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Title : Customer Experience Survey among Insured People Regarding Health Insurance in Jaipur Authors : Divyansh Khurana, Dr.Krishnakant
Abstract :
In India, generally individual have less knowledge regarding health insurance as well not feel the importance of it. Market also could not understand individual need, priority and other factor what keep health insurance at lower side as compare to other requirement. This project focus on consumer behavior, awareness, problem, preference, satisfaction level and consumption patterns. Data and Method: Sample size consist of 100 individual of all who are above 18 year in the city of Jaipur. Random sampling were used for the study. Self-prepared questionnaire were prepared to collect the data and excel was used for the analysis.
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Title : High Performance Double Edge Triggered TSPC D Flip Flop Authors : Latika Gulihar, Bal Krishan
Abstract :
A memory element is the basic need of modern VLSI systems. If the performance of memory element is improved ultimately results in more reliable, robust and a high performance VLSI systems. Pulsed Clocked Double Edge Triggered Flip Flop (PDET) is proposed in this paper. PDET uses a new split output true single phase clocked (TSPC) and when clocked by a short pulse train act like a double edge triggered flip flop. Main focus of this paper are significant reduction in transistor count and number of clocked transistor. The number of transistor improves 56-60% compared to double edge triggered flip flop. Simulations are done using SEDIT in CMOS 180nm technology. The most important feature of this design is that it is suitable for both high speed and low power VLSI applications. |
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Title : A Study of the Future University Authors : Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad Dahlan, Najiya Abulizi, Li Ze Yuan
Abstract :
this article empirically examines recent and potential developments in the operations and role of the University in increasingly knowledge-based societies. Universities have recently begun transition from teaching to more research based activities, helping the society with knowledge that was earlier unavailable. Universities are more technologically advanced and more focused on providing their students with skills and tools for successful careers in the industry. The Muslim Ummah encourages this academic transition as a strategy to develop economically, socially and technologically. This transition has also brought significant changes in the medium and relationship between knowledge producers and users. It appears that the ‘future university’ is a phenomenon which can lead the Muslim Ummah onto a more developmental path, despite different beginnings and modes of education. |
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Title : Delivering Higher Education in the Future: A conceptual business model Authors : Naemah Roeti, Aman Deng, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
The important method of current educational research is that education developments are required to achieve higher quality of education. As things present, Skills to prepare for the study as part of the development of higher education in the universities of the future, it is no easy task to keep pace with the rapid growth of education. In the discourse on education competitiveness, the notion that strategy or model is critical to university sustainability has proved much the cases. In consequence, it falls to higher education institutions to be responsive to those skills which constitute work-preparedness and the way forward is through internationalization of higher education. In the same meaning, great-university model will serve as results in shift towards substantive skill formation. This paper presents an approach, creating a model which have found as one of the suitable method of developing university and higher education for the university in the future. The paper delves into the research concern largely through critical synthesis of published literature. |
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Title : Sustainability in Human Resource Management Authors : Ginevra Gravili
Abstract :
Today, to be competitive, many organizations are increasing the sustainable practices into their strategic plan. The way to involve employees and the diffusion of the socially responsible values into the organizational culture can depend to the cultural dimensions of a country. This paper attempts to focus on the relationship between environmental sustainability and culture, interpreting the HRM practices in “green organization” through a longitudinal analysis of Cranet Network based on 1745 firms located in 10 countries in Europe. This study can be used as a guide for managers, giving an indication of the link between environmental strategy, human resource management and culture dimensions across European countries. |
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Title : Synthesis of Furan Derivatives Polyhydroxylated Chain from the Nuclei of Dates Authors : H. El Mahdi, Z. Abkhar, M.Taourirte, Y.Bachara
Abstract :
This work is part of the valorization of hemicellulose through their transformations into furan derivatives in polyhydroxylated chain that possesses different applications inpolymeres chemistry.The first part focuses on the extraction of hemicelluloses fromthenuclei of dates,a waste abundant generated by the industrial transformations of dates (pastedates, jam ...). Then their hydrolysis in order to obtain pentoses and hexoses. The originality of the method of extraction of the hemicelluloses in our study, is the first time use of calcium chloride instead of zinc chloride widely used in the presence of acetic acid. Those fresh conditions allow the simultaneous obtaining of lignin and hemicelluloses, making the process economically interesting. The second part is dedicated to the condensation of mononosaccharides contained in the hydrolyzate with an enolizable compound (ethyl acetoacetate) in the presence of calcium chloride as catalyst to give furan polyols polyhydroxylated chain. The products obtained are identified by the 1 H NMR,and13CNMR |
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Title : A Survey on Status Tracking System Authors : Seema G, Dr. Girijamma H A
Abstract :
In modern days Tracking the Status of Projects is not an easy task. The Status Tracking includes Start date, End date, Progress, owner. So, Status Tracking can be accomplished by Critical path method, PERT charts, Gantt chart. In this Paper survey on the various methods in the steps of Tracking the Status of Projects has been proposed |
