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Title : Leveraging on staff to deliver quality in an ODL university Authors : Chiome Chrispen
Abstract : This study examined ways in which ODL universities can leverage on staff to deliver quality in an ODL university. It recognised that quality is one of the main concerns among institutions and stakeholders today. It should also be like that in institutions involved in open and distance learning (ODL). The study was qualitative in nature, informed by a purposive sample of 53 full time and part-time lecturers in the Zimbabwe Open University. It used open-ended questionnaires, interviews and autobiographical accounts to collect the qualitative data. The findings of the study appear to point out that should ODL universities want to benefit from its staff, there is dire need for staff support, staff induction, staff development, caring for workers, lighting fires inside workers and not outside them and employ results based incentives. Staff also cited competencies in, positive attitudes towards and commitment to the philosophical underpinnings of open and distance learning as factors contributing to quality in an ODL university. The study among other things recommended that a quality improvement framework, which is more adaptable to individual contexts, must be developed as institutional policy and strategy for continuous improvement of ODL staff if ODL universities can leveraging on staff to deliver quality in an ODL university. Further research could be done with more institutions and using a different sample in different contexts to those in this study.
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Title : Leadership for a new age: The role of the Zimbabwe Open University in producing a generation of new school leaders Authors : Chiome Chrispen
Abstract : Head teachers’ expectations are the benchmark against which teacher education goals are measured. This study sought to determine heads’ expectations on the type of school leaders to be produced by the Zimbabwe Open University. A case study of one regional campus was employed to gather data through interviews from a convenient sample of 50 heads of schools. Findings revealed that schoolleaders’s perception of a new generation of school leaders comprise a school head who is a source of wisdom and competence, has pedagogical and technological influence, know how to learn and has capacity to manage new challenges as they come. They also hold the views that linkages are key to leadership in the new era and expect the new type of school leaders to promote collaborative productivity, develop teamworking skills, establish strong partnerships and networks and instill the spirit of innovation and creativity. School leaders must work as change agents, display a forward looking mentality in self managing schools that have an empowering culture. The study recommend that educational products, processes and outcomes in school leaders preparation programmes in an open and distance education context must meet changing circumstances and address customer preferences as was the case in this study.
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Title : Melioration of Dynamic Performance of LFC System of Multi Area Power System using Allochronic Parallel Tie-lines Authors : A. Suresh Babu
Abstract : In an interconnected power system, as a power load demand varies randomly, both area frequency and tie-line power interchange also vary. The objectives of LFC are to minimize the transient deviations in area frequencies and tie-line power interchange, and to ensure their steady state errors to be zeros. In this paper an analysis of improvement of dynamic performance of multi area load frequency control system (LFC) system interconnected via allochronic parallel tie-lines when subjected to parametric uncertainties is presented. In the present work we have chosen three generators i.e. hydro, thermal and gas turbo generators in each area. The high voltage DC (HVDC) link is connected in parallel with AC line to interconnect and this HVDC link is considered to be operating in constant current control mode. The power flow deviation through dc link is modeled based on frequency deviation at rectifier end. The effectiveness of asynchronous parallel tie lines in improving the dynamic performance of LFC system is demonstrated through MATLAB/Simulink. Automatic Generation control (AGC) and LFC are used in this report interchangeably.
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Title : A Hall-Effect sensor based Z-Source inverter fed PMBLDC motor Authors : T. Sri Lakshmi, G. Satheesh, R. Ram Prasad
Abstract : The simulation and operation of PMBLDC Motor drive system with Z-Source Inverter is discussed in this paper. The z-source inverter employs a unique impedance network coupled with inverter and rectifier. It overcomes the conceptual barriers and limitations of the traditional VSI and CSI. By controlling the shoot-through duty cycle, the z-source inverter system provides ride-through capability. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the features. The result shows that the Z-source inverter is very promising for BLDC motor drive.
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Title : High-voltage electrical equipment with the SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) gas insulation: analysis of accident rate and service experience Authors : Alexander Yu. Khrennikov, Roman V. Mazhurin
Abstract : The paper is devoted to the questions of exploring of high-voltage electrical equipment with SF6 insulation service. Analysis of the accident rate and basic causes of accidents are examined. There are discussed design deficiencies in different types of the current transformers, measures for their elimination, and inspections of the SF6 insulation current transformers by thermal-vision control, measuring the acoustic activity of the partial discharges (PD) into the insulation of transformers, the gas pressure in the housing, data of electrical tests, the results of analysis of the quality of SF6 by different methods. The quality standards of SF6 in the high-voltage equipment are accepted in accordance with IEC 60480–2004.
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Title : A Survey report about power consumption in cloud computing Authors : Apurva Saxena, Sunita Gond
Abstract : Cloud computing is a internet based service that provide us services like platform(Paas),software(Saas), nfrastructure as a service(Iaas) and everyone wants to take benefit of that cloud services using the cloud computing. As usage of cloud going to increase day by day, it ultimately increases the data size and loaded records on cloud servers. As size of data in data centers increases then it leads to increase in power consumption also. There are many types of equipment in data center that are not directly taking part in running the applications of cloud but support various applications of cloud. So power consumption can be reducing if resources can be properly managed. Here we prepare a paper about resource management approach to reduce power consumption
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Title : Outgassing of INSAT 3D Spacecraft during Thermal Vacuum Performance Test Authors : Mohammad Hasan, Dinesh Chandra, Aravindakshan P, Dr. N.K. Misra
Abstract : Thermoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalance (TQCM) is used to measure the contamination mass flux in thermo-vacuum chamber. When mass flux intercepts the crystal and condenses on it at a specific temperature the thickness of the quartz crystal changes. This results in a change of the resonance frequency of the crystal. Therefore a change in frequency of the crystal per unit time is a direct measure of the contamination flux per unit time arriving at the crystal. This makes it useful to study the outgassing flux from spacecrafts during Thermal Vacuum Performance (TVP) Test. As the ambient environment created during TVP test is likely to be the same as experienced by an on-orbit spacecraft, TQCM data modeling is useful to predict on-orbit contamination of spacecrafts due to self outgassing. We study the behavior of TQCM data in different phases of TVP test of INSAT 3D spacecraft. We found that satellite outgassing is approximately eleven times more during ‘Long Hot Soak’ as compared to ‘Long Cold Soak’. Also TQCM frequency change in consecutive hours of tests is less than 1 Hz/hr. This figure supports excellent cleanliness of INSAT 3D spacecraft in context of contamination outgassing. We suggest that such data study is useful to quantify the outgassing behavior of Indian Satellites during their on-orbit operations.
