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Title : Joint strength analysis during vibration test of spacecrafts Authors : Alok kumar, Laxamanachary M
Abstract : vibration test on spacecrafts are carried out to simulate the launch environment and measure the response of all the components of spacecraft as per the specification profile in terms of frequency range and g level that will be experienced by them during launching. To vibrate the spacecraft at required g level, vibration shakers of different capacities are used. To perform the test, the spacecraft should be rigidly mounted on top of the shaker through a fixture to transfer the same amount of force as generated by the shaker. For mounting of spacecraft different sizes of bolts can be used at different PCDs. But strength of those bolts should be enough to withstand the large force that will be encountered during vibration test. Force acting on the bolts depends on various factors such as mass of the specimen, g level, Center of Gravity (CG) height of specimen, Pitch Circle Diameter (PCD) of bolts etc. In this paper strength of joint has been analyzed to calculate the safe value of test parameters for a given shaker system. It must be noted that the numbers of bolts used for mounting are in multiples of four and are symmetric in all four quadrants.
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Abstract : Changes induced in ovary after exposure of fresh water crab Barytelphusa cunicularis to 0.14ppm of endosulphan and 2.45 ppm of thimet 10G were studied. The ovary shows the thin capsule of fibrous connective tissue enclosing the ovary has damaged. The outer thin epithelium and inner germinative epithelial layers were also damaged. The thin membrane covering the oocytes was also destructed and the follicle cells were atrophied.Vacuolation and fragmentation in the ooplasam were observed. Nutritive cells of oocytes were damaged. Endosulphan was found more toxic than thimet.
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Abstract : For the first few decades of their existence, computer networks were primarily used. And In today’s world, everyone is connected to a network in one way or the other and with the advancement of technology and user needs network security has became the major issue. Network security prevents the access to the unauthorized user. This paper discusses the concept of Network Security, its role, the types of network threats and how these can be managed.
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Abstract : The technology of programmable matter or catoms is one of the most revolutionary concept in the history of electronics and computers. Developed by researchers Seth Goldstein and Todd Mowry the field of claytronics is all set to replace Nanotechnology from the origin of electronics. The catom is known to be an individual modular robot which works in groups of millions to provide fictional properties such as color changing or shape changing according to their corresponding catoms. Due to this property of catoms it offers dynamic physical rendering that result in these tiny micro-robots to change any shape depending on their environment. Due to the availability of millions of catoms in a single ensemble it is very difficult to have a global planning system to control all these robots. Hence the scientists are trying to find a way enabling the catoms to change shape without having a global planning system.
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Abstract : This paper reviews about the traces of sixth sense and global communication in the world. Various experiments and tests are being conducted across the globe to solve the mysteries of global consciousness by most renowned scientists. Blind sight is the phenomenon that is a step in the way of giving blind people a power to sense the things. Then we have the world’s most popular global consciousness project initiated by Dr. Roger Nelson and have some strong evidences not only about people’s consciousness reacting for a special event but sometimes before the event. Then we have the helmet experiment by a famous neuroscientist that proves the theory of global consciousness across the world.
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Abstract : This paper reviews about the content filtering techniques of the web pages that are available on the internet. These content filtering techniques helps in removing particular types of encrypted data from that webpage that are harmful for the society both technically as well as socially. As soon as the internet and social networking came into existence the transfer of various types of viruses and unauthorized data which is illegal in law have became a biggest threat to the industry. This paper contains various types of filters such as software filter or hardware filter depending upon the requirements and the resources available to the user. This paper also shares various techniques that will help the user to decide which type of filter is best suited for him. Moreover it will broadcast various methods of filtering like IP blocking, DNS filtering and URL filtering etc. and the best suited method to create a filter that will block a site by using the host file.
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Abstract : In this paper, reported algorithms for fog and rain removal are reviewed. Fog reduce the visibility of scene and thus performance of various computer vision algorithms which use feature information. Formation of the fog is the function of the depth. Estimation of depth information is under constraints problem if single image is available. The algorithm helps to devise the system which removes rain from images and videos and to improve the various vision- based algorithms. Rain is a noise that impairs videos and images. Such weather conditions will affect stereo correspondence, feature detection, segmentation, and object tracking and recognition. In video surveillance if any problem is found due to weather conditions the object cannot be tracked well.
