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Title : Establishment of the Level of Teachers Preparedness in Teaching Intergrated HIV/AIDS Education Curriculum Amoung Secondary Schools Girls in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya Authors : Beatrice W. Karimia, Dr. Ruth Thinguri
Abstract :
The adolescent girls of the age 15-24 are at high risk of being infected with HIV due to their high vulnerability to HIV infections that are attributed to their sexual behaviors. In Kenya, reports indicate that girls are three times more vulnerable than boys of the same age. For this reason, the government has introduced integrated HIV/AIDS education in the school’s curriculum as a strategy to halt HIV infections among the youth in schools. Nevertheless, integrated HIV/AIDS education may not have successfully addressed sexual behaviors that expose the girls to HIV infections. The purpose of the study was to establish the level of teachers’ preparedness to teach HIV topics in integrated HIV Education curriculum among girls in secondary within Nakuru Municipality. The study adopted a Descriptive Survey Method with an accessible population of 425 form three students and 12 teachers. Data was collected through use of questionnaires that were administered to the students. The instruments were piloted and reliability correlation coefficient of 0.8 obtained. The collected data was analyzed using Descriptive Statistics (frequencies, percentages and averages) with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 for windows. Though the study revealed that students had gained knowledge and skills in the fight against HIV infections, the study indicated that HIV/AIDS teaching resources were generally lacking in the schools and that some teachers were unprepared to teach integrated HIV/AIDS for lack of training and that emphasis was on the examinable subjects. The results of the findings provides useful information to educational planners, teachers and other stakeholders in making integrated HIV education more effective in an effort to halt HIV infections among girls. The study recommends provision of HIV/AIDS teaching resources by the school administration, and makes recommendation for further research on evaluation of the effectiveness of current HIV/AIDS curriculum in secondary schools. |
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Title : Godavari Puskaralu Dip is a Mass Immunization in Disguise Authors : Dr.K.Suribabu
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to find the scientific microbial reason behind the Godavari Maha puskaralu dip as a mass immunization in disguise. The study was concentrated on the biological examination of water from three main ghats constructed on the eve of Mahapuskaralu on the bank of Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. There are broad variety of bacteria isolated from the water samples collected form three Ghats namely the entry Ghat-1(Koti lingalu Ghat), the Middle Ghat-7 (Puskara Ghat) and the Exist Ghat-15 (Ramalayam Ghat). Different spieces were identified in each Ghat. |
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Title : Effect of Radiating Partially Ionized Plasma and Wave Evolution in the Photosphere Authors : Pekene. D. B. J. Ushie. P.O, Odok. E.O, Iduma R.E.O
Abstract :
This paper investigate the effect of a radiating partially-ionized plasma and wave evolution. The presence of upstream and downstream magnetic field is studied with the influence of collision and interaction frequency in radiative flow field. A modified chandrasekher, Drazin and Ried method is used in solving the charateristics value problem with two-dimensional disturbances for the case of equilibrium free convection. Radiation present on the onset of partially ionized plasma and wave evolution is found to have periodic steady state, unsteady with differential gradient on the raleigh number. It effect on wave evolution is small on the radiation parameters of the order wave number 1x10-1 concentration gradient. A steady state effect on the system Graphs were pictorialy displayed, evaluated and the results shows with remarkable good agreement on various figures on decrease points or decline points, steady state points, inclinepoints and also their characteristic behaviour of the Rayleigh number and wave evolutionin in the region. The effect of collision on the onset of static cells diminishes for optical thin non-grey plasma-near periodic steady state. This is of relevant and very important in cosmic ray physics as the interaction between the ionized and neutral gas component represents a state which often exists in the Astrophysics space. |
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Title : Transforming to University of Future (UoF): A Conceptual Model from the Somalian Perspective Authors : Abdikadir Yusuf Mohamed, Nuradin Ibrahim Hassan, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model to transform the current higher education in Somalia into the University of the Future (UoF). This paper will focused how to enhance the ICT in order to improve the level of higher education. However, the current problem of higher education in Somalia is the low ICT qualities especially the ICT infrastructure and the services that education sectors such as online platforms. In addition, the internet access in higher education causes another main problem of communication among students and lectures outside of class. This research will conduct a postal methodology and will distribute a questionnaire using the Business model canvas and Value Proposition Design frameworks were selected as the primary research instrument in order to gain a broad needs and demands for UoF, to a spectrum of universities in Somalia. From the questionnaires analysis and findings, this paper proposes a new business model canvas (BMC) and value proposition design (VPD) to implement the conceptual UoF model. |
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Title : Acceptance of Electronic Health Administration Systems among Medical Practitioners in the Private Practice in Harare Central Business District and the Avenues area, Zimbabwe Authors : B. Ngwenya, T. Mushawarima, F. Ncube
Abstract :
