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Title : Refractrometric study of binary liquid mixtures of triethyl amine with alcohols at 303.15K Authors : Dhirendra Kr. Sharma, Akas Shukla
Abstract :
One of the physical properties, which is applied now- a -days, is the refractive index of pure liquid and their mixtures for the study of interactions between the components. Refractive index is an optical property of a dielectric substance. Pandey et. al (1-2) have made refractive index measurements in liquid mixtures and have suggested that such studies are very much helpful for understanding of the molecular interaction in the components of the mixture. Owing to this, refractive index measurements are carried out in the present investigation. In the following section some theoretical aspects (3-4) of the refractive index have been discussed. Refractive index (or index of refraction) is a measure of the amount of refraction. It is the ratio of the wave length or phase velocity of an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum to that in the substance. It is also called as absolute index of refraction or absolute refractive index. It can be a function of wave length, temperature and pressure. If the substance is non-absorbing and non-magnetic at any wave length, then square of the index of refraction is equal to the dielectric constant at that wave length (5). When a light wave posses from one medium having refractive index, n1 to another with n2, the angle of incidence (i), and the angle of refraction (r), both measured with respect to the normal to the interface, are related by |
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Title : A Hybrid AC/DC Micro grid With Fuzzy Logic Controller Authors : Ganesula Prasad, Shaik Dawood
Abstract :
The proposed system presents power- control strategies of a grid-connected Micro grid generation system with versatile power transfer. This Micro grid system allows maximum utilization of freely available renewable energy sources like wind and photovoltaic energies. For this, an adaptive MPPT P&O Controller along with standard perturbs and observes method will be used for the system. The proposed Micro grid can operate in autonomous mode. fuzzy logic controller and controlling converters are proposed for smooth power transfer between ac and dc links and for stable system operation under various generation and load conditions. This Micro grid system operates under normal conditions which include normal room temperature in the case of solar energy and normal wind speed at plain area in the case of wind energy. The Power Balancing Control simulation results are presented to illustrate the operating principle, feasibility and reliability of Micro grid proposed system |
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Title : An Emprical Analysis of Women Behavior While Buying Indian Dress Saree with Special Refrence to Kota Doriya Sarees Authors : Vidhi Upadhyaya
Abstract :
— India is a diverse country with different culture cast and creed, Therefore the choice is also different from person to person. The saree is one of the worlds oldest and perhaps the only surviving unstitched garment from the past. Over the millennia, it has not only become a sensuous, glamorous all-time-wear for women, especially the cotton wear sarees are the most preferable choice among working women’s. Women’s buying behaviour is different according to their ages and their lifestyle. Kota is a city where these castes are maximum in number Maheshawari’s, Jain’s, Brahmin’s and Rajput’s, ladies of these castes always prefer to wear sarees whether being at home or moving outside or going to attend any function and even if they are working they prefer to wear sarees. There are n number of cotton saree variety are available in Kota Doria. These sarees are not only popular in Kota but also in other cities. The study is focusing on female of Kota city, both working and non-working women age between 25-35. The study will see the buying behaviour of females while purchasing Kota Doria saree. The study will also help to find out how the sarees groom the personality of females. |
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Title : Dossier of Manufacturing and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Model Authors : Man Djun Lee, Shahidul Islam
Abstract :
This paper is about model building to evaluate manufacturing sustainability. This study aims to support manufacturing industries by providing with a tool to evaluate the degree of sustainability by measuring their production performance. Literature review, data collection, conceptual model building, mathematical model building and report writing are the main steps involved of this work. Information has collected from scientific publications on sustainable manufacturing, green manufacturing, sustainable life cycle engineering, remanufacturing and edited. This study has successfully generated an empirical model to evaluate the sustainability degree of manufacturing industries’ production process. Literature suggest, wastage or underutilized capacity creates gap in productivity and appears as non-value added input to production process. This gap contributes to increase production cost, reduce production performance and ultimately it negatively impacted on economy and environment. In this aspect, developed model is useful for relevant stakeholders to eliminate non-value added inputs for achieving economic and environmental sustainability. The developed model is original as developed from fundamental manufacturing concept. This work will add new information in the manufacturing knowledge domain; in this aspect, this work is novel. This paper will provide guideline for future research in sustainable manufacturing. |
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Title : Using the Imidazole and Benzimidazole as Corrosion Inhibitor of UNS S31803 Duplex Stainless Steel Authors :
Abstract :
The behavior of corrosion and corrosion inhibition of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel (DSS) were studied in sodium chloride solution (3.0 wt. %), in the absence and presence of benzimidazole and imidazole corrosion inhibitors. The chemical and morphological characterization of steels were performed using the techniques such as optical emission spectrometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). Electrochemical analysis were performed through the techniques of potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. XRD analysis showed that the UNS S31803 DSS displayed austenite and ferrite phases. Additionally, metallographic and SEM and EDX analysis allowed to identify certain regions and elements present in the steel which provide corrosion occurring, such as inclusions. The inhibitors were tested at different concentrations (25 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 500 ppm and 1000 ppm) for the three steel through the polarization curves and electrochemical impedance, and it was found that all concentrations showed an increase in corrosion resistance. Polarization curves analysis showed that the benzimidazole provided to UNS S31803 DSS, inhibition efficiencies of about 75 %. While imidazole showed an efficiency of about 86 %. The electrochemical impedance results showed that the inhibition efficiencies was approximately 71 % for benzimidazole and of about 85 % for the imidazole. In all electrochemical analysis imidazole proved to be the better inhibitor for the DSS investigated. |