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Abstract : The aim of the project is to design an CDMA based fiber optic system using BPSK modulation and to evaluate the power efficiency of the optical link. More over the system performance is analyzed under the influence of Gaussian noise channel. The project also aims at the calculation of BER at different SNR values. The communication model has to be designed using Matlab toolboxes. Both power efficiency and carrier-to-noise ratio at the decoder of the proposed scheme are improved. Simple encoding/decoding structures is proposed to reduce the cost of today’s mobile radio networks
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Abstract : With the rapid increase on requirement of the cross-platform distributed imaging technology, and the common imaging lib, SUN had provided a complete solution based upon Java platform technology. This paper has analysed the evolution of java imaging technology such as [4]Java AWT and Java 2D and Java Advanced Imaging. Especially, it defines the image operators, core classes and the programming framework for Java Advanced Imaging. At last, the paper gives out two imaging examples including the programming codes and the resulted images, which can be used in projects.
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Title : Mathematical Modeling of a Transverse Shear Deformation Thick Shell Theory Authors : MOHAMMAD ZANNON, MOHAMAD QATU
Abstract : Three-dimensional theory (3D) of elasticity in curvilinear coordinates is employed to understand the stress and strain distribution in the middle surface of a thick composite shell under various operating conditions. The equations of motion are derived by making use of the relationships between forces, moments and stress displacements of shell using Hamilton’s principle of minimum energy. The necessary theoretical assumptions are discussed to simplify the three dimensions to a set of two-dimensional (2D) shell equations without violating the theory of elasticity. Displacement through the thickness is of third order in this analysis as compared with the first order approximation as previously published research. Equilibrium equations are formulated using these equations to achieve a set of linear partial differential equations and solved for exact solutions using Fourier series expansion for simply supported laminated cross-ply boundaries. This solution can be further used for various vibration analysis and optimal design of thick shell structures. Finally, the new additional parameters using the third order shear deformation of thick shell theory obtained from Fourier expansion is compared with the first order shear deformation shell theory from the literature.
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Title : Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Cylindrical Composite Shells Using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory Authors : MOHAMMAD ZANNON, MOHAMAD QATU
Abstract : This paper presents a free vibration analysis of laminated cylindrical shells using higher order shear deformation theory recently developed by Zannon et al., (2014). Equilibrium equations of motion, stress resultants and strain displacement relations are developed using Hamilton’s principles. These equations are based on the theory of elasticity with terms truncated to a third order (hence, third order theory). The equations can be used to characterize the system under various boundary conditions. For the present analysis, the boundary conditions considered are simply supported with a cross-ply lamination sequence. Here, we specifically developed mathematical formulation that considers transverse normal stress, shear deformation and rotary inertia for the shell system. The free vibrational analysis using the third -order shears deformation shell theory led to a system of generalized eigenvalue problem. This eigenvalue problem is then solved numerically using commercial Matlab software to obtain the free undamped vibrational frequencies. Since the higher frequencies are often damped, the first five natural frequency parameters are reported and compared with previously published first order approximation and three dimensional finite element analyses.
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Title : Kinematic Analysis of Ultimate Stride Length and Take-Off of Fosbury Flop High Jumpers Authors : Ch. Raja rao, Prof. Y. Kishore, Dr.J.Ramamohan Rao
Abstract : The Fosbury Flop high jump technique consists of a run up, take-off, flight and landing. Among these four phases the take-off is the key to performance. The run up will influence take-off technique and body movements in flight. Therefore the final stride of the run up is the transitional phases connecting the run up and take-off. Many studies have measured the take-off parameters of high jumpers in competition situations. These measurements will provide useful feed back to the coach as well as high jumpers. The purpose of this study was to analyze kinematic variables of take-off i.e. the movement time of different phases of take off and knee and approach angles of final stride of the run up of three top junior state level athletes of Andhra Pradesh using the Fosbury Flop technique. METHOD: Three male high jumpers were filmed through two Panasonic-AG-DVX-102B,F11 sensitivity, high image quality, camcorders during their competitive performance in the Andhra Pradesh inter district junior athletics championship from 6th July to 8th july,2012 held at GMC Balayogi athletics stadium, Hyderabad, India. The best valid and failed jumps were taken from each fosbury flop athlete for the analysis used by the quintic biomechanics 9.03 V 17 (motion analysis). The kinematic variables which were selected in the study were 1) Reaction and movement time of last stride and the instant the take-off 2) Knee and approach angles of last stride and the instant take-off. Collected data were analyzed by t test for comparison of the kinematic parameters between successful and unsuccessful jump. A level of significance was set at 0.05.RESULTS: This study indicated that all the three jumpers who have used the fosbury flop technique have shown insignificant differences on the variables tested. CONCLUSION: In this study data was collected only on two variables of take off. i.e. speed and angles. The standing height and leg lengths were also collected. However, to establish the relationship between the anthropometric measurements of the athletes and the performance, there is a need to obtain more data of the athletes participating at different levels of competitions.