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Title : Effective Optimization Technique for Robust Power System Stabilizer Based on ABC Authors : Seyed Mohammad Shariatmadar, Behzad Moradi, Ehsan Neptune
Abstract : improving power system stability is one of the important issues in interconnecting systems. Power system stabilizer (PSS) is used to increase damping and dynamic stability of power system. To have effective PSS, optimization of its parameters is necessary. In this paper Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is used to optimize PSS parameters. The proposed algorithm is applied to a single machine power system (SMIB). SMIB system performance is analyzed is case of without PSS, with Conventional PSS and optimized one. At the end simulation results show the effect of the proposed algorithm in damping the oscillations to enhance the Power System stability.
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Title : Evaluation of High Performance Direct Torque Control Technique for Induction Motors Authors : Seyed Mohammad Shariatmadar, Behzad Moradi, Ehsan Neptune
Abstract : direct torque control technique is one of the excellent methods that used for torque control of induction machines. Direct torque control with simple control schemes, in the case of steady state and transient condition has good torque control among all control methods. The direct torque control scheme is determined by the lack of PI regulators, transformation, current regulators and pulse width modulated signal generators. In this paper the direct torque control technique based on space vector modulation is presented.
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Title : Effective Vector Control to Reduce Induction Motor Harmonic Authors : Abdol Hossien Johari, Seyed Mahdi Rezaei, Seyed Mohammad Shariatmadar
Abstract : Induction motors have many usages in industrial application. Today, generally three-phase induction motors with variable frequency and voltage are fed with variable speed of the most important concern for electrical engineering is the quality of power, and the harmonic is one of the power quality problem. In this paper the effective method to reduce harmonic of induction motor based on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique is presented. The switching angle for the pulse is selected in such way to reduce the harmonic distortion. The simulations are done by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. At the end, simulation result shows the effect of proposed approach.
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Title : Intelligent Mobile Vehicle Checking System Based on ARM 7 Authors : Mr. Rajendra B. Mohite, Prof. Miss. Rupali R. Jagtap.
Abstract : With ARM 7 as the core, the new Intelligent Mobile Vehicle Checking System integrated with a lot of hardware & software module such as image capturing, number plate recognition, GSM, GPS etc. the design of the system software used the embedded software developing platform as Keil, met the traffic auditing department’s needs about Mobile Vehicle Checking.
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Abstract : Eating food outside has become a trend these days as fast work schedules of people doesn’t give them enough time to prepare food themselves. Getting a ready to eat food of one’s choice from an outlet is worth than wasting time in preparing especially in commercial cities and towns in India. Mostly people in India prefer to take food outside from various outlets like hotels, restaurants, dhabaas, mobile food vendors etc., according to their convenience, preference and taste. Increase in expectations and changing culinary tastes of consumers make the food business dynamic in general. Despite the increasing interest in the area there is very little research on customer satisfaction in mobile food vending service in our domestic market. Keeping these conditions in view, the study tries to explore the current scenario in which mobile food vending has become a flourishing business and means of earning livelihood for lot of people as it has been successful in attracting a large mass of customers.. This study analyses some factors which affect customer satisfaction and the formation of customer reliability towards mobile food vending in Salem city. The present survey has been done on 100 customers who purchase/eat food from mobile food vendors at various places in Salem city. It identifies the most relevant understanding of satisfaction, and determines their influence in choosing mobile food outlets through judgments of satisfaction and performance. The results show that satisfaction is a mediate element between the performance and disconfirmation of mobile food selling and has a positive influence on gaining customer delight.
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Title : Advanced Direct Methanol – Oxygen Fuel Cell (DMFC) Technology Authors : Nirmal Ramkrishna Joshi
Abstract : This review paper describes recent developments or advancement in methanol-oxygen fuel cell or direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). An application of DMFCs in portable power sources and in hybrid electrical vehicles has recently been envisaged. The section is particularly focused on the electro catalysis of the methanol oxidation reaction and oxygen electro reduction. In this regard, some aspects of the electro catalysis of oxygen reduction in the presence of methanol crossover have been treated. The technology section deals with the development of both components and devices. The recent efforts in developing DMFC stacks for both portable and electro-traction applications are studied. The current status of the technology in this field is presented and some important technical challenges are been discussed.
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Title : Comparative analysis of NPC and Cascaded Inverter connected to Induction motor drive with Utilization of PV-Battery Standalone System and Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis Authors : E.Padma, G.Naveen, M.Kondalu, P.Veeresh
Abstract : This paper presents the control of a multi level inverter supplied by a Photovoltaic (PV) panel and a batteries bank. It is well known that the power quality of multilevel inverter signals depends on their number of levels. Three, nine and fifteen-level converters are studied. The harmonics content of the output signals are analyzed. A simplified Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) method for a multilevel inverter that supplied an induction motor is developed. The controller equations are such that the SPWM pulses are generated automatically for any number of levels. The effectiveness of the propose method is evaluated in simulation. MATLAB /Simulink is used to implement the control algorithm and simulate the system.
