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Title : A Study on Scenarios for Derivation of Emergency Recovery Method of Waterfront Structures Authors : Hyuk-Jin Yoon, Sang-Jae Han, Jae-Hyun Jung
Abstract : Civil engineering structures constructed on rivers are placed in an environment exposed to frequent flood damages. Since the loss of levee due to flood and bridge scour are major causes of sudden structural collapse, emergency recovery construction must be quickly carried out before long-term recovery.
This study refers to the relevant rules and practices for types of damage caused by bridge scour and loss of levee due to flood, preparing flowcharts for quick selection of emergency recovery process and deriving decision-making trees. The characteristics of the decision-making trees derived applied variable considerations on changes in the standards, addition of construction methods, and addition of examples.
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Title : Noise removal and Ischemia detection from ECG Signal Authors : Vijay Kumar, Ruby Gupta
Abstract : Heart is the most important organ of the humasn body. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is used for the electrical recording of the heart signal. In this paper, filtering techniques are used for the removal of different types of artifacts present in the ECG signal with the help of filters. ECG signal analysis involves various techniques for accurate delineation of characteristics points and then classification of heart diseases using these characteristics points in terms of positive predictivity and sensitivity. In this paper Support vector machine is used as a classifier to delineate QRS complex.We have reviewed the available techniques for cardiac arrhythmia detection and feature extraction in literature in terms of accuracy and sensitivity. In this paper, the European database is used for the evaluation of the ST segment. The proposed methods comprise steps such as signal pre-processing, denoising, QRS complex detection and SVM as a classifier.
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Title : Power Quality Enhancement and Voltage Sag Mitigation by Using an Integrated Nine- Switch Power Conditioner Authors : Sk. Umar , M. Sridhar
Abstract : This paper proposes a novel nine switch converter based integrated power conditioner in place of conventional twelve switch converter based power conditioner for improving power quality. Space vector modulation scheme is proposed for producing gating signals for nine switch converter.In the proposed integrated power conditioner the nine-switch converter replaces shunt and series converters found in conventional back to back power conditioner.
Underlying operating principles are discussed comprehensively to demonstrate, how such “series–shunt” replacement can bring forth the full advantages of the nine-switch converter. The shunt and series compensation techniques are discussed and the performance of the proposed nine switch power conditioner is validated through simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
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Title : Improvement of Distortion Power Quality Index in Distributed Power Grids Authors : P.Emmaniyelu, A.Tejasri
Abstract : This paper presents the Euclidean norm based new power quality index (PQI), which is directly related to the distortion power generated from nonlinear loads, to apply for a practical distribution power network by improving the performance of the previous PQI proposed by the authors. The proposed PQI is formed as a combination of two factors, which are the electrical load composition rate (LCR) and the Euclidean norm of total harmonic distortions (THDs) in measured voltage and current waveforms.
The reduced multivariate polynomial (RMP) model with the one-shot training property is applied to estimate the LCR. Based on the proposed PQI, the harmonic pollution ranking, which indicates how much negative effect each nonlinear load has on the point of common coupling (PCC) with respect to distortion power, is determined. Its effectiveness and validity are verified by the experimental results from its prototype’s implementation in a laboratory with a single-phase 3 kW photovoltaic(PV) grid-connected inverter, which contributes to a small distortion in voltage at the PCC, and practical nonlinear loads. Then, the harmonic current injection model based time-domain simulations
are carried out to prove the effectiveness of the proposed PQI under the other conditions with different nonlinear loads.
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Title : Coordination of Multiple Renewable Generators Used in a Micro grid Based on Distributed Sub gradient Authors : K.Ramu, A.Tejasri
Abstract : Maximum peak power tracking algorithms, which emphasize high renewable energy utilization, may cause a supply-demand imbalance when the available renewable generation is more than demanded, especially for autonomous microgrids. Currently, droop control is one of the most popular decentralized methods for sharing active and reactive loads among the distributed generators. However, conventional droop control methods suffer from slow and oscillating dynamic response and steady state deviations. To overcome these problems, this paper proposes a distributed sub gradient-based solution to coordinate the operations of different types of distributed renewable generators in a microgrid. By controlling the utilization levels of renewable generators, the supply-demand balance can be well maintained and the system dynamic performance can be significantly improved. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control solution.