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Title : A MPPT with Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for PV System used in Battery Charging Applications Authors : P.Amuthini, M.Preetha, M.Yuvaleela, E.Mageswari
Abstract : DC-DC power converters are added for matching the load to the photo voltaic modules (PVM) because of the nonlinear behavior of the photo voltaic (PV) cells. A maximum power point tracker (MPPT) for PV cells, PVM and PV arrays are presented using a dynamic optimal voltage estimator to estimate the voltage at which a PV cell generates its maximum power and the dynamic voltage estimator force the PV cell to reach and operate at that voltage in a finite time and to stay there for all future time so that the maximum power is available to the load. This is obtained by controlling the duty cycle of a DC-DC converter using Fuzzy sliding mode control (FSMC). The load will be composed of a battery bank. A sliding mode controller is given the estimated maximum power point as a reference for it to track that point and force the PV system to operate in this point. This method has the advantage that it will guarantee the maximum output power possible by the array configuration while considering the dynamic parameters such as temperature and solar irradiance and delivering more power to charge the battery. FSMC is designed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The simulation results show that the maximum power is obtained from PVM at all the operating conditions using FSMC.
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Title : Integration - the Item of Ultimate Concern on the CONTINENTAL & ODL Development Agenda – a philosophical point of view Authors : Jameson Kurasha, Chrispen Chiome
Abstract : The setting in Africa since the 15th Century is characterised by divisions, social tensions and political struggles. Natural conditions have also contributed to the plight. Most problems however, are interpersonal and moral. What seems to be evident is that African nations on their own cannot, independently, manage the challenges hence the call for unity and specifically continental integration. Integration faces cultural obstacles. How can a nation like Namibia integrate with Egypt where 600 citizens were sentenced to death, apparently without any hearing? How does the project incorporate a group which kidnaps over 200 girl children for religious purposes? How can African economies, diverse as they are, be melded into one? As of 2011, the IMF’s World economic outlook database showed that the GDP levels of African nations ranged from 408 billion dollars to 0.25 billion dollars. How do we form an average economy out of nations that have such varying poverty levels? Data also reveals the fact that poverty rates across African nations span from 3% to 84%. So, the economist hastens to ask, “How one can integrate such vastly different economies?” The paper defines its conception of integration by pointing at nations that are already integrated such as USA. The sceptic’s question; whether, integration is possible or not is, explained positively. Philosophical tools are cited and discussed - with African philosophical theories such as Hunhuism/Ubuntuism getting considerable attention. The conclusion is that continental integration is a good idea and that Open and Distance Learning is the ideal vehicle to promote it. The methodology employed is eclectic and sources are generally classical.