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Title : Bancassurance: A Comprehensive Study Authors : Dr. Priyank Gupta
Abstract :
Today every investor has to learn to analyze the savings and investment avenues cautiously. Life insurance policies are also one of the investment alternatives. Life insurance policies are available in numerous forms. Nowadays banks have been involving in the distribution process of insurance products. Bancassurance is a significant milestone in the insurance business. The article explains the emergence and development of bancassurance in India. The article also outlined the regulatory framework of bancassurance business in India. The growth of bancassurance in the life insurance sector is described in the article. |
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Title : Region Growing Method for Detection of Brain Tumor, Affected Regions in Eye and Skin Diseases Authors : Ms. Tanuja Pandurang Shewale, Dr. Shubhangi B. Patil
Abstract :
automated segmentation and detection are vastly important in medical diagnostics because they provide information related to the complex parts in human body. In surgical planning this is most important. As the appropriate segmentation of anatomical regions of the brain, eyes and skin are quite difficult in medical image analysis. The MRI image produces a high contrast image which indicates regular and irregular tissues that help to discriminate the affected and non-affected areas. But if these edges of affected regions are not sharp then the results obtained from the segmentation are not accurate. This usually happens if the disease is in its initial stage. So, in this paper a modified method of detection and segmentation is discussed to separate the irregular and the regular surrounding tissue. This is necessary to get a real identification of involved and noninvolved areas. This will assist the surgeons for the surgical planning to distinguish the involved area precisely. The method proposed here is seeded region growing method to detect the affected regions in brain tumor, eye disease and skin disease. |
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Title : Ultrasonic characterization using LabVIEW Technique Authors : Bhandakkar V D
Abstract :
Ultrasonic is the science of acoustics and the technology of sound. The frequency range of ultrasonic waves is greater than 20 KHz up to several MHz, which is beyond the audible range or limit. Ultrasonics characterization allows for the measurement of velocity, viscosity, density, adiabatic compressibility, internal pressure, Gibb’s energy, impedance and all the parameters of binary or ternary liquids. This ultrasonic characterization using pulse echo technique is discussed in this paper takes the principle of ultrasonic characterization and applied it to some binary liquid mixtures. A new instrumentation system using LabVIEW was designed to allow rapid data collection through varying liquid mixture and their characterization. The system is composed of pulse system and acquired data is then graphically shown using LabVIEW software. LabVIEW is a graphical development environment for creating test measurement and other control applications. Using LabVIEW, virtual instrumentation (VIs) is created to control or measure a process. In this application LabVIEW was used to create a virtual instrument that was laboratory to collect the data required for ultrasonic characterization of the binary systems, Acrolein + Methanol and Acrolein + Cyclohexane. Experiments were conducted to calibrated and validate the system for ultrasonic velocity, viscosity, density, adiabatic compressibility, internal pressure, impedance, free length, free volume, and Gibb’s energy. Transducers are incorporated for sensing purpose. In this paper, the results of an ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity to study the related acoustical parameters, for the binary systems of Acrolein + methanol and Acrolein + cyclohexane at the temperature 303K using Lab VIEW software have been reported. The behavior of these parameters with composition of the mixture has been discussed in terms of molecular interaction between the components of liquids. |
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Title : A study on Physico-Mechanical properties of Oxytenanthera monostigama a cultivated bamboo Authors : C Maya
Abstract :
Physical properties such as the culms, height, number of internodes per culms, internodes length, internodes diameter, culms wall thickness, moisture content and basic density are considered to be the important factors in determining the suitability of bamboo for various applications. The results of mechanical properties like Modulus of rupture (MoR), Modulus of elasticity (MoE) and Compressive strength (Comp St.) of Oxytenanthera monostigama species showed the strength properties more at middle portion compared to bottom and top portions. |
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Title : The Effects of the Governments Construction Contract Administration Authors : Chaiwat Pooworakulchai, Waranon Kongsong, Kijbodi Kongbenjapuch
Abstract :
This article is analyzed the factors that affect to the construction contract administration of the government. The relationships of the government’s construction contract administration principles and structures were presented. The present study is a documentary research one. The data were collected from documents, texts, and printing media. Then, the problems affecting the administration were analyzed and synthesized. It was found that the factors include the initial processes before the administration. Moreover, there are other factors during the administration that could cause the effects at any time. These factors were divided into two groups: internal and external factors. The factors could be controlled if the practices were improved and adjusted according to the construction strategies which will be reduce the effects in contract administration continuously. |
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Title : Following correlations between degree of disability and Esnault, Biering, Ito and Pile tests results after application of kinesitherapeutic methodology to patients with chronic stage of lumbalgy Authors : Maria Vakrilova Becheva
Abstract :
