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Title : Groundwater Quality Investigations in Salem Corporation by using Multivariate Statistical Techniques Authors : M. Prabahar, K.Vijaya Sundravel, N. Ilavarasan
Abstract :
Groundwater quality of the Salem Corporation was assessed to understand the contamination processes due to the presence of various contaminant sources and the suitability of groundwater for drinking purpose. Groundwater samples were collected during the period of pre- monsoon and post-monsoon of 2014-15 at 10 different locations of Salem Corporation of Tamilnadu state of India. Their physicochemical parameters like colour, odour, turbidity, TDS, EC, pH, TA, TH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Na+, K+, NH3+, NO3-, Cl-, F-, SO42-& PO42- were assessed. The results were compared with the drinking water guidelines of Indian Standard (IS) and World Health Organization (WHO). The multivariate statistical studies of Correlation co-efficient (r) analysis, Factor analysis and Cluster analysis were analyzed using SPSS (version 19.0) to determine the various types of pollution formation in the Salem Corporation |
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Title : A Review of Fabric Defect Detection Techniques Authors : A.B. Mahajan, Prof. K. S. Bhagat
Abstract :
In textile industries the texture defect identification and classification is very necessary to maintain good quality of the product. Sometimes, it is very difficult to identify and classify the small fabric defects by human eye and this affects the production tremendously. The development of fully automated web inspection system requires robust and efficient fabric defect detection algorithms. The detection of local fabric defects is one of the most intriguing problems in computer vision. Texture analysis plays an important role in the automated visual inspection of texture images to detect their defects. Various approaches for fabric defect detection have been proposed in past and the purpose of this paper is to categorize and describe these algorithms. This paper attempts to present the survey on fabric defect detection techniques, with a comprehensive list of references to some recent works |
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Title : Improvement of Power Quality Using Reduced-Rating Dynamic Voltage Restorer with a Battery Energy Storage System Authors : Sumathi.Badugu , G.Kaladhar , S.V.D.Anil Kumar
Abstract :
In this paper, different voltage injection schemes for dynamic voltage restorers (DVRs) are analyzed with particular focus on an incipient method used to minimize the rating of the voltage source converter (VSC) utilized in DVR. An Incipient control technique is proposed to control the capacitor-supported DVR. The control of a DVR is demonstrated with a reduced-rating VSC. The reference load voltage is estimated utilizing the unit vectors. The synchronous reference frame theory is utilized for the conversion of voltages from rotating vectors to the stationary frame. The compensation of the voltage sag, swell, and harmonics is demonstrated by utilizing the reduced-rating DVR |
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Title : The New Digital Age: Reshaping People, Nation and Business through Flipped Arena (Final Empirical Findings) Authors : Salisu Idayat Omolara, Panadda Auyphorn, MD. Habibullah, Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan
Abstract :
Flipped Arena can be seen as communication technique that consists of two parts: interactive learning activities, and direct computer-based individual instruction outside the four walls. The aim of this study to look into the flip arena where people can learn, in many area, where the old or physically challenge people can be able gain knowledge and speak freely. On the other hand introducing the rural area into the future. This research will provides an inclusive survey of previous and current research of the flipped classroom and conceptual solution model based on business model canvas (BMC). |
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Title : Performance Evaluation of Solar Power Plant (1.5KWh) with Auto Dual Axial Solar Tracking System Authors : J.R.Gandhi, S.N.Jha
Abstract :
In this paper we propose an off grid solar power plant (1.5 KWh) with auto dual axial solar tracking system. It is indigenously designed, developed and installed to harness the maximum possible solar radiation throughout the whole year. This system is developed to improve the generation of electrical power through solar power plant by tracking the sun continuously for the whole day, from east to west and for the whole year from north to south. This solar power plant with sensor based dual axial tracking system is designed to suit any geographical location of the place. To monitor and store the various parameters like solar panel current, battery voltage, solar radiation and wind speed, online data logging system (SCADA) and energy meter are installed with the power plant and the results are used for further analysis. Careful precautions are taken to protect the solar panels modules and tracking system from harsh conditions like cyclones. Other components of the system like batteries, inverter and electrical appliances are protected through specially designed “Auto Grid Changeover System with Timer and ELCB”. Day to day observations are collected through registered server and harnessed power is calculated with the power curves to evaluate the performance of the designed system |
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Title : Experimental Evaluation and Analysis of Tensile Strength Behavior on Friction Welded AISI 4340 Steel Joints using Design of Experiments Authors : M. Ganesan, P. Marimuthu
Abstract :