The rapid evolution of semiconductor devices manufacturing technologies and the designer’s orientation has enabled the development of new structures of converters (inverters) with a great performance compared to conventional structures. So, these new technologies of semiconductor are more suited to high power applications and they enable the design of multilevel inverters. The constraints due to commutation phenomena are also reduced and each component supports a much smaller fraction of the DC-bus voltage when the number of levels is higher. For this reason, the switches support more high reverse voltages in high-power applications and the converter output signals are with good spectral qualities. Thus, the using of this type of inverter, associated with a judicious control of power components, allows deleting some harmonics
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Title : What Relationship Exists Between Gross Domestic Product and Public Expenditure in Nigeria? Authors : Alayemi, S. A., Nworji, I. D.
Abstract : The purpose of this study is to establish relationship between gross domestic product and public expenditure. Public expenditure was distilled into recurrent expenditure (REX) and capital expenditure (CEX). Data were collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin from 1987-2013, a period of 27 years. R2 measured the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable (GDP) that was explained by variations in the independent variables (REX and CEX), 97% of the variation (and not the variance) was explained while 3% was unexplained. Adjusted R2 measured the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable (GDP) that was explained by variations in the independent variables (REX and CEX), 94% of the variance was explained while 6% was unexplained. The overall significance of the model was assessed by the value in the ANOVA table The result indicated that the model is significant as value of F-value = 165.723 and P-value = .000 which is less than 0.05. The result showed that for 1% increase in REX and CEX, the average or expected change in GDP is 15.6% and 10.3% respectively. The results of the hypotheses tested are: H01 (p-value =.000 and t-value = 6.469); H02 (p-value =.011 and t-value = 2.665).The two hypotheses were rejected at 0.01 significant levels.
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Abstract : This study examined the motivational needs, level of satisfied motivational needs and self motivation strategies of employees of GNFS in the Tamale Metropolis. 40% of the workers were selected to form the sample for this study. The study revealed that majority, as high as 76.9% of respondents were male reflecting the masculine nature of the job of fire fighting. Motivation in the organisation was found to be acceptable the study revealed that no employee express intension of leaving, and the most noted reason why they will stay was found to be free medical services registering 30.8%. staff were found to be self motivated using self motivation strategies, and the most used strategy was building self confidence. 92.3% of the respondents indicated that they will leave the organisation if they perceive the job as risk and dangerous. However, 96.2% of respondents stated that intrinsically, they are motivated by the feeling that they are in the position of saving lives and property of people in times fire and other natural disasters. It is therefore clear that employees of GNFS in the Tamale Metropolis are motivated enough to stay with the organisation.
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Title : Design of High Speed Excess-3 Adder Using LUT Authors : Mallireddy Sai Deepika, M. Naresh Babu
Abstract : Processing of decimal numbers using binary system tends to be costly in terms of area and speed. To realize decimal operations efficiently an improved approach to implement decimal additions is proposed which is based on 6-input LUTs and fast carry chains. A new architecture is proposed with emphasis on critical path delay reduction. The adder architecture is implemented on Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA for operand sizes from 2 to 18 digits. the design has outperformed other approaches in terms of area and delay. On average, the delay reduction is 13.1% and LUT saving is 28.9% compared to a conventional BCD adder. excess-3 addition is implemented using this system.
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Title : A Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient Based Analysis of Comparison of Character and Syllable-based Readability Indices of Web-pages Authors : Dr. Jatinderkumar R. Saini
Abstract : With an increased exposure of internet, usage of matrimonial sites has increased. The providers of matrimonial services often require the users to sign-up and agree to their terms and conditions of usage. These conditions differently referred to by matrimonial web-sites as private policy, safety guide, etc. have been here collectively identified as policy guides. This paper presents the analysis of comparison of two sets of readability indices for more than 50 webpages comprising nearly 90,000 words from 30 matrimonial websites. The first set of readability indices is composed of two character-based tests viz. Automated Readability Index (ARI) and Coleman-Liau Index (CLI) whereas the second set is composed of three syllable-based tests viz. Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL), Gunning Fog Index (GFI) and Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) Index. The averages of the two sets have been found to be 11.97 and 11.18, respectively whereas the Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient value of 0.76 has been found. Both the results lead to conclude that the set of character-based and the set of syllable-based readability indices could be used interchangeably for assessing the comprehensibility of a text document. The paper also presents the results of inter-set and intra-set comparison of individual indices from both sets.
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Title : GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF LSB BASED ALGORITHM Authors : Er.Shefali Manchanda, Er.Ravinder Bisht, Deepika Chaudhary
Abstract : Digital Image watermarking is the process of hiding the digital data in the Image. It is used to protect the content of image by insertion of digital mark into the image. This paper presents digital watermarking algorithm using least significant bit (LSB). LSB is used because of its little effect on the image. In this paper an invisible watermarking technique (least significant bit) and a visible watermarking algorithm is discussed depending on the length of the watermark. The proposed work is explained using algorithm and graphical results. Various attacks are performed namely Gaussian noise, Poisson noise, Salt & Pepper noise and Rotation on watermarked image with the calculation of parameters like Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Signal Mean Square Error (S_MSE).
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Abstract : Bandwidth conservation is an important issue in case of multimedia communication. Uncompressed multimedia (graphical, audio and video) data requires considerable storage capacity and transmission bandwidth. Despite rapid progress in mass-storage density, processor speeds and digital communication system performance, it demands for data storage capacity and data-transmission bandwidth continuously to outstrip the capabilities of available technologies. So to solve this problem an efficient multimedia communication scheme is proposed which is based on Wavelet. Image compression is the technique of reducing the size of image file without degrading the quality of the image. There are many techniques available in the lossy image compression in which Wavelet transform based image compression is the best technique. Various types of Wavelets are used for image compression. This paper shows Better image compression by using different wavelet with the help of Neural network. The paper defines the progress made towards calculating different parameter for Wavelet and after that determines the wavelet which gives minimum value of mean square error and maximum value of peak signal to noise ratio. By this best compression Wavelet is obtained. For Analysis considered MSE value should be a minimum and peak signal to noise ratio value should be a maximum. By implementing neural network, the optimum image compression system use a supervised neural network based on the back propagation learning algorithm, due to its implementation, simplicity and the availability of sufficient target database for training the supervised learner is obtained.