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Title : Quotient Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topology Authors : Dr.D.Amsaveni, J. Tamilmani
Abstract :
In this paper intuitionistic fuzzy quotient topology and intuitionistic fuzzy quotient map are introduced. It reveals the relation among intuitionistic fuzzy quotient map, intuitionistic fuzzy continuous function, and intuitionistic fuzzy homeomorphism and some of their properties are discussed. |
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Title : An Investigation on Multi Cavity Die Preparation, Analysis and Manufacturing Process of Diesel Engine Piston Authors : Loudya Ganesh, G.Pramoad Reddy, P.Sampath Rao
Abstract :
A piston is a component of reciprocating engines, reciprocating pumps, gas compressors and pneumatic cylinders, among other similar mechanisms. It is the moving component that is contained by a cylinder and is made gas-tight by piston rings. The piston transforms the energy of the expanding gasses into mechanical energy. The piston rides in the cylinder liner or sleeve. Pistons are commonly made of aluminum or cast iron alloys. In our experiment a piston for 1300cc diesel engine car will be designed using empirical formulas for the material Cast Iron. A 2D drawing is created from the calculations. The piston is modeled from 2D drawing using CREO parametric (Pro/Engineer) software. Validation of die will be done using structural and dynamic analysis done in Ansys. Generally manufacturing process for pistons is casting. So we have to design a die tool for the piston manufacturing. Designing of casting tool die for four cavities will be done. Core and Cavity will be extracted and total die will be designed as per the standards. CNC program will be generated for both core and cavity. Modeling, core – cavity extraction, die design and CNC program generation is done in CREO parametric (Pro/Engineer) software. |
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Title : Effect of Precipitation Temperature on the Thermal Stability of Aluminum Hydroxide in the Bayer Process Authors : Hyeon Seo, Pan-Pan Sun, Thi-Hong-Hue Dinh, Byoung-Jun Min, Sung-Yong Cho
Abstract :
A procedure to increase the thermal stability of aluminum hydroxide (ATH), KH-101LC, which is produced in the Bayer process, was developed. The effects of the amount of added seed and the precipitation temperature were investigated. The amount of Na2O in the ATH was proved to be inversely proportional to the thermal stability. Increasing the precipitation temperature to higher than 100 °C well improved the thermal stability of ATH |
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Title : A Study on the Opinion of the Employees towards the Effectiveness of Training Program Using Factor Analysis in Select It Industries, Coimbatore Authors : S.P.Depikaa
Abstract :
Investing in people today through training has become very valuable for an organization’s success in their industry. Today employee training has become critical to create a culture in which employees feel valued and entrusted with the organization’s success. The objective of the paper was to analyze the various factors which contribute to effective training in the organization. A questionnaire was developed which contains questions on the training conducted and how the training received by employees contributed to their performance in job .This questionnaire was administered to 1100 employees. A factor analysis was conducted to understand the major factors which contributed to the effectiveness of training |
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Title : A Dynamic Data Replication in Grid System using Rule Based Classifier Algorithm Authors : Sonali Warhade, Prashant Dahiwale, M. M. Raghuwanshi
Abstract :
A data grid is a structural design or cluster of services that provides persons or assortments of users’ ability to access modify and transfer very great amount of geographically distributed data. As a result of this needed massive storage resources for store massive data files. For take away that drawback we have a tendency to use dynamic data replication is applied to scale back data time interval and to utilize network and storage resources expeditiously. Dynamic data replication through making several replicas in numerous websites. Here, through up the modified BHR (MBHR) methodology, we have a tendency to project a dynamic algorithmic program for data replication in data grid system. This algorithmic program uses the rule based classifier algorithm uses three parameter for locating appropriate web site wherever the file is also needed in future with high likelihood. The algorithmic program predicts future wants of replicated appropriate grid web site square measure supported file access history |
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Title : Estimation and Study of Electromagnetic Radiation levels from Mobile Towers Authors : Sushanth K J, Raghu N, Nithin
Abstract :
The Radiations effects are caused from very high frequency with low power and extremely low frequency with high power. High frequency are mainly used for communication towersto communicate from one point of world to another point. In recent development in communication system has increased the installation of towers at various places to provide good coverage for users, this emits harmful radiations. This paper deals with very high frequency with low power measurement of Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation levels and its effects. The Emission of radiated electrons from mobile towers causes many effects on human beings. The objective of this work is to measure and study the radiation levels of mobile towers using HF59B TM device |
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Title : Recognition of Face Using PCA Algorithm Authors : Kripa, Sushanth K J, Nithin, Nikhat A Khan
Abstract :
Detection of face from a long database of images of faces with different backgrounds is not an easy task. In the face detection system the colored images are invariant to background and acceptable illumination conditions. To reject the non-human face images and the unknown human images which are not present in the input database face images the threshold level is set. The global extraction of features is done using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with the help of Eigen face computation method and the detection part is completed using multi-layered feed forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with back propagation method. MATLAB software is used to implement this algorithm |
