive OVOP has a capacity to become a Geographical Indicator (G.I). It is a fundamental research mainly concern with generalization of public perception towards the OPOP program in India. The target population of this study was the farmers from rural area. A total of 100 positive responses were collected from different villages of a Panchayat. A simple random sampling procedure was adopted to collect the information from the farmers. The questionnaire was of dichotomous type, where the respondents has to answer in either Yes or No. The Primary data was collected by the researcher and his students in rural villages. Data were collected on demographic characteristics by an interview schedule. Randomly the farmers were visited and interviewed personally. The Secondary data and other relevant information were collected from journals, publications, annual reports, books and online sources. Data collected were processed using SPSS and Statistical packages. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square Test, t – test were employed to analyze the data. |
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Title : Performance Analysis of Neural Network Algorithms in Character Recognition Authors : Yamuna U, Shreelakshmi C S
Abstract :
Character recognition is one of the challenging tasks in Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks research field. It has variety of applications such as banking, robotics, security products and other research fields etc. This paper is aimed to recognize numbers using neural network technology. Character recognition process mainly consists of four stages such as image acquisition, pre processing operations, initialization, creation of neural network and recognition. Characters are recognized using a scanned document or acquisition of image directly using MATLAB. Neural network algorithm helps in character recognition based on features extracted from database. In this paper, performance of different neural network algorithms such as ‘gradient descent back propagation’, ’gradient descent with adaptive learning rate back propagation’, ’gradient descent with momentum and adaptive learning rate back propagation’ are analyzed and compared. This approach is implemented in MATLAB using image processing functions [1]. |
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Title : A Review on Design and Analysis of Front Fender of Three Wheeler Vehicle Authors : Dr.Prof. Nitin A. Wankhade, Mr.Arpit G. Mahure
Abstract :
Front fender design of three wheeler vehicle is very important with the focus on an improvement aspect in the automotive industry. The goals are to increase the performance and to find the solution to reduce the cost of the fender because of the amount of material used, hence able to reduce the production cost. In this paper Finite element models of the front fender of three wheeler vehicle were analysed, using linear and nonlinear finite element analyses in CAE software. The study is focused on a simulation of low velocity impact by a moving object is carried on Existing & Optimized design of front fender mudguard of three wheeler will be tested by using the explicit nonlinear finite element code LS-DYNA solver for Energy absorption capability, Deflection, and stress distribution. Results of optimized front fender are compared against existing design of front fender for better and safe design utilization. |
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Title : Exploratory Study on Korean Caregivers’ Turnover Intention Using Q Methodology Authors : Yeun-Mi Kim, Chang-Bae Ko
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyze turnover intention of caregivers who provide their services to the elderly. Types of caregivers with turnover intention were identified and categorized using Q Methodology. The categorization seeks to aid in development of effective caregiver turnover management system. The Q Population of the study was constructed through unstructured interviews with 5 caregivers with less than 1 year of experience,3 caregivers with turnover experience, 5 care recipients and 4 family caregivers. The caregivers either worked in long-term elderly care facilities, or in-home care facilities in ‘K’ State ‘S’ City. 38 final Q Sample was finally selected amongst 55 Q Population. The Q Samples was then categorized such that the 33 caregivers formed a forced quasi distribution. Data analysis was conducted using PC QUNAL program. A typology of 6 types of turnover intention of caregivers was identified, and they were named: caregivers who cannot adjust to shift work, “housekeeper” caregivers, caregivers with difficult livelihood, “complaining” caregivers, caregivers who are concerned with their health, and caregivers with interpersonal issues. The study seeks to provide basic data through which caregivers’ turnover intention can be understood from the perspectives of caregivers, care recipients, and family caregivers. Furthermore, it seeks to serve as basic data for future development of caregiver turnover management program. |
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Title : Evaluation of Shale Properties for Chemical Wellbore Stability Study in Niger Delta Authors : Okafor. I.S., Joel. O.F., Iyuke. S.E., Ubani. C.E
Abstract :
