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Title : An Assessment of the Impact of E-payment Adoption on Cost Efficiency of Selected Deposits Money Banks Authors : Oladejo. Morufu. O, Fasina. Hassan Taiwo
Abstract :
Empirical studies have confirmed high cost of operations in the Nigerian Deposits Money Banks (DMBs) in term of maintaining and keeping physical cash, .thus creating room for further investigation in the financial sub- sector (Central bank of Nigeria Report 2009). The current study becomes important due to inadequate empirical research in the area of E-Payment adoption influence on banks’ cost efficiency in the Nigerian context. The study therefore examined the impact of E-Payments adoption on cost efficiency of the Nigerian Deposits Money Banks (DMBs). Secondary data were obtained from annual report and accounts of ten quoted (DMBs) between 2005 and 2012. Based on the likelihood ratio (LR) statistics from Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) the result indicated positive and significant (at 0.05) improvement in the cost efficiency of the sampled banks. The overall mean cost efficiency obtained (1.214) exceeds 1 indicating that e-payment adopting banks could reduce their cost by to remain at highest possible efficient level in the sector. This means that e-payment adoption caused the cost efficiency of the sampled banks to increase. The findings from the study are expected to assist banks in the formulation and implementation of E-payments policy for improved performance in the economic sub-sector. |
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Title : Quality Measurement of Ug in Your Hand Application on User Satisfaction Using Webqual 4.0 Method Authors : Amelia Belinda Silviana, Widya Silfianti
Abstract :
Information and communication technology is part of the existing technological development in globalization era. Relating to the high mobility, the usage of mobile phone is increasing and mobile phone based applications are also emerging. Gunadarma University has a mobile phone application, that is UG in Your Hand. It is a Java-based student access mobile application for students at the University of Gunadarma. This application contains academic information, courses information and workshops organized by the University of Gunadarma. In addition, the application provides information of students’ portfolio, news info on student site, services to register the seminar, and support services for students at the University of Gunadarma as well. This research was conducted with the aim of measuring the quality of UG in Your Hand application on the level of satisfaction based on users’ perception as well as to determine any factors of the application that should be improved. The WebQual 4.0 method used in this study was designed to measure the quality of UG in Your Hand application. WebQual 4.0 method consists of three dimensions, namely usability, information quality and interaction quality. Multiple linear regression analysis is used to measure the impact of UG in Your Hand application quality on user satisfaction. This study used dependent and independent variables. The independent variables were taken from WebQual dimensions of the usability, information quality, and interaction quality. Meanwhile, the dependent variable was the user satisfaction. The results of this research, based on descriptive analysis, show that the highest average value is owned by the dimensions of information quality. Based on the multiple linear regression analysis consisting of f significance tests, t significance tests, and the coefficient of determination, variables of usability, quality of service interaction, and information quality have effects on the user’s satisfaction variables. |
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Title : Determination of the Trace Elements Effecting The Color of the Gypsum Mineral Authors : Ali TUMUKLU, Murat CIFLIKLI, F. Zafer OZGUR
Abstract :
Gypsum is the chemical sedimentary rock and wide spread in Turkey and the World. Gypsum may have different colors like white, gray, pink and orange. In this study, trace elements in white gypsum collected from Ulukışla Evaporites (Central Turkey) and trace elements in orange gypsum collected from Ostradnaya (Russia) were investigated. As a result of the evaluation of the obtained data, it is found that, the elements that give the orange color to the gypsum are Fe, Cr and Ni. |
