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Abstract :
volumetric depletion and gas-injection techniques were compared, gearing towards improving oil recovery factor in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs. The primary input data of the model were estimated values of total gas-condensate initially in place, recoverable gas and liquid volumes, permeability uniformity factor (EK), displacement (ED) and sweep (Eswp) efficiencies in gas injection technique and Field plus laboratory test data of the field o study. The condensable hydrocarbons recovery modelling using volumetric depletion and gas-injection methods were developed based on traditional simulation and can be used in condensable hydrocarbons recovery evaluations. The techniques for monitoring proper pressure maintenance were also developed using daily reservoir voidage out replacement by the injected gas volume. The estimated cumulative fluids (liquid and gas(oil) recovery factor (ranges from 62 to 76% for 80% efficiencies) was higher and encouraging in gas injection method than in volumetric depletion method under the same conditions. Retrograde condensation was reduced because pressure was fairly maintained |
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Title : Measurement of Non-Current receivables on the profitability of the branches of Bank of Qazvin Authors : Hasan Atri, yadollah Lamei Ramandi
Abstract :
One of the main goals of the banking systemin economic activities is the absorption of Sources of person and directing them towards economic activities and ultimately "increasing profit margins.Therefore, the major objective of the banks is the rate of profitability. This study has tried to question whether the measures of Non-Current receivableson the affected banks' profitability or not? The study presentedone main hypothesis and three sub-hypotheses. There are several factors that impacts on the profitability of banks were tested.To test the effect of non-current receivables indicators on return of assets multiple linear regression models were used and to test the relationship between the dependent and independent variables, Pearson's correlation coefficient was used.The results indicate that Variables of past Maturityto facilities, andratio ofnon-performing assets in to the facility and the ratio of doubtful debts to the facility have an indirect strong relationship to the return on assets. |
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Water and gas injection techniques were compared, gearing towards improving oil recovery factor in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs. The primary input data of the model were estimated using average values of the field, separator recombined fluids and laboratory test data: total gas-condensate initially in place, recoverable gas and liquid volumes, permeability uniformity factor (EK), displacement (ED) and sweep (Eswp) efficiencies, injected fluid invasion factor (F) and laboratory test data of the field of study. The condensable hydrocarbons recovery modeling using water-injection and gas-injection methods were developed. The principles were based on traditional simulation and can be used in condensable hydrocarbons recovery evaluations. The techniques for monitoring proper pressure maintenance were also developed using daily reservoir voidage out replacement by the injected fluids volumes. The estimated cumulative liquid (oil) recovery factor (ranges from 62 to 76%) was higher and more encouraging in water-injection method than in gas-injection method under similar conditions. This advantage was attributed better pressure maintenance by water than gas injection. More so, some of the injected gas was produced, some zone into shrink gas-cap and some initial zones been displaced by gas. |
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Abstract :
Water injection at dew-point pressure and volumetric-depletion recovery methods were compared, gearing towards improving oil recovery factor in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs. The primary input data of the evaluation modes were estimated using average values of the field, separator recombined fluids and laboratory test data: total gas-condensate initially in place, recoverable gas and liquid volumes, permeability, volumetric sweep efficiency (Eswp, injected water invasion factor (F) and laboratory test data of the field of study. The condensable hydrocarbons recovery models in water-injection and Volumetric depletion methods were developed. The principles were based on traditional simulation and can be used in condensable hydrocarbons recovery evaluations. The techniques for monitoring proper pressure maintenance were also developed using daily reservoir voidage out replacement by the injected fluids volumes. The estimated cumulative liquid (oil) recovery factor (ranges from 62 to 76%) was higher and more encouraging in water-injection method than Volumetric depletion method under similar conditions. |
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In this paper, the voltage stability problem of Nigerian national grid is investigated. A method of voltage limit violation correction, with simultaneous reduction in the grid active power losses, by properly dispatching the various var compensators in the power system is proposed. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed technique on the Nigeria power system for the entire 37-bus network is simulated using PowerWorld simulating machine and a drop of 48.41% in the grid system active power loss was achieved. |
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A hybrid model for feature selection and intrusion detection is important issue in intrusion detection. The selection of feature in attack attribute and normal traffic attribute is challenging task. The selection of known and unknown attack is also faced a problem of classification. There is multiclass problem during the classification of data. Intrusion detection is a problem of transportation infrastructure protection owing to the fact that computer networks are at the core of the operational control of much of the nation’s transportation. The objective is to detect the Intrusion from network from different dataset using KNN, SVM and GA in Weka tool .A comparative analysis of different feature selection methods based on KDDCUP’99 benchmark dataset. The performances are evaluated in terms of detection rate, root mean square error and computational time |
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Phishing websites is a semantic attack which targets the user rather than the computer. It is a relatively new Internet crime in comparison with other forms, e.g., virus and hacking. The phishing problem is a hard problem because of the fact that it is very easy for an attacker to create an exact replica of a good banking site, which looks very convincing to users. The most significant problem, is particularly relevant with the phishing corpus. The phishing problem is a hard problem because of the fact that it is very easy for an attacker to create an exact replica of a good banking site, which looks very convincing to users. Phishing is a threat in which users are sent fake emails that urge them to click a link (URL) which takes to a phisher's website to hack the secret information. There is Effectiveness Metric (EM) values of email classification features. |
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Title : Food and feeding habits of Cyprinidae fish (Barbus macrops Boulenger, 1911) in Bia River, Cote-d Ivoire Authors : OUATTARA Siaka, BAMBA Yacouba, KARAMOKO Mamadou
Abstract :
The feeding habits of Barbus macrops from Bia River were studied using frequency of occurrence, numeric and gravimetric percentage and main food index (MFI). This study was conducted during two years of sampling (2012-2013) in rainy and dry seasons. Using gill nets of various mesh sizes and fish catch landings, fishes were sampled monthly, identified, weighed and measured for standard length. For 203 examined stomachs, data analysis of different prey ingested depicted that B. macrops is an omnivorous fish. Diet was composed of 14 items and this fish feed mainly on insects, while fruits and vegetable detritus represented the secondary prey items. Vacuity indexes were low and were 09% and 36.58%, respectively for rainy and dry seasons, suggesting a high trophic activity throughout the year. The results obtained from the analysis of gut contents showed significant difference in seasonal variation in the diet composition among fish size. |
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Title : Performance evaluation of Multimode Interference Coupler with parabolic and exponential shaped coupling region Authors : Akriti Singh, Dr. Ghanshyam Singh
Abstract :
Several studies have suggested that multimode interference coupler with exponential taper structure is advantageous as compared to parabolic taper structure. This paper shows a comparative study of 1×2 MMI coupler with exponential and parabolic taper structure using 2D finite difference beam propagation method (BPM). We have found that for the proposed design over the same dimension, performance of MMI coupler with exponential taper structure is better as compare to parabolic taper structure. On the other hand effective refractive index (Neff) is also studied in comparison with width and wavelength for both exponential and parabolic tapered MMI coupler |
