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Title : Use a Laser Interferometer Technique to Detect Rabbit Eardrum Vibrations Authors : Dr. Munqith Saleem Dawood, Niaam Khalid Hameed
Abstract :
This paper presents an experimental study of the rabbit eardrum spectral dynamic response by using the laser interferometric technique. Michelson laser interferometer was setup and used for this purpose. The results showed that the vibration response of the rabbits eardrums in the presence of sound waves are changing mainly according to the frequencies of these sound waves stimulus. The spectral resulted curves revealed a similarity and linearity especially along the low frequency range (500 – 3500 Hz) for normal and healthy rabbits eardrums. The results of the spectral vibration response for healthy rabbits eardrum represent a useful reference for the diagnosis of hearing problems related to the eardrum lesions. |
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Title : Role of Bio Fertilizer in Plant Establishment and Growth of T.Undulata Authors : K.K.Srivastava, Neelam Verma, Sangeeta Singh
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Title : The Effect of Financial Intermediation on Economic Growth in Algeria, using VECM model Authors : Bourada Hanane, Zeddoune Djamel
Abstract :
A strong and well-developed financial sector is seeing as a key condition for achieving development and promoting economic growth, so we will try to analyze the nature of the relationship between financial intermediation and economic growth under the financial liberalization policy theoretically and experimentally in Algeria, using Granger causality test, co- integration tests of Engel- Granger and Johansen and the error correction model in the period 1984-2013. The results of this study indicate that: the success of any application of the policy of financial liberalization in Algeria must be preceded by an increased level of financial development and achieving the macroeconomic level stability |
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Title : Design of PLL Using Cs VCO in 45nm Technology Authors : Dr. B.Lokeswara Rao, Mr.J. Nageswara Reddy, Mr.T.Sathya Narayana
Abstract :
Phase-Locked Loop, an electronic circuit that controls an oscillator so that it maintains a constant phase angle (i.e., lock) on the frequency of an input, or reference, signal. A PLL ensures that a communication signal is locked on a specific frequency and can also be used to generate, modulate and demodulate a signal and divide a frequency. PLL is used often in wireless communications where the oscillator is usually at the receiver and the input signal is extracted from the signal received from the remote transmitter. Design a low power fast-locking PLL by reducing delay and power consumption in gpdk 45nm technology using cadence virtuoso environment. For this purpose, we have designed various individual blocks of PLL by taking into consideration various parameters and simulated. The various blocks are Phase Frequency Detector (PFD), Charge Pump, Loop Filter, Current starved Voltage Controlled Oscillator(CSVCO) and Frequency Divider(FD). Here current starved voltage controlled oscillator have been considered for superior performance in form of low power consumption and wide tunable frequency range. The simulation is carried out in the Spectre simulator. The simulation results of PLL and its blocks are reported in this work. It is found that the designed PLL consumes 81.63 uW power from a 1.8V D.C. supply and have a lock time 41.47ns |
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Title : Biometric Authentication system using gait features as Biometric Trait Authors : Vinay Bajaj, Kamna Mahajan
Abstract :
Gait recognition is the main field of biometric authentication system Gait is a particular way of moving on foot. Gait of a person has some drawback that gait of a person modify with age emotion, variation in clothing and footwear’s. Gate reorganization is done by using image silhouette. In this various approaches has been utilized for the process of gait reorganization. These approaches utilized feature extraction from silhouette Image’s. On the basis of energy and enthalpy level available in different images. But energy and enthalpy does not provide accurate information about gait. To remove these issue in the field of gait reorganization process the approach has to utilize which extract optimal feature for gait reorganization process |
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Title : Relationships of Bullying in Shipboard Training, Emotional Intelligence and the Quality of Life Authors : Myung-Soon Joo, Jae-Hee Kim, Hye-Sook Kim
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of bullying in shipboard training, emotional intelligence and the quality of life among university students. Data gathering was done in August 2015. The data from 196 respondents were gathered, and a statistical package SPSS 21.0 was employed to make a statistical analysis of the collected data. The factors that affected the quality of life were religion, girl friends and satisfaction level with the practice, and the quality of life was higher among the respondents who were more satisfied with the practice. It was not statistically significant. As for bullying experience during the practice, personal bullying was most prevalent. The most common consequences of bullying during the practice were increasing distrust. Bullying during the practice exerted a negative influence on the quality of life, and emotional intelligence had a positive impact on that. In other words, more bullying experience during the practice resulted in lowering the quality of life, and higher emotional intelligence led to the better quality of life. Therefore the kind of intervention programs that aim at improving the emotional intelligence of students who are going to take a practice course should be developed to ease bullying during practice and the consequences of bullying experience to boost the quality of life of prospective maritime officers to heighten their satisfaction, including vessels reside within the health practitioner. |