The world oil industry has been plagued by the challenges of shale instability that arise during and after drilling. This challenge (shale instability) has been directly connected to several hole problems and indirectly linked to an enormous yearly expenditure for the industry. According to Yu et al., 2002; Zeynali, 2012, it is estimated that in terms of monetary value, the petroleum industry losses up to one billion ($1Billion) US dollars due to the problem of instability of shale. Also the lost time due to this challenge account for over 40% of all drilling related non-productive time (Zhang et al, 2009) and these instabilities are also responsible for 10-20% of the total drilling cost. Despite the study of shale stability for several years, it is still a critical challenge in the oil industry and even in other industries, notably the mining and construction industries. A solution through this challenge is very critical to sustaining the investment made by companies in the oil industry. Such solution must include the evaluation of shale properties and directed in a manner that will drastically reduce drilling cost, completion and workover cost, and also the accompanying downtime. It has been noted that shale makes up to 75 percent of all drilled formations worldwide and that over 90% of the instability challenges occur in shale formations (Steiger and Leung, 1992; Dzialowski et al, 1993). It is therefore an interesting proposition to study the properties of these shale formations that makes it prone to instabilities. Shales have been generally defined as sedimentary rocks with small pore radii, low permeability, medium to high clay content, and manageable porosity (Zhang, 2005). They also contain some minerals including calcite, feldspar and quartz (Osisanya, 1991). According to Manohar (1999), the distinguishing features of shale are its clays and low permeability, resulting in poor inter-connection through its characteristic narrow pore throats (pore throat diameters are within 3nm to 10nm). Shales are porous and normally saturated with formation water. Its properties are usually affected by several factors including burial depth, the amount and type of pore water, water activity, the amount and type of minerals present in them (Alizadeh, 2011; Joel, et al. 2012). These special characteristics make them likely to be affected by different phenomena including swelling, shrinkage, hydration and mechanical failure. |
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Title : Identification of Under-Banked States Authors : Sr. Manikyam
Abstract :
Banks help for economic development of the country by mobilizing deposits and extending credit to the different sections of the population for different productive purposes. For achieving, balanced regional development, banks should establish their branches throughout the country giving due importance for under banked regions. Private sector banks are generally guided by profit motive. They normally concentrate in the developed regions. The objective of the public policy is to achieve balanced regional development. The public sector banks are expected to play a larger role in expanding the branches in the backward regions of the country. Hence the present paper makes an attempt to identify under-banked states which will help the banks to focus on these states while expanding branch network. |
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Title : Organic Sorbent from Eichhornia crassipes Stems Authors : Asna M. Zain, Fauziah Abdillah
Abstract :
Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is one of the world’s worst invasive aquatic plants which often found covered rivers and ponds surface. Recent studies show the feasibility of water hyacinth as a sorbent for oil spill clean-up. Compare to the leaf and the root, the stem of water hyacinth has the highest oil sorption capacity and buoyancy, even though with the smallest surface area. Increasing its surface area may result in higher sorption capacity. The active surface area can be potentially increased either by physically, chemically treatment or both which resulted in higher sorption capacity. The objective of this work is to increase the surface area of water hyacinth’s stem in 3% of HCl and investigate the treated stem’s characteristics and sorption capacity towards diesel, gasoline, toluene, and hexane. The dried powdered stems were sieved to a particle size of 63 µm. The surface area of powdered water hyacinth’s stem become larger up to 56% compare to the raw sorbent. This is due to the presence of micro pores resulted from the removal of exchangeable ions. Surface morphology image shows hollow stem structure that provides more active binding site maximize the oil entrapment. The change in sorbent characteristics affected to the increases in sorption capacity towards diesel, gasoline, toluene, and hexane of 10.23, 8.98, 10.30 and 6.67 g/g in dry system. Consistent absorption capacity was found in the wet system with 3.5% salinity. |
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Title : Novel CMOS BPF based on Grounded Active Inductor Authors : Mr. Kittipong Tripetch
Abstract :
Active inductor is a circuit technique which is based on gyrator loop. Gyrator loop is composed of at least two transconductance amplifiers, Usually, frequency response of active inductor have phase shift 90 degree at resonance frequency. This paper propose circuit technique which are based on complementary common source amplifier with drain degeneration resistors (CCSDDR). This paper derive input impedance of the proposed circuit. Bode plot of input impedance of the ground active inductor is plotted in MATLAB with 0.5 micron level1 transistor model which have complete transistor model based on physical constants and parasitic capacitance model. The proposed grounded active inductors is substituted in second order BPF LCR prototype |
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Title : Introspection in Mobile IP Authors : Mihai-Marius Criste, Vasile Dadarlat
Abstract :
Mobility is important and undeniable currently having view new portable devices that have captured the market and the need connectivity further to the Internet.Mobility support in IP networks is a topic that has received considerable attention. Mobil IP is one of the dominating protocols which provides the support of mobility in the internet.In this paper, we go will through the characteristics of Mobile IP, the protocol overview, then proceed to brief current developments namely (Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6), the issues, and advantages with Mobile IP.Discussed few of the challenges that are faced by the Mobile IP and solutions have been proposed for a successful deployment of Mobile IP in the future. |
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