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Title : Contingency Assessment of Generators in the 330-Kv Grid and Major Factors Affecting Electricity Generation in Nigeria Authors : James O. Onojo, Kelechi Inyama, Gordon C. Ononiwu, Samuel Okozi
Abstract :
An over-riding factor in the operation of the power system is the desire to maintain security and expectable reliability level in all the sectors- power generation, transmission and distribution. Steady state power system insecurity such as generator outage causes transmission elements cascade outages which may lead to complete blackout. The security assessment is an essential task as it gives the knowledge about the system state in the event of a contingency. Contingency analysis technique is being widely used to predict the effect of outages like failures of equipment and to take necessary actions to keep the power system secure and reliable. In this paper, the effects of double generator (N-2) outage contingency and simultaneous transfer were considered in Nigerian 330-kV network. The results show that double generator outages can result in an infeasible operating condition (system collapse) of major parts of the Nigerian 330-kV power grid. Also the capacity and major factors affecting electricity generation in Nigeria were highlighted. |
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Title : Blue Brain - The Future Generation Authors : Sushil Tiwari, Vinay Rajput, Ujjval Kumar, Yasvendra Dwivedi
Abstract :
Human brain is the most valuable creation of God. The man is intelligent because of the brain. “Blue brain” is the name of the world’s first virtual brain. That means a machine can function as human brain. Today scientists are in research to create an artificial brain that can think, response, take decision, and keep anything in memory. The main aim is to upload human brain into machine. So that man can think, take decision without any effort. After the death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man. So, even after the death of a person we will not lose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities, feelings and memories of that man that can be used for the development of the human society. |
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Title : Korean Media Strategies: Gaining and Sustaining the Popularity of Koreans Drama in Malaysia Authors : Julina Tajul Ariffin
Abstract :
The rising in popularity of Korean entertainment contents in Asia has created a boom in the entertainment industry. TV drama series in Korea have become the most favorite media genre. As consequences, Malaysian viewers are prone to Korean dramas compared to other Asian dramas. The purpose of this study is to understand the Koreans media strategies to continuously gaining and sustaining the popularity of Korean's drama in Malaysia. The success of the Korean drama industry can provide inspiration and motivation as well as encouragement to propel the Malaysian drama industry to emulate the glorious future as what the Korean Wave has achieved. The strategy and approach of the Korean drama industry then could be applied and exploited for the Malaysian drama industry to success globally. |
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Title : Reactive Power Compensation by Facts Thyristor Switched Reactor (TSR) Using Microcontroller Authors : Bhavesh S. Patel, Mahmadsoyeb A. Rathod
Abstract :
The scheme is designed to implement FACTS by TSR (Thyristor Switched Reactor) which is controlled by microcontroller This method is used either when charging the transmission line or when there is very low load at the receiving end. Due to very low or no load, very low current flows through the transmission line and shunt capacitance in the transmission line becomes dominant. This causes voltage amplification (Ferranti Effect) due to which receiving end voltage may become more than the sending ends voltage and power factor also reduce near to the zero leading (generally in case of very long transmission lines). To compensate this, shunt inductors are automatically connected across the transmission line. Shunt reactor decreases the receiving end voltage to the normal sending end value and also maintain the power factor nearer to the unity. |
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Title : Hazardous Gas Detection and Alerting System using LCD Authors : Gaayana S. S.