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Abstract : Text mining is the process of extracting of useful information from structured and unstructured documents. There are many methods which have been proposed for text mining used in pattern in text documents. Text mining mainly concentrated to detecting the different entities such as word, phrases, term, pattern, concept, paragraph, sentence, & documents. The system assigns the frequency to each and every word, the weight of all the document is utilized for pattern clustering. Pattern clustering is one of the most used methods for feature extraction in text classification. In this paper propose a pattern based classification for text mining using fuzzy similarity algorithm. It overcomes the low frequency problem & misinterpretation, and also estimates the similarity between the different patterns and word in effective manner.
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Title : Soft Pathway towards Wind Energy Generation for Small Scale Site of RGPV Hill Top Authors : Syed Saleem Sultan, Anurag Gour, Dr. Mukesh Pandey
Abstract : The investigation of site selection for wind turbine on the basis of wind flow characteristic at RGPV Hill Top (Bhopal- M.P, India) is attempted. The main purpose of this paper is to present, in brief, wind potential, generalized wind climate or wind atlas and resource grid for RGPV Hill Top to perform an investigation on the site. In this work the recorded time series wind data for a period of One year as from 4 July-2013 to 4 July-2014 at the height of 20 meter was taken and analyzed for studying the observed wind climate. The main purpose of an observed wind climate measurement is to provide information to allow the best possible estimate of the wind energy on the site based on the data measured from an anemometer mast at RGPV Energy Park, Bhopal (India) using WAsP wind software for micro-scale modelling.
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Title : Decision Support Tool for Selecting Appropriate Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting Based System in Ibadan, Nigeria Authors : Omolara Lade, David Oloke
Abstract : The approach to water management worldwide is currently in transition, with a shift from centralised infrastructures to greater consideration of decentralised and sustainable technologies, such as rainwater harvesting (RWH). However, in Nigeria, implementation of sustainable water management, such as RWH systems, is inefficient. Social, environmental and technical barriers, concerns and knowledge gaps exist, which currently restrict its widespread utilisation. This inefficiency contributes to water scarcity, water-borne diseases, and loss of lives and property due to flooding. Meanwhile, several RWH technologies have been developed to improve sustainable water management (SWM) through both demand and storm-water management. Such technologies involve the use of reinforced cement concrete (RCC) storage tanks, surface water reservoirs and ground-water recharge pits as storage systems for mitigating water supply problems in Ibadan. A framework was developed to assess the significance and extent of water management problems, match the problems with existing RWH-based solutions and develop a robust ready-to-use decision support tool that can quantify the costs and benefits of implementing several RWH-based storage systems. The methodology adopted was the mixed method approach, involving a detailed literature review, a questionnaire survey of relevant stakeholders such as: household respondents, Nigerian Architects and Civil Engineers and focus group discussion were also conducted. 18 selection attributes have been defined and three alternatives have been identified in this research. The questionnaires were analysed using SPSS, Excel and selected statistical methods to derive weightings of the attributes for the tool. Following this, three case studies were modelled using RainCycle software. From the results, the MDA model chose RCC tank as the most appropriate storage system for RWH.
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Abstract : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software package that attempts to integrate all departments and functions of an enterprise into a single computer system that can serve different departments needs. It is observed that the operational and economic performance of enterprises can be enhanced if ERP is properly implemented. However the Indian manufacturing industries has not considered this important issue with an intension to enhance their economic performance. Therefore, this paper analyses the implementation issues of ERP and how it affects the economic performance of the manufacturing enterprises. To probe this a survey was conducted to study the ERP in Indian manufacturing enterprises. The study found that firms having ERP contribute more value to their product or services and exhibited a better economic performance.