To follow the correlation between the degree of disability and the results of Esnault, Biering, Ito and Pile tests after the application of kinesitherapeutic methodology to patients with a chronic stage of lumbalgy The study included 110 patients diagnosed with chronic low back pain, divided equally into two treatment groups. The participants of the experimental group performed the recommended special exercises 3 times a week at home and those in the control group only followed the guidelines of the physician. At the beginning of the 12th month аn Esnault test, Biering test, Ito test, Pile test and test of Oswestry were applied to all the participants. There has been established a direct and moderate correlation of Esnault test results with Oswestry test results in the experimental group at the beginning and end of the observation. There has also been established an inverse and moderate correlation between Biering test results and Oswestry test results in the experimental group at the end of the observation. There has been ascertained inverse and moderate correlation between Ito test results and Oswestry test results in the experimental group at the beginning and end of the observation. The lower results in Esnault, Biering and Ito tests in the experimental group were a predictor of higher levels of disability among participants. |
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Title : Optimization of an Epoxy Resin Two- Wheeler Connecting Rod Using CAE Tools Authors : Jitender Dahiya, Shweta Bisht
Abstract :
The main objective of the work is to carry out the weight reduction and cost optimization of connecting rod, which is achieved by changing the material of the existing connecting rod to epoxy resin. The model is developed in CATIA V5 and then imported in ANSYS workbench. The work analysis of the single cylinder four- stroke engine connecting rod is carried out using Finite Element Analysis software ANSYS WORKBENCH 9.0 and taken as a case study. The Von Mises stress, strain and total deformation determined for the same loading condition and compared with the existing results. The current work consists of two types of analysis. In the first part of the study, a static analysis is carried out for the optimization of connecting rod. The static analysis is carried out under axial load and buckling load. In the second part, a fatigue failure analysis is carried out to check the fatigue strength of the optimized connecting rod. FEA and the load analysis results, the load for the optimization study are selected. A fatigue tool is used to determine the life, stress multiaxiality, factor of safety and damage of the connecting rod. |
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Title : ECG And PPG Monitoring Using Machine-To-Machine Communication Authors : Priyanka Amodkar, M.B. Limkar, Smita Kulkarni
Abstract :
This paper provides a prototype which uses machine to machine communication to provide healthcare solution. ECG and PPG is an important tool to interpret a wide range of heart conditions. Early warning and patient awareness are critical in preventing permanent heart damage and saving much of the heart muscles. These critical conditions motivated us to develop a prototype that provides a long term ECG and PPG monitoring. Our approach is to provide healthcare solution which can process large amount of biomedical signals through the network that is a combination of i-nternet and sensors. |
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Title : Investigation of Pulverized Bentonitic Clay (PBC) As Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete Authors : Olutoge F.A., Okeyinka O.M., Manu P., Akintunde A. P.
Abstract :
The prevalent need for alternative eco-friendly building materials and the demands for improved concrete strength have compelled researchers to intensify work on substitutes to cement for the purpose of investigating their usefulness as absolute or partial replacement of cement. This project investigates the possible use of Pulverized Bentonitic Clay (PBC) sourced from Nigeria as a partial replacement of cement in concrete production. The experimental work involved the use of concrete mix design aimed at strength of 25N/mm2 as control sample. The ordinary Portland cement used for the mixture was replace with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% Pulverized Bentonitic Clay (PBC). 150mmx150mmx150mm concrete cubes specimen were cast from mixture of binder, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate using mix ratio 1:1.5:3.The cube specimen were subjected to compressive strength test at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days curing ages. The compressive strength of the ordinary Portland cement/Pulverized Bentonitic Clay (PBC) concrete generally decreases as the percentage of Pulverized Bentonitic Clay (PBC) content increases. The maximum compressive strength of 25.50 N/mm2 was recorded for the 5% PBC-cement cube specimen at 28 day curing age. Addition of bentonite clay resulted in poor early stage and good later stage compressive strength compare to the control mixture. The maximum value of 25.50N/mm2 for the 5% replacement level is found suitable and recommended having attained a 28-day compressive strength of more than 25.0N/mm2. The findings indicate that the use of 5% Nigerian bentonite clay as partial replacement of cement is suitable for concrete work in which later stage strength is required. The split tensile strength of concrete containing 0%-20%PBC satisfies the minimum requirement for structural grade lightweight concrete. Addition of PBC had a negative effect to the workability of a fresh concrete. It generally lowered the workability of the concrete. |
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Title : Establishment of Baseline Data for Monitoring Structural Deformation a Case Study of Mechanical Engineering Building, Federal Polytechnic Idah, Nigeria Authors : Z. O. Sule, M.N. Ono
Abstract :
The concept underlying structural deformation monitoring using various methods had over the years been of interest to civil engineers, structural engineers, surveyors and all other allied environmental-based professionals is aimed at protecting various infrastructures and facilities. This paper thus aims at discussing the establishment of base line data using geodetic survey method to establish the baseline infrastructure. Five control stations were established around the mechanical Engineering building for the purpose of monitoring. The baseline infrastructure was established using the total station (SOKKIA SET 310). Statistical analysis carried out showed that the differences in the mean, standard deviation and variances of the rectangular northing coordinates as compared to the grid equivalent were 0.120m,-0.104m and 0.111m respectively. That of the eastings was 0.893m, 0.041m and 3.83m respectively. The angular misclosure of the traverse was (00° 00’ 12”).The linear accuracies of the traverse and that of the grid were 1/79,000 and 1/93,000 respectively. The least squares adjustment gave values of a-priori standard error and variance of (0.0005032 and 0.0000145) respectively. The study revealed that the established baseline infrastructure data would in no small measure facilitate the structural deformation monitoring of the mechanical engineering building in particular and other adjourning structures of the polytechnic in general. It is recommended that a network of similar infrastructures be established to enhance effective monitoring of high-rise buildings which is presently on the increase in the polytechnic. This will provide early warning information to avert dangers. |
