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Title : Environmental Assessment of Petrochemical Plant Effluent Authors : A.C. Nkwocha, I.C. Ekeke, P.I. Oghome, S.O. Opebiyi
Abstract :
The objective of the study was to evaluate the physicochemical quality of effluent discharges from a petrochemical plant located in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, relative to stipulated environmental standard. Treated effluent samples were collected at the point of discharge from the plant, and analyzed monthly for eight months. The results obtained were compared with the standard stipulated by FEPA - the environmental regulatory agency in Nigeria. Effluent temperature ranged from 24.8 -390C, with 90 percent occurrence value of 35.3oC, while the recommended level is 30oC. Effluents pH range of 6.7 – 12.9, was outside the permissible range of 6.5 – 8.5. Lead concentration attained a maximum value of 0.167mg/L relative to the set limit of 0.05mg/L. Other parameters such as BOD, TDS, oil and grease. were consistently within specified limits. The discharge of poorly treated and unregulated effluents into the environment and pollution arising from industrial disposal and effluent discharges are becoming serious environmental issues in many developing countries. The study revealed the need for proper effluent treatment and monitoring to ensure consistent quality that meets recommended standard. |
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Title : Design and Performance Assessment of a Spike toothed Drum Mechanism for Shelling of Castor Authors : Agidi Gbabo, Abdullahi Lukman, Alhassan Kuku, Ndagi Baba
Abstract :
The development and testing of castor shelling machine was carried out. The development of the machine was embarked upon in order to reduce the drudgery associated with the processing of castor seed. The machine consists of the shelling drum, external cylindrical casing, husk blower and power unit comprising a 5Hp electric motor, pulleys and belts. The blower was incorporated to facilitate easy and proper cleaning and separation of the seeds from the chaffs. Performance tests were carried out using 90kg castor seed which was divided into three 30kg sample each at 6%, 8% and 10% moisture content respectively. The samples were shelled and winnowed in the machine. The results showed that the machine had the highest shelling efficiency, cleaning efficiency and seed recovery percentage of 81.3%, 58% and 85% respectively at 6% moisture content. The lowest shelling efficiency of 45.9%, cleaning efficiency of 24.0% and seed recovery percentage of 30.5%were recorded at 10% moisture content. |
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Title : A review on Testing and Commissioning of Electric Pump Authors : R.Raja, M.Rajkumar
Abstract :
In this paper, the basics of Electric pump was discussed. The electric pump is one of the important electrical loads used in Agriculture, Power plants and many Industries. In addition the construction and working principle of Reciprocating and Centrifugal pump was neatly explained with necessary diagram. This paper covers the basic testing and commissioning procedure of centrifugal electric pump. This paper would be helpful for the Mechanical Engineer to understand the basic testing and commissioning concepts in electric pump |
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Title : Short notes on Plastic and Manufacturing of Plastic Components Authors : R.Raja, M.Rajkumar
Abstract :
In this paper, the basics of plastic material, types and various applications of plastic material was discussed in simple points. Plastic have important position in engineering materials. In addition, various factors influencing the Selection of Plastics material was explained in simple manner. This paper also covers the Moulding of Thermoplastics and Moulding of Thermosetting was explained neatly. Plastic components plays important role for making electrical appliances, pulleys, water tubes, tanks, packing etc. This paper would be helpful for the Mechanical Engineer to understand the basic concepts in Manufacturing of Plastic Components. |
19-23 |
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Title : Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Carbon Steel in 0.1M H2 SO4 Acid using Cashew Extract Authors : Olawale.O, Akinmoladun A.I, Oyawale. F.A, Akinbami. P
Abstract :
There are several ways of tackling the issue of corrosion in the industry and one of such ways is the use of inhibitors which is eco-friendly. The aim of this study is to produce corrosion inhibitor via cashew waste extracts. Mild carbon steel with thickness 0.1 cm was used. It was cut into coupons of dimensions 4 x 5 x 0.1 cm. The cashew waste extract produced was used as a corrosion inhibitor on mild carbon steel in 0.1M tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid. It was observed that as the concentration of inhibitor increases, the inhibitor efficiency also increases. The optimal efficiency was observed at 87.3%. Surface morphology result showed that the presence of cashew extract on the mild- carbon steel formed a passive layer on the surface. It was concluded that cashew waste was an efficient corrosion inhibitor. |
24-27 |
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Title : Evaluate Contribution of Engineering Management to Output: A Model Building Approach for Manufacturing SMEs Authors : Houssein. M.A. Elaswad, Shahidul,M.I., Syed Shazali,S.T, Abdullah Yassin