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Title : Scholarly Big Data Information Extraction and Integration in the Digital Library Authors : V.Anbarasu, B.Elakkia, V.Bhuvaneshwari
Abstract : A digital library search engine provides access to million numbers of documents. It stores and indexes research articles in Computer Science and other related articles. Its main purpose is to make search easier for users to search the information. It makes document available via public Website, the data is also used to facilitate research in areas like citation analysis, co-author network analysis, and scalability evaluation and information extraction. The papers are gathered from Web by means of continuous automatic focused crawling and go through a series of automatic processing steps as part of the ingestion process. In this paper, we describe how we aggregate data from multiple sources on the Web, store and manage data, process data as part of an automatic ingestion pipeline that includes automatic metadata and information extraction, perform document and citation clustering, perform entity linking and name disambiguation and make our data and source code available to enable research and collaboration. We also provide how it integrates data across the Web.
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Title : A Technique to Improve Directive Gain of Printed Monopole Antenna for Wireless Application Authors : Mr. Rohit Sharma, Mr. Mohd Farhan, Dr. Balaji G. Hogade
Abstract : Planar monopole antennas have all the advantages of the monopole as they cost less and are ease to fabricate besides, yielding very large bandwidths but the gain and directivity associated with these planar monopole antennas is still a topic of major research. This paper focuses on designing and simulating a high gain printed monopole antenna using the idea of increasing the antenna elements in a linear antenna array .The design and simulation are achieved using IE3D and hardware implementation is done by using double sided copper clad on FR4 substrate. For many applications a high gain and directive antenna is required. We are using the rectangular shaped elements in our array It has been observed that printed rectangular monopole antennas are simple in design and fabrication because of high operating frequency but its performance is very good for applications in ISM band and multiband wireless applications.
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Abstract : Present study is given to fish culture status, production and development of dam. An attempt has been made to involve present status for fishery culture improvement in the management and commercial production of the fishes. It controlled by private agency. Management of water quality in ponds may help in enhancing the fish production though aquaculture. Fishes constitute economically very important group of animals. The nutritional and medicinal values of fishes have already been recognized. Pond water is considered as the major sources for fish production. It also generates rural employment in the town. To analysis the present status, categories of freshwater fish and fishery from Dheku (Bhatana) dam. To generate gainful rural employment with special reference to fishing communities
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Title : Automatic Wall Painting Robot Authors : Sagar Raut, Gaurav Ujawane, shilpa thakur
Abstract : The primary aim of this project is to develop an wall painting robot for the purpose of automation in painting on wall. The Robot is mounted on frame which permits it to move up and down, left and right within the frame body. It is computer controlled and is activated simply by the operator pressing a switch on the control panel.
In addition, it would offer the opportunity to reduce or eliminate human exposure to difficult and hazardous environments, which would solve most of the problems connected with safety when many activities occur at the same time. These factors motivate the development of an Automated Wall Painting Robot.
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Title : Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Laminate – A Review Authors : Aruldasu M, Sridhar J, Arulkumar M
Abstract : The issue of upgrading and repair of existing civil engineering infrastructure has been one of great importance for over a decade. Deterioration of bridge decks, beams, girders and columns, buildings, parking structures and others may be attributed to several factors such as ageing, environmentally induced degradation, poor initial design and construction and lack of maintenance. In many cases, retrofit and rehabilitation by conventional means is very costly since it calls for specialized equipment and the shutdown of the structure during repair. In this report, results of an ongoing research program aimed at investigating alternative methods for strengthening and repairing concrete structures will be presented. However, structural performance is comparable and is superior to panels produced using hand lamination.
In this sense, the aim of the present study, is to evaluate the contribution of the external reinforcement of concrete beams, reinforced by High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) laminates. An experimental program on a total of five concrete beams reinforced by various hybrid configurations of reinforcement tested up to 75% failure under a static loading in two points bending, to determine the best combination of the strengthening scheme.