The paper present the idea of image compression based on hierarchical back propagation neural network and results are analyzed. The further analysis is conducted in the network model and tested training algorithm. Finally image compression and image reconstruction are accomplished respectively, a minimum accuracy of 89% was considered as accepted. The neural network yielded 98.65% correct recognition rate of optimum compression ratios,
This concludes that a high compression ratio is achieved with Bi-orthogonal Wavelet functions. The results are obtained with a Bi-orthogonal 6.8 Reconstruction Wavelet function and proved the best. Then Neural Network is implemented to prove the best result and hence achieved. Experimental results suggest that the proposed system can be efficiently used to compress while maintaining high image compression.
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Abstract : Embedded based speed and direction control for dc motor using speech recognition tech is proposed and also we can drive DC motor forward and reverse direction with different speed. This project makes it possible to use the speakers’ voice to verify their identity and control access to DC motor. Mel Frequency cepstral co-efficient is used to recognize user speech and vector quantization is used increase Speech recognition accuracy.
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Title : Impact of Structural and Doping Parameter Variations on NQS Delay, Intrinsic Gain and NF in FinFETs Authors : B. Lakshmi, R. Srinivasan
Abstract : This paper investigates the effect of process variations on RF metrices, non-quasi static (NQS) delay, intrinsic gain and noise figure (NF) in 30 nm gate length FinFET by performing extensive 3D TCAD simulations. Sensitivity of NQS delay, intrinsic gain and NF on different geometrical parameters, channel doping, source/drain doping are studied. The most significant parameters are found to be gate length, underlap, oxide thickness, fin width and height, source/drain doping.
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Abstract : A model of BLDC motor is done using MATLAB. This simulated model is based on the dynamic mathematical equations of the BLDC motor. The different blocks associated with BLDC motor such as the inverter, speed and current controllers which are necessary for controlling the motor is also simulated using MATLAB. Based on this model a sensor less control technique is implemented. For this purpose a zero crossing position (ZCP) method is proposed. The simulation results indicate that the established model based on the method proposed in this study has a good response to the rotor speed. This can be used for the future work of control design of BLDC motors. The hardware implementation is also possible because of satisfied simulated output results.
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Title : Design of ALU using Reversible Logic and Optimization of Quantum Cost Authors : Manpreet Kaur Walia, Balwinder Singh Dhaliwal
Abstract : Reversible logic has received great attention in the recent years due to their ability to reduce the power dissipation which is the main requirement in low power VLSI design. Quantum computers are constructed using reversible logic circuits. It has wide applications in low power CMOS, Optical information processing, DNA computing, quantum computation and nanotechnology. Their implementation using Quantum Gates further enhances their prospect for next generation VLSI applications.
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Title : Implementation of Low Power Turbo Encoder and Decoder in Wireless Applications Authors : T. Chandini, V. Jayachandra Naidu
Abstract : Turbo coding is an advanced forward error correction algorithm in which the encoder generates a data stream consisting of two independently encoded data streams and a single un encoded data stream. The two parity streams are weakly correlated due to the interleaving. It is a standard component in third generation (3G) wireless communication systems, like those employing Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA). W-CDMA systems must handle online multimedia applications as well as conventional voice communications. In the turbo decoder, the two parity streams are separately decoded with soft decision outputs, referred to as extrinsic information. The strength of the turbo decoding results from the sharing of the extrinsic information in a number of iterations. The extrinsic information is passed from one parity decoding step to the other, from one iteration to the other. In this paper, we decompose low complexity turbo decoder architecture by using SB/DB mode algorithm. The proposed architecture is simulated in Cadence encounter (R) RTL compiler and also in Xilinx ISE 14.3 and the power consumption was found to be of 0.0034mW as compared to the existing architecture which consumes a power of 4.17mW.
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Title : Proactive analysis of Financial Statements Authors : Sidaq
Abstract : Proactive analysis of financial statements means estimating the future position and initiating change and influencing environment to attain desired place. This technique allows teams to discover possible problems, or ways the launch could fail, while there is still time to make adjustments. This paper explores the topic of understanding proactive analysis of financial statements. It also discuss about the reasons and essentials of proactive analysis of financial statements. Then, it details about the benefits and limitations of proactive analysis of financial statements. Lastly it is concluded that proactive analysis of financial statements is very useful as it helps in understanding the risk and profitability of a firm, business, sub-business or project through analysis of reported and projected financial information, by using different accounting tools and techniques.
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Title : HIGH VOLTAGE PULSE POWER APPLICATION USING ARM7 PROCESSOR Authors : B.Balashankar, J.Pranesh Jonathan, P.Manikandan, K.Anand
Abstract : In this paper we discuss about high voltage pulse power supply technology which is a new effective improvement in dust precipitation which can output pulse width modulation in frequency of 20~50 KHZ duty cycle of 12% to 50%. By using High-Voltage pulse power supply technology variable pulse parameters can be adjusted such as pulse voltage, pulse amplitude, duty cycle, frequency. High voltage device controller is used to generate high frequency and thereby removing dust using dust collector. High frequencies above 20-50 KHZ can be obtained & energy efficiency about 60%-90% can be obtained
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Title : AN ACTIVE CLAMP BASED TECHNIQUE FOR A HIGH EFFICIENT FLYBACK CONVERTER Authors : B.Balashankar, J.Pranesh Jonathan, J.Rajesh, K.Somasekar
Abstract : This paper proposes a flyback converter with a new active clamp control method. With the proposed control method, the energy in the leakage inductance can be fully recycled. The soft switching can be achieved for the main switch and the absorbed leakage energy is transferred to the output and input side. Compared to the conventional active clamp technique, the proposed methods can achieve high efficiency both for heavy-load and light-load condition, and the efficiency is almost not affected by the leakage inductance. A Z - source converter network is also included between the converter main circuit and power source to achieve higher efficiency. The detailed operation principle is proposed.