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Title : A Review on Evaluating the Effects of Total Quality Management Tools in Various Business Practises Authors : Abhishek K R, Chetan N
Abstract :
In todays competitive economy, major emphasis is on the availability of product and process, at low cost and high quality. Though the approach for managing quality are different from one company to another, there are few common factors among them which is summarised to form quality principle known as Total Quality Management (TQM). Tools of TQM are used in optimisation of the business process through waste reduction and quality improvement. With the proper usage of these tools several issues within the organisation like poor quality and higher percentage of scraps can be addressed which would be beneficial in attaining higher profitability. Here few tools of TQM such as Poke-A-Yoke being used in a auto duct manufacturing industry to eliminate human errors in finishing, fishbone diagram being used in a manufacturing firm to show effect of providing excess tolerance limit, the application of Root cause analysis in a manufacturing firm to analyse root cause of problems such as cracks in cradles, vibrations and noise during machining, PDCA cycle used for continuous improvement in quality of the product in a manufacturing firm are discussed. No single tool can provide solutions to all the applications; usage of TQM tools requires proper knowhow about each tool and its areas of application. But results obtained by TQM tools take time to have a noteworthy effect when implemented in the industry |
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Title : Influence of Aging Process On Microstructures and Properties of High Manganese Steel Mn15Cr2V Authors : Pham Mai Khanh, Le Thi Chieu
Abstract :
The improvement of microstructures and properties of High Manganese Steel with 2%Cr and 1%V by heat treatment process with aging process was presented in this paper. Heat treatment for the Mn15Cr2V1 steel with the follow process: the sample is heated to 6500C soaked in 02 hours at this temperature, cooling in air to room temperature; follow by austenizing at 11000C in 02 hours, cooling in water. The results showed: Uniform austenite, small size grain (level 6 according to ASTM). No any carbides grain boundary. The hardness value is 223HB (compare to 156HV of process without intermediate at 6500C) and impact toughness average 115J/cm2 (compare to 65J/cm2 of process: heating sample up to 11000C, soaked in this temperature in 02h and quenching in water, then step 2: sample was reheated to 6500C, soaked at this temperature in 02h then cooled in air to room temperature). |
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Title : Kinesitherapy in Brachial Plexus Injury- Presentation of Case Authors : Maria Vakrilova Becheva
Abstract :
We needed evidence as to which exercises were appropriate in the treatment of patients with brachial plexus impairment. Presentation of kinesitherapeutic methodology and reporting results of its annual application to patients with traumatic injury to the plexus brachialis with motor deficits of the left upper limb. Our subject of treatment was a 32 year-old man with traumatic brachial plexus, to whom we conducted a systematic physical therapy, including therapeutic massage of the shoulder girdle and upper limb, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitating techniques, analytical gymnastics, exercises for grip training. As a result of the applied kinesitherapeutic methodology the muscle strength of the upper arm and forearm were increased. There has been an overall improvement of functional upper limb gestures and the grip strength. To remove dysfunctions and disabilities in patients with brachial plexus impairment it is necessary to use the patient’s locomotive apparatus in its dynamics and complexity of movements. |
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Title : Analysis of SfqCoDel to Reduce the Congestion and Delay Due To Excessive Network Traffic Authors : Sneha Y, Vinita Singh, Zaiba H Jamadar, Toshitha K Uttaiah, Dr. Nalini Niranjan
Abstract :
With the increase in network traffic, a better and fair queue management is necessary to control dropping of packets inefficiently. This includes a better buffer and queue management which can be achieved by using the AQM technique. The various variants of AQM (Active Queue Management) are existent which can be improvised according to the scenario at hand to control the ever increasing traffic problems. The AQM technique which has been in use is the CoDel [1] algorithm which is a parameter-less and dynamic AQM variant. As a variant of this, the SfqCoDel [1] (Stochastic Fair Queue) has been proposed to overcome the backdrops of CoDel [1] and to drop the packets in a fair manner. The SfqCoDel [1] drops the packets in a network by comparing the larger bandwidth utilized by the packets queued in the network unlike CoDel [1] which drops the packets by calculating a particular timestamp. The analysis and comparison of CoDel [1] and SfqCoDel [1] shows that SfqCoDel [1] is better than CoDel [1] in terms of error rate, throughput etc. |
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Title : Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of Platinum Adsorption from Acidic Chloride Solutions on Anionic Exchange Resin AG1-x8 Authors : Pan-Pan Sun, Tae-Young Kim, Byoung-Jun Min, Thi-Hong-Hue Dinh, Sung-Yong Cho
Abstract :
The adsorption properties of platinum from hydrochloric acid solutions on an anionic exchange resin (AG1-x8) were investigated. Adsorption of Pt increased with increasing temperature and decreasing acid concentration in the stock solution. The adsorption equilibrium isotherm of platinum on AG1-x8 resin could be described by the Langmuir adsorption model. Thermodynamic parameters indicated that adsorption of Pt on AG1-x8 resin was spontaneous and endothermic. Kinetic studies showed that adsorption of Pt onto AG1-x8 resin in this system followed pseudo-second-order kinetics. |
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Title : Email Threads, Vulnerabilities, Forensic Investigation Techniques and Tools Authors : A. Sesha Rao, Prof. P. S. Avadhani
Abstract :