The quality of the welding is most significant for the engineering industries to satisfy the customer needs. Friction welding is the one of the solid state welding process for joining similar and dissimilar materials without the applications of filler rod. In this friction welding process, heat is generated at the interface of joining the specimen under plastic deformation by converting the rotational energy into heat energy. Recently AISI 4340 steel plays major role in the manufacturing, automobile, nuclear and marine industries. In this experimental investigation, KUKA continuous drive friction welding machine with constant rotating speed of 1500 rpm is used for joining the similar combination of AISI 4340 steel rods. The important friction welding parameters such as heating pressure, upset pressure and heating time were selected and studied at three different levels as per the recommendation of L9 orthogonal array. The welded joint strength was estimated by using the computer controlled universal testing machine. In this research work an effort is attempted to evaluate the optimum level of tensile strength on Friction Welding of AISI 4340 steel joints using Design of Experiments concept. The experimental results shows that upset pressure plays important role in the friction welding process and the optimum level is recommended for further research. |
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Title : Study of the Response of Knee joint Replacement under Daily life Activity Loads for Healthy Weight subjects Authors : I. Jusoh , A. A. Alzahrani
Abstract :
This paper presents results of an investigation of the effect of daily life activity loads onto total knee replacement. The category of people which has been studied in this investigation is the healthy weight group. The model has been designed for the knee replacement and the analysis has been done by using ANSYS software. The results of this study shows that one legged activity cause minimum effect of forces and the moments on the knee joint replacement .While the ascending stair activity cause maximum forces and moment on the knee. Knee bend and stand up/sit down seem to have the closer values while level walking has an average values. |
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Title : Significance of the Study of the Management after Engineering Authors : Naveen Rai
Abstract :
Typically, engineers move to business for several reasons. The MBA is sought by engineers because it is viewed as an easy (and faster) way to get into management, as the program is typically much easier than engineering curriculum. Typically it takes a professional 26 years to move up into the executive ranks of an organization. Therefore, we are all seeking a much faster route to greater success. The MBA is often seen as a way to change career fields, not just positions. Why? Business knowledge applies to all industries, whereas specific technical knowledge can keep you tied down to a specific industry. The important distinction between the engineer and the MBA is that as an MBA you'll most likely have to learn to deal with people issues, not technical ones. This requires a different skill set |
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Title : Easy Buying and Selling Through Mytrustedbazaar Platform: A Conceptual Solution Authors : Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Nur Hidayah Binti Jafre, Nabilah Binti Ahmad Salhi, Nurul Akmam Binti Ramlan
Abstract :
This paper proposed a one-stop service platform named MyTrustedBazaar. This trusted platform is for Muslims to sell and buy variety of quality products at affordable price. This system has the ability to categories product accordance to products types which more users friendly for Muslims to do online buying and selling. This system provides a platform for advertising buying and selling goods only, whereas the process of transaction occurs outside this system |
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Title : Corporate Recruitment System Authors : Dr. Chandra Sekhar Gotlagunta, Mrs. G. Kirthy, Ms. Gurmeet Kour
Abstract :
The Indian education system places strong emphasis on mathematics and science, resulting in a large number of science and engineering graduates. Mastery over quantitative concepts coupled with English proficiency has resulted in a skill set that has enabled India to reap the IT. Indian programmers are known for their strong technical and analytical skills and their willingness to accommodate clients. The cost of software development and other services in India is very competitive as compared. Indian IT industry has also gained immensely from the availability of a robust infrastructure country. Recruitment is one of the biggest challenges in front of the Indian companies. There is need of a recruitment tool to meet the present and future trends in recruitment process of any organization. This paper explores the industry trends and deals with conceptual frame work of recruitment system. Further, this paper drawn a design of corporate recruitment system and it provides a solution for fast and easy process in recruitments and also it can be used in the process of decision making in new recruitments. |
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Title : The Two-Way Effect of Slabs for the Reinforcement of Old Wooden Floors Sizing of Elements Authors : Juan Carlos Gomez de Cozar, Inigo Ariza Lopez
Abstract :
One of the advantages of the instrumentation that is currently available to us is its ability to quite accurately predict the behavior of the buildings we design. For new works, any predictive analysis can be made with knowledge of its materials and its context (climatic, social, economic, etc.). However, for an old work, if it is intended to keep the old building systems, the current tools, though sophisticated, are useless. Also, the materials are generally known only in part for various reasons, so that, ultimately, the decisions taken by the architects do not usually take into account the potential of the old materials. The case of preserving old wooden floors has been studied for years by hundreds of authors. These studies have been very much directed to obtaining the mechanical properties of the floors. However, when studies are sought that delve into obtaining real repair-restoration-rehabilitation solutions, material of immediate practical application is hard to find. In the last 15 years, the software and hardware used by the majority of architects have evolved as never before. We call this evolution “Instrumental Revolution” [1]. |