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Title : New Controllers design method for FOPDT/SOPDT processes Authors : Farhan A. Salem
Abstract : This paper extends writers previous work and proposes a new simple and efficient P-, PI, PD- and PID-controllers design methods to cope with a wide range of FOPDT/SOPDT processes to achieve an important design compromise; acceptable stability, and medium fastness of response, the proposed method is based on relating and selecting controllers parameters based on processs parameters. Simple set of formulas are proposed for calculating and soft tuning of controllers gains, the proposed controllers design methods was tested using MATLAB/Simulink for different FOPDT and SOPDT processes
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Title : New efficient controllers design method for first order systems, second order systems, FOPDT/SOPDT and systems that can be approximated as such Authors : Farhan A. Salem
Abstract : This paper summarizes writers previous works and proposes a new simple and efficient P-, PI-, PD- and PID-controllers design method, to cope with a wide range of systems; first order systems, second order systems, FOPDT/SOPDT and systems that can be approximated as such, the proposed method is based on relating and calculating controllers parameters-gains based on plants parameters. Simple set of formulas are proposed for calculating and soft tuning of controllers gains, to achieve an important design compromise; acceptable stability, and medium fastness of response, the proposed method was tested and compared with world wide known and applied controllers design methods and using MATLAB/Simulink for different systems, the obtained results show simplicity and applicability of proposed design approach
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Abstract : Neural networks and AI (Artificial intelligence) are the most emerging technology for the computer to make things analyze and learn in a better way[1]. Back propogation is one of the most commonly used algorithm in the neural network for learning. We are proposing the back propogation algorithm for character (0-9) images for image recognition analyzing the way it works and also the impacts on the change of its paramaters . This paper includes the proposal of using neural networks for Handwritten digits
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Title : Innovation of Mechanical Machinery in Medieval Centuries, Part II: Water Pumps, Clocks and Robotics Authors : Galal A. Hassaan
Abstract : The fascinating mechanical inventions aiming at the welfare of the human kind started from ancient Egyptians and continued development through different eras. In the medieval centuries, the Islamic civilization paid wonderful attention to mechanical engineering. Al-Jazari invented 50 mechanical devices including water and candle clocks, positive displacement pumps and robotics. Taqi Al-Din invented a 6-cylinder positive displacement pump and the mechanical geared clock. Those great inventers used clean-energy prime movers in the form of windmills, overshot water wheels and undershot water wheels (turbines). This paper focuses only on water pumps, clocks and robotics.
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Abstract : Product Life Cycle (PLC) is an important concept in marketing which Explains the Evolution of a product category, product form, product or a Brand as passing through distinctive stages during its existence. These stages are namely Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. This paper traces and analyses the birth and evolution of Mobile Telephony or Cellphone Sector in India from the PLC Perspective Theoretical concepts and juxtaposed with Numerical Data and evaluated from a Statistical Viewpoint. The Question whether Mobile Telephone Sector has reached the Maturity Stage is answered after deliberating n its journey through the Introductory and Growth Stages. The Role of Regulatory Bodies such as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and the Impact of Specific Governmental Policies in Telecom Sector on the Growth of Mobile Telephone Segment are elaborately clarified.
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Title : A Comparative Study of Simulation Tools for Distributed Environment Authors : Ms. Rupal D Bhatt, Dr. D.B.Choksi
Abstract : Clusters, grids, and peer-to-peer networks have emerged as popular paradigms for next generation parallel and distributed computing systems. They enable usage of distributed resources for solving large-scale problems in science, engineering, commerce and other domains. The common approach adopted by these systems is to employ scheduling heuristics that lead to an optimal schedule.
Scheduling diverse applications and resources in distributed environment is challenging because target resources may be heterogeneous and their load and availability varies dynamically. Moreover, independent tasks may share common data files. Unfortunately, it is often impossible to obtain analytical results to compare the efficacy of these heuristics. Given the nature of most scheduling problems one must resort to simulation to effectively evaluate and compare their efficacy over a wide range of scenarios.
This work describes the Grid and cluster scheduling simulators for study, testing and evaluation of various job scheduling techniques. We present a comparative study to highlight the usefulness of various simulators like GridSim, ClusterSim, SimGrid, Alea 2, BeoSim and Bricks for conducting scheduling research. An attempt is made in this paper to provide the basis for appropriate selection and possibility of designing new scheduling algorithms offering better performance and throughput using existing Grid and cluster scheduling simulators aimed at improvement in the performance of distributed systems.