The main objective of this study was to explore the perceptions of medical practitioners towards electronic health administration systems. The study was conducted in the context of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Designed in a quantitative paradigm, the study was descriptive in nature. A sample of 70 drawn from a population of 146 medical practitioners participated in the study. The findings of the study are that most of the medical practitioners think that adoption of electronic administration systems will have significant benefits, especially the benefit of increased access to information by beneficiaries of the information. However, with respect to the adoption factors the general medical practitioners depicted a negative perception on the availability of these adoption factors which support the use of e-health. While significant developments have been made in the area of information technology infrastructure development by the Government, the study revealed medical practitioners are not very confident that the existing infrastructure will be able to support e-health. The issue of lack of a clear regulatory framework and trust in e-health systems data security also featured negatively. There is a strong perception that there are no clear regulatory policies on e-Health in the country. From the study it has been discovered that medical practitioners do not have trust in the existing data security systems. Perceived benefits and perceived ease of adoption affect acceptance of a new technology according to the Technology Acceptance Model. The low level of adoption of e-Health systems in the particular area under study may be as a result of an environment that presents poor adoption motivation. The study recommends that further future studies be conducted by replicating the study in other health sector environments in the country. This study only considered the perceptions of medical practitioners. The perceptions of healthcare customers and clients could be equally important. This could possible become another fertile ground for further future studies. |
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Title : Design and Analsis of Composite Leaf Spring for Light Vehicles Authors : K. Ramesh Nayak, G. Bheemanna, P. Sampath Rao
Abstract :
A leaf spring is a simple form of spring, commonly used for the suspension in wheeled vehicles. Leaf Springs are long and narrow plates attached to the frame of a trailer that rest above or below the trailer's axle. There are mono leaf springs, or single-leaf springs, that consist of simply one plate of spring steel. These are usually thick in the middle and taper out toward the end, and they don't typically offer too much strength and suspension for towed vehicles. Drivers looking to tow heavier loads typically use multi leaf springs, which consist of several leaf springs of varying length stacked on top of each other. The shorter the leaf spring, the closer to the bottom it will be, giving it the same semielliptical shape a single leaf spring gets from being thicker in the middle. Springs will fail from fatigue caused by the repeated flexing of the spring. The aim of the project is to design and model a leaf spring according to the loads applied. Presently used material for leaf spring is Mild steel. In this project we are going to design leaf spring for the materials Mild Steel, E-GLASS EPOXY AND ALUMINUM REINFORCED WITH BORON CARBIDE. For validating this design we are conducting FEA Structural Analysis is done on the leaf spring by using three materials. Modal Analysis is also done. The better material for leaf spring can be determined by this analysis. Pro/Engineer software is used for modeling and ANSYS is used for analysis. Modal analysis is also done on the leaf spring to determine the natural frequencies of the leaf spring. |
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Title : Implementation of Boost H6 Inverter Using Hybrid Modulation Authors : K.Venkata Ravindra, N.Venkateswarlu, T.Ravi Kumar
Abstract :
This paper presents the design and implementation of Photovoltaic fed high performance boost H6 inverters using hybrid modulation method. In this configuration without the input split capacitors, multiple DC sources, common-mode voltage and leakage current issues can be eliminated in standalone PV system . The main objective of this system is to achieve high efficient system with the elimination of common-mode voltage and leakage current. The hybrid modulation topology is the combination of unipolar and bipolar pulse width modulation schemes. The performance of the proposed system is analyzed by comparing the level of reduction of common mode error as a parameter and the working of existing H4 inverter. |
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Title : The Use of GIS for Soil Mapping of Jabalpur City Authors : Mrinal Singh, Rakesh Grover, Shailza Verma
Abstract :
Modern geotechnical engineering is generally believed to have started in 1925 with the publication of “Erdbaumechanik” by Karl Terzaghi (Goodman, 2002). In addition to establishing the theoretical principles of geotechnical engineering, Terzaghi also pioneered a large number of the investigation, instrumentation and testing methods used in soil investigations for the next few decades. Some of those methods are still in use today. Since then millions of borings have been made for different types of civil engineering projects. Traditionally, data was prepared and archived as boring logs in hard-copy. Hard copies are an unreliable archiving method, because they are bulky, hard to retrieve and susceptible to loss and deterioration. These shortcomings have resulted in massive amounts of lost, misplaced or inaccessible geotechnical data. The objective of this research is to investigate and apply current information-technology solutions in order to improve the accessibility and usage of geotechnical data. This research involves adopting current technologies, which are in use in various disciplines, and customizing them for geotechnical engineering applications. The main driving force behind this research is not only the demand from the geotechnical engineering community but demand from other research and engineering fields, which can use the geotechnical data in combination with other data types. |
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Title : Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) as Reinforcing Material: An Overview Authors : Zishan Raza khan, Faheemuz Zafar, Sabih Ahmad, Md. Sarfaraz Ali
Abstract :
Corrosion of steel reinforcement is a very big problem especially in coastal areas. The increase volume of steel bar leads to deterioration of concrete structure that has led to need for alternative type of reinforcement such as Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP). The use of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in civil engineering practice is increasing day by day. FRP bars offer many advantages over conventional steel bars, including a density of one-quarter to one-fifth that of steel, greater tensile strength than steel, and no corrosion even in harsh chemical environments. Many researchers and practitioners have demonstrated potential of its application in various civil engineering aspects, such as retrofitting and internal reinforcement. |
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Title : The Finite Element Analysis of Plastic Deformation Behaviour of If-Steel during Equal Channel Angular Pressing through 90o Die Angle Authors : Malothu Ramulu, Arakanti Krishnaiah
Abstract :