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Title : Methodology of Preparing Train Running Diagram in High Speed Railway Authors : Alhossein Mohamed, Peng Qiyuan
Abstract :
The train running diagram ( TRD ) is the basic document for arranging the train operation and comprehensive planning for railway transportation, so the preparation quality is of great significance for improving the railway transport efficiency and application of railway technical equipment, ensuring the driving safety, increasing the efficiency of locomotives utilization, car turn-round and passenger and goods delivery and adapting to the transportation market needs. This paper analyzes and compares the similarities and differences of train running diagram between high speed railways ( HSR ) and existing railways premised on the operation organization modes of high and medium speed trains in the initial operational stage of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway, and describes the main idea for preparing the train running diagram of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway ( HSR ) based on railway network, diagram structure and preparation and optimization theories of running diagram for high and medium speed trains. |
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Title : A Study on Voucher Verification of IndusInd Bank, Nungambakkam, Chennai Authors : Dr.V.Kannan, Dr.G.Amudha, Mr.K.Siranjeevi
Abstract :
Bank is considered to be the backbone of our Indian economy. Too much of money cause inflation and too little stifle economic growth and create problems of unemployment and lost opportunity. IndusInd Bank Limited is a Mumbai based Indian new generation bank, established in 1994. The bank offers commercial, transactional and electronic banking products and services. Voucher verification unit is one of the unique specialties in this bank. In banks whatever the transactions has been made vouchers are prepared. It will be sent to Voucher Verification Unit and they will monitor it. In this study we have discussed about the need, coverage, branch mapping of VVU’s, process flow of VVU’s, Day zero and Day one process at branches, Categories of errors, branch responsibilities on detection of VVU, How to rectify those errors and finally conclusion about the study. |
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Title : Oil Recovery through Spontaneous Imbibition in Niger Delta Reservoirs Authors : Kerunwa. A., Onyekonwu. M.O., Olafuyi. A.O., Anyadiegwu. C.I.C.
Abstract :
Spontaneous imbibition is of crucial importance to oil recovery from reservoirs. Spontaneous imbibition involves the displacement of the non-wetting fluid by the wetting fluid in a porous medium by capillary forces. The measurements of volume of liquid imbibed versus time are usually used to predict oil recovery This paper presents experimental data for cocurrent spontaneous imbibition into cores with different porosity and permeability. Experiments were performed using Niger Delta sandstone core samples. Core samples were initially saturated with brine. Two types of Synthetic reservoir brine were used as the wetting phase: A high salinity and a low salinity brine. Crude oil samples of different viscosities were then injected into the core samples. Oil recovery from the low salinity brine was about 30% higher than that of high salinity brine. The Correlation of the experimental data for imbibition of brine into porous media was achieved through a semi-empirical scaling group and an analytical scaling group which include permeability, porosity, interfacial tension (IFT), viscosity of oil and brine, the size, shape and boundary conditions of the rock sample. The semi-empirical model could not scale the entire experimental data obtained at different interfacial tensions and permeabilities rather it could only scale the experimental data at a particular IFT and permeability. The analytical scaling group gave a satisfactory correlation of the experimental data at different IFT and permeability. |
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Title : Development of Three-phase BLDC Motor Drive System for Diesel Engine Emission Reductions Authors : Aswathy C J, Jebin Francis
Abstract :
For the conventional vehicle, an efficient and effective heat source that provides autonomous exhaust temperature control is of interest, and one solution is a diesel burner which needs to adjust its air delivery based on transient operating conditions through a three-phase motor drive system powered by a 12 V lead-acid battery. The system proposed in this paper consists of dc-dc Push-Pull converter to step up the dc voltage and to match the impedance between the battery and motor load; and an IGBT inverter which provides the high-side phase currents to a 1 kW brushless DC motor. In order to enhance the steady-state performance, a torque ripple reduction technique is also implemented to the proposed design. The simulation results are also discussed and analyzed in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed design. |