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This review paper deals with a process of improving the quality of underwater image. The quality of underwater image is poor due to the properties of water and its impurities. The properties of water cause attenuation of light travels through the water medium, resulting in low contrast, blur, inhomogeneous lighting, and color diminishing of the underwater images. This paper proposes a method of enhancing the quality of underwater image. Ordinary histogram equalization uses the same transformation derived from the image histogram to transform all pixels. This works well when the distribution of pixel values is similar throughout the image. However, when the image contains regions that are significantly lighter or darker than most of the image, the contrast in those regions will not be sufficiently enhanced. The objective is to enhance the underwater images contrast while preserving image brightness. The proposed methods have been tested using several underwater images and gives better visual quality and PSNR value. |
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The Research work Human action recognisation region of interest part of video with hybrid technique and enhancement of Non –region of interest part is studied in this work. In recent years, automatic human activity recognition has drawn much attention in the field of video analysis technology due to the growing demands from many applications, such as surveillance environments, entertainment environments and healthcare systems. There is problem is the sparse decoding data loss problem due to ROI and NOI-ROI region of the action detected video. To enhance the human action detection part of the video and non auctioned part of the video with the help of Hybrid technique. The SVM is used detect the 2D/3D pose of the human and the accuracy of the system on different datasets are tested. |
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Abstract :
Individual investment activity is the extending the money saved to any corporate, Government or to any institution for the purpose of earning revenue. The augmented obligation for the financial futures both for oneself and for their offsprings has made an individual to take a wise decision for their portfolio investments. The objective of the study is to know about the individual preference towards major avenues and to identify the most important factors that has influenced the investor to choose those avenues.This study covered the investor residing in the area of Trichy (Tier-3), Chennai (Tier-1) and also from the customers of Convenient random sampling has been followed to collect the primary data from the investors by administering a questionnaire. Percentage analysis and one-way ANOVA have been used to analyse the data collected with the help of SPSS Package. Majority of the investors said that their source of income is from salary, pension and dividend/interest. The study also found that major investors build their portfolio based as per their planned schedule and the reason for them to create a portfolio is to achieve their goals like comfortable retirement, coping inflation, to meet the marriage expenses for their children and to meet future contingencies. |
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Title : A Managerial Framework for the Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Public Sector of Developing Countries Authors : Shaher Y. Jabi, Ayham A.M. Jaaron
Abstract :
Cloud Computing is considered as one of the most important topics in the information technology in recent years. It refers to computational resources available on demand via network as a service, where one of its main advantages is cost saving. Several researchers have presented its usefulness for developing countries as they do not have enough funds to establish their own information technology infrastructure and services. However, there seems to be scarcity in the current literature of empirical studies to explore effective cloud computing implementation in these countries. This paper is an attempt to develop a managerial framework for leveraging cloud computing successful implementation in the public sector of developing countries. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted in the Palestinian public sector organizations. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, observations and the collection of related archival documents. The framework focuses attention on the achievement of twofold prerequisites for successful cloud computing realization; organizational readiness assessment and cloud-readiness assessment. The framework presented is important in that it identifies a set of determinants for the two prerequisites for cloud computing realization. |
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Title : RESEARCH PAPER ON RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Authors : Dr.Shine David, Miss Usha Waskel, Miss Priyanka Sonone, Miss Vinita karwadiya
Abstract :
The main objective of this paper is to identify general practices that organizations use to recruit and select employees .The study also focus its attention to determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect the organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions.
The data was collected through well structured questionnaire. The source of data was both primary and secondary and the Sample size was 38. Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like ANOVA etc.My research basically depends upon primary and secondary data collected from company employees, Internet and online journals, research papers. Companies change their HR practices according to the culture and PEST environment of the countries in which they operate. Basic aim of all the companies is to earn PROFIT but now the concept is little bit changed as HRM has taken an important place in working of all the companies may it be national or multinational. Human resources are now considered as an ASSET instead of LIABILITY. As now companies are focusing on retaining talents instead of searching for low cost employees with lesser qualifications. Good Human resource management is now considered as one factor which adds competitive Advantage to the company. Department of HUMAN RESOURCE in all the companies is now in lime light instead of back seat and it is learnt that “HR cannot function in cabins” Good human resource strategies and practices are the backbone of all the companies may be operating nationally or multinationally and good human resource management is the life blood of those companies. |
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Title : Bit-Rate controlled Image Compression based on Discrete Wavelet Transform Authors : Abhirup Sinha, Rashmi pandey
Abstract :
In this paper, an image compression technique is presented based on wavelet transform. The proposed technique has been compressing the image using wavelet transform based multiresolution analysis with Huffman encoding technique. It is tested over the different gray scale images and performance evaluated in term of compression ratio (CR), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and mean square error (MSE). Here, compression obtained with different compression rate using iterates the bit-per-pixel. Overall, analysis has shown the effect of controlled bit rate over the quality of image for compression application. |
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Information Technology has found its way all over in every field. It is not untouched by Human Resource Management. Organization’s success mostly depends on the effective utilization of its valuable human resources. Now-a-days, human resources are treated as strategic assets, these assets are needed to achieve competitive advantage and outperform the rivals. Organizations are now increasingly adopting HRIS than ever before (which is comparatively a new technology in HRM) for ensuring the effective utilization of their human resources. But still, many challenges and issues keep the organizations deprived from enjoying the benefits of this technology. Here, in this research work, the authors tried to explore those hurdles based on the responses of human resource (HR) executives, employees, who are the frequent user of HRIS in the organization from some companies operating in India. The research work came across many challenges that impede the effective implementation of HRIS. Finally, some measurable actions that can be implemented to improve the effective execution of this technology are suggested. |
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Title : Design and Implementation for Theft Vehicle Tracking and Engine-Disengaging System Authors : R.Uday Sekhar Reddy, Mannayee. Giriraj
Abstract :
Vehicle security has become one of the major problem for owners. The aim of this project is to design & development of a vehicle location based system, which is used to control the theft of the vehicles. The developing system uses an embedded system based on (GSM) technology with CAN bus. An interfacing mobile is also connected to the microcontroller, which is connected to the engine system. Once, the vehicle is theft, the information is used by the vehicle owner for further procedure. The owner sends the message to the mobile which is embedded in the vehicle that has stolen in turn controls the vehicle engine by locking the working of the engine at once. The developed system accepts the message and broadcasted to the Vehicle Network through CAN Bus. The main concept in this design is introducing the mobile communication into an embedded system. The designed system is low cost & very simple. |