The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of plastic deformation behavior of IF-Steel during Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) has been studied (with two equal channels intersects at 90o) by using ANSYS software package. The 2-dimensional models were developed using FEA under a plane strain condition to estimate the equivalent plastic strain levels in an IF Steel workpiece after single pass at room temperature during ECAP. It is observed that the precise results were obtained in comparison to the analytical models reported in the literature. It is found from the finite element analysis that the geometry of die, back pressure and friction have great influence on the plastic deformation, where these parameters lead to strain distribution of workpiece becomes inhomogeneous and non- uniform. |
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Title : The Study of Plastic Deformation Behaviour of If-Steel during Equal Channel Angular Pressing through 120o Die Angle by FEM Authors : Malothu Ramulu, Arakanti Krishnaiah
Abstract :
The plastic deformation behaviour of IF Steel during Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) has been studied (with two channels intersects at 120o) by Finite Element Method (FEM) using ANSYS software package. A sound knowledge of the plastic deformation and the load is necessary for understanding the relationships between plastic deformation, grain size and mechanical properties of IF-Steel. It is observed that the precise results were obtained in comparison to the analytical models reported in the literature. It is also found from analysis that processing geometry of die and the friction between the die and the work-piece has great influence on the extrusion pressure and flow in the process, where these parameters lead to strain distribution of workpiece becomes inhomogeneous and non uniform. |
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Title : A Logistic Regression Model to Predict Gender Based Violence in Zambias Kabwe District Authors : George M. Mukupa, Kalongo Hamusonde, Tiza Mufune, Douglas Kunda
Abstract :
Gender based violence has been associated with high poverty levels, low standards of living and risky sexual behaviors such as multiple and concurrent sexual partnering with low levels of HIV self-risk perception. This study was based on Shamabanse and Makululu compounds in Kabwe district of Zambia's Central Province and Logistic regression was used. It was found that there were high levels of gender based violence cases in these compounds among women who had little or no income at all. This was attributed to the low levels of education which forced these women into early marriages hence being fully reliant on their spouses for support and in return making them vulnerable to different forms of abuse. The study also reviewed that Gender Based Violence increases vulnerability of women to HIV infection by reducing their ability to negotiate for safe sex. |
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Title : On The Role of Vertical Temperature Gradient in the Inductive Charge Separation Mechanism Authors : D. K. Haldar, Debasish Biswas
Abstract :
Different types of models exist for cloud electrification in cloud micro-physics, e.g., drop break-up, ion charging, convective mechanism, inductive charging, different types of particle charging involving ice phase and ice crystal/graupel charging etc. Inductive charging is the most convincing process of all. In the inductive charging process the pre-existing electric field induces charges and electrically polarizes the suspended water droplets and ice crystals. Charge transfer occurs as the smaller cloud particle rebounds from the underside of a larger ice particle and thus kinetic energy of droplets is converted to electrostatic potential energy. The larger charged particles come down due to gravity and the reduced gravitational potential is converted to electrostatic potential. Thus, randomly stratified charged region forms in thunder cloud with positive or negative charge centre. Recombination of charges of two opposite charge centers takes place in the form of lightning through the ionization channel and releases huge energy as acoustic and electromagnetic waves spanning various wavelengths. In this article we discuss the inductive charge transfer process as a function of vertical temperature gradient, aerosol content, existing electric field and water vapor content. |
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Title : Study on Digital Printing Applying Frequency Modulated Screen Authors : Rossitza Sardjeva
Abstract :
In order to print a continuous tone (halftone) it must first be transformed into a binary image, usually called a bitmap, consisting of zeros and ones only (0;1). The transformation from continuous tone into a binary bitmap image is referred to as screening process. The result of screening is that the dots are small enough and the halftone pattern will not be visible at normal viewing distance, the image is visually integrated and interpreted as varying shades of gray or color. In the different approaches for screening are two main methods: Amplitude Modulated (AM) and Frequency Modulated (FM). With FM technology, small dots are distributed on a surface in such a way that the required gray value appears as an average value, whereas distribution is completely irregularly compared to the normal halftone dots. For this reason, frequency-modulated screening is also referred to as random or stochastic screening. |
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Title : Identifying Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Agriculture Higher Education System from the Viewpoints of Graduate Students of Agriculture College of University of Tabriz Authors : Saeed Jafarzadeh, Ahmad Kiani, Shapur Zarifian, Hussein Yadawar, Hussein Raheli, Hussein Kuhestani
Abstract :
The increasing unemployment rate in the country especially among graduates of agriculture indicates that educations provided in higher education in agriculture do not meet the current social needs. Thus, entrepreneurship education has become one of the most important and most extensive academic activities. The current survey aims to identify barriers to entrepreneurship in agriculture higher education among the graduates for mentioned which includes all graduate students of Agriculture College of University of Tabriz; 100 of them were selected through proportionate stratified sampling. Measure used in the survey was questionnaires, and the software SPSS was used to analyze data. Factor analysis was used to identify barriers to entrepreneurship in agriculture higher education system, and barriers were categorized as 6 main factors. These factors generally defined 72.2% of the total variance, and the factors of supportive barriers to and difficulties in higher education composed 27.3% of the total variance. The latter includes barriers such as shortage of educational tools, shortage of facilities, equipment and lands suitable for farming, lack of appropriate educational spaces at Agriculture Colleges, lack of modernized educational tools for teaching, and also lack of accessibility of computers and the internet. Other factors contributing to the total variance include educational policies, skills, supportive, infrastructure and cultural barriers. |