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Title : A Feasibility Study of a Mesophilic Anaerobic Biological Process Unit Installation in Attica, Greece Authors : Evangelia Karalis
Abstract :
A feasibility study is presented of a possible mesophilic dry anaerobic digestion unit installation in Attica, which will manage 35600ton/y of fresh substrate of the source sorted organic fraction of solid municipal waste (SS-OFSMW). It consists of a pre-processing step (mechanical screening -cutting) and the main dry anaerobic biological treatment. For the main anaerobic digestion unit two configurations are taken into consideration. This study focuses on the calculation of the main characteristics of the biogas unit (reactor volume, biogas tank volume, CHP power) and gives average values of the unit input-output data. Results show that the mesophilic process can produce approximately 160m3 of biogas per ton of fresh substrate, which is consistent with large-scale studies in the European Union. Also, a rough economic analysis of the unit is attempted. The investment cost will be around 9 -11M€ and the pay back of the investment about 5-7 years. |
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Title : Advertisements Sway Over Youth: A Gender Based Investigation of Students from Goa Authors : Dr. Juao Costa
Abstract :
The impact of T.V. in general and advertisements in particular is vital, because of its enormous potential as an audio – visual communicator. It enables the creative man to communicate by combining motion, sound, words, color, personality and stage setting to express and demonstrate ideas to a large and widely distributed audience in the most effective manner. The paper tries to find out the influence of advertising on students from Goa. For the purpose a hypothesis was formed and tested with various statistical tools such as Mean and Independent sample ‘t’ test. More than 2000 students from different levels across Goa were investigated to collect the information with the help of Likert five point scales. Further the data collected from the students was grouped into seven important areas to find out the impact of advertising on the following aspects: Watching advertisements by students; Advertisements and desire for products; Advertising as a source of information; Role of models in advertising in influencing students; Influence of advertising on drinking and smoking; Modeling as career; Influence of advertising on purchases. It was found out that, “influence advertising on students is not significant”. It means that students in general are not carried away by the exaggerated, deceptive and any other form of advertising. The students have showed a great deal of maturity. |
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Title : The Relationship between the Government Governance and Economic Development in Samoa Authors : Ruby Folau, Zhang Chen
Abstract :
Economists have come to an understanding that governance is one of the important aspect explaining the difference in performance of a country across the globe. As a developing nation such as Samoa, governance is the key issue, and this study aims at exploring relationships between government governance proxied by five dimensions of World Governance Indicators (WGI) i.e. (voice and accountability, political stability, government effectiveness, rule of law, control of corruption) and economic development is proxied by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Moreover, it also aims at determining which of the five aforementioned variables that contributes most on the economic development. Statistical tools such as Spearman’s rho correlation and Multi linear regression were used to test the hypotheses and the model, using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). The data was collected from the World Bank related to Samoa covering the period of 1996-2014. The study concludes that out of the five dimensions of WGI, Control of Corruption contributes highly to the economy and the only variable that has a positive relation with Economic Development. The remaining four dimensions have negative relations, therefore the government should focus more on these variables on how to improve their functions in the future. It is extremely shown that this paper will help to determine the current situation of the country and to identify more professional ways to help improve the government management for the future well- being of the country. |
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Title : Formation of Quasi-Integrative Aircraft Construction Structure within Ukrainian Defense System In Terms Of Small-Scale Aircraft Production (on example of SE "Antonov") Authors : Marina Yanchuk, Natalia Otlivanskaya
Abstract :