E-mail is the most common mode of communication today by every individual. We are more prone to using e-mails rather than communicating on telephone or sending information through printed papers. Emails frequently contain malicious virus’s threats and scams that can result in the loss of your data and confidential information, and even identity theft. Hence, Email system is inherently vulnerable to misuse. Email analysis is challenging due to not only various fields that can be forged by hackers or malicious users, but also the flexibility of composing, editing, deleting of emails using offline or email applications. So it is necessary to secure our e-mail system and also to identify criminal collect evidence against them and punish them under court of law. In light of this, Computer Forensic Specialist employ state-of-the-art tools and methodologies in the extraction and analysis of data from spammed emails received at the digital crime scene. This paper studies the comparative approach of the email forensic tools, its origins, its current position and its future directions. This paper also addresses to conduct an investigation into some of these freely available e-mail forensic tools An attempt is made to illustrate e-mail architecture from forensics perspective. It also discusses common e-mail forensic investigation techniques besides the threats and vulnerabilities that encounter in e-mail communication. |
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Title : A Comparative Study of window-based FIR Filters and Undecimated Wavelet Transform for ECG De-noising using LabVIEW Authors : J.Palanivel, R.Muthusivagami
Abstract :
Electrocardiography (ECG) is the process of recording the electrical activity of the heart. The analysis of ECG has greater importance in the detection of cardiac diseases. The ECG signal are normally contaminated by various types of noises like power line interference, instrumental noise, external EMF interference, noise due to random body movements and respirational movements. The artifacts and noises need to be eliminated for better clinical evaluation. In this paper, noise reduction is done using window-based Finite impulse response (FIR) filters such as Welch, Hamming, Hanning and Blackman-Harris and Blackman Nutall window and Undecimated Wavelet Transform (UWT). The performance of both the FIR filter method and UWT is evaluated in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR) by means of LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench). |
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Title : Why Unified Statistics Theory by MCMC towards Estimation of Stationary Joint Probabilities of Stochastic Matrix? Authors : Dr. Usama H. Abou El-Enien
Abstract :
Unified statistics theory by MCMC is considered. A new proposed algorithm is presented to obtain surely empirical analysis conclusions in order to turn to surely theoretical analysis results about stationary joint probabilities of stochastic matrix of any genetic or clonal selection algorithm of any general too large dimensional deterministic and probabilistic (the grouping data, both continuous and discrete) linear or nonlinear programming problem in order to introduce a complete framework and to estimate any stationary joint probabilities of stochastic matrix by the proposed algorithm towards the fourth resounding success of unified statistics theory by MCMC. |
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Title : Performance Analysis of Double Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Authors : Shivesh Namdeo, Mr. Divyanshu Rao, Mr. Ravi Mohan
Abstract :
Here we have analyzed the impact of gate dielectric, device width, and metal electrodes on Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET). A numerical T-CAD device simulator 3-D ATLAS version 2.10.18.R shows that reducing the width will reduce the effective threshold voltage. Transistor with high ION/IOFF ratio of 1011, sub-threshold swing of 42mV/decade for the channel length of 50nm with Hafnium oxide as gate dielectric material of thickness 3nm is considered. The performance analysis of Tunnel Field Effect Transistor is done by varying dielectric material, width of the device and varying the applied voltages. The simulation results indicate the suitability of proposed novel structure. |
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Title : An Empirical Model to Measure Engineering Management Contribution to Output Growth of Machinery Manufacturing SMEs Authors : Shahidul M.I., Houssein. M.A. Elaswad, Man Djun Lee
Abstract :
This study has developed a novel model to measure the output growth of machinery manufacturing SMEs; and the ultimate target is the developed model to be used for evaluating the performance of this sector. Based on the literature review findings on production growth theory, a mathematical model is developed and rebuilt through short term production. The rebuilt model is refined by incorporated engineering management as an input. The developed model is tested through 20 machinery manufacturing SMEs by using year’s input-output data. The results revealed that engineering management contribution to output growth of 16 SMEs is significant at 95% connivance level (p-value <0.05). The test and validation results suggest that the developed model is useful to evaluate the engineering management contribution to output growth of machinery manufacturing SMEs. Therefore, this model is new in manufacturing domain that would add to be a new knowledge in manufacturing filed. In this aspect, this work is novel. This study proposes further study in this area which requires building a general model to devalue the engineering contribution to output growth of all types of manufacturing industries. |
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Title : Fuzzy Logic Model for Performance Evaluation of Industrial Enterprises in Algeria with Applied Study on Brood (HODNA) Authors : Benmessaoud Nassreddine, Mohammed bouknadil, Ismail Morad, Hind Mehdaoui
Abstract :
In this paper fuzzy reasoning methodology is proposed as a technique for the balanced scorecard method to evaluate the performance of the industrial enterprises, and this is the integration of qualitative and quantitative variables expressed in terms expressive language, and to see how effective that emulate the information and data obtained from the study applied to one of the institutions that operate in the field of food production that using matlab program to emerge in recent results indicate the performance ratio reached from enterprise under study during the period 2005 to 2014. |
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Title : An Efficient and Improved Segmentation Algorithm for CAPTCHA Defeating and Solving Authors : Manisha Jassal, Aditi Pundir
Abstract :
There are many websites that use CAPTCHA (Completely Automatic Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) schemes for human interaction proofs for accessing their services only to people rather than spam bots. For Defeating a captcha there is a requirement for two main procedures: segmentation and recognition. The recent research shows that the problem of segmentation is much complicated than the recognition. In this paper, improved segmentation algorithm is proposed. Experimental results show the proposed techniques can achieve segmentation rates from 9% to 15% over the traditional one. |