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Title : Design of Ultra-wideband LNA at operating frequency 4.1GHz with Current Reuse Techniques Authors : Arun Sharma, Dr. R.P. Singh, Manish Kumar
Abstract :
This paper presents an ultra-wideband (UWB) low noise amplifier (LNA) at operating frequency 4.1 GHz using a current-reused technique and source degeneration input matching network is proposed. The Implemented LNA presents a minimum Noise Figure of 1.069 dB at 4.1 GHz and the voltage gain obtained is 11.5dB. |
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Title : New Mechanical Developments to the Hand-Arm System Authors : Aurora Felicia Cristea, Mihai Nedelcu
Abstract :
The paper wants to bring into attention the new contributions to the development of the dynamics of the human hand-arm system at seven degrees of freedom. For this purpose are contributors to shaping the mechanics of hand-arm system subjected, exposure of excitation due to vibrating tools (drill) by analyzing the motions of their components. We are interested in the action of mechanical system vibrations transmission after the direction of Oz (over the arm) and the possibility that these dose of vibrations, it could be to produce disease. |
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Title : Discrete Formalization and Investigation of Secure Access to Corporative Resources Authors : Radi Romansky, Irina Noninska
Abstract :
This article discusses organization of an extended sub-system for information security which is accomplished with analysis of cloud computing and data centers used by business to store corporative information resources. It is pointed out that the IT security policy should apply adequate technical and organizational measures for personal data protection and managing access rights to all resources in the business information environment. Basic principles of data protection as a part of information security policy in a corporation are presented and a general architecture of corporative security sub-system is proposed. A formalization by using discrete graph structure is made and main procedures for secure access to 3 types of resources (public, private internal and private external) are determined. The Petri nets (PN) apparatus for modeling of secure access processing is used. For the purposes of investigation an analytical definition of model is presented and evaluation of some characteristics is made. |
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Title : Performance analysis of Flat Plate Solar collector by using Al2O3 Nanofluid at different concentrations with different Aspect Ratios Authors : Punnaiah Veeraboina, Dr.G.Yesuratnam
Abstract :
The efficiency of the FPC was studied experimentally. The concentration of the Al2O3 Nanofluid was 5.97 grams, 11.94 grams and 17.91 grams. The SDBS is used as dispersion liquid. The experiments were performed in different mass flow rates of 0.05, 0.075, and 0.1 kg/sec. of Al2O3 Nanofluid. From the experimental results, the weight fraction 0.2% to 0.4%, there is a substantial increase in the efficiency of Solar Flat Plat Collector. |
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Title : Software Quality Measurements for Effective Software Products Authors : B. Sheeba
Abstract :
Software is needed by the user to solve a problem to achieve an objective. A quality of the software is depended on good management team, excellent plan, tools and knowledge of the programmers. First the team needs to understand the user requirements properly for to prepare qualitative software. The management should split the works according to the knowledge of the team members. Good environment should be provided for the software programmers and the tools also will lead to good software product. |
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Title : Influencing Factors for Online Purchase- A Case Study of Delhi & NCR Region of India Authors : Syed Md. Faisal Ali Khan, Dr. Devesh Kumar
Abstract :
India is gaining importance as a high potential lucrative market for global retail players. Recent economic reforms in India bring consumers the benefits of using Internet for shopping. In this study it has been shown the factors effecting online purchase including the perceived risks. The report also brings an idea about the growth of internet and its impact of online shopping are reflected. Previously identified factors are taken into consideration and proposed hypothesis are tested. The statistical tool used in this study is SPSS 18.0. Hypothesis is tested using co-relation analysis. Factor analysis is used to test the reliability of the questionnaire framed for primary data. |
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Title : A Comparative Study on the Service Quality Gaps of Public Sector and Private Sector Telecom Service Providers in Chennai City Authors : Dr M.Basheer Ahmed Khan, S.Raghunandan
Abstract :
The dominant role of the services sector in almost all countries of the world as a the major contributor to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Employment and Personal incomes (PI) has led to the emergence of Service Marketing as a separate discipline. Within service marketing, the Service Quality concept has taken centre stage because of its sacrosance for customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and organizational profits. SERVQUAL Technique and the GAP Model have been acknowledged worldwide as time tested methodologies to measure and appraise service quality. The paper reports the results of a Research Study in which SERVQUAL technique was adopted to measure the magnitude of Service Quality Gaps for two major firms in telecom sector in Chennai city. One of the firms is a leading private sector telecom service provider and the other, a well established telecom giant in the public sector. Data was collected form 300 customers of mobile services of both companies belonging to various strata spread over Chennai city and 60 anonymous executives of both companies based in Chennai. “t” tests and “Paired t tests” were applied on the data. The test results indicated significant differences in Service Quality Gaps between the public sector service provider and the private sector service provider in mobile telecom sector in Chennai city, with regard to perception of service quality expected by the customers, setting of quality standards, implementing the quality standards and delivery of quality service as per customer expectation. |