This report reviews eighteen articles on RC beams strengthened with HDPE. Finally, this report attempts to address an important practical issue that is encountered in strengthening of beams with different type and different thicknesses of fibre reinforced polymer laminate.
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Title : Intentional Hidden Data Extraction from Digital Media Using Spread Spectrum Authors : A.YugandharRao, Maddala Gayatri, Kotha Vyshnavi, Buddepu Harish, Ravupalli Swarupa Rani
Abstract : Information ambuscade is a new affectionate of secret advice technology with lot of recent user�s attention. Steganography is as well a new adjustment or address of sending most valuable hidden abstracts or abstruse letters over a public channel, so that a third affair cannot detect the attendance of abstruse message. In this paper, we mainly accede the botheration of extracting blindly abstracts anchored over a wide band in a spectrum (transform) area of a digital average (image, audio and video). We develop a atypical multicarrier/ signature iterative generalized least-squares (M-IGLS) core procedure to seek alien abstracts hidden in hosts via multicarrier spread-spectrum embedding. Neither the aboriginal host nor the embedding carriers are affected available. Our experimental research plan on images appearance that the developed algorithm can accomplish accretion anticipation of error abutting to what may be accomplished with known embedding carriers and host autocorrelation matrix.
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Abstract : This research examined lecturers’ views on the strategic role of E-learning as a key pedagogical instrument in the Faculty of Education of the Great Zimbabwe University. It obtained information from a survey using an open-ended questionnaire to gather qualitative data from a purposive sample of 20 lecturers. The research is part of a cyclic process of data gathering in which emerging themes initiate further data gathering cycles. Some of the preliminary findings of this study are that there is firm conviction and willingness at Great Zimbabwe University to use e-learning as a key pedagogical instrument. There are flashes of brilliance in E-learning form the tutors in the sample. However, the enthusiastic tutors need to be supported with resources and matching pedagogical skills. The study recommends that the university should arrange visit to some good practice institutions so that tutors can work at same wave lengths with their counterparts in the global village.
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Title : State of Arts: Fracture Toughness Authors : Prof. Ketul Brahmbhatt, Prof. Satish Shah, Mr. Mohit Pambhar
Abstract : Fracture mechanics is the branch of science which characterizes the crack in a component. Fracture mechanics applied to crack growth under fatigue loading. Fracture toughness is a property which describes the ability of a material containing a crack to resist fracture, and is one of the most important properties of any material for many design applications. There are various parameters which describe the fracture toughness in the quantitatively like stress intensity factor (K), J-integral, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) and crack tip opening angle (CTOA). This material property varies with the variation of different factors which is studied in this paper.
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Title : A REVIEW ON 2 STROKE ENGINE Authors : Ayush Gupta, Akshay Bedi
Abstract : Two-stroke engines have dropped out of the automobile market for a long time due to severe drawbacks. Unfortunately, the comparison with the performances of four-stroke engines was not in favour of two-stroke ones. Nevertheless, the needs of a [4] more compact engine with a better ratio of the mass and size versus power motivated research efforts at the beginning of the 90s. Regrettably, these efforts did not result in commercial success and automobile manufacturers kept four-stroke engine architecture as base architecture.
However, the two-stroke engine is a highly favourable concept for downsizing and cost reduction by reducing the number of cylinders without NVH penalties. All that added to the maturity of CFD calculations and the availability of high power electronic for control and fuel injection encouraged the Renault research division to have a closer look into its architecture.
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Title : A REVIEW ON 4 STROKE ENGINE Authors : Ayush Gupta, Akshay Bedi
Abstract : Today, internal combustion engines in cars, trucks, motorcycles, aircraft, construction machinery and many others, most commonly use a four-stroke cycle. The four strokes refer to intake, compression, combustion (power), and exhaust strokes that occur during two crankshaft rotations per working cycle of the gasoline engine and diesel engine.