Abstract :
Hazardous gases detection became a concern after the effects of harmful gases on human health were discovered. Gas detectors can be used to detect combustible, flammable and toxic gases and oxygen depletion. This type of device is used widely in industry and can be found in locations such as oil rigs. They may be used in firefighting. This device detects the amount of gas in the environment and displays the readings and alerts the user. |
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Title : Effect of Thickness of Porous Lining on the Peristaltic Transport of a Conducting Fluid in an Inclined Channel Bounded By Flexible Walls Coated With Porous Material Authors : N.Naga Jyothi, P.Devaki, S.Sreenadh
Abstract :
Peristaltic pumping of a conducting fluid in a channel lined with porous material is investigated under long wavelength and low Reynolds number assumptions. The expressions for velocity distribution, the volume flow rate, the pressure rise and the frictional force are obtained and are discussed through graphs for various values of physical parameters of interest. The effect of thickness of porous lining on the peristaltic pumping is discussed graphically. Besides the phenomena of trapping is analyzed for the thickness of porous lining, Darcy number and the magnetic parameter. |
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Title : Uploading Human Brain to Blue Brain Authors : Arti Kumari, Deepti Tripathi, Kritika Gupta, Pratibha Prakash
Abstract :
Upgrading a human brain to blue brain is the first made global effort to reverse-engineer the brain of mammalian, in order to understand the function of brain through detailed simulation. BLUE BRAIN is the name acknowledged as the world’s prime virtual brain which means, a machine that can function as human brain. Nowadays scientists are in research to build an artificial brain that can guess, react , take decision and keep anything in memory. The main objective is to upload human brain into machine with the help of nanobots. So that, man can take decisions without any effort. After the mortality of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man. So that, even after the mortality of a person we will not lose the knowledge, Intelligence, feelings, and memories of that man that can be further used in the development of human society. |
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Title : Design of Flight Control System for Flying Wing UAV Based on Pitch and Roll Rotation Authors : Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, Andi Dharmawan, Oktaf Agni Dhewa, Nur Achmad Sulistyo Putro
Abstract :
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has capabilities to observe the earth surface from the air. But, to conduct the mission require a certain level of expertise to fly and control the UAV. It is not a simple thing to fly UAV for people who are new to the aero modelling. Flying wing as a fixed wing aircraft has an advantage of gliding flight. It can reduce the dependence on the thrust of the brushless motor. This is due to the support by a pair of wide wings so it can be maneuvered with sufficient speed. This paper shows how to develop a good flight control system design to make UAV can fly in the semi-auto mode. It also resulted design can overcome the rotation angle of roll and pitch that can occur when a plane disturbed in the sky. |
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Title : Higher Order Hmm Based Group Replacement Model Considering Macroeconomic Variable Authors : Srinivas Basamgari, Dr.S. Gajanana, Dr. K. Hemachandra Reddy
Abstract :
Block or group replacement model is developed to the objects that fail completely on utilization. Industrial item/equipment gets worn with time and usage and it functions with decreasing efficiency. The increasing repair and maintenance cost demands the replacement of items. In the present work an intermediate state called repairable state in between working and breakdown state is taken into consideration and Higher Order Hidden Markov Model (HMM) concept is applied in generating the probabilities of items falling in different states. Replacement decision is made considering macroeconomic variable, “inflation”. |
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Title : Investigation of the Effectiveness of Wheelchair Based On Ergonomic Study Authors : K.A. Shamsuddin, S.S.S.A. Samad, M.S.M. Zain, M.M.A.M.M Aris
Abstract :
This document has been prepared to provide the reader with information about ergonomics in designing a wheelchair base from the anthropometry of human body. Ergonomic provide an ultimate comfort in workplace to eliminate or at least to reduce musculoskeletal disorders. Automotive ergonomics is the study of how automotive can be designed better for human use [1]. Biomechanical study of wheelchair posture is one of the most referenced aspects for the ergonomic design process of the whole vehicle [2]. The aim of this work is to study customer satisfaction as the wheelchair user, to compare design and seat dimensions to comfort factors by means of measuring and survey as well as using ergonomic software and to recommend the best dimension of user in aspect of anthropometric data percentile. Portions of a reliable and valid survey were used for this investigation. From the result, gives a high validity and reliability of the survey questionnaire responds and correlate with the result from the Ergonomic Analysis in Catia V5 and the RULA Analysis Assessment of the manikin in Catia V5. It can be seen that the dimension of the wheelchair design affects the ergonomic factors. By looking into specific dimension parameters, one can see the differentiation between the two wheelchairs. For user's comfort as well as reach factors, survey shows majority respondents give a different respond of the wheelchairs. However from discomfort assessment using Ergonomic Analysis in Catia V5, it was suggested that future design simulation gives better comfort for taller population while actual design simulation gives better comfort for shorter population. |