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Title : Identification of Groundwater Potential Zone in Kabani River Basin using Remote Sensing and GIS Authors : Shalini Raji A, Sashikkumar M.C, Jayaprasad B.K, Colins Johnny J
Abstract :
Water is a major component in all living systems. Without water nothing can live on the earth. Water is becoming more and more precious as its supply continues to be scarce throught out the world. The objective of this study is to explore the groundwater availability in kabani river basin. Remote sensing data and Geographical Information System (GIS) is used to locate potential zone for groundwater in the kabana river basin. Satellite image and topographical map have been use to prepare the required thematic maps like geology, geomorphology, land use/land cover, soil, slope, lineament density, drainage density and relative relief. Geomorphology and land use/land cover map are prepared from LISS IV satellite image. With the help of toposheet roads, rivers, places, drainage and contour are digitized to prepare base map. With the help of contour, DEM is prepared. From this DEM various parameters such as aspect, slope, drainage density, lineament density are prepared. Weights and rank were assigned according to their influence based on infiltration of ground water by means of Weighted Overlay Analysis (WOA). Ground water potential zone are classified into four Groups like Very low, Low, Moderate and High. |
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Title : CLOUD COMPUTING USING DATA MINING Authors : Khyati Chaudhary
Abstract :
Cloud can be meant as an infrastructure that provides resources and/or service over the internet. Cloud computing has demonstrated that processing very large datasets over commodity clusters can be done by giving the accurate programming model. Data mining is the procedure of analyzing data from different perspectives and briefs it into constructive information. Data mining has been measured as a necessary component in business domain. Cloud computing has revolutionized the way computing and software services are delivered to the clients on demand. The integration of data mining techniques into normal day-to-day activities has become common place. Using the single cloud provider is a major problem among the clients in the cloud as the outside attacker can analyze their data for a long time to gain the sensitive information. Cloud computing provides means to improve or add abilities on- demand without making an investment in setting up infrastructures, training new employees. Therefore, security concerns among users of the cloud have become a major barrier to the widespread growth of cloud computing. Hence, this is a big concern for many clients of cloud. In this paper, we identify the data mining based privacy risks on cloud data and we have given the data mining based attacks on cloud data as well as describe how data mining is used in cloud computing. |
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Title : Short-Term Forecasting Algerian Inflation using ARIMA Processes Authors : Kamel Si MOHAMMED, Abderrezzak BENHABIB, Sidahmed ZENAGUI
Abstract :
Inflation appears as a first challenge for the recent Algerian economic performance. The goal of this study is to forecast the performance of the Algerian inflation rates by applying the Box - Jenkins approach (1976) to the following series from M2 2006 to M12 2014 as full period estimation, then the full period M2 2014 to M2 2015 as an ex post forecast period and M3 2015 to M2 2016 as forecasting short-term period. ARIMA Results appear to exhibit better forecasting inflation trend with a slight real downward tendency. |
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Chitosan is the most abundant polysaccharide next to cellulose; it is obtained by alkaline N-deacetylation of chitin. The major raw material for chitosan production is shrimp heads and shells. Shells of other crustaceans such as crabs, lobster, squilla and cuttle fish bones also could be profitably utilized. Chitosan has been widely investigated as a drug carrier for many possible routes of administration because chitosan has favourable biological properties, such as non-toxicity, biocompatibility, biodegradability and antibacterial characteristics. The physical and chemical properties of chitosan such as inter and intramolecular hydrogen bonding and the cationic charge in acidic medium, makes this polymer more attractive for the development of conventional and novel pharmaceutical product. Chitosan can serve a number of purposes, including a coating agent, gel former, controlled-release matrix etc. in addition to desirable properties, such as muco-adhesion and permeation enhancement to improve oral bioavailability of drug. The microbial floras that are present in the colon degrade chitosan; as a result chitosan is a good candidate for site-specific drug delivery. Chitosan has been found to be of use in many clinical situations for ameliorating variety of human ailments, ranging from wound healing, glomerulonephritis up to substitute of artificial red blood cells. These multiform aspects of chitosan parallel to those as a drug carrier make it a unique polymer in pharmaceutical field. |
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Title : E-RECRUITMENT PRACTICES IN SERVICE SECTOR Authors : Dr. Shine David, Ritika jain, Umangi patel
Abstract :
The most important for an organization is the skills, experience, innovativeness and cause and effect of its People. Human resources are the main components in every organization. It represents talent and Attitude, creative ability, total knowledge, aptitude and belief of an individual involved in the affairs of an organization. Management of human resources is an integral part for every sub department. It is associated with the people at workplace and their relationships within and outside the organization. Recruitment of efficient staff is one of the important processes as it generates the human capital for the organization. In the recent years the field of human resource management has uses technological advancements. Internet has made an effect on the overall functioning of human resource department. Human resource processes and procedures have been supported by everything from complex file-folder systems to automation, going from usage multiple systems and databases to a single version of the whole system. It has progressed with frequent innovations; HRIS, Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) and Virtual Human Resources etc. E-HRM means conducting of business transactions by using internet along with other advance technologies. In other words, E-HRM is a medium of implementing HRM policies, strategies and practices in an organization through a directed support of web technology based channels. It affects every area of HR management. E-Recruitment represents to posting vacancies on the corporate website or on an online recruitment vendors’ website. It help applicants to send their resumes electronically through an email or in some other electronic format. The e-recruitment methods and systems have helped to reduce much of the routine administrative tasks involved in recruitment. The study tries to find out the overall concept of e-recruitment. It objective at collecting information regarding methods through e-mails, corporate websites and commercial job boards etc. It includes the advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment. |
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Title : Human Resource Accounting (HRA) Authors : Dr. Shine David, Ashutosh Mehta, Shreyas Agarwal, Surbhi Agrawal
Abstract :
Human Resource Accounting is the process of identifying and measuring data about Human Resources and communicating this information to the parties’ interested. It attempts to identify and report the Investments made in Human Resources of an organisation that are currently not accounted for in the Conventional Accounting Practices. In order to estimate and project the worth of the human capital. It is essential that some method of measuring the worth of the knowledge, skill, motivation, and contribution of the human elements as well as that of organizational processes, like recruitment & selection, training, etc which are used to build, develop and support these human aspects, must be properly developed and implemented. HRA implies this process of measurement of Human Resources. Like in Accountancy, fixed assets like Building or Premises, Land, Plant and Machinery are recorded in the books of accounts at their purchase price or invoice price. Now, depreciation charged on these assets is considered as the cost for the particular financial year and debited to profit and loss accounts and the remaining balance is shown in the balance sheet as written down value of the assets. Likewise, on similar lines the human resources should also be measured and evaluated, recorded in the books, operated and disclosed in the financial statements. The primary aim of HR Accounting is to depict the worth of the employees in quantifiable term, i.e. monetary terms. This concept can be viewed from 2 directions – 1. Cost of Human Resources- the expenditure incurred for recruiting, enhancing the quality of the employees, staffing and training. 2. Value of Human Resources- the yield which the above investment would yield in the future. |