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Title : Customers’ Purchasing Behaviour among Readymade Shops Authors : Dr. P. Mohanraj, N. Loganathan
Abstract : Modern consumer may take the production of clothing for granted, making fabric by hand is a tedious and labour intensive process. The textile industry was the first to be mechanized during the industrial revolution attests to this fact before the invention of the power loom textile production took many hours and call used many hands. Different cultures have evolved various way of creating clothes out of cloth; one approach simply involves draping the rectangles of cloth wrapped to fit. For example, the dhoti for men and the sari for women in the Indian subcontinent the Scottish kilt or the Javanese sarong. The cloths may simply betide up, as is the case of the first two garment or pins or belts hold the garment place, as in the case of the first two. The precious cloth remains uncut, and people of various sizes or the same person at different sizes can wear the garment. The present study mainly aims that to know the purchasing behaviour of customers among readymade shops in Erode district.
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Title : Smart Cloud environment through Semantic Retrieval Authors : M.Thangaraj, G.Sujatha
Abstract : The WWW is a huge wide distributed global in- formation centre for many information services. The availability of web resources are enormous that whatever a user needs at a given moment can be found. These resources are not only for data items, but functionality delivered through some sort of service architecture. Cloud computing has emerged as one of the foremost computing models for providing services over the internet. As the range of available cloud services increases, the matter of service discovery and selection arises. To meet out the user’s needs, the selection process is integrated with semantic technologies to facilitate the discovery of cloud resources. The architecture proposed here integrates semantic annotation and indexed techniques to cloud services with the ontology evolution which will produce semantically enhanced cloud services.
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Abstract : In this paper we describe a straight forward technique for tracking a human hand based on images acquired by an active stereo camera system. We demonstrate the implementation of this method for pick and place robot as part of a multi-modal man-machine interaction system: detecting the hand-position, the robot can interpret a human pointing gesture as the specification of a target object to grasp.
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Title : Effect of irrigation methods and levels on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield and irrigation water productivity Authors : M.S.Kahlon
Abstract : To investigate the effect of irrigation methods and levels on water productivity and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield, a field experiment was conducted at Research Farm of Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during kharif 2011. Three irrigation methods tested includes drip irrigated beds, ridge and flat flood. Three levels of irrigation were also tested i.e. IW/PAN-E ratio of 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5 in ridge and flat flood, while in drip irrigation equivalent ratios of 0.20, 0.30 and 0.40 were maintained. The highest mean cotton seed yield of 2.3 t/ha was observed under drip irrigated beds at IW/PAN-E ratio of 0.40. The ridge and flat methods yielded 1.9 and 1.7 t/ha, respectively at equivalent IW/PAN-E ratio of 1.5. The irrigation water productivity (IWP) was also observed to be highest under drip irrigated beds. The water productivity decreases with increase in irrigation level. The results revealed that drip irrigated beds could successfully be used for higher cotton seed yield and water productivity.
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Abstract : A probabilistic topic model for analyzing and extracting the content-related annotations data from noisy annotated discrete data such as web pages stored using social Add bookmark services. With these services, because users can attach annotations data at freely, some annotations data details did not describe the semantics of the content of the data, thus they are noisy data, i.e., not content related data’s. The extraction of content-related data or keyword can be used as a prepossessing step in machine learning tasks such as text classification and image file recognition, or can improve information retrieval performance. Social annotation is an inwards data, on-line, collaborative process through which each element of a collection of resources files (e.g., URLs, pictures, videos, etc.) is associated with a group of descriptive keywords, widely known as tagged files. Each group is a query keyword and accurate summary of the relevant resource’s content and it is obtained via aggregating the opinion of users, as expressed to the form of short tag sequences process. The availability of this information gives rise to new searching keywords paradigm where resources are retrieved and ranked based on the similarity of a keyword query to their accompanying tags. The proposed model is a generative model for content and social annotation data’s, in which the annotations are assumed to originate either from topics that generated the content or from a general distribution unrelated to the content. We demonstrate to make effectiveness of the proposed method by using synthetic data and real social annotation data for text and images.
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Abstract : These nodes or devices can communicate with other nodes directly within or outside their transmission range .The proposed rolling-ball UDG boundary traversal is employed to completely guarantee the delivery of packets from the source to the destination node under the UDG network. The boundary map and the indirect map searching scheme are proposed as efficient algorithms for the realization of the RUT technique. The hop count reduction scheme is utilized as a short-cutting technique to reduce the routing hops by listening to the neighbour’s traffic, while the intersection navigation mechanism is proposed to obtain the best rolling direction for boundary traversal with the adoption of shortest path criterion. In previous research on mobile ad-hoc network indicated to use of GAR-Protocol algorithm because it simplifies routing and can improve the performance of flexibility and scalability in the network. In this proposed work, enhanced the greedy routing protocol through reducing the time during the packet transmission in MANET.
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Title : Anthropoid odds: Robotics and Cognitive Revolution Authors : Rinaldo C. Michelini, Roberto P. Razzoli
Abstract : The human civilisation is seen reaching critical situations, because its ecologic sustainability is undermined by over-depletion and over-contamination practices, compared to the current availability of natural resources and the planned reintegration measures. The study outlines the anthropoid chances, supposing that ‹life and intelligence singularities›, in the past, occurred on the earth, enabling ‹agentive› skills by gene evolution of organic forms and ‹cognitive› knacks by meme fruition of human species. The ‹progress›, thus, is not the effect of ‹natural laws›, maybe, universe-inherent either God-ruled; it is contingently arranged by the men proficiency, using available sources, after biological, chemical, engineering, etc. transformations. The picture can open less dramatic prospects, face to ecology threats, if we restrict our views on temporary growth, bounded by the provisional men aptitudes and possibilities. The survey summarises a few theoretical prerequisites of the contingent ‹cognitive revolution›, with the linked state-of-the-art implications.