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Title : Impact of mobility on energy consumption of DSR protocol for routing in mobile ad hoc networks Authors : Pradeep Kumar, Brajesh Kumar, Amit Doegar
Abstract :
A Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a self-configuring network without using any established infrastructure. The nodes are battery operated and therefore energy is a scarce resource in MANET. Many routing algorithms are proposed in literature and evaluated under different scenarios. The Performance of MANETs not only depends upon the routing mechanism but also on mobility model chosen. Mobility model is used to represent the mobility of individual node and it plays a crucial role when evaluating the performance of routing protocols. The energy being limited is crucial for MANET operations. Although both mobility and energy issues have been addressed so many times but mobility based energy consumption studies are not performed that much. The aim here is to study the impact of mobility model on the energy consumption in MANET routing protocols. The energy consumption under different mobility models like Random Waypoint, Reference Point Group Mobility, Manhattan Grid and Gauss Markov is evaluated through simulation using NS2 with varying number of nodes for different modes of operation. The well known DSR protocol is taken as the candidate protocol for performing experiments under different scenarios |
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Title : Air Quality Meter Authors : Pushpa U S, Shardul Dhusia, Ankita Kumar, Rachana Shetty
Abstract :
Air pollution is the biggest problem of every nation, whether it is developed or developing. Health problems have been growing at faster rate especially in urban areas of developing countries where industrialization and growing number of vehicles leads to release of lot of gaseous pollutants. The researches suggests that the number of deaths tied to air pollution will continue to rise in the coming decades due to increasing rate of emission of these dangerous pollutants. Policymakers across the globe have responded to air pollution with a slew of new regulations, many of which focus on curbing pollution from coal. China denied of new coal mines for three years till the end of 2015. Also cities in China have come up with warning systems to get cars off the streets and halt industrial pollution during periods of intense smog. This brought down level of pollution to a very descent level improving the conditions of the environment, various kinds of anthropogenic emissions called primary pollutants thrust into the atmosphere that undergoes chemical reaction and leads to the formation of new pollutants normally called as secondary pollutants. |
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Title : Partial Ionization Cross Sections for SiF4 by Electron Impact Authors : Satyndra Pal
Abstract :
The present work reports the calculations for differential cross sections as a function of secondary and or ejected electron energy in the ionization of SiF4 by electron collision corresponding mto the production of various cations viz. singly charged ions SiFn+ (n=0-4) and F+ and doubly charged ions SiF3+2 and SiF2+2 through direct and dissociative ionization processes at a fixed incident electron energy of 200 eV. The modified Jain-Khare semi-empirical formalism based on oscillator strength has been employed for evaluation of cross sections. In absence of the experimental and/ or theoretical data for comparison of the differential cross sections, the corresponding derived partial integral cross sections in terms of the partial ionization cross sections for these cations in the energy range varying from ionization threshold to 1000 eV, revealed a reasonably good agreement with the available data. In addition to the differential and integral ionization cross sections, we have also calculated the ionization rate coefficients using the evaluated partial ionization cross sections and the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution as a function of electron energy. |
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Title : Manual Testing and Conceptual Data Modeling in Software Evaluation a Brief Summary Authors : Dr Suneeta Sachin Rachanaikar, Sachin M Rachanaikar
Abstract :