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Direct Digital Synthesizer is a type of frequency synthesizer where arbitrary waveforms are created from a single and fixed frequency reference clock. An optimized Direct Digital frequency Synthesizer (DDFS) is designed for FPGA implementation considering the Software Defined Radio (SDR) application which makes use of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique. SDR is a radio communication system which consists of transmitter and receiver where the components implemented in a hardware is instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system by making use of the digital signal processing (DSP) for coding, decoding, modulating and demodulating data. The structure for hardware implementation of SDR makes use of OFDM technique. The structure comprises of VLSI mapping of algorithms, OFDM, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Algorithms and most importantly, the algorithm for DDFS. The VLSI implementation of the DDFS can compute sine and cosine function on a single edge of a clock, thus achieving optimization in terms of area, speed and reduction in power consumption is achieved by making use of Fixed-point implementation. Verilog HDL is used as a description language for mapping Algorithms in VLSI. Xilinx Spartan3 XC3S400 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was chosen as a Hardware Platform for the System Implementation. The output can be seen in the analog form by interfacing the FPGA to a Digital to Analog converter (DAC). |
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Title : TRAFFIC CALMING IN HYDERABAD CITY Authors : P.Teja Abhilash , K.Jaya Sunder , K.Tharani
Abstract :
Cities and towns play a vital role in promoting economic growth and prosperity. Although less than one-third of India’s people live in cities and towns, these areas generate over two-third of the country’s income and account for 90% of government revenues. In the coming years, as India becomes more and more urbanized, urban areas will play a critical role in sustaining high rates of economic growth. Although Indian cities have lower vehicle ownership rate, number of vehicles per capita, than their counterparts in developed countries, they suffer from worse congestion, delay, pollution, and accidents than cities in the industrialized world. Traffic calming is coined as the best technique to overcome traffic congestions and accidents. Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behaviour and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. The concept of traffic calming is fundamentally concerned with reducing the adverse impact of motor vehicles on built up areas. This usually involves reducing vehicle speeds, providing more space for pedestrians and cyclists, and improving the local environment It includes change in street alignment, installation of barrier and other physical measures to reduce traffic speed and /or volume in the interest of safety and liveability. The main objective of this study is to reduce the high frequency of collision and the need for police enforcement. It aims at achieving slow speeds for motor vehicles and enhancement of safety for non motorized users. A junction in Hyderabad which is subjected to congestion and high frequency of collision is considered for study and requirements of traffic calming in the junction have been analysed. |
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Title : Allocating memory dynamically for resource in cloud environment using gossip protocol Authors : Iranna S Amargol, Prof. Vidya R Kulkarni
Abstract :
We describe the process of allocating memory for cloud resources by using layer called cloud middleware. Gossip protocol which provides 1)performs memory allocation fairly 2) Fast computation and reallocation 3) Reduces processing memory .We describe the problem of allocating memory dynamically for resources which needs gossip protocol, for best utility of resources in cloud which takes less CPU time. management of resources is important part of data migration as the site or application allocated to one resources had reached their maximum threshold memory so to gain more performance and to get reduced processing memory we applying the concept of data migration which gives the fast computation and reallocation as the load of allocated resources changes dynamically |
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Title : Use of Natural Zeolite Stilbite in Soil Available Near Ajanta Ellora Caves Authors : Dr.V.P.Deshpande, Prin.B.T.Bhoskar, Dr.S.B.Kolhe
Abstract :
Natural Zeolite Stilbite was collected near Ellora Ajanta belt.Characterization was made using XRD, IR as usual method. Application of natural zeolite Stilbite was done with soil and result was reported |
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Title : Neutrons Yield by Bombarding Thorium (232Th) Isotope with Charge Particle Authors : Sameera A. Ebrahiem, Saad N. Yaacoup, Raafat Abdul H. Muslim
Abstract :
— In the present work, the cross-sections of (p,n) reaction available in the literature as a function of proton energies for the high element target such as 232Th(p,n)232Ta reaction[1] where Q-value is (-1.2771 MeV) and threshold energy is (1.2826MeV)in the ground state have been rearranged and interpolated for proton energies from (9 to 22MeV) in fine steps of (0.5 MeV) by using (MATLAB-7.6) . By using SRIM-2013 program , the stopping power has been recalculated by using computer program interpolated for proton energy . These cross sections together with the stopping powers calculated from the Zeigler semi – empirical formula have been used to calculate the neutron yield for reaction . The aim of the present work is to determine the neutron yield using the modified cross sections and stopping power of the above reactions . The results are compared with those published in the literature. |
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Title : A Novel Educational Data Mining Approach in Cloud Authors : Khyati Chaudhary
Abstract :
Cloud computing is a well combination of service oriented characteristics and utility based computing. Growth rate of data in cloud environment is attaining an exponential rate. As a result, there is a need to supervise this gigantic heterogeneous data which can be both unstructured and structured in nature. This data can be managed at varied levels in cloud that is at the end user level, cloud service provider level as well as data center level. Besides, we cannot manage big data with our current methodologies or data mining software tools as big data is a word used to classify the datasets that due to their large size and complexity is not easy to manage. The big data challenge is becoming one of the most exhilarating opportunities for the next years. In the current scenario, we try to present outline of the topic, its current status, controversy and forecast to the future. Cloud computing is the budding technology which is based on pay per use model. It is computing guide where applications, bandwidth, data and IT services are provided via Internet. The purpose of the cloud service providers is to use resource skillful and attain the maximum profit. This leads to task scheduling as a core and thrilling issue in cloud computing. Scheduling is one of the procedures of determining how to compel resources between varieties of feasible tasks. In this paper, we try to elucidate various types of deadline scheduling algorithms that meet the deadline which have been surveyed and analyzed. This work explores the basic features of data mining techniques in cloud computing and secure the data using some proper method. This paper elaborate data mining techniques into cloud computing & making it a hybrid approach. |
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Title : Road Safety Audit of selected stretch from Sagar Intersection to Uppal Intersection Authors : G. Sravan Kumar, V. Ranjith Kumar
Abstract :
Road safety Audit is a systematic, proactive approach for assessing accident potential and safety performance of new or existing roads. It is a formal practice for a future traffic project, or an existing road, in which an independent and qualified team looks at the project’s crash potential and safety performance. Road Safety Audits can be treated as a proactive low-cost access to reduce accidents and to improve road safety. This paper enables to analyze the traffic safety situation of a stretch from Sagar Intersection to Uppal Intersection (Inner Ring road service road) of Hyderabad, Telangana, India and identifies the reasons for the accidents and suggests remedial measures for decreasing the effects of accidents in the stretch. The main purpose of this document is to set out the safety assessment for road users in the stretch. The emphasis is on the reduction of potential crashes. |
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Title : Effect of flakiness & elongation indices on the bituminous mixes Authors : CH. Venkatesh, K. Jaya sunder
Abstract :