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Title : A Study of Ethical Issues in Indian Banking Sector Authors : Jyoti Sharma
Abstract :
Banking and Financial institutions are such a crucial part of the infrastructure of the entire world economy. Although banks create no wealth but their borrowing, lending and related activities facilitate the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of wealth. In this way they become effective partners in the process of economic development. As bank operate in a broad environment and the entry is open to all sorts of people thereby making it difficult to enforce ethics. This article highlights ethical issues such as issues in HR, Finance, Marketing, Social ethical issues, which help in achieving sustainable development of banking. Adherence to the norms of the bank’s ethics improving ties among bank’s employees as well as relations with clients. Appropriate behavior and social culture of the staff shape the image of the bank. This article addresses the ethics requirement for the banks staff and deals the application of ethical norms and the requirement of sound ethical code in the banking industry. The sample size of 100 people is going to be taken which includes both male and female of age 25 to 50 years. This paper is divided into four parts. First part discuss introduction of banking industry. Second part discuss concept of bank and it functions. Third part analyzes the review of past study on the topic and fourth part highlights an ethical issues related to banking industry and finally conclusion has given. |
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Title : The Role of Corporate Governance Principles in Raising the Efficiency of Arab Stock Exchanges Authors : Dr. Nahed Habis Alrawashdeh
Abstract :
Highlight the nineties of the twentieth century, quick and violent developments hit the structure of the world economy, it has emerged the effects of globalization of financial markets, and financial markets collapsed in Southeast Asia and Latin America, and accelerated privatization process and the transition to a market economy. These developments prompted the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to participate with the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to the formulation of "corporate governance principles" PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE and study their effectiveness to both developed and emerging markets alike. In general, corporate governance means the set of rules, regulations and procedures that achieve better protection and a balance between the interests of the company's managers and shareholders as well as other stakeholders associated. These rules include matters relating to corporate law and securities laws, rules and registration in the stock exchange, and accounting standards applicable to the listed companies, and competition laws, and the laws of bankruptcy and others. And it can be referred to some of the actions that led to the improved application of the rules of corporate governance, including the registration and disclosure rules of the new version, which introduced new standards for registration include profitability and the number of shareholders and a minimum capital consistent with international standards. Also developed disclosure rules and ordered companies configure audit committees, and appoint responsible for relations with investors, and the establishment of the Settlement Guarantee Fund, and allow the registered owner to vote on behalf of the beneficial owner and according to his instructions, and allow the introduction of the voting system and normal e-mail. |
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Title : Implementation of an All in One NGN Authors : Shivani Kamath, Karthik Pai B.H
Abstract :
A next generation network intergrates the services of otherwise vast domains of applications into a single fully functional network .This network would provide a single platform complex in nature due to increased heteroginity. The voice ,data and video services would be provided on wireless and optical means of transmission with considerable measures to ensure security both during transmission and to the end point. The network is designed to satisfy both QoS(quality of Service) and to the (Quality of Experience) measuring performance of network in terms of users perception.A network design takes into account many other important factors like scalability, cost ,load management,congestion control .This paper discusses the procedures for design and implementation of NGN along with the possible devices used in the same and the challenges during the network design & establishment |
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Title : Defected Ground Based Design of Multi Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for S-Band Applications Authors : Karmjeet Kaur, Jagtar Singh Sivia
Abstract :
In this paper a multislotted Rectangular Microstrip patch antenna (MRPA) is introduced. The modified antenna consists of multislotted rectangular patch with defected ground, an air filled substrate whose dielectric constant εr is 1.0006 and feed of co-axial probe. With multislotted patch the various performance parameters of conventional antenna such as gain, return losses and size are improved. At resonant frequency of 2.1 GHz proposed antenna achieved a gain of 7.02 dB, whereas at frequency of 3.8 GHz gain of conventional antenna is 4.30 dB. With defected ground plane proposed design has achieved the gain up to 8.45 dB at the frequency of 2.1 GHz. Size of proposed antenna is reduced by 75 % than the conventional antenna. Also resonant frequency of proposed antenna is shifted to lower side. Analysis of proposed and conventional antennas is done by using HFSS (High Frequency Structural Simulator) software |
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Title : Causality Testing and Co-integration between Inflation Rates and Economic Growth in Algeria Authors : Sayeh Fatima, Kherbouche Mustapha
Abstract :
the main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between inflation rates and economic growth in Algeria during the period 1991-2013, using the methodology of the Co-integration, causality test. The research found that the time series of the inflation rate and the GDP is non-stationary, and to make it stationary the first differences are applied. So the time series is integrated of the first orders and through the use of Johanson test we found that there is relationship co-integration between inflation rates and economic growth in Algeria, and causal relationship in one direction between them. |