Software development initiates from requirements gathering and analysis then continues with design, coding and concludes with testing. With possible continuation there after by taking inputs from review which is supported by software testing. Testing is an important phase that too manual testing truly verifies software for expected outcome. Over the years researchers have contributed in manual testing field. In this article an attempt is made to reconnoiter efforts in the area of manual testing. Further study is made towards not only knowing so far efforts but possibility of enhancing manual testing. In doing so presence of conceptual data model (CDM) is taken into consideration to relate it with manual testing. Existing literature is the main source for possibility of making hypothesis of efficient manual testing by associating it with CDM. |
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Title : Effect of Variable Conversion Factor on Data Reliability Authors : Grace C. Akujobi-Emetuche, Ogbonna F. Joel, Franklin O. Chukwuma, Emenike N. Wami
Abstract :
Field operations figures collected from three pipeline segments showed that most of the data generated in different measurement units are inconsistent. Therefore, these raw figures lead to complexity in stock accounting, reconciliation and inconsistency in pipeline delivery figures. The objective of this work is to establish a simplified procedure that will proffer solution to the discrepancies and aid in quick resolution of the inconsistencies in petroleum and petroleum products delivered through the pipeline. Figure 1 has the percentage difference in volume and weight as 0.16% and 0.37% respectively, Figure 2, has the percentage difference in volume and weight as 9.5% and 9.46. Figure 3 has the percentage difference in volume and weight as 0.62% and 0.58%. The rule of thumb to check the conversion was established as 7.31. This procedure can be applied to other petroleum products delivered through the pipeline. This procedure no doubt would help to minimize overblown losses, instill professional checks, and present reliable figures to end users. |
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Title : Parameter Assurance Protocol and Efficient Pipeline Design for Accurate Petroleum Product Delivery (CASE STUDY ON SYSTEM 2E/2EX, 0-56 KILOMETER SEGMENTS) Authors : Grace C. Akujobi-Emetuche, Ogbonna F. Joel, Franklin O. Chukwuma, Emenike N. Wami
Abstract :
The objective of this work is to highlight the quality assurance protocol for efficient pipeline delivery discovered while carrying out review study on a pipeline segments. The referenced pipeline systems transport petroleum products from Port Harcourt to Aba for distribution within the South East region of Nigeria and the environs. The main work was on efficient petroleum product delivery through a 56 kilometer length of pipeline. The was to distinguish when pressure drop is due to external impact on the pipeline, low tank level from the supplying point or up-set in any of the associated pumping equipment. This work examined the relationship existing among the pipe inlet/mainline pressure (at pump station), pressure drop (along the pipeline) and the exit or landing pressure at the receiving Depot. The key parameters considered are flow rates, densities of the products, velocity, pressure drop, losses due to elevation change and fittings. Since the products have different specifications, they are introduced into the pipeline in batches, and sometimes in running change-over. Review analysis was carried out using semi-quantitative and semi-empirical techniques, applicable design considerations and assumptions. The outcome was the formula considered as quality assurance protocol for pipeline stability and efficient delivery. The formula expresses the mainline pressure as the product of mass flow rate and velocity divided by the product of the prediction factor and square of the internal diameter for the reference pipe length. The formula was tested with field data and the result showed deviation of less than 0.01% for each product delivery. It also revealed that at optimum flow rate of 240m3/hr, the parameters for the three products are so close and can be used interchangeably for any of the products in a running change-over (continuous ) pumping operation. |
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Title : Analysis of Core Technical Issues in the Revitalization of the Nigeria Railway System Authors : Luqman Muhammed Audu, Muhammed Abudu, Muniru Braimah, Ogaga Kenneth Ajaino
Abstract :
The railway system is the most effective and safest means of transport for heavy goods movement in the economy with the additional advantage of lower cost per person per load as the train load increases. These factors notwithstanding the service delivery of the Nigeria Railway Corporation which played a significant role in the development and growth of the Nigeria economy deteriorated sharply with time leading to an inefficient, unreliable and uncompetitive transport system. Although a lot of studies have been carried out on the revitalization of the Nigeria railway industry, most of them concentrated on funding, rail line and wagon refurbishment, and management issues without much consideration given to core technical issues bothering on local capacity acquisition in the building of locomotives and rolling stocks, maintenance, spare parts sourcing, and other technical issues that will make the Nigeria Railway System economically viable and self-sustaining. In conjunction with the views of other stakeholders a rational plan was devised that will facilitate local capacity acquisition in the process planning, manufacture and maintenance of rail system components and equipments with Concurrent Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacture under a Memorandum of Understanding with reputable railway operators and manufacturers. The paper concluded that the implementation of the local content capacity drive in technical competence in the operation of the Nigeria railway system will reposition the Nigeria Rail System to compete with other modes of transportation on both price and quality of service. |