Flakiness & Elongation index is one of the most prominent criteria that govern behavior and performance of aggregate in the bituminous mixes. The strength and serviceability requirements of bituminous mixture such as Stability, Flow, Voids in Total mix (VTM), Voids Filled with Bitumen and (VFB) highly depend on the physical properties of aggregates. This study conducted by observing the effect of flakiness & elongated index by adding different percentages from 0% to 50% of flaky & elongated aggregates of different sieve with required quantity to the bituminous mixes. The method of Marshall Mix design is adopted for this purpose. The change in rotation angle of coarse aggregate was found to correlate well with the internal resistance of a HMA mix. The particle shape determines how aggregate was packed into a dense configuration and also determines the internal resistance of a mix. Cubical particles were desirable for increased aggregate internal friction and improved rutting resistance. Also the Particle index (PI) value correlated well to aggregate geometric characteristics. The more cubical the aggregate, the higher the PI value is obtained. |
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Title : Implementation of Offline signature verification based on LBP and LDP techniques on Beagle board-xM Authors : Chandrashekara DR , Girish M, Manjunath P , Vinay Kumar KS , H C Sateesh Kumar
Abstract :
The signature verification is used as a popular, cost effective authentication method and preferred among various biometrics as it is the widely accepted way to identify an individual .it is used in many areas of society related to automated banking transaction, electronic fund transfer, and document analysis and access control throughout the world. There are two categories in signature verification based on the acquisition of the signature viz. online and offline verification systems. Online systems use dynamic information of a signature captured at the time the signature is made. The off-line signature verification uses a static image of the signature collected from individuals on white paper. The off-line signature verification problem is more challenging than the on-line signature verification, because the features are extracted from the static 2D image of the signature. In this work, an offline signature verification method was proposed which is based on two sets of features extracted from the static signature image. First set of features consists of local binary pattern, the operator labels the pixels of an image by thresholding 3x3 neighborhood of each pixel with centre value and considering the results as a binary number of which the corresponding decimal number is used for labeling. The derived binary numbers are called local binary patterns or the LBP codes. While the LBP operator uses information of intensity changes around the pixels. The second set of features is local directional patterns operator use the edge response values of the neighbor pixels and encode the image texture. The LDP assign an 8 bit binary code to each pixel of an input image. Before the features are extracted, the signature is subjected to preprocessing which include extraction of exact size of the signature by resizing. Finally Euclidean distance is used as the classifier to decide whether the signature under test is genuine or forged. Parameters like FAR, FRR, EER and TSR were calculated. |
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Title : CAVLC ENCODING TECHNIQUE FOR H.264 Authors : Afreen Hamza L, Manasa M G, Payal Basak, Shikha Khandelwal, Vinod B Durdi
Abstract :
The latest advancement in H.264 video compression technique is CAVLC method used for entropy coding. After the prediction, transformation and quantization a block of 4X4 is obtained containing mostly zeros. The zig zag scan of block is done to obtain the following for better compression in this lossless technique. 1)Non zero coefficients from neighboring blocks are correlated and encoded using look up table. 2) The main sequence obtained by zig zag scan is ±1 coefficients which represent the highest frequencies. 3) Zeros and the run level coding of zeroes after the scanning are encoded by referring the look up tables. 4) Levels in zig zag block are the representation of the highest to lowest frequencies. |
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Title : HSU-STRUCTURE ON H-STRUCTURE MANIFOLDS II Authors : Virendra Nath Pathak, Geeta Verma
Abstract :
In this paper we have studied Hsu-structure & H-structure manifolds and obtained with constant holomorphic sectional curvature. On this communication we prove that every 2m dimensional connected NK- manifold of pointwise constant holomorphic sectional curvature is an Einstein manifold |
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Title : Evaluating the Performance of VANET for Different Mobility Models using NS-2 Authors : Sumit Goyal, Dr. Rajesh Gargi
Abstract :
A Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is an instance of MANETs that establishes wireless connections between cars. VANET provides three major classes of applications possible in VANET are safety oriented, convenience oriented and commercial oriented. One key component of VANET simulations is the movement pattern of vehicles, also called the mobility model. Mobility models determine the location of nodes in the topology at any given instant, which strongly affects network connectivity and throughput. The Mobility Model governs the set of rules that define movement pattern of nodes in ad-hoc network. Network simulators can then, by using this information, create random topologies based on nodes position and perform some tasks between the nodes. VANET requires modification of the existing MANET protocols to adapt itself into VANET scenario .Several mobility models are developed in this regard. In this Paper Various mobility Models and Routing protocols are discussed and models are compared according to different routing protocols. Simulations results are shown for different mobility models over different protocols using VanetMobiSim and NS-2. |
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Title : The Transition from the Informal To the Formal Sector Authors : Adrian Ducu MATEI
Abstract :
Knowing the extent of the causes and effects of the informal sector on the labour market has become an acute necessity for decision making and the efficiency of economic and social policy in general, as well as for a better identification of the tools and mechanisms of formalizing the informal sector, to protect the employees in this field. Informal employment and its derivative, the informal economy, are analyzed in terms of cause and effect regarding the theoretical and methodological elements of various trends in thinking; the analysis is based on models of informal work regarding the most significant factors that influence the avoidance of taxes and registration, the flexibility and convenience of informal work, the impact of traditions or needs determined by the high degree of poverty, the bureaucratic and extra-bureaucratic obstacles of formal labor market. This study aims at defining and describing the profile of the informally employed person, based on the main demographical, social and economic characteristics (gender, area of residence, age, ethnicity, occupation, education, economic activity, employment status, etc.). Knowing the weight of the informal economy in the national economy is an important step in the fight to diminish informal economy, known as black economy, informal economy. |
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Title : Productivity Improvement through Lean Manufacturing Tools in RCB Gear Product Authors : S. Rethinavel, V. Samson Jayakumar, Ayyappan Rajagopal
Abstract :
economic reforms- Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization, (LPG) started in 1991 in India. The main objective of the government was to achieve high economic growth and industrialize the nation for the well-being of Indian citizens. Thus Indian market became Global and open market. Increasing productivity is an ever present challenge in the manufacturing industry where demands on resource utilization and reduced tied up capital are increasing constantly in order to match the competition and stay ahead as a world class manufacturing. Lean manufacturing tools are one of the most influential and effective methodologies for eliminating waste, controlling quality, improving overall performance of any machines, system or process. By using the lean manufacturing tools, time consumption, human effort, effective utilization of machines, raw material usage and control the inventory are analyzed which is converted into productive output. By this process the increase of productivity and develop an overview of conceptual framework of lean manufacturing practices to minimize the production cost. An Investigation was carried out in automotive industry manufacturing commercial vehicle power steering gear for implementation of lean manufacturing the following part line – cover. By using following lean tools Heijunka (Level scheduling), Kanban (Pull system), VSM (Value Stream Mapping), Visual Factory and Standardized work will be carried out for implementation of lean manufacturing. The various parameters collected during the investigation will be simulated using FLEXSIM simulation software for finding the optimal solution. |
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Title : Slope Stability Analysis for Identifying Landslide Prone Areas Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Munnar Authors : Sujitha P R, Jayaprasad B K, Karuppasamy S