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Title : A Study of Sales Promotion Tools for Traders With Reference to FMCG Products Authors : Mohit Kumar, Dr. Indu Bhargava, Dr. Jayant Sonwalkar
Abstract :
This study attempts to study diverse hypothetical issues associated with sales promotion tools for traders. It attempts to understand Traders brand switching behaviour when they are provided with attractive sales promotion schemes. We have studied how Traders can influence customer’s decision for brand switching with use of Sales Promotion tools. Sales promotion tools liked by traders, sales promotional tools which can influence the behaviour of traders to adopt a new brand for selling, Traders brand loyalty etc. We have taken a sample of 180 Traders out of which 172 were finally selected for analysis after editing. The study has made a contribution to Study of sales promotion schemes used for traders selling FMCG Products. The findings would be precious for FMCG Industry, to have more knowledge on sales promotion tools and its impact on behaviour of Trader |
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Title : Control of Urban Traffic Using Low-Cost and Energy-Saving for Wireless Sensor Network: Study and Simulation Authors : Mustapha Kabrane, Salah-ddine Krit, Lahoucine El maimouni, Jalal Laassiri
Abstract :
Urban traffic is the heart of many problems: more recent years, this critical aspect involved every day is un favorable for many fields, such as economics or ecology. This paper presents a low-cost and energy-saving urban mobility monitoring system based on wireless sensor networks (WSNs). For these reasons, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are emerged since the late 1990s, to optimize the best costs and experience of the user on the often complex networks. In this paper, after studying the horizons such systems will focus a large part of our state of the art technology dynamic and used particularly in distributed systems: fixed wireless sensor networks. We will see that these devices can be flexible in the context of ITS and participate low cost to obtain interesting results using GLD and SUMO simulator |
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Title : A Trusted and Collaborative E-Mosque Marketplace: Conceptual Solution Authors : Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Huzaifah Zaba, Iznel Shahidan, Muhamad Yusri Ahmad Bakhtiar Mubarak, Rahimi Rusyaidi Riduan
Abstract :
this paper aims to analyse the relationship between sellers and customers based on before era e-commerce platform is introduced and the introduction of e-commercing platform. The e-mosque marketplace as proposed e-commerce platform serving as alternative e-commercing sites for the muslim and mosque’s community is proposed to provide additional functions and benefits such as more secure transaction, money-back guaranteed. The methodology for this paper is based on literature using the BMC and VPD framework and was tested using various kind of field experiment. Data were collected using informal interview at local mosque and online survey form for the online seller community. Findings – the interview results indicates the usage of endorser credibility that is ‘the mosque’ has improved the seller’s willingness to use the system. The problem that has prevented the seller reaching their audience, are difficulty to advertise the product and attracting the targeted user to buy the product. However, the survey unable to reach to older and mature online seller as the individual required more time and formal interview |
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Title : Whey and Whey Proteins- A Puissant Catalyst for Future Foods and Better Health Authors : Desai Dhruvi, Marjadi Darshan
Abstract :
Whey, a liquid by-product, is widely accepted to contain many valuable constituents. It is one of the two proteins in cow’s milk, making up about 20% of the total protein content. It is a complete, high quality protein with a rich amino acid (AA) profile, Whey proteins are well known for their high nutritional value and versatile functional properties in food products. Estimates of the worldwide production of whey indicate that about 700,000 tonnes of true whey proteins are available as valuable food ingredients. Nutritional and functional characteristics of whey proteins are related to the structure and biological functions of these proteins. Some functional characteristics of whey proteins are discussed in relation to their properties for application in food products. |
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Title : Experimental Study on Impact of Steel Fibers at Various Zones in Reinforced Cement Concrete Beam Authors : Saravanarajan N, Selvakumar K, Siva sankar A
Abstract :
It is now well established that one of the important properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is its superior resistance to cracking and crack propagation. As a result of this ability to arrest cracks, fiber composites possess increased extensibility and tensile strength, both at first crack and at ultimate, particular under flexural loading. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation for enhancing the shear and flexural capacities of reinforced concrete (RC) beams using steel fiber at different zones. Volume fraction (Vf) of the fibers used in this study is 1 % to the volume of concrete. The beams are tested under two-point loading as per IS after 28 days curing. Ultimate loads, cracking patterns have been compared with those of the RC beams without steel fiber. A total of six concrete beams of size 100 * 150 * 1100mm, one is control beam and remaining five with randomly distributed discrete steel fiber at different zones henceforth noted as fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) beam, were performed to determine the most economical structure in the perspective of ultimate strength and shear capacity of steel fibers. |
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Title : Enhancing Shariah-Compliant Tourism via Network of Mosque: Anasgo Authors : Nurfatin Hanani binti Abdul Latif, Nur Amalina binti Mohd Rothi, Nasihah binti Mohamad Waziril Ghozi, Siti Fatimah binti Isnin, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