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Title : Load Analysis of Knee Joint Replacement during Daily Life Activity for Obese Weight Subjects Authors : Ateyah Alzahrani, Dhia K. Suker, Sajid Riaz
Abstract :
this paper shows the outcomes of an investigation of the response onto knee joint replacement during daily life activity. Obese weight category has been studied for this investigation during six activities of daily life activity. A model of knee joint replacement has been designed for this study and the simulation of model has been done by using ANSYS software. The outcomes of this study illustrates that one legged activity occurred the minimum effect of the forces and moments on the knee joint replacement. While the ascending stair activity cause the maximum effect of knee joint replacement. Knee bend and Stand up / sit down seem to have the same results while the level walking has an average values |
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Title : Analysis of Mechanical Properties of 7075 Aluminium Matrix Composites Reinforced by Nanometric Silicon Carbide Particulates Authors : Samar Sultan, Shweta Bisht
Abstract :
Aluminum Matrix composites (AMCs) are known as light weight and high-strength materials with their potential application in areas such as aerospace, automobile, defence, engineering and other industries. AMCs have the advantage to significantly reduce the overall weight of the vehicles and aircraft while maintaining their structural strength. Reinforcement of micron or nano-sized range particles with aluminium matrix yields improved mechanical and physical properties in composite materials. The strength of Al matrix composites will be improved about 20% with decreasing reinforcement particle size from micrometric scale to nanometric scale. In this study, Al7075 alloy and nano SiC composites have been fabricated by Electromagnetic stir casting process combined with mechanical stirring. Different weight % of nano SiC particles (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 wt%) were used for synthesis of composites. Certain test methods scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) are used to examine the microstructure along with the measurement of impact strength of the nano composite. SEM microstructure shows SiC particles are fairly infused into the matrix alloy with agglomeration and porosity at some places. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis acknowledged that no unknown crystalline elements are present in the composites while mixing reinforcement with Al alloy matrix. The results impact strength shows that impact strength decreases with respect to the base metal because of brittle nature of reinforcement. |
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Title : A Conceptual Framework of University of the Future- Domestic and International Students Perspective Authors : Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Sultana Parvin, Rawan Al Khudair
Abstract :
There is much discussion these days about the fundamental changes of universities and higher education (HE). That is why they need to shape themselves the way of delivering methods as well as whole model of conducting their services because of that we propose a model for the university of the future based on Business Model Canvas. This is mainly a conceptual paper where literature reviews were conducted and initial model of University-of-the-Future (UotF) was established; and surveys based on structured questionnaire were conducted involving 30 participants on their preference of future universities. Also we make interview with some of the participants of those thirty to find out several factors like value proposition, key resources, key partners, key activities, and so on. After this survey and interview, we propose a model of future universities where we find some important points which can make universities more dynamic and successful such as MOOC, hologram, website for discussion, involving industry leader to make curriculum, those are crucial factors which universities must need to adopt. Moreover, there are some other points which need more attention like flexible curriculum, part-time jobs within universities in different forms, and selling research products. Even though we find some important points, this paper is not enough to get the whole idea about UotF as we only focus on two customer segments: undergraduate and post graduate. Also, our survey participants are limited in numbers and most of them are undergraduates’ students. Still it is a great joy for us that people are thinking universities need to be changed and it should give more importance on collaboration with industry and other parts of the world. |
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Title : New Approach to Definition of Potential of the Electric Field Created by Set Distribution in Space of Electric Charges Authors : E.G.Ismibayli, I.J.Islamov, Y.G.Gaziyev
Abstract :
We study the dependence of the rate of convergence of the relaxation process on the value of ω. We compare the rate of convergence of methods for the upper and lower relaxation. We calculate the dependence of the potentials difference on the distance between two linear charges. The obtained numerical results are compared with the recognized analytical solution of this problem. The dependence of the rate of convergence of the relaxation techniques and the accuracy of the numerical solution on the step of grid is investigated here. Algorithms, allowing visualization of the distribution process of the electric field strength have been created. |
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Title : University of the Future: A New Paradigm Authors : Azrina Wahi Ridwan, Nurul Atiqah Mohamed Yusof, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
The challenges ahead for higher education not just in Malaysia but around the world appears driven by disruptive change in the forces of technology, economic, political and education sector which threaten to undermine its business model, governmental support and operating mission. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to build a successful future business model canvas for university of the future while addressing a number of challenges in the coming years. A total of 20 respondents were interviewed encompassing two customer profiles which are endowment contributors and investors. Based on the analysis, a more comprehensive business model canvas (BMC) and value proposition design (VPD) were established fit the upcoming higher education system’s environment. The number of respondents was rather small due to time limitation. The results are predominantly beneficial to universities, policy makers, business organizations and students by offering a comprehensive understanding into the new practical business model into the future. This study offers a beneficial source of information to each party to produce incredible strategies for higher education sector that meet global needs. |
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Title : Independent Component Analysis Based Feature Level Extraction of Ear and Thumb Fusion Authors : Gurpinder Singh, Miss Varinderjit Kaur