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Abstract : Porting has become an important evaluation method in the area of communication industry and it is a welcome development. Porting of Sim from one network to another, with the help of mobile number portability MNP one can easily enjoy better quality and cheaper rates on another network without changing your mobile number and still retain your old number but will enjoy the network service and load network you are changing to. Porting of SIM, MNP gives you the ability to switch a network provider but, only once in 90 days. With an explosive growth of the mobile applications and emerging of cloud computing concept, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has been introduced to be a potential technology for mobile services that integrates the cloud computing into the mobile environment and overcomes obstacles related to the performance of Sim porting
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Abstract : The relationship between universities and companies is important in the innovation process are quite different and the contributions made by universities for this process, permeating their teaching, research, transfer / commercialization of knowledge. The new model of innovation: The Open Innovation, replaces the isolation of the shares by the sharing of knowledge. A major factor in innovation activities is the intention to innovate and the degree of innovation that the company sees need to remain competitive in its market segment. Therefore, it becomes essential to consider that according to the stance taken by this company have specific interests and possibly different from other companies. The objective of this study is to identify whether there are actions in technological innovation companies Aracaju and what potential innovation that will serve to promote the creation of partnerships in R&D projects, as well as generating business opportunities for innovation
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Abstract : This paper proposes use of median travel time compared to mean travel time as the measure of central tendency to calculate Buffer Time Index (BTI), one of the most important measures of travel time reliability. Travel time reliability can be defined as the amount of variation in travel times that occur on a day to day basis. Therefore, in this research, relationships between traffic accidents and travel time reliability are examined, and the benefit of traffic accident reduction is calculated based on the scheduling model under travel time uncertainties. The results show the significance of traffic accident reduction for the improvement of travel time reliability.
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Title : A Review on Wastewater Treatment with Special Emphasis on Chemical Treatment Methods Authors : Sonali R. Dhokpande, Sunil J. Kulkarni, Dr. Jayant P. Kaware
Abstract : The environmental protection and related research is gaining more and more importance because of rapid industrial growth and diminishing water resources. The efficient treatment of industrial wastewater is very important part of environmental research. The industrial wastewater treatment includes physical, chemical and biological methods. The common treatments adopted includes settling, activated sludge process, aeration, anaerobic biological treatments, adsorption, and membrane separation techniques. The chemical treatment methods have their own advantages like economy (depending on chemical dose required), easy and simple method of treatment, energy saving. The current review aims at summarizing the research carried out for application of the chemical treatment methods for wastewater. In addition, few new wastewater treatments are also discussed.
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Title : A survey on digital forensics investigation of Seafile as a cloud storage Authors : Kayvan Atefi, Saadiah Yahya, Arash Atefi
Abstract : The internet and digital devices like portable media players, smart phones and digital cameras are now being used by many different people for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, criminals are also designing their own uses to assist them in committing their crimes. As with most new technologies cloud storage services have the capacity to be used for criminal exploitation and to form the basis of civil litigation. As such those working in both digital forensics and eDiscovery must have the capability to forensically analyze these storage platforms.
The storage as a service (StaaS) cloud computing architecture is showing significant growth as users adopt the capability to store data in the cloud environment across a range of devices. Cloud (storage) forensics has recently emerged as a salient area of inquiry. Nowadays with using a widely open source cloud StaaS application, researcher will document a series of digital forensic experiments with the aim of providing forensic researchers and practitioners with an in-depth understanding of the artifacts required to undertake cloud storage forensics. This research will focus upon possible artifacts, which will categories the potential evidential data specified before commencement of the experiments. In this research, researchers will try to find a number of digital forensic artifacts as part of the experiments that will be used to support the selection of artifact categories and provide a technical summary to practitioners of artifact types. Finally general guidelines for future forensic analysis on open source StaaS products and recommendations for future work will be proposed.
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Title : REVIEW PAPER ON DETECTING COPY MOVE FORGERY Authors : Mandeep Kaur , Er.Mandeep Kaur
Abstract : The different methods for processing and detecting forgery in digital images have received growing attention recently. This is due to the availability of up-to-date editing software and sophisticated digital cameras, which simplify the duplication of regions for the forgers where part of an image is pasted to another location to conceal undesirable objects. An example of these methods is copy-move (i.e., Cloning) forgery in digital images. Detection of copy-move forgery to search the copied regions and there pasted ones, but detection may vary based on whether there has been any post-processing on the copied part before paste it to another party.