The cycle begins at Top Dead Center (TDC), when the piston is farthest away from the axis of the crankshaft. A stroke refers to the full travel of the piston from [1] Top Dead Center (TDC) to Bottom Dead Center (BDC). (See Dead centre.)
1. INTAKE stroke: On the intake or induction stroke of the piston , the piston descends from the top of the cylinder to the bottom of the cylinder, reducing the pressure inside the cylinder. A mixture of fuel and air is forced by atmospheric (or greater) pressure into the cylinder through the intake port. The intakevalve(s) then close.
2. COMPRESSION stroke: With both intake and exhaust valves closed, the piston returns to the top of the cylinder compressing the fuel-air mixture. This is known as the compression stroke.
3. POWER stroke.: While the piston is close to Top Dead Center, the compressed air–fuel mixture is ignited, usually by a spark plug (for a gasoline or Otto cycle engine) or by the heat and pressure of compression (for a diesel cycle or compression ignition engine). The resulting massive pressure from thecombustion of the compressed fuel-air mixture drives the piston back down toward bottom dead center with tremendous force. This is known as the powerstroke, which is the main source of the engines torque and power.
4. EXHAUST stroke.: During the exhaust stroke, the piston once again returns to top dead center while the exhaust valve is open. This action evacuates the products of combustion from the cylinder by pushing the spent fuel-air mixture through the exhaust valve(s).
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Abstract : Thin shell structures find wide applications in many branches of engineering. Examples include aircraft, space shuttles, launch vehicle tankages, pressure vessels, pipelines etc. The design involves the determination of stresses and deformations produced by imposed loads on the structure. The structure is subjected to buckling, a physically observed failure mode that is associated closely to load carrying capacity, when it is in service. The buckling strength of thin walled cylinders are to be determined and depending upon the material and geometry, the compressive stresses may lead to any of the failure modes like elastic buckling, elastic plastic buckling and plastic collapse. The purpose of this work is to review the entire field of buckling of cylindrical shell structures to find the allowable stress and deformation under given load which is primarily accomplished by referring to reviews, scholarly articles, journals, books and study the load carrying capacities of shells under different loading mechanisms like torsion, axial compression and uniform lateral external pressur.
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Title : Pythagorean Triangle with Area/Perimeter as a Quartic Integer Authors : Manju Somanath, V.Sangeetha, M.A.Gopalan
Abstract : Patterns of Pythagorean triangles in each of which the ratio Area / Perimeter may be expressed as a quartic integer. A few interesting relations among the sides are also given.
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Title : Graphical user interface based on AES algorithm Authors : ASHISH KUMAR KENDHE, HIMANI AGRAWAL
Abstract : This paper presents the graphical user interface based on AES algorithm used for encryption and decryption purpose of messages. Here the input is taken in the form text,image and audio formats in a single graphical user interface .In this we develop the graphical user interface for text ,image and audio file and after that certain parameter like elapsed time are calculated with its plot
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Title : Asylum Scheme for Coal Layer Workers Authors : A.K.Annapoorani, G.Lingeswaran
Abstract : This project presents a wearable ultra low protection system for coal mine workers to increase the occupational safety and to protect the workers effectively in the hazardous air polluted coal mine environment. This protection system consists of a gas sensor array, fire, temperature and humidity sensors, plunge detector and LDR to sense the catastrophe causing parameters and multiple toxic gas concentrations in the mine area. The ARM 7 microcontroller (LPC 2148) sends all sensed parameter values from the underground mine to the control station located in ground in a preset manner with consistency and high precision. The observed parameter values will be displayed in PC in the control station and in the LCD display placed in the wearable miner module. Upon detecting decisive issues, the microcontroller starts alerting the mine workers by alarming and the alert messages are transmitted to the control station by RF module and to the ambulance and fire service stations through GSM module, so that the essential rescue actions can be taken easily to make the workers stay away from pitfalls.