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Title : A Low Noise Figure and High Gain 6 GHz CMOS LNA with Inductive Source Degeneration Topology Authors : Ch.Anandini, Ram Kumar, F.A.Talukdar
Abstract : This paper presents a 6GHz .18-μm CMOS having low noise figure and good gain LNA which uses an inductive source degeneration topology to have good noise performance, increased gain, and save power consumption. The circuit measurement is performed using UMC .18μm CMOS Technology in cadence tool. The LNA exhibits a noise figure of1.8dB, gain of 18.50dB, =--24.dB from1.8V.
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Title : Comparison Analysis of LDPC Decoding Techniques Authors : Mini Manpreet, Prabhdeep Singh
Abstract : LDPC codes were first introduced by Gallanger in his phD thesis in 1960. An LDPC code is a linear error correcting code that has a parity check matrix H with small number of nonzero elements in each row and column. There are so many decoding techniques for LDPC codes. In this paper, the deciding criteria for the performance analysis is to compare the BER performance of these codes under the sum product and the bit flip decoding algorithms.
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Title : Condition Monitoring of a Hydraulic Brake System Using Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) Algorithm Authors : Vishnu Mukundan, R. Jegadeeshwaran, V. Sugumaran
Abstract : Brake systems are one of the most important systems in automobiles. Many accidents occur daily due to brake failure. Hence, brake system requires constant monitoring to ensure safety. It can be done using a machine learning approach. It is one of the condition monitoring techniques, which is used to predict the faults. In this study, the faults in hydraulic brakes are monitored through vibration signals. The vibration signals from the hydraulic brake arrangement are to be acquired using a piezoelectric type transducer and stored using a data acquisition system. From this vibration signals, the relevant statistical features were extracted. The extracted features were classified by using Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) algorithm. The classification accuracy and the performance level of the classifier was found.
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Abstract : Nanotechnology is going viral and its potential is touted to usher in the second green revolution. Given the increasing world population, it is necessary to use the modern technologies such as bio and nanotechnologies in agricultural sciences. Nanotechnology has been defined as relating to materials, systems and processes which operate at a scale of 100 nanometers (nm) or less Nanotechnology has many applications in all stages of production, processing, storing, packaging and transport of agricultural products. Investments in agriculture and food nanotechnologies carry increasing weight because their potential benefits range from improved food quality and safety to reduced agricultural inputs and improved processing and nutrition. It is presumed that nanotechnology will make agriculture sustainable and profitable by reducing the use of fertilizers, pesticides and water due to their enhanced use efficiency. Nanotechnology can be used for combating the plant diseases either by controlled delivery of functional molecules or as diagnostic tool for disease detection. Therefore a slew of nano-devices and products are being developed for smart delivery of fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators including nanosensors for real-time monitoring of soil conditions, crop growth, disease attack etc. This would mean enhanced Agriculture production , healthy food softy and security. The possibilities in future as well as some success that have been achieved so far are discussed in this review.
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Abstract : This paper presents the design and implementation of Microcontroller based automatic Fan speed regulator using temperature sensor. Most of the available Fans today are controlled manually by voltage regulators which have different stages of speed. During summer nights especially, the room temperature is initially quit high, as time passes, the temperature starts dropping. Also, after a person falls asleep, the metabolic rate of one’s body decreases, and one is expected to wake up from time to time to adjust the speed of the Fan. Many people have died as a result of this, and the disabled / physically challenged persons are affected the most because of the inconveniences associated in changing the Fan speed level manually when the room temperature changes. So, an efficient automatic Fan speed control system that automatically changes the speed level according to the change in environment / room temperature was implemented to solve the problems associated in Fan speed manual control system. To solve these problems the system made use of; AT89C51 Microcontroller, temperature sensor (LM 35), Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) as its main components to achieve a new technology in “control system” that monitors and regulates the speed of a Ceiling Fan depending on the room temperature at any point in time. The temperature sensor (LM 35) which is directly connected to the Analogue to Digital converter (ADC) is used to sense any slight change in room temperature. The output of the temperature sensor which is in Analogue form is fed to the input of the Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) whose main task is to convert the analogue signal (change in room temperature) from the temperature sensor to its digital equivalent. The output of the (ADC) is directly coupled to the Microcontroller for further processing and control to achieve the desired system. The sensed and the set values of the temperature, including the Fan speed are displayed on the (16 x 2) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The designed system has been proven to be a reasonable advancement in control system technology.
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Title : Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based Security Door System using Fingerprint Recognition Technology Authors : Nwankwo Nonso Prince , Alumona Theophilus , Nwankwo Vincent , Nwokeke .O. Albert
Abstract : This paper presents a design and implementation of microcontroller based security door system using fingerprint technology. It utilizes fingerprint recognition technology to allow access to only those whose fingerprints are stored in the system database. The designed system eliminates the need for keeping track of keys, remembering a combination password, or PIN. Users can open the door by simply placing their finger(s) on the fingerprint scanner made available in the system. In this project implementation, the fingerprint module from Mixes Biometrics was used. It can store up to 750 finger prints on its own memory. The microcontroller (AT89C52) interacts with the module. Once an image is captured by the fingerprint scanner, the digital information is transferred to a digital signal processor (DSP) to generate a match. The first step in the matching process is conditioning the scanned fingerprint. Finger print readers rarely use the full fingerprint for identification. Rather, DSPs use algorithms to extract the unique features and patterns of each print to generate a unique digital code. The second step in the software flow is to take the code generated from the scanned image and compare it to a database of potential matches. The main important units of the system are; the microcontroller unit, the finger print module, the LCD display unit, the power supply unit, the buzzer unit, and the output unit (door). They were discussed in the write-up for proper understanding of the system. The AT89C52 microcontroller that was used to store all the assembly language of the system was programmed with the aid of a Top Universal Programmer.