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Title : Barriers to female entrepreneurship performance in Nigeria: A qualitative research approach Authors : Mercy Uche Olugu, Beulah Chikere Obiekwe, Kayode O. Balogun
Abstract : This paper is purposed to examine the barriers and other challenges posed to the female entrepreneurs in the course of commencing entrepreneurial activities. In doing so, it addresses a gap in the body of knowledge as related to the female entrepreneurs in the context of developing country, Nigeria. The paper draws on data from a qualitative approach. Twelve female entrepreneurs within Lagos State, Nigeria were investigated. Results show that two major challenges affect the performance of female entrepreneurs. The barriers are lack of funding and weak network affiliations. Other minor challenges also include problem of skill and training, social status, lack of infrastructure, marketing problem and socio personal problem.
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Title : The problem of oversaturation of computer systems with applications and its supposed solution Authors : NAZOKAT ABDULLAEVA, FARKHOD TASHPULATOV
Abstract : In the given paper, an idea about integration licensed computer programs into one address space to use their shapes in workstations is considered. The key moment of this idea is work with interface of software without its installing into a workstation. As a result, not only users are free from problems on setting up applications into their PCs, notebooks, pads and mobile phones but also resources of their devices can be loaded more rationally. The conception is a very topical because nowadays the tendency of oversaturation of computer systems with software is observed. Meanwhile, majority of used programs are either copies of licensed software or their counterfeits. Besides, we ourselves experience constantly a problem related supersaturation of workstations with tremendous amount of installed applications which automatically integrated to a client side of a distributed system by us. Therefore, we firmly believe, that results of our research could be improved essentially if we realized this idea.
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Title : Damping of SSR using SSSC with hysteresis current control Authors : Mr.Anumolu Vijaya Krishna, Dr G.Ravi Kumar
Abstract : The main objective of this paper is to present a more detailed investigation on the capability of SSSC to electromechanical oscillation. This investigation was done based on the IEEE First Benchmark Model where the electrical and mechanical systems were modeled in MATLAB. For the analysis presented in this paper SSSC is used to damp out torsional oscillations.
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Abstract : In recent years seismic isolation technologies in Armenia were extensively applied in construction of multi-story residential and business center complexes with parking floors and with floors envisaged for offices, shopping centers, fitness clubs, etc. They are briefly described in the paper, which is, however, mainly dedicated to a 15-story base isolated apartment building “Avan” designed and constructed recently in the city of Yerevan. The structural concept, including the new approach on installation of seismic isolation rubber bearings in this building, is described and results of the earthquake response analyses are given. The building was analyzed using several time histories and also according to the requirements of the Armenian Seismic Code. Comparison of the obtained results indicates the high effectiveness of the proposed structural concept of isolation system and the need for further improvement of Seismic Code provisions regarding the values of the reduction factors.
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Abstract : In this paper , the investigation of the various space vector pulse width modulation techniques for inverter is presented. This paper uses the SVPWM techniques such as conventional SVPWM, digital SVPWM, simplified SVPWM and discontinuous PWM. In this the conventional SVPWM and discontinuous PWM requires the angle and sector information but the simplified SVPWM uses the imaginary switching times which can be obtained from the reference voltages. The influence of SVPWM techniques are analyzed for higher modulation and lower modulation indices based on the harmonic distortion in the current ripple by using MATLAB/Simulink.
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Abstract : The proposed topology of different pulse width modulation techniques for three phase rectifiers features such as improved waveform quality, lower switching losses, reduced ac side passive component size when compared to the conventional continuous pulsewidth modulation. These features allow higher power density and/or efficiency to be achieved and are important targets for next generation of power rectifiers. The proposed topology will be simulated using MATLAB simulink.
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Title : A Hybrid AC/DC Micro grid With Fuzzy Logic Controller Authors : Bhanu Prakash, Mothiram
Abstract : The proposed system presents power- control strategies of a grid-connected Micro grid generation system with versatile power transfer. This Micro grid system allows maximum utilization of freely available renewable energy sources like wind and photovoltaic energies. For this, an adaptive MPPT P&O Controller along with standard perturbs and observes method will be used for the system.