Urgent need of successful embedding of national high-tech enterprises of the national military-industrial complex in the global reproductive cycle is grounded. The analysis of quasiintegration processes in knowledge-intensive and high-tech sector is conducted and basics of creating mobile quasiintegrative aircraft mconstruction structure in the military-industrial complex as one of the areas of defense industry integration in the global defense industry. Urgency of decentralization of aircraft building corporations and refusing from closed technological cycles as natural measures of increasing management flexibility and response to complications of their basic functions (R&D, manufacturing, marketing, sales, planning and accounting, investment) is scientifically grounded. Basics of system integration in the aircraft industry as a new model of technological chains management on example of EADS corporation are explained where product integrators implemented model of the globally integrated supply chain Global Sourcing Network (GSN). Creating open model of aircraft manufacturing corporation on the basis of domestic aircraft building enterprises in the system of military defense is grounded, which involves the purchase of structural elements of the highest quality from specialized suppliers, uniform design and manufacturing and service enterprises, and involving capacity of aircraft construction corporation only for assembly work, which will ensure reduction in the duration of the project-production cycle, decreasing of working capital and transaction costs parrallel with cost savings on production of structural elements and more. Conceptual basis for the formation of quasi-integrative aircraft construction structure on the basis of domestic aircraft construction enterprises headed by leading aircraft enterprise SE "Antonov". Additional formats of quasi-integrative relations in the creation and functioning of quasi-integrative aircraftconstruction structure as a mobile economic unit are described, namely quasi-internalizing and externalizing relations format, quasi-externalization which assumes within the network relations preserving by the main system integrator control over the assets and hierarchy of all structural elements of the system based on the market coordination and vertical disintegration through outsourcing, etc. The question of balanced functioning of quasi-integrative aircraft construction structures based on the united subjects' resources complementarity is considered; selecting participants by the criteria of economic feasibility of common effective functioning, sectoral affiliation, specialization, as well as the location of enterprises and related co-productions; concentration of ownership, which leads to the strategy of the quasi-integration initiators in the part of rights distribution management in accordance with the capital share |
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Title : Performance Evaluation of Very Low-Volume –Low CBR Flexible Pavements With Stone Dust Stabilized Sub Grades Authors : Mamidi Ajay Kumar
Abstract :
Many rural areas in developing countries like India lack adequate and affordable access to transport infrastructure and services. The problem is more persistent in low volume and low CBR value sub-grades. The objective of this project is to evaluate the required flexible pavement for very low volume traffic roads with very low CBR values with practically very low traffic of not more than 30-40 vehicles mostly comprising passenger cars where the level of serviceability is very high. The IRC recommended pavement composition is for unpaved gravel roads in rural areas with low volume traffic. There are various disadvantages associated with construction of the road using gravel like dust generation, and gravel loss over a period of time due to passage of vehicles and inaccessibility during rains and the quality of serviceability is unsatisfactory. Problems with sub grade having low CBR values are stability and large deformations or settlements. A project has been taken up where the CBR of sub grade soil is 1.5 or less, the soil is improved by mechanical stabilization with an additive of stone dust. The emphasis of the project is ‘Performance evaluation of very low-low-CBRFlexible pavements with stone dust stabilized sub- grades ’. The addition of stone dust has improved the sub soil condition in achieving higher CBR value. Locally available soils mixed with crushed stone dust serve as effective reinforcement in soft soils for different sub-grade resulting in technically better sub-grade as well cost economy in savings of aggregate material and also reducing carbon foot print. |
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Title : A Survey on Access Control Models and Encryption Schemes for Cloud Storage System Authors : Pooja B. Gajeli, Pratibha S. Yalagi
Abstract :
The cloud storage service is the technology in cloud computing Architecture, which provides online storage services for data owners via the Internet and enables data owners to remotely store their data in to cloud. Providing security is most important need in the cloud storage system; For example, consider data owner share their data to the authorized user depends on their privilege, so the data must be protected against cloud service provider and also unauthorized users. Hence, there is a need to design authorization model and to protect data. As a part of the access control process, the authorization decision needs to be taken by data owner based on certain authorization model. An authorization model contains all required elements needed for the decision (e.g., subjects, objects, and roles) as well as their relations. This paper studies on number of access control models and encryption schemes which would helpful to implement authorization model and to protect data according the users requirement. |
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Title : A Survey on Infrequent Weighted Mining Authors : Rizwana Begum S.M, Pratibha.S. Yalagi
Abstract :