Abstract :
this study aims to develop and test a model to measure the outputs and to evaluate the contribution of engineering management to outputs of manufacturing SMEs. The ultimate target is to evaluate the performance of machinery manufacturing SMEs. Based on literature review a mathematical has developed. Short term input-output data have used to test the developed model. The results revealed that elasticity of output in respect to labor is 0.6, capital 0.12, raw materials 0.18, and engineering management 0.234. The contribution of engineering management is found about 2.5 with a significant p-value (P-value>0.05).The findings concludes that the developed model is useful to evaluate the outputs of machinery manufacturing SMEs and engineering management contribution to outputs. Thus, the study successfully achieved the objectives of the research. |
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Title : Ranking Model of Companies Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange by Financial Ratios Indicators Authors : Hossein Azimi, Reza Pirayesh, Amir Eskandari VatanNazhad
Abstract :
Stock exchange is the official market for buying and selling stock and other securities and has special rules and regulations. Ranking companies in this market will make weak companies of the industry, measure their distance from the best ones and codify suitable strategies to reach to them; and superior companies will strengthen their position by proper programs and strategies. The current study examines the relation between financial ratios and ranking of companies. In this study, based on data of 5 years from 2009 to 2013, 147 stock exchange companies were examined in 4 groups, including liquidity ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios, and profitability ratios. Market ratios were also included for a better assessment; then ranking was done for data of 5 years using ELCTERE model; The results show that ROE ratios, working capital return, current ratios, quick ratio, liquidity ratio, inventory turnover, price-to-earnings ratio, total assets turnover are more effective in ranking companies. |
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Title : Power Factor and Harmonic Issues in BLDC Motor Drive System Authors : Neethu Alexander, Unnikrishnan L, Roshan Noushad
Abstract :
In this topic we are discussing the harmonics and power factor issues of BLDC motor.We studies various power factor correction converters that can be adopted for eliminating the harmonics and improve the power quality of power supply. Five different type of converters used for power factor correction of a Bldc motor (zeta converter, buck converter, Cuk converter, brushless buck boost converter, Luo converter) are analysed using block diagrams. A study of these methods and comparison of the advantages, disadvantages ,applications of these techniques for power quality improvement of BLDC motor is done. Most of these converters produce desired power quality when they are operated in low power applications extension of the study can be done to develop converters that can operate efficiently in high power also without much distortion and losses. |
50-52 |
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Title : Software Process Control on Time Domain Data: Rayleigh Authors : Mrs P.Padmaja, Dr G.Krishna Mohan, Dr. R.Satya Prasad
Abstract :
Software reliability process can be monitored efficiently by using Statistical Process Control (SPC). It assists the software development team to identify failures and actions to be taken during software failure process and hence, assures better software reliability. In this paper we propose a control mechanism based on the cumulative quantity between observations of time domain failure data using mean value function of Rayleigh distribution, which is based on Non Homogenous Poisson Process (NHPP). The Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method and Regression methods is used to derive the point estimators of a two-parameter Rayleigh distribution. |
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Title : Comparison of ARMA and ARMAX stochastic models for Karoon river time series generation and forecasting Authors : Sima Safarkhani, Javad Karimi Parchian
Abstract :
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Title : A Review Paper on Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Authors : Pradeep Kumar Sahu, Puran Gour
Abstract :
Low profile cavity backed slot antenna entirely realized by multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) structure has been efficiently working now a day. This paper presents a comparative study of various Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna. A brief review of various kind of cavity backed slot antenna based on their performance. Comparative result is shown in the table shown in the further section of this paper |
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Title : Seawater Desalination for Environment and Economic Sustainability: A Case Study at Sadong Jaya Pilot Plant Authors : Shahidul Islam, Ting Ching Hung, Lee Man Djun, Shahnur Begum
Abstract :