Abstract :
Landslide is a major hazard occurring in Hilly area which may cause damage to infrastructure and threaten several lives. Landslide Hazard Zonation map helps to identify the critical areas that are prone to landslide. For the preparation of landslide hazard map ten parameters were contemplated. This parameter incorporate Land use/Land cover, Slope, Aspect, Drainage Density, Lineament Density, Relative Relief, Geology, Geomorphology, Soil, Rainfall respectively. CartoSat I Stereopair of Munnar has been used to generate Digital Elevaion Model(DEM) using imagine photogrammetry suite. consequently Slope map, Aspect map, Drainage map, Relative Relief map were prepared. Lineament Density map was prepared from hillshade at various Azimuth and illumination angle. The various parameters were classified and weighed according to their importance in slope instability using Weighted Overlay Analysis. Landslide Hazard Zonation map showing four classes ranges from No Hazard to Very High Hazard region was prepared. Very high hazard zones were observed in some areas such as Munnar, Mankulam, Varayadu motta, Kolukku mala. |
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Title : Simulation of PEMFC for Isolated Applications Authors : Palash Pathak, Ravi Pithia, Anuradha Deshpande
Abstract :
In this paper, the dynamics of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system is modelled, simulated and presented. Recent and Modern application of PEMFC is for uninterrupted power supply and stationary power generator. It is replacement of traditional methods of generation and also pollution free source. Matlab-SimulinkTM is used for the modeling and simulation of the fuel cell system. Also, characteristic of 6kW PEM fuel cell system is obtained by simulation. Paper has made an attempt to use PEMFC for three phase load. PEMFC generation is converted in to three phase AC source using power converters. Simulation results which includes waveforms of current, voltage and power are presented in this paper. The analysis of stand alone applications of PEM fuel cell generator system can be achieved with this dynamic simulation model. |
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Title : Implementation of PTP Stack on FPGAs Authors : Sindhu R, Suchita Kumari, Rajani K, Rakshita Y N, Saravana Kumar
Abstract :
Precision Time Protocol, described in IEEE 1588 is able to synchronize distributed clocks with an accuracy of less than 1 microsecond. Precision Time Protocol’s operating principle is to exchange messages consecutively to determine the offset between master and slave. The precision and the performance of Precision Time Protocol is based on the precision of Timestamp. The timestamp of communicating packets achieve synchronization between two devices. In this paper, we are implementing the Precision Time Protocol stack on FPGAs to show the working of Protocol and the different layers of OSI model. Precision Time Protocol stack is developed by implementing MAC layer with VHDL code and the upper layer with C code. The developed stack on FPGA acts as Master used to communicate with Slave (in our case, Computer) and a communication is established |
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Public key cryptosystem or asymmetric cryptosystem has more security over the secret key cryptosystem or symmetric cryptosystem because this has a pair of keys which are mathematically related and are used at both sender and receiver end. In this paper we propose an efficient astroid curve over prime field. This public key cryptographic technique is used for secured data transmission and is highly reliable. This work includes encryption of the intelligent message at sender and the decryption of the unintelligent message at receiver end |
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Title : Pavement Management System on Urban Road Network Authors : Manikanta Itta, K. Jaya sunder
Abstract :
Pavements are major assets of Urban infra structure. Maintenance and rehabilitation of these pavements to the desired level of serviceability is one of the challenging problems faced by pavement engineers. The evaluation of pavement performance using pavement condition is a basic component of any Pavement Management system. (PMS) is a planning tool used to aid pavement management decisions, pavement deterioration due to traffic and weather, and recommend maintenance and repairs to the road's pavement based on the type and age of the pavement and various measures of existing pavement quality. The present paper is an effort in the similar direction, to develop a combined Overall pavement Condition Rating (OPCR) for the selected network of Hyderabad City Roads. The study area consists of urban road sections constituting 39.9 km of Hyderabad city. The methodology includes the identification of urban road sections, pavement distress data collection, Pavement condition Distress, Quality control analysis and finally developing Overall Pavement Condition Ratings (OPCR). The proposed rating is expected to be a good indicative of pavement condition and performance. The Ratings was used to select the maintenance strategy for the pavement section., please download TEMPLATE HELP FILE from the website. |
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Title : Pseudo - Randomized Visual Cryptography Algorithm for Visual Information Security in grey scale image Authors : Sudipta Chakraborty, Sunanda S Rao, Swathi S Raikar, Trishla Thakur, Mrs. Anitha Suresh
Abstract :
‘Visual cryptography’ means providing security to the cover image, cover image is divided into ‘n’ shares, and stacking back of ‘n’ shares will give the image back. ‘Pseudo-randomization algorithm’ is used to generate these two shares using two random numbers. These shares are just noise like images which do not reveal any secret information. Using this encryption algorithm we provide security to the cover image. For the decryption, we perform simple computation to get back our original image. As an extension the decryption part is also carried out in VHDL. So that in future this can be implemented using hardware. |
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Title : Governments Penchant for Dishonoring Collective Agreements Reached on Wages and Wage - Related Industrial Unrest in the Public Service in Nigeria Authors : Uzoh, Bonaventure Chigozie
Abstract :
This paper examined the relationship between governments’ frequent refusal to honour collective agreements reached on wages and incessant wage – related industrial unrest in the public service in Nigeria. The use of the collective bargaining machinery as an instrument of wage determination and settlement of other employment conditions is highly restricted in the public service in Nigeria because government prefers the use of wage commissions. However, whenever government decides to bargain with its employees represented by their unions and agreements reached, it usually finds it difficult to honour these agreements. In the public service in Nigeria, there are numerous cases of governments’ failure to honour agreements it willfully entered into with workers. This sort of attitude on the part of successive governments in Nigeria makes one to think that even when government decides to negotiate with workers it has at the back its mind that the agreements reached during such negotiations would not be honoured. In some instances, government had even gone down to the level of denying that it entered into any form of agreement with workers. Governments’ penchant for dishonouring collective agreements reached with workers bordering on wages and settlement of other working conditions has undoubtedly accounted for most of the strike incidents in the public service in Nigeria. This paper therefore contends that it is important that governments in Nigeria realize that collective bargaining remains the best method of determining wages of workers and other employment conditions in the public service. Most importantly, honouring agreements that result from these negotiations could go a long way in reducing the frequency of wage – related industrial unrest thereby ensuring reasonable level of industrial peace in the public service in Nigeria |
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Title : STRESSING & LAUNCHING ANALYSIS OF PRESTRESS GIRDER Authors : Ajeet Kumar, Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Dr. D.P.Gupta. Director
Abstract :
Offsite construction methods are increasingly popular in construction industry, offsite construction, also referred to as modern methods of construction (MMC) offers many advantages in terms of quality of construction, cost control, construction time and environmental credentials. It is also seen as a means to help reduce the amount of waste generated on site. Precast concrete manufactured offsite for structural and ornamental elements have been extensively used for a wide variety of projects, from railway sleepers to bridge elements, housing and stadia. Precast concrete products are reported to potentially reduce waste on construction site by as much as 50% when compared to more traditional approaches. The nature of concrete and off production methods allows manufactures to produce standardized elements using pre-set forms and shutters that are endlessly reused. Furthermore design and manufacturing process does not require temporary supports and scaffolding that are, or more conventional sites, waste generating, time consuming and a health and safety hazard. Offsite construction relates to construction activities that are carried out in a factory environment away from the site. Due to set up of offsite production facilities, and possibilities offered to manufactures to improve the assembly process, offsite construction has a range of advantage compared to traditional build. The importance of offsite construction methods has increased since mid 1990.Offsite precast construction methods have been in use for over a century for a wide range of construction, from floor to high rise buildings, from single components to building system. Like other offsite method of construction, precast concrete offers the known advantages in terms of efficiency of construction process, improved construction program better budget control and improved quality. |