According to Sir William Muir writes in his book "The Life of Muhammad": "Though crude in material, and insignificant in dimensions, the Mosque of Muhammad is glorious in the history of Islam. Here, the Prophet and his Companions spent most of their time; here, the daily service, with its oft-recurring prayers was first publicly established; and here, the great congregation assembled every Friday, listening with reverence and awe to messages from Heaven. Here, the Prophet planned his victories; here he received embassies from vanquished and contrite tribes; and from hence issued edicts, which struck terror amongst the rebellious to the very outskirts of the peninsula. Hard by, in the apartment of Aisha (one of the wives of the Prophet), he breathed his last, and there, side by side with his first two successors he lies buried." (p.177). Hence, there are many of functionality of a mosque that we can use instead of for prayers purpose and remembering of God (Dhkir) only. Thus, the emerging of Islamic Centre of Network of Mosque that is proposed in this conceptual Business Model, utilizing BMC and VPD will create high values to travelers by providing ideal temporary lodgings and enhancing local homestay business within area of mosque by providing advertisement platform via the proposed AnasGo Platform |
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Title : Formulations on the Advanced Notions in Analytical Dynamics of Mechanical Systems Authors : Iuliu Negrean, Kalman Kacso
Abstract :
This paper is devoted to the presentation of formulations on the advanced notions that are used in the analytical dynamics study of the mechanical systems. In the advanced notions the acceleration energies of higher order, also named “kinetic energies of the accelerations of higher order” are included. In Newtonian dynamics studies, the kinetic energy is used as a central function in Lagrange - Euler equations. Using the main author's researches, this paper extends the study by developing the acceleration energies of first, second and third order. The analysis, performed in this paper, highlights the importance of acceleration energies of higher order in the study of dynamic behavior of mechanical systems with suddenly movements, as well as in the transient phases of motion. They will be implemented in the differential equations of motion of higher order (at least two). In these situations, the higher order time variations of the linear and angular accelerations are developed. Integral part of the mechanical systems is the mechanical structure of the serial robots. As a result, in the final part of this paper, an application on a serial robot that emphasizes an essential aspect regarding the time variation law of the acceleration energies of higher order, as well as their importance in the dynamic behavior will be presented. |
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Title : Gaussian Pythagorean Triples Authors : Dr. Manju Somanath, J. Kannan, Mr. K. Raja
Abstract :
Gaussian integer solutions of the Pythagorean equation are obtained. |
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Title : Broadcasting the Future Load Using BN- Model for Ideal Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Authors : Rathinapriya Vasu, Prof. G.RamaKrishnan
Abstract :
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing most eminent technology that is being used for sharing and accessing the resources using the internet. It has established a commercially cost effective and self-sustaining work environment. Cloud computing utilizes a huge power mainly because of the availability of large number of servers that are emphasized in the cloud datacenters. In order to have an impressive impact on idealizing the power utility, forecasting the future load plays a major role. The power utilized in the data center could be reduced to a greater extent based on the broadcasting technique used by the Bayesian Network model to predict the future load using its past historic data. The main purpose is to allocate a perfect virtual machine to a requested job based on the forecasted future load. It deals with allocating a reliable server to the requested job using the recent downtime history of the server .These servers are frequently supervised and they are ranked using their reliability record. When the future load is broadcasted using the BN -model and the reliable server has been selected for the forecasted load using its past downtime history, an ideal Virtual machine could be allocated for the requested job with a comparatively less power consumption. |
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Title : Influence of Recycled Aggregate on Strength Properties and Elastic Modulus of Concrete Authors : K. Usha Nandhini, S. Jayakumar, S.Kothandaraman
Abstract :
In this Industrial world, recycling construction material plays an important role to conserve the natural resources, to reduce the consumption of energy and space required for land fill disposal. As widely proved by significant researches that recycle aggregate are reliable alternate as aggregate in production of concrete. This paper investigates the influence of recycled concrete aggregate obtained from a demolished RC beam. To analyses the behavior of strength and elastic property of concrete with RCA replacement of 0%, 30%, 60% & 100% with NA of M20 and M40 grade concrete. The properties namely compressive, split tensile and flexural strength, young’s modulus, water absorption are studied. From the experimental results it is observed that the increase in strength of RCA is more during early age of 7days compared to later ages. Compressive, flexural and split tensile strength of concrete with 60% RAC replacement attain maximum strength than conventional concrete of M20 & M40. The Elastic modulus obtains 10% higher in replacement up to 60% of RAC. |
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Title : Environment Concerns and Spiritual Leadership Related with Sustainability Ideas in Imaginative Projects of Mexican Architecture and Civil Engineering Students Authors : Enrique Reig, Bernardo Quintana-Kawage, Kristiano Raccanello, Isaac Jauli, Sharon Aiza-Engel, Marco Vidali
Abstract :
In the current research article, free election was correlated in a projective way of sustainability ideas in architecture and civil engineering students with spiritual leadership and also, with environmental concerns. The variables shown in the results show strong correlations. Young students take into consideration the environment and use sustainability as part of their infrastructure and constructive models. In this discussion, the political and commercial pressure was analyzed when students arrive to the working life and most of them change priorities. |
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Title : Survey on Real Time Audio Steganography Authors : Mr.S.Rajesh, Mr.Vinay Jain