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Title : Survey on Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques Authors : A.P.Burnwal, Abhishek Kumar, Santosh Kumar Das
Abstract : Artificial Intelligence is the part of computer science concerned with the study and creation of computer systems that exhibit some form of intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to learn about, to learn from, to understand about, and interact with one’s environment. It is not to make any mistakes but quickly to understand how to make them good. So intelligence is the faculty of understanding. Basically AI tries to solve the complex problems in more human like fashion and in relatively very less time than any human takes. This paper focuses a survey on applications of artificial intelligence techniques.
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Title : Single-Phase Nine-Level Grid-Connected Inverter for Photo-Voltaic System Authors : I.Sobharani, G . Trinadh
Abstract : The ever-increasing energy consumption, fossil fuels soaring costs and exhaustible nature, and worsening global environment have created a booming interest in renewable energy generation systems, one of which is photovoltaic. Such a system generates electricity by converting the Sun’s energy directly into electricity. Photovoltaic-generated energy can be delivered to power system networks through grid-connected inverters.
A single-phase seven-level inverter for grid-connected photovoltaic systems, with a novel pulse width-modulated (PWM) control scheme is proposed. Three reference signals that are identical to each other with an offset that is equivalent to the amplitude of the triangular carrier signal were used to generate the PWM signals. The inverter is capable of producing seven levels of output-voltage levels (Vdc, 2Vdc/3, Vdc/3, 0,−Vdc,−2Vdc/3,−Vdc/3) from the dc supply voltage. Along with this a novel nine level grid connected inverter with reduced number of switches is also proposed. It generates nine levels of output voltage (Vdc, Vdc/4, 2Vdc/4, 3Vdc/4, 0, -Vdc/4, -2Vdc/4, -3Vdc/4, -Vdc). The proposed system is verified through simulation and the results were presented.
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Title : Enhancement of Human Visual System (HVS) using different multi resolution based filter banks Authors : D.Vani, K.Sudha
Abstract : Gaussian noise level estimation is of fundamental interest in vision and image processing applications. A new effective noise level estimation method is proposed by study of singular values of noise corrupted images. Tail of singular values is used for noise estimation and also known noise is added to the noisy image for the noise estimation by singular value decomposition. For the simple implementation and low computation costs and for visual quality improvements, to have higher PSNR values compared to previous methods different multi resolution Directional Filter Banks (DFB) is used.
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Title : Enhancement of power flow and optimal location of Steady State models of TCSC and SVC using intelligent algorithm Authors : Mr.P.VENKATESH, Dr.CH.CHENGAIAH
Abstract : In emergent power system, increased transactions where the systems no longer remains in secure operating region. The paper mainly focused on the application of flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) and use of Differential Evolution (DE) based algorithm for the allocation & coordinated operation of multiple FACTS devices for the improved power transfer capacity and economic operation of an interconnected power system is presented. Both the conventional load flow algorithm (CLFA) and DE based approach is applied on IEEE 30-bus system. The system is reactively loaded starting from base to 200 % of base load and the system performance is observed with and without FACTS devices. Active and reactive power flow in different lines gives an idea in determining the positions of FACTS devices to be placed in the system for the improved performance. Then the CLFA & DE based optimization approach is applied to find the size of the FACTS devices and the comparative analysis between these two techniques are made. This differential evolution (DE) based approach for the installation of FACTS devices found as more beneficial than CLFA based method.
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Title : STUDY OF WORK ABILITY WITH USE OF COIR FIBRES IN CONCRETE COMPOSITES Authors : Er Mayank Varshney, Er. Sanjay Sharma, Ar. Meenu Varshney
Abstract : Investigations to overcome the brittle response and limiting post – yield energy absorption of concrete led to the development of fibre reinforced concrete using discrete fibres within the concrete mass. A wide variety of fibres have been proposed by the researchers such as steel, glass, polypropylene, carbon, polyester, acrylic and aramid etc., Over half of the population around the world is living in slums and villages. The earthquake damages in rural areas get multiplied mainly due to the widely adopted non– engineered constructions. On the other hand, in many smaller towns and villages in southern part of India, materials such as nylon, plastic, tyre, coir, sugarcane bagasse and rice husk are available as waste. So, here an attempt has been made to investigate the possibility of reusing these locally available rural waste fibrous materials as concrete composites.
Since the materials used are locally available rural fibres, a detailed characterization is planned. A concrete mix has been designed to achieve the minimum grade of M20 as required by IS 456 – 2000. The investigation contains four phases. In the first phase, to identify the effects on workability and mechanical strength properties due to the addition of these rural fibres, workability tests such slump, vee – bee, air content tests and the mechanical strength tests on standard specimens such as compressive strength, split tensile strength, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and shear strength were conducted on the different fibrous concrete specimens to obtain the optimum volume fraction and length of fibres.
Totally 96 cubes, 162 cylinders, 54 prism beams ,15 flexure specimens and 54 shear specimens and 4 nos Beam-column joints (Tee) were cast and tested to study the workability, mechanical strength, static loading behavior, seismic loading and beam column joint behavior under cyclic loading
Based on the experimental results of workability and mechanical strength studies, a constant length of 50 mm and two volume fractions such as 0.5% and 1% are chosen for further studies. By analyzing the results, empirical relations also have been proposed for mechanical strength properties and compared with the experimental results. From these results, it is concluded that even though addition of fibres reduces the workability of fresh concrete, marginal improvements in the mechanical strength properties are observed which ranges from 10% to 20%.