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Fingerprint recognition is defined as the authentication of user after confirming the results of matching of its fingerprint prints. It is most successful technique for human being identification which provides highly accurate results. This paper presents an analysis on fingerprint recognition which uses false minutia removal techniques to evaluate Minutiae extracted from a fingerprint. The false minutia removal technique is quite frequently used in various fingerprint recognition systems and techniques. This approach mainly involves extraction of unique identification points called minutiae points from the captured fingerprint images and then performing 7 cases for fake minutiae detection. The spurious minutia are removed by identifying the false percept minutia at the extraction stage |
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Title : A Secure Concealed Data Aggregation for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks Authors : Bharat Bhushan, Sandeep Verma, Amit Kumar Rai
Abstract :
Data Aggregation is an important aspect in Wireless Sensor Networks WSNs and this is because it reduces the amount of data to be transmitted over the network. This is done by either avoiding the transmission of redundant data or aggregating the result from different sensors and forwarding only the aggregated result further to BS. In previous studies authors used homomorphic encryption properties for concealing communication during aggregation such that encrypted data can be aggregated algebraically without decrypting them. These schemes are not satisfying multi applications which lead to proposal of CDAMA (Concealed Data Aggregation for Multi Applications). It is designed for multi applications, as it provides secure counting capability and also it reduces the effect of compromising secrets of a single application. In wireless sensor networks or environments the sensor nodes are defenseless and are vulnerable to some attacksTo prove our proposed scheme’s robustness and efficiency, we conducted the simulations, comprehensive analysis and comparisons in the end. |
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Title : DESIGN AND TESTING OF C BAND HELICAL ANTENNA Authors : Pooja V, Nivetha R, Sahana Kumari, Basavaraj SM
Abstract :
The scope of the paper is to design, simulate and test helical antennas in the C-BAND at 4.2 GHz & 6.4 GHz. Currently the WIPL-D software is used for optimizing the Radiation parameters to suit the stringent Satellite communication requirements. These helices will be fabricated using simple fabrication techniques and tested in the RF ANEHOIC Chamber. Antennas will be characterized for the critical antenna parameters like radiation pattern, polarization and gain. Conical cup reflector will be used to reinforce the side and back lobe to increase the efficiency and gain of the helical Antenna |
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Title : Seismic performance of hill buildings−A review Authors : Asst.Prof.Y.P.Pawar, Asst. Prof.D.S.Jagtap, S.P.Pawar
Abstract :
The buildings situated on hill slopes in earthquake prone areas are generally irregular, torsionally coupled . Hence, susceptible to serve damage when affected by earthquake ground motion. Such buildings have mass & stiffness varying along the vertical & horizontal planes, resulting the center of mass & center of rigidity do not coincide on various floors, they demand torsional analysis, in addition to lateral forces under the action of earthquakes. This study compels with a review of studies on the seismic behavior of buildings resting on sloping ground. It is observed that the seismic behavior of buildings on sloping ground differ from other buildings. The various floors of such buildings step backs towards hill slope and at the same time buildings may have setbacks also. Most of the studies agree that the buildings resting on sloping ground has higher displacement and base shear compared to buildings resting on plain ground and the shorter column attracts more forces and undergo damage when subjected to earthquake. Step back building could prove more vulnerable to seismic excitation. |
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Face detection has been one of the most studied topics in the computer vision literature. This technical report,reveals the recent advances in face detection for the past decade and implementation of new algorithm to detect faces in real time. The algorithm developed using PCA and BPN algorithm detects all the faces present in real time and name the faces accordingly using face feature extraction algorithm. |
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Title : Fostering the use of Technology for Teaching and Learning of Arabic Language: A case study Authors : Popoola Kareem Hamed, Sultan Fahd Aljuhaish
Abstract :
The use of technology is drastically becoming an important indicator of human progress in all schemes of human endeavors such as business, economics, education etc. There are many Es nowadays such as e-business, e-learning, e-banking and many others. No doubt that technology is useful for effective teaching and learning. However, limited attention has been given to Technology for Teaching Arabic Language TTAL (Stone, 2003). The primary objective of this paper is to explore the usage of technology in teaching of Arabic language and to investigate the teachers’ perceptions in the integration of technology to Arabic language learning. The methodology used in this study is qualitative where a Principal and 3 Arabic teachers were purposely selected to be interviewed. The main findings of this study are: Technology promotes the effective teaching and learning of Arabic language, Arabic teachers’ awareness and Inadequate, Inappropriate of Technological Materials. And recommend the need more Arabic technological materials to promote the active learning of Arabic language. |
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To produce Concrete of required strength one of the key factors is to have optimum water required. Vacuum dewatering is a process of extracting the excess water from the concrete after placing & compaction. Various Design Mixes having aggregates such as Sand, Stone Dust & Fly Ash can be tested to achieve the required strength. The study and laboratory test is focused on determining the strength of mix design of concrete by normal conventional way & using vacuum dewatered process in which the extra water is removed from concrete. After testing & comparing the results it was found that the strength parameters improved after vacuum dewatering of concrete mix prepared by different aggregates. |
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Software projects today are more gigantic than ever before with teams spanning the globe working on the same program test strategies are changing rapidly. A culture of quality in all part of the organization is essential for software testing successes. This paper is concerned with diagnosing the impart of test strategy in software testing through analyzing the factors considered before software testing effort is imitiated software testing must be planned carefully to avoid wasting development time and resources. Test specification document should be reviewed like all other software engineering work products. |
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Title : SPEAKING LIGHT: THE LIGHT OF THE FUTURE Authors : Vishnu Agarwal, Indrajit Khuntia, Rajendra Devganiya, Aditya Kumar Valkeri
Abstract :
In our day today life we see much irresponsibility of people like in the smart zones such as hospital zones, school zones the speed limit is 30-40 km/h and also blowing horn is restricted but no one cares about it and also at the traffic signal, some vehicles cross the signal when the signal is red. To overcome this problem we are presenting this paper. Using visible light and IR light we transmit the information to the receiver attached to the vehicles and control the vehicles. |
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Title : P Learning: Personalized e-learning using Semantic agents Authors : Dr.M.Thangaraj, Mrs. S. Vanathi, Mrs.M.chamundeeswari
Abstract :