Abstract :
Fusion of multiple ears and fingerprint matchers based on different biometrics for personal authentication has been investigated in the last years. However, the performance achievable when the expected subject cooperation degree is different from the real one has not yet been sufficiently studied. In this paper, we propose a method based on ICA and Minutia Extraction for ear feature extraction and fingerprint feature extraction respectively. In the end FAR, FRR and accuracy has been evaluated for proposed algorithm. Results show that proposed fusion method allows increasing the robustness of the system under strong changes of the subject's cooperation degree |
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Title : University of the Future: A conceptual Model of University of The Future Authors : Prilly Noverina Sondria, Nadia Maneechayangkoon, Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
Stephens (2013) explains higher education is being challenged to meet inflated expectations and that creating the future requires collaboration across organizational and national boundaries. Moreover, Tight (2004) also explains that higher education research has grown substantially in importance over the last two decades. These statements emphasize higher education to change. In addition (Abeles, 2006,p.41 in Stephen, 2013) tells us that universities change continually. The purpose of this study is find out what is university of the future will be like. The methodology use the business model canvas (BMC) and value preposition design (VPD) canvas to analyze the results. The finding of the study shows that student would like to have quality knowledge with they apply it into real life. |
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Title : The University of the Future: A Conceptual Study in Malaysia Authors : Nur Amalina Maria Mohd Hatta, Izzati Nor Salleh, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to transform the current state of Universities into strategic initiatives that can utilize technology into University of the Future that lead to better development of the country. In this research, qualitative approach was selected involving the use of questionnaires distributed to the respondents. The sampling technique used in this research was simple random sampling where participants are chosen randomly by chance. This study was intended to answer two research questions. Firstly, do value proposition design (VPD) help to identify customer needs and wants from the University and secondly, how to transform the University of the Future using business model canvas (BMC). Based on the finding, the customer profile and the value map in VPD have help to identify and overcome problem faced. Besides, the information collected from VPD will be used to improve BMC to further improve the University of the Future. Thus, this study gave implications to design strategic initiatives for higher education especially Universities in using BMC and VPD and also to utilize the technology in this globalization era |
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Title : The Future of Universities Authors : Ahmed Abdulkarem Al Shawtari, Amal Jumah Mariwa, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
Changing times warrant a change in the way companies and organizations deal with their stakeholders and shareholders. In other words, predictable and unpredictable environmental factors push organizations to keep changing and improving their strategies in order to have competitive advantage over other organizations in the market. In the case of universities, not only does it have competitors within the educational sector but it also has within other sectors. This makes it challenging for a university to remain relevant in the next few years. This paper examined the different environmental factors that are affecting the universities. It has established that in order to have competitive advantage over its competitors, it has to re-evaluate its business model and processes. After studying and analyzing BMC and value proposition canvas, the study has discovered that to be a “the future of universities”, a university needs streamline its business model according to the needs of the customer segments by offering specializations on sought after degrees (e.g. Islamic banking), training (online), develop an MOOC, as well as provide other online educational resources for the customers. This study forms a basis for future research and work on the ever changing environmental factors that continuously affect a university. |
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Title : University of the Future Authors : Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad Dahlan, Ahmed Shihab Ahmed, Li Yao
Abstract :
Future is a beautiful word with unlimited imaginations. We need to be reality regardless how many fancy ideas we have about future. At the contemporary age, we experience changes every single day, so as our universities. By deploying the relationship among academic, industry, and government, it formed an emergent entrepreneurial paradigm in which the university plays an important role in technological innovation. In this paper, we are going to apply our fruitful ideas and concepts about the University of Future based on survey, interviews and two types of analytical tools which are Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Design to conduct an ideal business model for our university of future. Base on the application of different tools and methodology, we found out that the University of Future Needs to be innovative, flexible, and value-added as well as advanced technology utilities. As the data and information are collected in limited basis, the finding might not be comprehensive in certain extent |
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Title : A Secure Matrix Based Audio Steganography with Dual Encryption Authors : Ratul Chowdhury, Anirban Das, Prof. Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Abstract :
Cryptography and Steganography are the major part of information security. In this paper we combine these two techniques to perform a powerful data encryption. In first level, the concept of sparse matrix has been introduced to encrypt the target string and in second level, by using the standard LSB method, the message is secretly embedded into a cover file in such a way so that its existence is unidentified. A temporary 4*4 matrix is constructed from the target string where most of the elements are zero. Instead of embedding the target string directly, the positional values of the nonzero elements (row and column number) are identified from the temporary matrix. By using the traditional LSB method, the numbers of nonzero elements with their positional value are embedded into the cover file. In the next segment, the performance of the proposed method is calculated in terms of two parameters: the first one is Means square error (MSE) and the second one is Signal to noise ratio (SNR). And finally, a comparison has been carried out with the traditional LSB method. The experimental results and the comparisons demonstrate that our proposed work is highly efficient in terms of encryption and the capacity size of the text. A huge volume of text can be accommodated into the cover file and the difference between the original cover file and the stego file is so minute that it can’t be identified by the human auditory system.(HAS). |