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Title : Wireless Transfer of Power Generated Using Non-Conventional Methods Authors : Adya Sharma, Farheen Haque, Kumari Divya Singh, Shikha Singh, Saravana Kumar
Abstract :
With all-time growing demand for electricity in many under developed/developing countries, majority of the people are unable to get the electricity and also in remote places like small villages, there's no access to electricity resulting in economic degradation. Power is very important to modern systems. This paper presents an overview of a system for wireless power generation including power transmission and power reception device. The power is generated in a way where solar energy is captured by solar cell in the panels and converted to solar electricity. Alternatives are dynamo and ac power supply. The power can be transmitted using Inductive coupling for short-range, resonant induction for mid-range electromagnetic wave power transfer. Loads are led, dc motor and LCD. |
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Title : A Smart Experimental Setup for Vibration Measurement and Unbalance Fault Detection in Rotating Machinery Authors : Guilherme Kenji Yamamoto, Cesar da Costa, Joao Sinohara da Silva Sousa
Abstract :
Rotor unbalance is the most common cause of machine vibrations; thus, most rotating machinery problems can be solved by balancing the rotor to correct the misalignment. Imbalance problems in rotary machine motors can be extremely frustrating to users and may lead to greatly reduced reliability. It is imperative that downtime is avoided or minimized for all operations and manufacturing processes. In practice, rotors can never be perfectly balanced owing to manufacturing errors such as porosity in casting, non-uniform density of materials, manufacturing tolerances, and the gain or loss of material during operation. As a result of mass unbalance, a centrifugal force is generated, which must be counteracted by bearings and support structures. Over the past few years, there have been major technological developments in digital signal processing, embedded systems, field programmable gate arrays, computers, and instrumentation, including innovations in both hardware and software. Such innovations have allowed the development of new methods of fault detection and diagnosis for rotating machinery. This paper presents a smart experimental method for vibration measurement and unbalance fault detection in rotating machinery. |
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Title : Analysis of Retail Mix Strategies-An Insight into Retailers Perceptions Authors : Dr.K. Aparna, Prof. Murali Krishna. Panatula
Abstract :
The Indian retail market is growing rapidly. Earlier, shopping was viewed as a functional activity. It meant buying only the essentials. In fact, unnecessary shopping or self-indulgence was frowned upon. However, liberalisation in the 90s, increasing incomes and foreign trips, exposure to the internet, growing confidence in one’s personal success, etc. are making it acceptable to not only buy non-essential products but also to splurge on luxury goods. India’s retail sector is developing quickly and becoming more competitive. Retailers understand the importance of meeting consumer demands1. Research indicates2 that to excel in today’s highly saturated retail markets, companies need to abandon the geographic expansionism that, ironically, created their original success. Instead, they need to initiate new management strategies based on profit-driven product selection and customer targeting. At the heart of the shift is the introduction of financial discipline into the marketing process. Retailers need to be ruthless about pulling unprofitable products from the shelves and avoiding high volume but low-profit customer segments. This change represents more than a makeshift to survive the downturn. Rather, it signifies a major transition in how retailers will compete with each other in the future. It will require changes in culture, operations, strategy and finance. Those that develop the capabilities to manage product and customer profitability will have the earnings to support future investment and value growth. Those that stay focused on sales growth through square-foot expansion will find themselves with shrinking margins and less capital to invest in profitable growth – a sure recipe for competitive failure and shareholder disappointment. Retail mix is the blend of various activities which in total present the whole concept of retailing. The retail marketing and retail positioning strategies are put into effect by retail mix - the set of controllable elements that a retailer can use to satisfy consumers' needs and to influence their buying behaviour and compete effectively in the target market. Utmost care is required on part of the retail manager to select the various elements for a perfect retail mix. With this background a of blend retail mix is strategies is studied. |
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Title : Analysis of Load Frequency Control in an Multi Area Power System Using Conventional and Fuzzy Logic Controller Authors : Kuldeep Singh, Shimpy Maheshwari
Abstract :
The variations of load in a power system result in frequency drift from its nominal value. It is necessary to reduce the frequency fluctuations for providing reliable and good quality electrical power. This is achieved by maintaining a balance between the load demand and power supply in real time, called Automatic generation control (AGC). In this paper, different control areas models are building in MATLAB Simulink and then simulation evaluation is done to analyze the dynamic response of the load frequency control. The performance of the conventional controller and Fuzzy Logic controller is compared on single area, two areas and three areas systems. Area control error (ACE) is measured and the result of the conventional method and fuzzy logic is compared. The result obtained show that the Fuzzy logic controller gives higher performance than the traditional PI technique. |
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Title : An Effective Communication in Post Disaster Situation using MANETs and Serval Mesh Application Authors : K.Seshadri Ramana, T.Rama Mohan, K.Ramesh
Abstract :
A post disaster situation demands an efficient communication and coordination among rescue teams. Exchange of real time information among responders and emergency situation centers is crucial for saving lives. However, communication systems were usually down due to various reasons. The loss of communication systems made the rescue operation extremely difficult. In such scenario, MANETs are suitable for providing communication mechanism as they are easy to deploy and do not require elaborate infrastructure. In this paper, I have considered the relief and rescue operations in a post disaster situation are performed using a MANET test-bed setup and Serval Mesh Application. We can create adhoc network by using laptops or mobile phones but laptops are not easy to carry. For this reason, I preferred to establish the communication through smart phones .I have successfully sent the image file by capturing the location through Wi-Fi Direct application from one android smart phone to another android smart phone instantly. |