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Title : Application of Mosstons Spectrum of Teaching Styles of Physical Education in Lession Plan Preparation Authors : Dr. Asish Paul
Abstract :
The primary aims of Physical Education very historically based on the needs of the time and place. The needs and the demands of Physical Education are ever changing with the change of the society and the different other influential factors. Once it was considered as extracurricular activities, later enters as a co-curricular and at present got its importance as a regular and essential academic discipline. It has own body of knowledge, having base of research and exploration about future profession. Physical Education is a process through which an individual obtains optimal Physical, Mental, Emotional and Social skill through physical activity. It is a planned, sequential and progressive programs that promotes and instigate the lifetime physical movement with beauty and vigour. The aim of Physical Education is to bring the wholesome development through Organic development, Neuro-muscular development, Intellectual development and emotional development considering the four major domains of Physical Education, which are physical development objectives, motor development objectives, mental development objectives and social development objectives. |
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Title : Variable Voltage Battery Charging Capability DC-DC Converter with Fuzzy Controller Authors : Latha.L.R, Roopa.C, M.Karthika
Abstract :
Battery charger plays an important role in the battery and traction technology. Due to on-board type of charger it should be light in weight and should occupy less space as it should be on the vehicle all the time, so the smaller the better and of course, it is very important to minimize the cost of the charger. For a plug-in traction system, when the battery is charging from the grid, the vehicle should be parked. The traction system components are normally not engaged during the charging time, thus it is possible to reconfigure these components for the battery charger system. This concept presents the functionality of a commercialized fast charger for a lithium-ion battery. The device is intended to operate in a battery switch station, allowing an up-to 1-h recharge of a 25-kWh depleted battery, removed from a vehicle. The charger is designed as a dual-stage-controlled ac/dc converter. The input stage consists of a three-phase full-bridge diode rectifier combined with a reduced rating shunt active power filter. The input stage creates an uncontrolled pulsating dc bus while complying with the grid codes by regulating the total harmonic distortion and power factor according to the predetermined permissible limits. The output stage is formed by six interleaved groups of two parallel dc–dc converters, fed by the uncontrolled dc bus and performing the battery charging process. The charger is capable of operating in any of the three typical charging modes: constant current, constant voltage, and constant power. The proposed concept can be implemented with the Fuzzy based closed loop operation and verified through Matlab/simulink software |
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Title : MMC based D-STATCOM for Different Loading Conditions Authors : D.Satish Kumar, Geetanjali Pawanekar, Kavitha Chenna Reddy
Abstract :
In present day distribution systems, major power consumption has been in reactive loads, such as fans, pumps etc. These loads draw lagging power-factor currents and therefore give rise to reactive power burden in the distribution system. Moreover, situation worsens in the presence of unbalanced loads. Excessive reactive power demand increases feeder losses and reduces active power flow capability of the distribution system, whereas unbalancing affects the operation of transformers and generators. A Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) can be used for compensation of reactive power and unbalance loading in the distribution system. Many efforts have been done to realize it without bulky and heavy coupling transformer and to reduce the size of bulky inductive filters, using multilevel converters. Multilevel converters are divided to three categories: neutral point clamped (NPC), flying capacitor (FC) and cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converters. Among the mentioned topologies, the cascaded H-bridge converter is more interested due to its extreme modularity, easier dc voltage balancing, and minimum number of required components for a specific number of voltage levels. However, both star-type and delta type cascaded H-bridge converters have the limitations under the situation of unbalanced load or asymmetrical power supply. In this project, a new control strategy with a focus on dc-link voltage control of splitting capacitors is proposed, along with the theoretical analysis and associated discussions. The proposed concept is tested at different loading conditions by using Matlab/Simulink software and the corresponding results are presented |
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Title : Performance Study of Ticn/Tin and Tialn Coated Cutting Tool on Inconel625 in CNC Turning Authors : R. Baskaran, P. Marimuthu, K. Chandrasekaran
Abstract :
INCONEL 625 alloys are used many industrial applications such as petrochemical and power generation, due to their high performance in aggressive environments. However, INCONEL 625 material is difficult make a product because at the time of machining produce poor surface finish, high tool wear and reduce the production rate. The coating on tungsten carbide cutting tool is effective way to improve the quality of the product. So in this investigation TiCN/TiN and TiAlN Coated cutting tool is taken for machining on INCONEL 625 in CNC turning under dry condition. The current work focuses on determining the optimal cutting condition for turning INCONEL625 to achieve minimum surface roughness (SR), tool wear (TW) and maximum material removal rate (MRR). |
73-76 |
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