Pre-treatment of seawater appears a vital processing unit for maximizing technical efficiency of water desalination plant. Recently developed membrane technology is more popular than former thermal technology due to its lower risk investment options with higher productivity and less harmful effects on environment. This paper is designed to bring insight into the operation process of the Sadong Jaya desalination plant being installed at Sarawak, Malaysia. This paper aimed to reveal the potable water production performance of the plant. Data recorded in the operating log book were verified with plant operations manual and plant design parameters. Verified data were used to estimate the production performances. Findings showed that the production performances were within acceptable economically and environmentally sustainable level. The capacity utilization of the machineries, economic efficiency and benefit cost ratio of the plant operation appeared to be 69%, 1.25 and 1.5 respectively, which are within sustainable level. Information was being generated from operation of this plant would be useful for building and operating other plants to produce potable water from the same nature of saline water. The findings would also be useful in policy making. This paper suggest for further study on the plant operations to reveal the non-value added inputs being used in production process in order to find out the amount of plant inefficiency. |
69-74 |
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Title : Big Data Analysis and Tools Authors : Vasumathi.B, Vivek.P, Nagarjun.P.B.
Abstract :
Data has become an indispensable part of every economy, industry, organization, business function and individual. Big Data is a term used to identify the datasets that whose size is beyond the ability of typical database software tools to store, manage and analyze. The Big Data introduce unique computational and statistical challenges, including scalability and storage bottleneck, noise accumulation, spurious correlation and measurement errors. These challenges are distinguished and require new computational and statistical paradigm. This paper presents the literature review about the Big data Mining and the issues and challenges with emphasis on the distinguished features of Big Data. It also discusses some methods to deal with big data. |
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Title : Strategic Review of Human Resource Management in Public Schools of Bhopal District Authors : Prof. Jitendra Singh Chouhan, Dr. Kiran Reddy
Abstract :
This paper discusses research based findings, theoretical framework and practical recommendation developed for strategic human resource management of public schools in Bhopal district and thereby enabling them to be more attractive, retentive and employee oriented. There is a growing concern of teacher shortages in India and as per some of recent reports it has also severely affected pupil teacher ratio across the country. As per DISE (District Information System for Education) report 2015, only 10% of schools meet the norms of RTE (Right to Education) act and this means delivery of quality of education is very low which has led to higher number of school dropouts as well. As such schools need to manage their workforce strategically in order to attract and retain best of the talents available and this has been supported through our proposed SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) Model for schools. This research conducted in 57schools of Bhopal district also revealed that level of implementation of strategic HRM varies from low to high. Delphi study findings also confirmed that shortage of teachers will become an issue within 5years in Bhopal district. Moreover some of the human resource management strategies which can be effective in raising the overall attraction and retention of teachers in public schools are also discussed. |
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Title : Numerical Solution of the Poisson Equation in Nonrectangular Domains Authors : Dr.Cuneyt Ezgi, Dr.lbrahim Girgin, Omer Faruk Cakmak
Abstract :
In this study, finite difference numerical solution of the Poisson equation in nonrectangular domains is introduced and a 2D case study in nonrectangular domain is presented. The problem is solved both manually and numerically with Matlab. Both results are compared. The temperature distribution solution of Poisson equation is presented in 3-D and contour plots |
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Title : Organizational Change A Psychological and Emotional Perspective Authors : Chitra Sharma
Abstract :
In the current climate of economic pressure and evolving political priorities, organizational change is becoming an increasing priority. However, change is a complex process that can have negative as well as positive outcomes and as such it is worth looking at the available evidence so that the process is conducted as efficiently and effectively as possible. Change needs to be associated with a sense of urgency and must be propelled by various driving forces that need to be stronger than the restraining forces. Persons leading a change effort need to understand what to expect at the emotional level of the change experience and the psychological phases people must go through to adapt successfully to changes affecting their work patterns. An individual’s perception of a change situation determines whether resistance will occur. The same situation can be perceived as a positive change by one person and a negative change by another |
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Title : Twenty First Century Human Resource Management Practices: Why Does Organizational Justice Matter? An Examination of Effect of Perception of Organizational Injustice on Work Alienation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Authors : F.H.Abdul Rauf