P-learning an agent based Personalized e-learning is an efficient education method, developing in a fast manner. Multi-agent system is one of the emerging trends in computer science. It can provide new solutions to very complex and restrictive system. In recent days, the application of multi-agent systems is spreading in almost every field though e-learning is also gaining its benefits. Personalization in e-learning has drawn more and more attention. E-learning has provided us the capability of providing quality education to masses without restricting them to specific time or place. We have lots of different existing systems, but most of them are lacking all the features like personalization, intelligence, accessibility and security in one single system. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the advantages of using intelligent agents to facilitate the location and customization of appropriate e-learning resources and to foster collaboration in e-learning environments. |
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Title : Blood Cell Segmentation: A Review Authors : K. Mahim, Dr. Mahesh Kumar Porwal
Abstract :
The analysis of blood cells in microscope images can provide useful information concerning the health of patients; however, manual classification of blood cells is time-consuming and susceptible to error due to the different morphological features of the cells. Therefore, a fast and automated method for identifying the different blood cells is required. In this paper, we propose different methods to segment Red Blood Cell (RBC), White Blood Cell (WBC) and Platelets. Image segmentation is the most important step and a key technology in image processing which directly affect the next processing. In human blood cell segmentation cases, many methods were applied for obtaining better results. It is basically an improved visualization to observe blood cell under blood smear process. In this paper, we review some of the general segmentation methods that have found application in classification in biomedical-image processing especially in blood cell image processing. Basically, segmentation of the image divides the whole image into some unique disjoint regions. The fact that the segmented image should retain maximum useful information and discard unwanted information makes the whole process critical. |
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Title : The Impact of Maintenance Policies on Some Items of ISO (9001-2000): A Survey Study in Industrial Companies in Iraq Authors : Mokhef Abd Alhussin Mokhef, Eris Elianddy b.Supeni, Nawal Aswan Abdul Jalil
Abstract :
The influence of maintenance policy on the industrial sector is highly important, where there is a significant correlation between maintenance policies and some of the items related to international standard (ISO 9001- 2000) such as infrastructure, work environment, control of the production and service operations, and the adjustment of the measurement and monitoring tools. The aim of this study is to provide the intellectual and workable framework that relies on the arguments of researchers and those interested in the fields of management, production and engineering operations to highlight the role of maintenance policies in contributing to the achievement of quality. The industrial and governmental sectors were selected in the province of Nineveh as an arena to do the field work. The sample of the study comprises of six governmental and industrial companies. Questionnaires are used as the main tool for data collection. The study shows the need for sites with appropriate physical working conditions of temperature, humidity, and ventilation to do work in order to ensure the quality of performance through the maintenance policies. |
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Free competition and new network technology have increased competition and widened the range of network service available throughout the world. Unfortunately for cellular network service providers, loyalty is a rare trait among customers when it comes to choosing a particular mobile cellular system provider. Despite the huge financial commitment by companies into their respective communication technologies, users ultimately make decisions based on their perceived quality of service (QoS). It is the researcher’s intention to identify the factors affecting the Quality of Service of cellular mobile network providers in Nigeria and put their effect in quantifiable terms. This study span for four years [2010-2014] and four leading telecommunication firms were selected to represent the entire telecommunication industry. These firms include MTN-Nigeria, Globacom, Etisalat and Airtel. The primary source of data used in this research work was questionnaire while the secondary source of data include data from; Nigeria communication commission(NCC), the above mentioned four communication firms as well as data from the researchers in related topical issues. The main quantitative approach used was regression analysis and for the easy of handling the volume of data, the use of statistical package for social sciences [SPSS] software was used. It was discovered that six factors affect the quality of service of cellular mobile network: Network coverage/ Availability of service(X5), Call quality(X3), Price of service (X4) , Customer care(X2), Diversity of bundle option of service (X1) and Promotion/Offering of Incentive(X6). A predictive model was derived as : Y = 3.731+0.565X5 + 0.440X3 + 0.221X2+ 0.189X4 + 0.165X1 + 0.097X6 |
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Title : PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF COOLING SYSTEM USED IN TRANSFORMER Authors : N. R. Pathare, V. S. Shende, P. V. Jadhav, S. M. Awatade
Abstract :
The life expectancy of the transformer largely depends on the temperature-rise in it. If the temperature-rise exceeds limits specified in the design standards, the aging of insulating materials is accelerated and also the capability of cooling medium is deteriorated. So, applicable limits of the temperature-rise are essential in designing transformer and coolers, demanding the estimation of the thermal behavior of transformer. In order to analyze the temperature Characteristics of the transformer, the numerical analysis by using ANSYS has been carried out, and temperature-rise test to verify computed results was made. The results obtained in this study show that there is a good agreement between computed results and experimental one. |
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Title : The impact of Asset Quality on Profitability of commercial Banks in Kuwait Authors : Bellaouar Slimane, Bouglimina Aicha
Abstract :
Asset quality management has recently received much attention in the banking industry. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of loan quality on bank profitability in Kuwait using data obtained from the annual reports and accounts of the two largest banks listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange based on market capitalization with a sample interval for the period from 2002 to 2013, using the return on assets and return on equity ratio as proxies for bank profitability. A panel regression model is employed to examine if bank asset quality and profitability are positively correlated .The results showed that a bad asset ratio is negatively associated with banking profitability, The results further support the hypothesis that higher quality of loan processing activities before loan approval is required to process problematic loans, and thus higher banking profitability will be. |
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Title : Islamic Banking and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Saudi Arabia Authors : HADJILA Asma, MENAGUER Noureddine, El AID Mohamed, BENBOUZIANE Mohamed
Abstract :
Islamic banking started four decades ago in Saudi Arabia and was expected to have a significant relationship and contribution towards the economic growth of the country. This study aims to investigate the long run and dynamic relationship between Islamic banking and economic growth in the case of Saudi. The annually time-series data of total Islamic Bank financing (IBF), real Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP), gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) and Trade activities (TRADE) from 2000 to 2012 are used in this study. Using cointegration and Granger’s causality method, we found that there is evidence of a unidirectional relationship between Islamic bank Financing and GFCF that supports «Supply Leading» hypothesis. Thus Islamic Banking influences the economic growth of Saudi by increasing its Investment. It implies that the development of Islamic banking is one of the policies, which should be considered by the government to achieve highrates of economic growth. |
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Title : Evaluation uncertain investment by Monte Carlo Simulation using Crystal Ball Case Study for a project of ANSEJ (Cyber Cafe) Authors : Mr. Refafa Abdelaziz, Dr. Benhmida Mohamed, Dr. Ouraghi Sid Ahmed
Abstract :
This research Addresses a thorny issue and perpetually renew, Evaluation of investment projects under uncertainty, theoretical elements response Are available from a discursive reading of the relevant literature, We proposes to study this question for the case of a small Algerian company when we are trying to evaluate a Cyber Café through a fairly robust method namely the Monte Carlo simulation, The results show the great capacity of these methods, Including Monte Carlo simulation to provide relevant information to build a near-optimal decisions in an uncertain future |
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