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Title : Artificial Neural Network Modeling of the Groundwater Quality (Case Study: Zahrez Basin in Algeria) Authors : Fatah Bouteldjaoui, Mohamed Bessenasse, Ahmed Kettab
Abstract :
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) model are widely used in water resources applications to predict and forecast water resources’ variables. The objective of this study is to investigate the abilities of an artificial neural networks’ model to predict the total dissolved solid (TDS) and electrical conductivity (EC). Water quality variables such as pH, calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+),sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), bicarbonate (HCO3-), chloride (Cl−), nitrate (NO3-) and sulfate (SO4) were used as the input data to obtain the output of the neural network(TDS and EC). Performance of the ANN models was evaluated using correlation coefficient (R), Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency (NASH), root mean square error (RMS), Normalised Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) and Mean absolute error (MAE). computed from the measured and model computed values of the dependent variables.The results of this study reveal that the ANN- MLP (9, 9, 1) model gives the best estimates for the TDS prediction. The results of neural network modeling to predict electrical conductivity (EC) indicate that the ANN- MLP (9, 12, 1) model showed better predictive ability in the determination of EC. The identified ANN models can be used as tools for the computation of groundwater quality parameters in Zahrez basin. |
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Title : Modeling and Stress Analysis of Crankshaft Using FEM Authors : A. Ranjith Raj, P. Reginald Elvis, R. Kumar, S. Karthikeyan, M. Ganesan
Abstract :
Crankshaft is large volume production component with a complex geometry in the Internal Combustion (I.C) Engine. This converts the reciprocating displacement of the piston in to a rotary motion of the crank..In an arbitrary position of the crank, due to tangential force, the crank arm will be subjected to transverse shear, bending and twisting, while due to radial component it is subjected to direct stress and bending. It will be laborious to consider all these straining actions in several positions of the crank. Generally, the crank is designed for two positions; those are maximum twisting moment and maximum bending moment. In this project, an attempt has been made to analyze the crankshaft of two different materials by using Finite element software ANSYS. The static analysis is conducted on the crankshaft with two different materials and results are validated by comparing various outcomes such as total deformation, equivalent stress and strain of these materials from which better material can be found. |
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Title : Simulation Study and Prevention of AODV against Rushing Attack on Random Topologies in VANETs Authors : Mr. Karthik Pai, Ms. Pratheeksha Hegde N, Mrs. Rashmi Naveen
Abstract :
Vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs) is subordinate class of mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) in which nodes are considered as vehicles. VANET is different from architecture, characteristics and application when compared with MANET. Vehicles are able to communicate through wireless technology by dedicated short range communication. Security is one of the main issues in VANET. VANET contains information which should not modified by attacker likewise the legal responsibility of drivers should be established so that they can inform traffic environment at correct time. This paper explains the effects of Rushing attacks in adhoc on demand distance vector (AODV) protocols on VANETs. The effects of these attacks in VANET have been studied using various performance metrics. NS2.34 is extensively used to simulate these attacks. |
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Title : Proximity Fed Antenna with Partial Ground Structure for Wideband Applications Authors : Mr. Murthi Mahadeva Naik G,Maheshwari B, Dr. Naveen Kumar S K
Abstract :
This proposed antenna is a double ring structured MSP antenna with partial ground surface to obtain wideband response. This antenna is fed with normal microstrip feedline to obtain better performance of antenna and operate in different frequency band (1.9 - 3.6 Ghz) that covers wireless applications of Wimax, Bluetooth and WLAN. Also used for medical and scientific applications. The proposed antenna size is 55 x 44 x 1.6mm3 uses FR4 epoxy as a substrate with thickness of 1.6mm. The antenna gain at different frequency and its radiation pattern are observed for this proposed antenna with and without DGS designed using HFSS version14. |
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Title : Performance Analysis and Prevention Mechanism of AODV against Rushing Attack under Collaborative Environment using MANETs Authors : Mr. Karthik Pai B H, Ms. Akshaya, Dr. Nagesh H R
Abstract :
MANET stands for “Mobile Adhoc Networks, is a kind of Adhoc network that can modify its locations and organize them self on the fly. As the MANETs are mobile in nature, they use wireless connections to connect to different communicating system. As the number of movable device increases, Adhoc networks are gaining importance with the increasing number of widespread applications. As the MANETs find its applications mainly in military, emergency and disaster situations, security is of prime importance for the basic functionality of the network. To provide secure communication and transmission different types of attacks and their properties must be well understood. Effect of Rushing attack in Adhoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol and a cryptographic prevention mechanism is being discussed in this paper. Various performance metrics are considered to study the effect of Rushing attack on AODV in MANETs. |
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Title : Synthesis of Nano Magnesium aluminate by Solution Combustion Process Using Mixed Fuel Approach (Urea + Sucrose) Authors : Chanveer Gogi, Parag Shah, Venkatesh D, Sangamesh P.K, Baburao N. Sherikar
Abstract :