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Title : Complex of Lascoux in Partition (6,5,3) Authors : Haytham Razooki Hassan, Noor TahaAbd
Abstract :
In this paper ,the complex of Lascoux in the case of partition (6,5,3) has been studied by using diagram divided power of the place polarization ,Capelli identities and the idea of mapping Cone. |
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Title : University of the future Authors : Mohamed Abdirahman Suleiman, Abdul Rahman Bin Ahmed Dahlan
Abstract :
The challenges into the university of the future for E-learning not just in Malaysia but around the world appears driven by disruptive change in the forces of technology, to enhance the delivery of lectures to enhance communication between instructors and students, and among students to provide asynchronous access to course materials which threaten to undermine its business model, Public Private administration workers. University across the world have been forced to accommodate this new ELearning technics to ensure its desire mission and vision competitively and respectfully around the world. As a result, the purpose of this paper is to construct an effective future business model canvas the future while addressing a number of challenges in the coming years. This participant will be compose of IIUM students, Student Recruitment Agency. Established on the study, an extra comprehensive business model canvas (BMC) and value proposition design (VPD) were established suitable the future ELearning education. The people of respondents was rather minor due to time control. The results are new practical business model into the future a comprehensive understanding into the in the main valuable to universities, strategy creators, business organizations and students by offering. This study proposals a valuable foundation of data to each party to goods incredible plans for eLearning that meet worldwide wants. |
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Title : M-Commerce Using NFC Tags Authors : Vibhav Ingle, Minand Vartak, Prakash Jha
Abstract :
This paper presents a novel method to create an Android based M-commerce application using NFC. It would require Mobile Devices which support NFC technology. NFC stands for Near Field Communication technology which is a short-range, high frequency, low bandwidth radio technology that allows transferring data within few centimeters. In traditional shopping, the customer needs to physically pick up the items to be purchased and carry cash or credit/debit cards with them to make payments. The application mentioned here would read the NFC tag(s) of the product(s) & add it to the shopping cart in our application. It would also provide methods to change the quantity of product/s purchased and edit the cart. Along with this the customer would be informed about the on-going offers in the store. Payment could be made through cash o r online using existing payment methods. The paper would also throw light on NFC based payments |
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Title : Credit Risk of Non-Performance Loan as an Antecedent of Performance of Sri Lankan Commercial Banks Authors : Ahamed Lebbe Abdul Rauf
Abstract :
The study examines the impact of credit risk, especially credit risk of non-performance load on performance of Sri Lanka Commercial Banks. For this purpose this study used capital adequacy, liquidity and company size as independent variable and the financial performance of the Bank as the dependent variable. Five licensed commercial banks are selected on the basis of purposive sample. Study had conducted based on secondary data which are collected from the sample banks for the financial period from 2008 to 2014. Descriptive analysis and regression analysis are employed to analyze the data. The findings revealed that there is a significant effect of credit risk of non-performance loan on financial performance of commercial banks in Sri Lanka. The model explained 62% influence on the performance of the banks. However, only two factors, liquidity and company size shown significant influence whereas others, capital adequacy not. The findings suggest that the Government of Sri Lanka should introduce policy and legal environment which mitigate risks. Similarly, the bank management also should adapt mechanism which will ensure effective risk identification and assessment, and periodical evaluation of the financial performance which may lead to ensure the stability in financial position and avoid unnecessary financial crisis. This study is particularly important and useful for future investors and the senior management |
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Title : An Assessment of Credit Management Practices on Loan Performance of Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka: Perception of Managers Authors : Ahamed Lebbe Abdul Rauf
Abstract :
Studies in the area of credit risk management practices and loan recovery systems are of important research topic among researchers. This study mainly focused on examining the relationship between loan appraisal (avoidance), risk management techniques and loan performance. Purposive sampling method was used as the target groups of respondents are top level managers. Data was collected from 42 Credit Officers including managers of each bank from Licensed Commercial banks with a credit related function and 08 from licensed specialized banks. Correlations and regression analysis are employed to test the relationship. Results revealed that independent variables and dependent variables are strongly correlated. Value of the regression results indicates that appraisal component (RAC) with four dimensions, credit history, financial viability, technical feasibility and credit rating and risk management techniques (RMT) with three dimensions, risk transfer, risk diversification and risk retention are collectively explained 73% to 87% of the variation of on loan performance. This results revealed that credit risk management influence the loan performance, more specifically, risk management techniques and risk appraisal significantly impact the loan performance in commercial banks in Sri Lanka. This study recommends adoption of a more stringent policy on credit risk management, start practicing advanced hedging methods, diversify loan portfolio, risk retention and application of credit rating models in commercial banks to improve their loan performance. Implications are also discussed. |
212-215 |
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