Pattern mining has become an essential function of data mining. Mining infrequent and frequent pattern from a dataset is the most essential part of data mining. Most of the research study has been done on frequent itemset mining but much less study has been given to mining Infrequent itemsets even though it has obtained its usage in many different real life applications such as Market basket analysis, Risk analysis, Fraud Detection, Biological data analysis. In a Mark Basket analysis infrequent itemset mining can be used to increase profits of items purchased by customers. The infrequent Itemset mining is the process of mining itemsets whose support is less than or equal to maximum support threshold. Discovering infrequent patterns efficiently from large datasets and an important pattern from the discovered patterns is the challenging problem in the field of infrequent Itemset mining. This paper provides a broad summary of the different papers that gives insight into various algorithms designed for mining infrequent itemsets which can help in future research work in the field of itemset mining. This paper also gives comparative study on Various infrequent itemset mining algorithms. |
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Title : Smart Home Monitoring and Controlling System using Raspberry Pi through Android Application Authors : Vaishnavi S. Gunge, Pratibha S. Yalagi
Abstract :
The home automation system is a system of operating or controlling a process by electronic devices with reducing human involvement to a minimum. This paper aims at the implementation of monitoring and controlling smart home system from an android application based on Raspberry Pi. A system uses Wi-Fi technology as a communication protocol to connect smart home system components. A system developed using two main components an android platform and Raspberry Pi. An android application that can give orders to units that one wishes to control and a second part is Raspberry Pi that has an appropriate interface to sensors and appliances of a home automation system and communicates with an android application through wireless technology. Implemented smart home application is tested and it is able to perform the smart home operations such as indoor and outdoor temperature monitoring and, switching functionalities, automatic lighting etc. Experimental results show the efficient implementation of proposed smart home system. |
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Title : A Heuristic Method for the Selection of the Regularization Parameter in Kernel Regression Authors : Helder Fernando Pedrosa e Sousa, Francisco Lage Calheiros
Abstract :
A new method and criterion are proposed to find the best regularization or smoothing parameter, h, in nonparametric regression by the kernel method on a sample obtained at points equally spaced. The new heuristic criterion is based in the skewness coefficient of the regression estimator derivatives in order of h on all data points, and allows to obtain a comprehensive tool to construct a practical method to control the smoothness of the curve, without the usual and more elaborated criterion based in convergence over the estimator that have, for example, conditions on kernel functions. With a simple calculation for a distance, it is possible to obtain the regularization parameter, h. The selection of the regularization parameter must be clearly different if it is aimed to minimize the error or to calculate the zeros of the regression function. |
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Title : A Simulative Study of AODV, DSDV & DSR Routing Protocols for MANET Authors : Patrick Junior Ah Kuoi, Prof. Zhi Zhong Ding
Abstract :
In the past few years we have witnessed a tremendous inflation in the world of mobile computing. Due to the rise of inexpensive and widely available wireless devices, Ad-hoc networks have now become one of the most vibrant and active field of communication and networks and it has captured an important part of the interest of researchers. Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less mobile wireless communication system, meaning that MANET nodes can function both as an end system and also as a router to forward data packets. These nodes are free to move about and change position frequently without a centralized control mechanism, hence the name of “multi-hop wireless network”. As like any other wireless network, routing protocols are the primary strategy to its design. Route discovery and packet forwarding operations within a network need an efficient routing protocol. The main method for evaluating the performance of MANETs is simulation. In this paper, we compare and evaluate the functionality and performance of the 3 widely used routing protocols in MANET which are AODV (Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector), DSDV (Destination Sequenced Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) routing protocols. Simulations are all conducted in Network Simulator 2.35 (NS2) running on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Linux). Performance evaluations are based on metrics such as end-to-end delay, throughput, packet delivery ratio and jitter as the number of nodes in a network change. |
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Title : Impact of ISO 50001- A Study With Reference to DCW Ltd., Sahupuram Plant in India Authors : Dr. R. Sundararaj, A. Karthick, R. Ponraj kumar
Abstract :
Different standards drive organizations to use energy more efficiently. ISO 50001 provides a basis for energy management improvement. The paper present the impact of implementation of ISO 50001 based energy management in the DHARANGADHARA CHEMICAL WORKS (DCW) Ltd. Sahupuram, Thoothukudi district Tamil Nadu India. The paper also presents organizations that surpass ISO 50001 certification requirements. A knowledgebase that has been founded on the ISO 50001 processes. Further we have proposed the energy conservation in the Air-conditioning system which could saves more power. |
