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Title : Linear Correlation study and regression analysis of drinking water quality in Mokokchung town, Nagaland, India Authors : Daniel Kibami, Chubaakum Pongener, K. Rao, Dipak Sinha
Abstract : A statistical regression analysis method of drinking water from 12 different water sources around Mokokchung town was carried out. The water quality parameters considered in the present study were temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, total hardness, chloride, fluoride, dissolved oxygen, and the presence of calcium, and magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, nitrate, sulphate and phosphate. Correlation coefficients were determined to identify the highly correlated and interrelated water quality parameters. The results revealed a systematic correlation and regression with a significant linear relationship among different pairs of water quality parameters.
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Title : A Hybrid System of SOM and RBF for Recognizing Human Activity from Video Authors : Dagnachew Melesew Alemayehu, Bhabani Shankar D. M.
Abstract : Recognizing human activities in fully controlled environment is very simple task but in partially observable and uncontrolled environments recognizing activities from videos is a challenging problem and has many practical applications for instance Security and Surveillance. Computer Vision has been researched for a long period of time to recognize human activities from video on which the environment is uncontrolled, the problem is reduced to activity prediction from unfinished activity streaming, which has been studied by many researchers. There could be uncontrolled environments that may create error for the recognition. In this paper, we try to combine both supervised and unsupervised learning network method that can recognize human activities from both controlled and uncontrolled environments.
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Title : AN AUTOMATED CRC ENGINE Authors : Mr. Hiren G. Patel, Dr. D.M.Patel, Mr. Milan A. Chaudhari, Mr. Mahavirsinh A. Zala
Abstract : The CRC or cyclic redundancy check is a widely used technique for error checking in many protocols used in data transmission. The main aim of this project is to design the CRC RTL generator or a tool that calculates the CRC equations for the given CRC polynomials and generates the Verilog RTL code .This block deals with the calculation of equations for standard polynomials like CRC-8, CRC-16, CRC-4, CRC-32 and CRC-64, CRC-32 and also user defined proprietary polynomial. Use PERL as the platform it also aims at having a simpler user interface and generate the RTLs for any data width and for any standard polynomial or user defined polynomial, and this design aims to be complete generic. RTLs generated by this tool are verified by System Verilog constrained random testing to make it more robust and reliable.
11-15 |
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Title : Novel Gabor – DCT Feature Extraction Techniques for Face Recognition Authors : Anushi Prabhakar, Kirti Chaudhary, Harshita, Sandeep k.Gupta
Abstract : In methodology of face recognition includes the phases of dataset preparation, image pre-processing, feature extraction and classification. In which Feature Extraction step in face recognition is a vital role for accuracy of recognition. There are so many feature extraction technique developed through research but no one technique is sufficient for extracting all the feature of a Face image so that 100% can be achieved. So there are a need of how to increases the recognition rate in face recognition. The research issue of Face Recognition is to select the features which are required to represent a Face Recognition. In this paper we presented new features extraction techniques for face recognition using Discrete Cosine Transform and Gabor Filter.
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Title : Improved Gabor Filter Feature Extraction Technique for Facial Expression Recognition Authors : Harshita, Kirti Chaudhary, Anushi, Sandeep K. Gupta
Abstract : For increasing the recognition rate features using different ways or projection should be extract but there is probability of increasing of redundancy which can be responsible of reducing the recognition rate. High dimension and high redundancy is a problem issue for Gabor while it has maximum variance of features. Dimension and redundancy should be reduced using some technique. The dimension reduction technique for gabor is called filtering so this whole technique is called gabor filter. These filtering technique are sampling etc. In the proposed gabor feature extraction technique the gabor features are filtered using proposed average filter and obtained optimum features for gesture recognition.
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Title : A survey on various MPPT methods for Solar Photo Voltaic Authors : Pavan Pathak, Dr. Amita Mahor
Abstract : Maximum power point trackers (MPPTs) play an important role in the photovoltaic (PV) power system to maximize the overall efficiency of the system for available operating conditions. Hence lots of researchers have dev loped different Maximum Power Point tracking algorithms and shown superior results. In this paper authors have studied the various aspects of maximum power point tracked solar photo voltaic system using Hill climbing, Incremental conductance. Look up method and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based method. The exhaustive review clearly shows that modified hill climbing methods give superior results in comparison to conventional hill climbing method.
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Title : New Combined Steganography technique using DWT and DCT Authors : Shalini Sharma, Kirti Chaudhary
Abstract : Steganography is a art of hiding that apply secret information in a multimedia carrier, and carrier may be image, audio, and video files but digital images are the most popular because of their high frequency on the Internet. Major issues in Image steganography are to increase the imperceptibility of secret information in stego image & increasing the robustness against steganalysis. In this paper, a new dwt-dct combined technique is proposed.
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Title : PSO based Effective Maximum Power Tracking of Solar Photovoltaic System Authors : Pavan Pathak, Dr. Amita Mahor
Abstract : Renewable energy sources are the most important and emerging energy sources as the non renewable sources are depleting day by day. Solar energy or the photovoltaic (PV) energy is gaining popularity since it is clean, pollution free and long lasting. For maximum output power from a solar cell various tracking (MPPT) method are developed and adopted but the hunt for a better one is still on. In the same context this paper presents a Particle swarm optimization (PSO) based generalized PV model using Matlab/ Simulink software. The major advantage of this paper is that we can use it for the maximization of the PV output power or for the minimization of difference (or error) between the maximum power and power obtained in each trial. Furthermore, the developed algorithm is simple and the proposed model can be quite easily implemented on the test system. To estimate the effectiveness of the proposed model it was tested on Matlab/Simulink environment for 6 different population sizes and for each pop size 30 trails are carried out. Its results are compared with the Hill climbing and Look up table method and the competence of PSO based method in terms of convergence speed and maximum power is highlighted using simulation results.
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