Abstract :
Looking at the human resource from strategic perspective with innovations has been recognized as the main source of competitive advantage in the 21st century. The level of engagement and extra contribution such as organizational citizenship behavior from human resource is crucial for organizational development and, it is depending on the efficient workplace human resource practices. Managing the employees strategically also requires the human resource practices to be fair. If employees are treated injustice they may experience work alienation. On the other hand, injustice perceptions may negatively influence organizational citizenship behavior. This study takes into account the perceived organizational injustice of 224 Sri Lankan employees, and examines whether they have effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, it also examine whether work alienation, which has snot referred previously in organizational justice literature has mediating effects on this relationship. Results support that organizational justice is related to organizational citizenship behavior, and employee work alienation is demonstrated to be a mediator in this relationship. This is the first empirical test of this relationship. Implications of findings are also discussed. |
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Title : Eurozone, Corporate Governance and Corporate Restructuring in Shipping Authors : Thalassinos.I. Eleftherios, Zampeta. S. Vasiliki
Abstract :
The main aim of this paper is to investigate the latest developments in European Union (EU), the new corporate governance schemes, as they are imposed by the capital markets and the corporate restructuring in the shipping sector in the new European financial environment (Basel I, II and III). European Monetary Union (EMU) is expected to influence the corporate governance and the corporate structure of the financial institutions by imposing new borrowing criteria for major clients among them shipping companies. Immediately after the establishment of EMU some new initiatives have been approved leading to a better system in terms of corporate structure and control. Among these initiatives were, an action plan for financial services, concerning the corporate law and the corporate governance for the enforcement of the obligatory accounting control and some initiatives related to structural organization in all borrowing stages. These developments forced the financial institutions to impose new borrowing criteria as well as more detailed controls in loans. Shipping industry, a highly capital intensive sector, has to follow closely these developments in order to keep in track with the banking industry. In addition shipping industries have to adjust their organizational schemes to fulfil these requirements in the best possible way. The present study grasps on a doctoral thesis aiming to analyze the adjustments associated with these developments of the Greek owed shipping companies and how these adjustments have been evaluated by the top management based on a market research we have contacted. |
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Title : Marital adjustment among Married Working women with respect to Income level Authors : Yamini Vyas
Abstract :
A woman has to play the dual role in the society . Being a woman, she is expected to look after the domestic front whereas being an employed person, she is expected to work efficiently and professionally. For having a harmonious life, a woman has to make so many adjustments in their lives. In this study, women working in technical educational Institutes, from Indore were studied. for this 100 working women(N=100) were chosen as per their work in the Institutes, teaching or Non-teaching. A socio- demographic questionnaire were used. The findings revealed that the high income group women has to make less adjustments as compare to the low income group women. And area wise, women worked in teaching profession are more satisfied than the non-teaching professionals. |
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Title : Investigating the Impact of Usage of Geogrid in Increasing the Pavement Bed Bearing Authors : Hussein Hemati, Behzad Kalantari
Abstract :
In the recent years, the use of the geosynthetic productions has increased as an effective element in many constructions and environmental projects. In this essay, the impact and the amount of effectiveness of the Geogrid networks buried at different depths in the level of road building technics has been modeled according to the machines loading in the road bed. For this purpose, first the numerical model has been extended by the finite element method and using the PLAXIS 2D v 8.6 software. Therefore, in this study, the road surface level considered as zero and geogrid placed in three levels and three depths of the road surface in the order (55cm and 40cm and 25cm) that has done in the order of: 1. Between the basis layer and under basis, 2. Among the layer and under basis, 3. Between the under basis layer and the bed and analysis. Geogrids and soils grains shows such a kind of being mobilized against the forces exerted on the levee that caused the resistance and bearing of the soil layers becomes more against the exerted forces and the life and durability of the roads levee increase |
111-115 |
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