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Title : Assessment of Business Process Reengineering Implementation, Practices and Associated Problems: A Case of Assosa Town Educational Bureau, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia Authors : Yirga Yayeh Munaye, Getaneh Berie Tarekegn
Abstract :
The study mainly focuses on assessing the Business Process Reengineering implementation and practices and associated problems in Benishangul Gumuz Regional state Assosa Town Educational Bureau and to recommend best solutions which are helpful to take corrective actions if required to improve the existing situations. The Descriptive study method focusing on Business Process Reengineering implementation practices and associated problems will be designed. This method is selected due to its simplicity and appropriateness to the study and helps the researcher to describe the phenomenon reflected by respondents as it is. Finally, Business Process Reengineering put forward hope of providing such improvement in cost, cycle time, quality, and use of capital to many enterprises. The researcher has tried to find out that attempts had been made in this paper observed & the practices of Impact Assessment of Business process reengineering on Organizational performance |
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Title : Cost Influencing Factors on a Building Construction Site: A Delphi Study Authors : Yogesh Iyer Murthy, Anupriya Pandey
Abstract :
This paper investigates and identifies the major factors which affect the construction cost of a building construction site using the classical Delphi technique in three rounds of survey. The expert panel consisted of five contractors, five consultants and ten government officials. Fifty-five factors which affect the construction cost were initially identified and after three round of survey the factors were subsequently narrowed down to ten major factors. It was inferred that the statistical approach provides an easier means to quantify the effects of different factors. From the severity index rating of all the three panels of experts it was concluded that the cost of material was the most important factor which affected the construction cost in Indian scenario; while the social and cultural factor was the least affecting. |
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Title : Kundum Festival – A Repository of the Rich Culture of the Nzema at Axim in Western Region, Ghana Authors : Agbeyewornu Kofi Kemevor, Abraham Aibie
Abstract :
In this survey, an attempt has been made to give an account of the functions art forms play in the cultural preservation of the Kundum festival. A mixed method approach which included observation of scenes, interviews and questionnaire administration was employed in collecting data. The sample size for the research analysis was Sixty-eight (68) made up of Fifteen (15) royals and significant community members and fifty-three (53) individual respondents comprising participants, elders, opinion leaders among others. Responses from the royals and significant community members were through interviews conducted whiles research questionnaires were used to gather information from fifty-three (53) individual respondents. The survey outcome indicated that 100% of the individual respondents said that Akotoko Yanzu is credited with the introduction of the festival from Aboadze. In addition, the outcome from the interview with some royals affirmed that all respondents (i.e. [15] 100%) interviewed mentioned the "sienu"(i.e. rites at outskirt of Axim town), the "akpazo"( i.e. sacrificial rites on Tuesday), singing of Kundum dirges, lighting of the Kundum fires among others as some of the important rites, rituals and taboos associated with Kundum celebration. The important role arts play in cultural preservation is that it helps to educate the celebrants to imbibe their cultural practices to help in the preservation of the arts and culture of the people to set the pace for the celebration and to harmonize the relationship between the people and their ancestors. |
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Title : Establish Integrated Methodology for Purchasing Department in Supply Chain to Reduce Total Operational Costs Authors : Watheq H. Laith, Swsan S.Abed Ali, Mahmoud A. Mahmoud
Abstract :
Manufacturers need a strategy to decrease total costs for items and to increase customer satisfactions. Purchasing department receive the items from suppliers at the same time of the demand is one of the keys of decreasing the risk for the manufacturers. Just –In-Time ( JIT ) model is one of the ways for achieving this goal , but it may not be the optimal solution. The first reason is , in the JIT model the manufacturers order the items whenever they need to meet the demand . The second reason is , by increasing order quantities, the price and shipping cost per item will be decreased , although in a JIT model , the price breaks for purchasing and transportation costs may not happen at all time points. A new methodology covers pull system , push systems ,short planning horizon , long planning horizon, pull and push systems and applied in Wasit company.In this paper, we used two models to reduce total costs in this proposed methodology, total cost consist from purchasing, holding and transportation costs, it using two models and solving by genetic algorithm (GA) to determine the best order quantity. |
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