In this work nano MgAl2O4 powders were prepared by solution combustion process by mixed fuel approach using magnesium nitrate hexahydrate Mg(NO3)2.6H2O), aluminum nitrate nonahydrate (Al(NO3)3.9H2O) as oxidizers with mixtures of urea (NH2CONH2 ), sucrose (C12H22O11). Fuel urea is taken as stoichiometric fuel and sucrose as excess nonstoichiomertic fuel. The effect of sucrose fuel addition as excess on phase, structure and characteristics (e.g. crystallite size morphology,) of the as-resulted powders were investigated. The crystallite sizes were determined by using Scherer formula and Williamson -Hall equation. The experimental results revealed that the formation of pure crystalline phase of magnesium aluminate was confirmed for two bacthes of mixteres cases by comparing the obtained peaks of XRD pattern with the peaks of standard XRD pattern of JCPDS card number 21-1152. The crystallite size of the powders was significantly decreased from 80 nm to 30 nm as the sucrose content rose from 0.00, 0.50, ( 0, 3.5 wt%), excess with 4 grams of urea, 2.56 grams of magnesium nitrate and 7.5 grams of aluminum nitrate. |
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Title : Strategies Lead to Efficient Cost Estimation for Software Product Authors : B. Sheeba
Abstract :
Software development is a much complex and multifaceted work. Estimation for software product is very much complicated task to accomplish. Software development is not only writing codes but also keep the cost and time. Cost and time will keep on changing in phase by phase. In software development we have five phases’ analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. The estimation is classified into three preliminary cost estimation, improved cost estimation and final cost estimation. Each estimate is enhancement of previous estimation and added additional information, error correction and work activities. The comparison of cost for development is much lesser than the maintenance. The maintenance phase will acquire to a great extent of time and a cost. When the changes keep on going in the maintenance phase, the cost will persist in increasing. So we cannot predict the precise cost for software development and maintenance, unless the programmer follow the software cost estimation strategies. |
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Title : Physical and Thermal Properties of Briquetted Fuel of Carbonized Faecal Waste with Different Binders Authors : Abich S. Otieno, Nyaanga D.M., Kabok P. Aguko
Abstract :
Solid biomass fuels are widely used in developing countries as a source of energy. In Kenya for instance, the forest cover is 7.8% and is in decline with annual population growth rate of 2.7%. The demand for wood-based biomass is thus expected to surpass the supply as an estimated 90% of the population of developing nations depends on it. Thus it is important to find a supplementary energy source that works with existing cooking and heating methods. The objective of the study was to analyze the physical and combustion characteristics of briquettes from human faecal matter mixed with different binders. The faecal matter briquettes were prepared by carbonization and then compression of dried faecal waste put in a muffle furnace at 6500C for 7 hours. Molasses, red soil, oil gum and starch binders were used at 15% to mass of the carbonized faecal waste and extruded at a pressure of about 5 MPa. It was found that all the binder-feacal waste combinations are possible heat energy sources. The red soil briquettes had better qualities, though variables assessed were significantly different at five percent level of probability. Additional research may need to be done with different binders and binder percentages for socio economics and environmental concerns. |
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Title : Short-term Electric Power Load forecasting using Wavelet based Bootstrap-Neural Network hybrid models Authors : Poulomi Paul, Dr. Parshuram Thakura
Abstract :
Accurate Electric Power Load Forecasting (EPLF) is a key issue in planning and operation of the electricity industry. However, uncertainty related to the choice of the model for load forecasting and estimation of the model parameters significantly affects the load forecasts. Also, most of the time series forecasting approaches do not address to the non-stationarity of the process. In order to counter these two key issues, this study proposes a hybrid approach using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coupled with Bootstrap resampling and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), called WBNN, for electric load forecasting. For the purpose of comparison with the proposed approach, stand- alone Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Auto- regression (AR) models are also developed. The models are developed and evaluated for their forecasting ability of 1- day lead time electric load. The results indicate that the WBNN models outperform ANN and AR models and are better suited for real- time application in the industry for EPLF. |
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Title : Evaluation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by a dynamic method Authors : Srinivasa Rao P, Malay Niraj
Abstract :
To withstand a high competition in the global market, no organization encourages losses. Different techniques have been studying from years ago to improve productivity. But Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) calculation gives the correct measure for the occurrence of various losses by the machinery. OEE is a performance measure metric used to calculate the overall equipment efficiency of the plant by a simple calculation. This paper presents a flexible and innovative approach to evaluate the OEE of the industry by considering cost, quality and time as lean surrogates for the factors of OEE. |
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Title : Damping of Sub Synchronous Resonance in Negative and Zero Sequence Using Neural Network Controlled UPFC Authors : Miss.K.Dhivya, Mr.S.Nirmalrajan
Abstract :
The increase in power demand has compelled the power system utilities to use series capacitive compensation in long transmission lines. A problem called sub synchronous resonance (SSR) occurs in long lines because of series compensation. In this paper a flexible a.c. transmission system (FACTS) device is used along with a proposed controller to damp out the sub synchronous oscillations from the system. An IEEE second bench mark model is used for investigating the SSR problem, where a three phase short circuit fault is applied on the compensated transmission line for analysis. A Matlab/Simulink model is used to study the time domain analysis of the system. An improvement in damping is seen with the use of FACTS device i.e. unified power flow controller (UPFC) which is controlled by a Neural network (NN) based proportional integral (PI) controller. |