Abstract :
Today huge demand of digital world requires data to be transmitted in a secure manner.Data transmission in public communication is not secure because of interception.The best solution for this problem is steganography. Audio steganography is the process of hiding the secret information by concealing in into another medium such as audio file. Least Significant Bit (LSB) modification technique is the most simple and efficient technique. |
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Title : Significance of Miller Indices on the Gate Threshold Voltage of NMOS at 90nm Technology Authors : Yogita Dahiya, Bal Krishan
Abstract :
According to Moore’s law “the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuits invented”. In this paper we analyse MOSFET which is scaled down to 90nm and the threshold voltage with different crystallographic substrate orientation such as (100), (110) and (111). The results indicate thatsubstrate orientation has a significant impact on threshold voltage. The proposed structure is scaled to 90nm and its threshold voltage and transconductanceboth are optimised to one substrate orientation |
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Title : Generalized Fractional Calculus of the Generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta Function Authors : Jitendra Daiya, Jeta Ram
Abstract :
This paper deals with the derivation of the generalized fractional differentiation and generalized fractional integration of the generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function defined and studied by Srivastava et al [16]. Representations of such relations are obtained in terms of Riemann-Lioville integrals. |
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Title : Significance of Analysis of Fire Effects on Concrete Structures Authors : Er. Yadvinder Singh, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Dr.D.P.Gupta
Abstract :
In the structural design of building, it is necessary to design the structure to safely resist exposure to fire. However it is usually necessary to guard against structural collapse for a given period of time. The collapse occurs due to shrinkage and cracking of concrete after firing of the building. The main loss of the concrete is the loss of compressive strength. That happens due to spilling of concrete.The main goals of this study are:
To achieve the above goal we perform a set of 18 experiments with different composition, mix and W/C ratio. Nine concrete specimens were test before exposure to fire and nine concrete specimens were test after firing for one hour. We use PPC cement and three different Mix (M15, M20, and M25) were prepared by nominal mixing. The W/C Ratio was also used in three sets to achieve different results for compressive strength.0.40, 0.45 and 0.50 W/C Ratio were used for making concrete mixes. In this way nine different samples of concrete were prepared with different W/C Ratio and mix. And the specimen was test before and after the effect of fire. In these way eighteen specimens was tested. Different test results together with literature review were used to analyze the effects of fire on concrete. From the experiment it is observed that the compressive strength of concrete improves by improving the grade of concrete and the percentage lose in strength of concrete also decreases when a rich grade of concrete is used. On the other side W/C ratio also affects the percentage loses. When W/C ratio increases compressive strength of concrete decreases but after the exposure to fire, the percentage lose in strength also decreases. |
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Title : Significance of Flexural Behavior of Blast Furnace Slag Concrete Authors : Vishrut Malik, Vishrut Malik, Dr.D.P.Gupta
Abstract :
The study presents the experimental investigation carried out to evaluate effects of replacing coarse aggregate with that of blast furnace slag on various concrete properties. The basic objective of this study was to identify alternative source of good quality aggregate because the natural stone quarries are depleting very fast due to rapid pace of construction activities in India .The effect of replacing natural coarse aggregate by slag on the compressive strength of cubes, split tensile strength of cylinders and flexural strength of beams are evaluated in this study. Use of slag – a waste industrial by product of iron and steel production provides great opportunity to utilize it as an alternative to normally available aggregate. The test results of concrete were obtained by adding slag to coarse aggregate as a replacement of stone aggregate in various percentages of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 100%. All specimens were cured for 28 days before testing. From the study it has been observed that the blast furnace slag aggregate could be a good replacement of stone aggregate. |
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Title : The Study for Checking Of Quality of Construction in Buildings Authors : Vikas Walia, Dr. Arvind Dewangan
Abstract :
Owners and designers may find themselves confronted with the task of deciding what to do with an existing masonry building, particularly if there will be a change of use or modifications to the structural system. Part of that decision should include determination of whether the structural system is adequate in its current condition for the building’s intended use, whether minor or extensive repair and retrofit measures are required, or whether the building has deteriorated to a state that it is beyond its usable life. Nondestructive and minimally invasive diagnostic techniques play a vital role in determining properties of existing masonry construction without causing excessive disturbance or disruption to the building fabric. This article discusses the different methods available for identifying masonry distress conditions and evaluating engineering properties such as strength and stiffness. |
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Title : The Study of Construction Worker Safety Analysis Authors : Rajan Vats, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Dr.D.P.Gupta
Abstract :