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Title : Apparel Recommender System Based on Feature Selection and Self Organized Map Authors : Priya Gupta, Snigdha Agrawal, Narina Thakur
Abstract : With the explosive growth of online shopping the buyer has day by day become more vigilant examining and comparing the products available with various users’ views about the various brands/ vendor, so that they can get the best deal. Self organizing Maps is a well-known, unsupervised learning approach of neural network used for clustering and classifying high dimensional large data. This evaluation requires certain machine learning tools to handle large and complex data set which helps in enabling the customers to take certain decisions among the available choices. This paper proposes a framework for recommending apparel based on apparel buying behavior of females using rank based feature selection approach, self organized map and UCI repository Dresses Attribute Data Set comprise of 500 training data sets with 13 different attributes. These attributes are further reduced to key attributes using feature selection algorithms and further a set of dresses are recommended to the buyer
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Abstract : The expanding reach and wide deployment of digital systems into our most fundamental physical infrastructures pose both a complexity and security concern. The complexity of modern industrial networks primarily stems from three areas: presence of heterogeneous hardware and software, dynamic network composition and usage patterns, and decentralization of control. Dealing with these complexities requires a solution that is flexible and manageable.In existing system, industrial data’s are only monitoring through WAN using SOAP and IF-MAP protocol in software manner. But data monitoring is not enough because in critical time admin should have rights to control the industrial data’s to avoid the accidents and production wastage.In proposed system, we are using both hardware and software manner. Here SOAP protocol is used in hardware part detects the sensor values through WSN system. IF-MAP is used in software part for data sharing and security purpose for WAN. D-bus is used to link the hardware and software parts. Using this system we can monitor and control the entire industrial system. Here mainly industrial parameters are controlled through WAN.
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Abstract : The objective of this project is to compensate various problems in power quality; such as voltage sag, voltage swell and interruptions. FACTS devices like SVC, STATCOM, IPFC, UPFC, DVR, DSTATCOM can be used. The fact device used in this project is DSTATCOM. DSTATCOM is a custom power device based on VSC principle; which is installed in parallel with distribution system; it is a compensating device which is used to control the flow of reactive power in distribution system. A DSTATCOM injects a current into the system to correct the voltage sag, swell and interruptions. PI Controller was used to detect error and compensate. The simulations were performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK.
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Title : Handshaking (Flow control) and Arbitration (Output control) Mechanism for Network on chip (NoC) Routers Authors : Purva Dave (Shrimali), Kapil Kumawat
Abstract : In this article, designing and implementation a NoC router based on handshaking communication protocol and Arbitration/Output control mechanism are presented. The advent of deep sub-micron technology has recently highlighted the criticality of the on-chip interconnects. As diminishing feature sizes have led to increases in global wiring delays, Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures are viewed as a possible solution to the wiring challenge and have recently crystallized into a significant research thrust. Both NoC performance and energy budget depend heavily on the routers buffer resources. This paper introduces a novel unified buffer structure, called the dynamic Virtual Channel Regulator (ViChaR), which dynamically allocates Virtual Channels (VC) and buffer resources according to network traffic conditions. ViChaR maximizes throughput by dispensing a variable number of VCs on demand. ViChaRs ability to provide similar performance with half the buffer size of a generic router is of paramount importance, since this can yield total area and power savings of 30% and 34%, respectively, based on synthesized designs in 90 nm technology. This paper presents Virtual Ring Routing (VRR), a new network routing protocol that occupies a unique point in the design space. VRR is inspired by overlay routing algorithms in Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) but it does not rely on an underlying network routing protocol. It is implemented directly on top of the link layer. VRR provides both traditional point-to-point network routing and DHT routing to the node responsible for a hash table key. It performs comparably to, or better than, the best wireless routing protocol in each experiment. VRR performs well because of its unique features: it does not require network flooding or translation between fixed identifiers and location dependent addresses.
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