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Title : The Mosquers: A Network of Mosques as Education Centre Authors : Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Mohamad Amir Mat Hu, Muhammad Hazim Mohd Ali, Amirah Hafizah Mohd Bashir, Ain Najla Norhani
Abstract :
In this project, as the network of mosques is being used as the center of education in delivering the soft skill values, a mobile application will be developed in order to help the community to gain access to the news related to the soft skill programs. To build a suitable and friendly user application, an interview had been conducted to a different set of users; the orphan, single mother, poor people and also the mosque’s management staff to have their opinion regarding this project. From the result of the interview, some of the important views from the target users had been implemented to the project business model canvas and value proposition design while maintaining some of the important original ideas of the project to create the best and contented business model canvas. This project is hopefully will be able to revive the role of mosque as the center of the education and also help the community to join the program offered with ease by making use of the application |
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Title : Importance of Study of Demolition of Building Authors : Er. Ankush Mittal, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Dr. D.P.Gupta
Abstract :
Demolition is the process of tearing down or falling down of a building after its life period with the help of some equipments or any other method. Demolition contrasts with deconstruction, which involves taking a building apart while carefully preserving valuable elements for re-use. Demolition of a building means tearing down or falling down of a building with the help of equipments or explosives. This seminar report deals with how a demolition work is to be performed safelyand also elaborates different steps involved before and during the execution of a demolition process. The various steps involved before the demolition process includes surveying, removal of hazardous materials, preparation of demolition plan, stability report and the precautionary safety measures to be taken. The main equipments used for these demolition activities are sledge hammer,excavators, bulldozers, wrecking balls etc. and main explosives used are dynamites and RDX. When explosive are used for the demolition, it is known as Implosion. So removal of such structures with proper safety measures has got great importance. There are different steps involved before and during the time of a demolition activity.
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Title : The Study of Development of Traffic Signals with GIS Authors : Er. Heena Makkar, Dr. D.P.Gupta, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Er. Ankush Mittal
Abstract :
Traffic signs are an essential a half of the road system, and a road with poor signing or by poorly maintained signs are an insufficient road. Road users depend on traffic signing for information and guidance, and route authorities depend on signing for the economical operation of the route network, the group action of traffic rules, traffic control and facilitate to road safety.Signs should offer road users their message clearly and at the right time. The message should be clear and quickly understood. A pattern normal sign assist in their quick recognition, as can regularity of form, colour and writing for every type. Induce the fullest advantages of uniformity there mustn't only be regularity of signs, however additionally regularity in their use, positioning and lighting. Signs are provided to manage and guide traffic and to market road safety. They should only |
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Title : Significance of Gravel for Road Sub-Base Authors : Er.Sumeet Bura, Er. Parveen Berwal
Abstract :
High quality aggregates that meet the specifications are getting increasingly scarce and expensive in many localities in India. Traditional flexible pavement specifications require high quality aggregates in both base and sub base course. In many cases locally available aggregates are not satisfying the specifications and the aggregates that meet the specifications have to be hauled in long distances. This act significantly increases the cost associated with the construction and subsequent maintenance and rehabilitation of them. Thus, the use of locally available marginal aggregates in flexible pavement construction is one of the possible answers to high pavement construction costs and lack of quality aggregates sources in a vast country like India. A broad definition of a marginal aggregate is “any aggregate not in fully accordance with the specifications used in a country for normal road aggregates but can be used successfully either in special conditions, made possible because of climatic characteristics or recent progress in road techniques or after subjecting to particular treatment”. So if through appropriate modification of the materials or structural design the use of local materials can be permitted, the construction can be accelerated and significant monetary benefits can be achieved. So the main objective of the study is to improve the properties of the locally available gravel soil/ marginal aggregate (Moorum) by adding cement and bitumen emulsion. An attempt has been made to use cement for increasing the strength of the gravel and emulsion for increasing the water resisting capacity. The whole work involves increasing strength of gravel soil (Moorum) and expressed in terms of CBR and UCS value. This study will attempt to define in engineering terms the impact of using marginal aggregates in flexible pavements. Strategies for improving the performance of marginal aggregates to equal that of standard aggregates will be evaluated. The major emphasis will be on marginal aggregates for flexible pavements. |
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Title : A Study on an Optimal Thermohydraulic Performance of Three Sides Artificially Roughened and Glass Covered Solar Air Heaters Authors : Ashwini Kumar, Mahmood Alam
Abstract :
Providing artificial roughness on the air flow side is an effective technique to enhance rate of heat transfer in solar air heaters, which results in associated higher value of friction factor, which necessitates more power required. A novel solar air heater duct with three artificially roughened sides has been analyzed (Prasad et. al., 2014) for more increase in heat transfer than that in only one side roughened solar air heaters. Artificially roughened solar air heaters have been analyzed (Prasad and Saini, 1991) and investigated (Verma and Prasad, 2000) for optimal thermo hydraulic performance. The present analysis, for optimization of thermo hydraulic performance a three sides artificially roughened solar air heaters concludes that the value of optimization parameter |