Construction industry is one the most unsafe and hazardous industries to work in. In India very less significance is given to construction safety and adding to that the Indian labour market is such that the status of safety in construction becomes even worse. In general, the Indian construction labour is poor, uneducated (sometimes even illiterate) and are not aware of the importance of safety procedures. They are also given the less importance by the management as far as safety is concerned and are always at disposal. All these factors influence the safety behaviour of the labour, leading to injuries and fatalities at construction sites. Therefore by assessing and controlling the safety behaviour of labours the rate of injuries and fatalities can be lowered. In this study we will try to understand the reasons for accident causation, the importance of safety behaviour and then figure out main factors that influence the labour safety behaviour. The scope of work is restricted to Indian construction industry. We will focus on high rise buildings, small construction enterprises and metro projects. The assessment of the identified factors would be done by the statistical technique called Structure Equation Modelling (SEM). The application SEM would be done by the application software called Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). |
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Title : The Study of Microsilica and Nanosilica with Special Reference to Recycled Aggregate Concrete Authors : Rahul Rana, Dr. Arvind Dewangan
Abstract :
In the present study recycled aggregates are used in the concrete and the effect of nanosilica and microsilica on recycled aggregate concrete has been investigated. In the first series of tests natural aggregates are replaced by recycled aggregates in varying percentages i.e. 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. In the second series of tests, cement was partially replaced by microsilica and nanosilica by 5%, 8% and 10% and 1%, 2% and 3% respectively both in natural aggregate concrete and recycled aggregate concrete. Further, cement was replaced by both nanosilica and microsilica i.e. (1%, 2%) and (5%, 8%) respectively in concrete containing fresh aggregates as well as partial recycled aggregates. The results obtained from the study showed that a maximum decrease of 18% was observed when 50% recycled aggregates are used. The addition of both nanosilica and microsilica improved the compressive strength at early ages in natural as well as recycled aggregate concrete. The maximum compressive strength was observed in concrete containing 2% nanosilica& 5% microsilica. Maximum compressive strength for nanosilica and microsilica was observed at 2% and 8% respectively. Increase in about 30% of strength was observed when combinations of 1% nanosilica with 8% microsilica& 2% nanosilica with 5% microsilica were used. |
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Title : Road Safety Audit and a Case Study on Kaithal-Kurukshetra Road Haryana, India Authors : Er. Mandeep Singh, Er. Sachin Dass, Dr. Dhirender Singhal
Abstract :
Road traffic accidents deaths and injuries occur worldwide. It was estimated that over 1.2 million people died each year on the world roads as a result of road traffic accidents. According to a survey by WHO, more than 3,200 people get killed and over 130 000 injured in traffic every day around the world. Also almost half of all fatal accidents involve pedestrians, cyclists and power two wheelers, collectively called vulnerable road users. A Work zones are areas of construction, maintenance, and utility areas, which creates conditions that can be hazardous to drivers and highway workers. Work zones are a necessary fact of life in our communities and can cause changes in traffic patterns, reduced speed limits, causes congestion; and an influx of construction workers and equipment on the road. Sometimes work zones are poorly marked, and warning signs are hard to see, especially at night. Warning signs and traffic control devices may not be related to actual work in progress or accurately portray real work zone hazards. Drivers thus disregard these warning signs with potentially tragic consequences. |
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Title : Polynomial Controller RST with IP Structure for AC-DC Converter with Power Factor Correction Authors : Jean Nirinarison RAZAFINJAKA, Tsiory P. ANDRIANANTENAINA
Abstract :
This paper treats a study of a new topology using a polynomial controller RST: controller RST with IP structure. It is applied on an AC-DC converter with power factor correction (Boost PFC). This controller is applied on the voltage loop and hysteresis command on the current loop. Simulation results and comparison with a scheme using PI controller show that the new proposal leads to good performances in respect of the total harmonic distortion (TDH) satisfying standard normalizes ¶IEC- 61000-3-2. |
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Title : The Influence of Online Career Counseling ACIS-Q The Vocational Secondary High School Students (SMK) Career Maturity of in the Province of Jakarta, Indonesia Authors : Awaluddin Tjalla, Herdi, Cecep Kustandi
Abstract :
This research is motivated by the results of theoretical studies and empirical facts about the importance of student’s career competence achievement, as well as its development efforts in the implementation of the career counseling at vocational secondary high schools (SMK). The purpose of this study was to test the effect of online career counseling (OCC) model of “ACIS-Q” to the career maturity of students of public vocational secondary high schools of Jakarta, Indonesia. The study used a quasi-experimental method with a design of pretest-posttest non-equivalent groups. The sample included 28 Grade IX students of vocational secondary high schools from five regions of Jakarta. The research sample was captured by using multistage cluster random sampling technique. The data collection was performed by using Career Maturity Inventory. Data were analyzed by using the t-test. Results of hypothesis testing shows that the Sig. (2-tailed) (0.000) < α (0.05), then the H0 is rejected. It means that there is a significant positive effect of the OCC ACIS-Q model to the improvement of career maturity of grade XI students of public vocational secondary high schools of Jakarta. |
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Title : Survey on Video Compression Using 3D-Spiht Algorithm Authors : Roshan Kumar Sahu, Ravi Mishra
Abstract :