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Title : Significance of Conventional Activated Sludge System & Sequential Batch Reactor Authors : Puneet Sharma, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Dr. D.P.Gupta
Abstract :
The sequencing batch reactor utilizes the Mix Air system by providing separate mixing with the direct drive mixer (DDM) and an aeration source such as jet surface aerator or Aerobic diffused-aeration. This system has the capability to cyclically operate the aeration and mixing to promote anoxic/aerobic and anaerobic environments with low energy consumption. In addition, the Mix Air system can achieve and recover alkalinity through denitrification, prevent nitrogen gas disruption in the settle phase, promote biological phosphorus removal. The Aerobic floating decanter follows the liquid level, maximizing the distance between the effluent withdrawal and sludge blanket. It is an integral component to the SBR system and provides reliable, dual barrier subsurface withdrawal with low entrance velocities to ensure surface materials will not be drawn into the treated effluent. The decanter option is easily accessible from the side of the basin and requires minimal maintenance. |
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Title : Comparative Study between Conventional Activated Sludge System & Sequential Batch Reactor Authors : Puneet Sharma, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Dr. D.P.Gupta
Abstract :
Our Earth is the only Planet in our Milky Way galaxy which is a perfect blend of each ingredient essential for existence of life. It has approximately an area of 510 million Sq Km. Ninety-seven percent of the water on the earth is salt water. Salt water is filled with salt and other minerals, and humans cannot drink this water. Although the salt can be removed, it is a difficult and expensive process. Two percent of the water on earth is glacier ice at the North and South Poles. This ice is fresh water and could be melted; however, it is too far away from where people live to be usable. Less than 1% of all the water on earth is fresh water that we can actually use. We use this small amount of water for drinking, transportation, heating and cooling, industry, and many other purposes. The fresh water used by per capita per day is 20 percent and rest 80 percent gets wasted. This waste water must be treated so as to reuse of waste water. Thus Sewage Treatment Plants are constructed to get clean water out of the waste water. Sewage Treatment can be done by different several technologies. But the latest technology nowadays used is Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR). The object of this project is to represent the information regarding Sewage Treatment Plant integrated with latest treatment technology named as Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR). We will discuss about Planning, Designing, Construction, Management as well as Result of SBR Technology. |
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Title : Multiple Notch Circularly and Linear Polarized antenna with Parasitic Array and Orthogonal Shorting-Pin Loading Techniques Authors : Oshee Surbhi Nandi, Teena Raikwar
Abstract :
A Multi-notch Circularly Polarized Antenna with Parasitic Array, U-Slot and Shorting-Pin Loading Technique is proposed in this paper. Design antenna-1 and antenna-2. The patch is designed with parasitic array technique; designing of parasitic array configuration yagi uda array concept is used. Top two layers as director and third layer used as driven elements, coaxial feeding used for excitation, forth layer ground plane used as reflector. Dimension of driven elements is design using transmission line model, and further design is carry out by parasitic array concepts. For achieving multiband and compactness of antenna geometry used three orthogonal shorting pins in parasitic array configuration. Circular polarization of antenna validated by axial-ratio (AR) curve. By loading a shorting pin to the patch in orthogonal pattern, the minimum point of lower frequency moves to higher frequency, and broad AR band is obtained consequently. The optimization parameter for the proposed antenna is to achieve multiple notches for validation of proposed geometry IE3D Simulator is used. |
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Title : Financial Development and Economic Growth: New evidence from Algeria Authors : Bendahmane Amina, Ayad sidi Mohamed, Medjahed Kenza, Benbouziane Mohamed
Abstract :
This paper aims to reexamine the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Algeria over the period of 1980–2014. We employ three different measures of financial development to build an indicator of financial development using principal component analysis (PCA). Using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bounds test technique, the empirical results show that financial development index has a negative and significant effect on economic growth in Algeria |
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