The proposed Micro grid can operate in autonomous mode. fuzzy logic controller and controlling converters are proposed for smooth power transfer between ac and dc links and for stable system operation under various generation and load conditions. This Micro grid system operates under normal conditions which include normal room temperature in the case of solar energy and normal wind speed at plain area in the case of wind energy. The Power Balancing Control simulation results are presented to illustrate the operating principle, feasibility and reliability of Micro grid proposed system.
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Title : Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Number of Switches Authors : D Sai Krishna, M. Harsha Vardhan Reddy
Abstract : Nowadays, multilevel inverters are having wide range of applications. Researchers are also well concentrated on investigating of various topologies for multilevel inverters with less number of switching devices, power supply units and also with fewer harmonic too. In this paper a new multilevel inverter topology is proposed, by which we can generate “6n-5” output levels by using “n” number of capacitors. This proposed topology requires bi-directional switches, one-directional controlled switches, and capacitors. This paper provides a new topology with less number of switches and a single dc source, more number of output levels as compared to conventional multilevel inverters. To validate the proposed topology, MATLAB based simulation analysis and hardware prototypes are carried out.
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Title : An investigation about optical parameters of silicon thin layers with different thicknesses Authors : Parshang Khorramdel, Mohammad Reza Behfrooz
Abstract : Silicon thin layers with different deposition angle were made by using of resistant evaporation method. These layers were deposited on glass substrates with three different thicknesses and angles, under UHV conditions at room temperature by electron gun evaporation method. Other deposition conditions were the same for all layers. By using spectrophotometer the Reflectance and the Transmittance of produced layers were obtained other deposition Conditions were the same for all layers. Nano Structure of these layers and their relation with deposition angle were discussed by applying AFM and SEM analysis.
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Title : Pre-monsoon physico - chemical analysis of surface water of Jashpur District Chhattisgarh (C.G.) Authors : Rajiv Ratna Pandey, Dr. M.R. Augur
Abstract : Water samples were collected from two sampling station viz., station 1 Dhondidand and station 2 Dhondibahar of Ib river of Jashpur district in Chhattisgarh state during March 2013 to June 2013. The samples were subjected to laboratory analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) to assess the levels of heavy metal such as Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd), and Nickel (Ni). Standard procedures (including on site analysis) were used to determine the physicochemical parameters such as Temperature, pH, Turbidity, Alkalinity, Total Dissolved solids (TDS), Dissolved oxygen (DO), Sulphate, Fluoride and Total Hardness of the river water samples. The ranges of values of the observed parameters were Temperature (21.4-28.3) 0C; pH : (7.22-7.82); Turbidity : (2-6) NTU; Alkalinity : (5-11) mg/l; Total dissolved solids : (30-38) mg/l; Dissolved oxygen : (4.4-5.0) mg/l; Sulphate : (5.8-7.9) mg/l; fluoride : (0.25-0.53) mg/l; Total hardness : (23-29) mg/l. All the values were within the WHO, WHO/UNICEF and the USEPA guidelines. The values of these parameters indicate that Ib river is moderately not polluted.
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Abstract : Character recognition is one of the important subjects in the field of Document Analysis and Recognition. Character recognition can be performed on printed text or handwritten text. Printed text can be from good quality documents or degraded documents. The performance of any OCR system heavily depends upon printing quality of the input document. Little reported work has been found on the recognition of degraded Gurmukhi numerals. In this dissertation we have recognized consider already isolated printed numerals on which we apply binarization techniques. Gurmukhi numerals in which we have considered various types of printed degradations like broken, background noise problem, heavily printed and shape variant characters. This work is performed over 10 Gurmukhi numerals only. The numerals are broken we have corrected the broken numerals up to 5 pixels broken distance. So, in this dissertation we have used structural and statistical features like Zoning, Transition features, Distance Profile features and Neighbor pixel zone etc. for generating feature sets that are used for recognizing printed Gurmukhi numerals by using SVM and Parameters used for testing have achieved maximum accuracy of 92% approximate, Squared Correlation Coefficient to get out results with 0.93 approximate with combined techniques (GRAD+ZCI+ZCZ), feature vector (F8) but Mean Square Ratio is less in Zoning Centeriod Zone Technique (ZCZ), feature vector (F7) in the four training tested formats even or odd and first half or last half and vice versa samples using SVM.
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