Now a day’s broadly use of real-time video communication on the Internet requires adaptive applications that can provide different levels of quality depending on the amount of resources available. For video coding algorithms must be designed to be useful in bandwidth usage, processing requirements and quality of the reconstructed signal. Of most algorithms developed, SPIHT algorithm ever since its introduction for image compression has received a lot of attention. Though SPIHT is considerably simpler, efficient, completely inserted codec provides good image quality, large PSNR, optimized for modern image transmission, efficient conjunction with error defence, form information on demand but still it has some downsides that need to be taken away for its better use. One of the main drawbacks is its slow processing speed. To overcome this drawback, a modified SPIHT algorithm called block based pass parallel SPIHT for video compression is used. The video is separated into individual frames and dual tree complex wavelet transform is applied to the individual frames. Then the wavelet coefficients are encoded using Block based pass parallel SPIHT encoder. The bit stream generated is decoded using Block based pass parallel SPIHT decoder. Inverse wavelet transform is applied to reconstruct the original frame from the decoded result. The frames are concatenated to reconstruct the video. The quality of the reconstructed video is measured in terms of PSNR, MSE and Compression ratio. |
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Title : Extruder performance in pelleting conventional forage fed to grasscutters (Thryonomys swinderianus) in captivity in Ghana Authors : J.M. Seidu, K.A. Dzisi, A.G. Addo, A. Barte-Plange, B. Odai
Abstract :
A Pelletizing machine for the production of pelleted feed for grasscutters in captivity was designed and fabricated. It consists of a hopper, a barrel that houses a screw conveyor and pipes of 18.0mm diameter. Power was provided to the extruder by a 2.2kW, 1430 rpm and 3 - phase electric motor. The drive and driven pulleys were and 135mm in diameter respectively. The study was to find out the effect of moisture, particle size and feed components on the performance of the pelletizer. It was observed that moisture content, particle size and feed component had effect on the performance of the extruder. The initial feed weight, total feed input, percent pelleted, throughput capacity and pellet efficiency were highly significant P<0.001, while input time and pelleting time were significant P<0.05, (SAS, 2008). The highest pelleting efficiency as 75.08% was obtained by the feed with its components that passed once through the 2.0mm screen size of the hammer mill at a moisture level of 62.50%. Machine throughput capacity was 42.67kg/m3 and 96.88% pelleted feed. The two pass component of the feed had its maximum pelleting efficiency of 75.10%, moisture content of 56.25% and the machine throughput capacity as 54.67kg/m3 and 97.34% of the feed pelleted. It is therefore recommended that the main feed components be ground into fine particles to achieve higher throughput capacity and pelleting efficiencies. The absence of pre-conditioning with either steam or hot water and the none usage of commercial binders will make it easier to use the machine by small and medium scale grasscutter farmers to produce pelleted feed in their homes to remove the drudgery of transporting, handling and storing large quantities of the forage that need larger storage structures. |
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Title : Managing Aerospace Supply Chain Disruptions of Outsourcing and Partnership, Limited Buffers and Poor Planning and Execution Authors : Iman Ziaei, Mohsen Sadegh Amalnick
Abstract :
There are several influential risks in an aerospace supply chain which disruption is one of the most significant types. Many researchers believe that the impact of disruption is more considerable than other risks. There are three main reasons for aerospace supply chain disruption, which are “outsourcing and partnership”, “limited buffers” and “poor planning and execution”. The article explains aspects of these causes as well as related solutions for each one of them. Improving forecast accuracy, building supply chain resilience, increasing redundancy, improving security, fulfilling postponement, adapting strategic buffer, investing in improving technology, improving system agility; are the main strategies to mitigate or prevent mentioned causes of disruption in an aerospace supply chain. Accordingly, since each one of main supply chain approaches – lean and agile- needs diverse strategies; the final step is about the strategies, which would be reached through benchmarking among them for both lean and agile series of components and raw materials |
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Title : Sports as Sunnah Authors : Muhammad Akram Zaki bin Azhari, Muhammad Anwar bin Rahmat, Shahrain bin Khairuddin, Nur Afiq Muhaimie bin Aziz
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to understand IIUM students on how healthy they live their lifestyle and how committed they are to being healthy. This paper is design to understand what students want in a sport emphasis community, which can provide a location for students and non students alike to exercise and meet new people. They can promote sports back in their hometown and by using network of mosque they can have programs that emphasized sports. The problem students face now is that they are not many commodities for students to play sports and also exercise regularly. Students of IIUM usually face insufficient area and also events for them to really show their talent and also provide the right motivation so that students who do not exercise regularly or even do not exercise at all will start to do some type of sport if there are places for them to start. We have developed a Business Model Canvas and also a Value Proposition Diagram for this system which is also integrated with the network of mosque. This is to enhance and see the details in a bigger and a more detailed view. The BMC and VPD we provided is what we have describe the most suitable for this project to be a complete success. |
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Title : Online Masjid Community Authors : Abu Aiman Mat Ali, Muhammad Zulhelmi Yahya, Mohamad Azraie Ahmad Yazid, Mohd Izzat Mat Suri, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
Online Masjid Community is an online platform made to make communication between surrounding Muslim community ,access to info related to mosque activities and management mosque easier than before and reachable by community through latest technology. At the same time this platform can help mosque generate revenue rather than collecting donation from community through online transaction, advertising and booking fees. To develop the Online Masjid community conceptual solution, the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and Value Proposition Design (VPD) Canvas suite of tools were utilized. |
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