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Title : A Study on the Impact of Poly mixed Activated Sludge generated From STP Based SBR Technology Authors : Er Mayank Varshney, Er. Abhinav Tyagi, Ar. Meenu Varshney
Abstract : In Recent Year, In India there are many new technologies are introduced for the treatment of Waste Water. As the consumption of water increases due to increase in population has increased the amount of waste water and sludge. Here in this article we will focus on dry Activated sludge coming from process of Dewatering method from Centrifuge Machine and used as manure for horticulture. Sequencing Batch Reactor is the process which is used for waste water treatment for better water quality. As it was introduced in India since 2002, One of the crucial question in this technology is weather dewatered sludge can be used as a manure as it contains Cationic Poly Electrolyte Molecules that are used to separate the solid from liquid. Farmers who are generally depend upon the Manure for their rapid growth of plant can be useful for them and easily availability with low price Sludge Available from STPs.
Poly electrolytes are polymers whose repeating units bear an electrolyte group. Poly cations and poly anions are poly electrolytes. Here for our experiment we are using Poly Grade ZETAC 8125 From BSF Product. These groups will dissociate in aqueous solutions (water), making the polymers charged. Polyelectrolyte properties are thus similar to both electrolytes (salts) and polymers (high molecular weight compounds), and are sometimes called poly salts. Like salts, their solutions are electrically conductive. Like polymers, their solutions are often viscous. Charged molecular chains, commonly present in soft matter systems, play a fundamental role in determining structure, stability and the interactions of various molecular assemblies.
Same answer has to be found in this article so that waste treatment plant based on new technology must be far better with the convectional technology used in India.
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Title : Recycling of Cemented Tungsten Carbide Cutting Tools Authors : M.Narasimha, S. Ramesh
Abstract : Cemented carbides, best known for their superior wear resistance, have a range of industrial uses which are diverse compared to other powder metallurgy product applications. Common uses include metalworking tools, mining tools, and wear-resistant components. All of these applications have one physical property requirement in common: the ability to resist wear. Erosion resistance of carbides is important in applications such as sand blast/spray nozzles, seals in slurry pumps, and component parts in the oil industry. Cemented carbide is an excellent choice for the nozzles because it can outwear steel 100 to 1 and will thereby maintain the spray pattern and quantity of flow for a longer period of time, extending the service life of the nozzles. Many applications can use a small carbide nozzle insert held to other base materials by epoxy, braze, shrink fit or taper fit. This permits the use of carbide without a major redesign of a nozzle assembly or the need to manufacture a complex shape from solid carbides. In the mining and mineral industries, the components exposed to severe mechanical interaction among very abrasive nonmetallic and metallic materials. The abrasive nature of most ores can cause significant wear to both handling and processing equipment. A variety of WC/Co materials have been used for hardfacing to meet an extremely wide range of severe abrasive conditions, especially oil well drill bits, tool joints, rock drill bits. The physical and mechanical properties of cemented tungsten carbides make them appropriate materials for a wide range of structural components, including plungers, boring bars, powder compacting dies and punches, high pressure dies and punches, pulverizing hammers, carbide feed rolls and chuck jaws, and many others. The predominant wear factors in most applications are high abrasion, attrition, and erosion. The rigidity, hardness, and dimensional stability of cemented carbide, coupled with its resistance to abrasion, corrosion, and extreme temperature, provide superior performance in fluid-handling application, such as seal rings, bearings, valve stems, and valve seats.
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Title : Evaluating the Efficiency of DMUs with Fuzzy Data via FDH Model Authors : MASOUD SEDGHI, JAFAR AHMADI SHALI, MEHRDAD NABAHAT
Abstract : Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a non-parametrical method for evaluating the efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs) using mathematical programming. The CCR model, the BCC model and the FDH model are well known as basic DEA models. These models based on the domination structure in primal form are characterized by how to determine the production possibility set from a viewpoint of dual form; the convex cone, the convex hull and the free disposable hull for the observed data, respectively.
All these calculations occur when all data, that is the inputs and the outputs of Decision Making Units, are positive and crisp data. Now this question arises: if the data are Symmetric Triangular Fuzzy Number, how will be the method of computing the efficiency of Decision Making Units? In this article, we will introduce a method for evaluating the efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs) with FDH model when all data are symmetric triangular fuzzy numbers.
The basic idea is to transform the fuzzy model into a crisp mixed integer nonlinear programming problem by applying an approach. Finally, a numerical example is proposed to display the application of this method.
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Abstract : Wood based structures are required to have long life spans which can be as high as 12 decades. Conventional creep testing to obtain performance data for such long periods is cumbersome and difficult. An accelerated technique, the Stepped Iso-Stress Approach (SISA), which allows accelerated testing of materials to determine their creep response in a few hours, is presented. Creep strain is recorded as a function of time and the stress is increased step-wise after 3 hours creep periods.
The creep curves at different stress levels can be shifted along the time axis to generate a single curve known as a master curve, from which long term performance data can be obtained. The technique, needed to obtain a smooth master curve is explained. The procedure in SISA is similar to the more familiar Stepped Iso-Thermal Method (SISTM) but the acceleration is now obtained by increasing the stress in steps rather than stepping the temperature. An additional stress provides energy to the system in an analogue of the effect of heat in SISTM.
SISA relies on the time-stress superposition principle concept. Various theories, assumptions and the different steps of the method are described. This method is advantageous over SISTM because there is no need to use elevated temperatures, which may affect the chemical properties of the tested materials. The applicability of the method is investigated.
The activation volume is determined and found to vary with stress level.
This paper presents testing on Bibolo, Dibetou (Lovoa trichilioides) using (SISA). The resulting creep curves are similar to those obtained from conventional creep testing.
The ability to carry out reliable creep tests in a reasonable time at low stress levels allows the designer to have much more confidence in the performance data and allows confident prediction of structural lifetimes.
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