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Title : A Study on Effect of Alkaline Activator on Strength Properties of Geopolymer Concrete Authors : Kiran Kumar Poloju, Chiranjeevi Rahul Rollakanti, Ram Kishore Manchiryal
Abstract :
Geopolymer concrete is an alternative of ordinary Portland cement concrete made up of eco-friendly materials. This type of concrete assists in minimizing the greenhouse effects on the environment. Alkaline activator in geopolymer concrete plays an important role in the developing strength of concrete. This activator is made of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution to different ratios with respect to molarity. The molarity of sodium hydroxide is crucial during the preparation of an alkaline activator. As the molarity of sodium hydroxide increase, the amount of sodium hydroxide increase which affect SS/ SH ratio. Fly ash plays a key role as the main source material in geopolymer concrete. GGBS is partially replaced with flyash to identify strength development of concrete. From the available studies, it is clear that the use of GGBS in fly ash always increases in strength of geopolymer concrete. However, the amount of GGBS should be restricted to the use of a huge extent to avoid the early setting of concrete. Moreover, it is understood that alkaline activators play a major role to develop bond between binders and aggregates. In this paper, few studies on the effect of alkaline activator with sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate under different curing with different molarities are discussed |
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Title : Application of Advanced Technologies in Construction Project Management using Drones Authors : Ram Kishore Manchiryal, Reethu Bussa
Abstract :
The regular inspection and maintenance of construction is the basic need for any construction Projects. For years, this process is being done by site engineers, site inspectors, quality managers and project managers personally. This is very time consuming and also involves many safety concerns. This is one of the area where it is time to adopt advanced and innovative technologies. In this study, an attempt is made to understand the application of one such technology n construction management process using Drones. For this study, few articles were reviewed which reveal the applications and importance of drones in the construction industry. Few such are, aerial surveying, asset tracking, managing the construction process, security surveillance, and more. It has been observed in this study that various places drones are being used and also there is tremendous scope for further applications in various areas of construction industry |
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Title : An Experimental Study on Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement with Cement Kiln Dust and Fine Aggregate with Dune Sand Authors : Chiranjeevi Rahul Rollakanti, Kiran Kumar Poloju, Dr Ram Kishore Manchiryal, Ali Maher Abdul Sattar Abo Khomrah
Abstract :
Million tons of solid waste is being produced every year from various domestic and industrial activities in the Sultanate of Oman. Consequently, solid waste management has become one of the major challenges and environmental concern. Moreover, recent advancements and industrialization promoted the generation of various wastes such as municipal solid waste, e-wastes, industry waste etc. Scientific and sustainable recycling of industry byproducts as ingredients of concrete may protect environment and reduces the cost of construction. Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) is one of the byproducts of cement manufacturing process. In this study, an attempt was made to study the effect of CKD and Dune Sand (DS) on mechanical properties of M25 (1:1:2) grade of concrete. Experimental investigation was carried out to determine density, workability and compressive strength when Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is partially replaced with CKD varying from 0% to 50% with interval of 10%. In addition to this, Fine Aggregate (FA) was replaced with 20% of DS as constant. A standard water-cement ratio of 0.55 is maintained among all concrete mixes and tested at the age of 7 and 28 days. From the experimental results, it was noticed that replacement of CKD with OPC up to 30% and 20% of dune sand with fine aggregate has attained reasonable target strength of OPC concrete |
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Title : Feasibility of Temporary Structure in a Case of Pandemic Outbreak or a Catastrophic Disaster Authors : Mrinal Rai, Aashish Kumar Jha
Abstract :
In case of a pandemic outbreak or a catastrophic disaster, many of the time proper infrastructure is not available for the people affected by it. Currently, government-owned buildings are used like schools, town halls etc. in the case of the recent COVID-19 pandemic but the issue is it makes people skeptical for the future use of the structure. Many of the time government erect new structures for a pandemic or a disaster but it takes time and money and these structures are crucial to prevent the outspread of the pandemic or the disaster. Also, there is no future use of these building which makes a lot of construction waste. To overcome these conditions one of the ways which save time and money is the use of temporary structures. These structures can be built anywhere as and when required and they can be used as temporary housing or as patient care centers. They can also build far away from where it can prevent the outspread of the pandemic or the disaster. It also reduces the construction waste and uses reusable materials which makes them environmentally friendly. This study discusses the feasibility of the temporary structure and how they are useful for the people and the environment in the case of a pandemic outbreak or a catastrophic disaster |
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Title : Parametric Study of Experimental Reference Method for Service Life Assessment of RC Structures Exposed To Carbonation Authors : Minakshi Boyal, Archana Bohra Gupta
Abstract :
Concrete is the most versatile and robust construction material available and has obtained a dominating position in construction. Today many reinforced concrete (RC) structures deteriorate owing to corrosion of reinforcement, just after a few years of completion reducing their service life. So it is essential to have the causes of deterioration highlighted, aiming at rectifying errors in design methods, construction procedures, material compositions as well as systematic planning of maintenance and repair procedures, to ensure more reliable structures in the future. Corrosion of steel reinforcement is because to two reasons; carbonation of concrete and/or chloride ingress in concrete. Carbonation reduces the concrete quality, results in additional shrinkage in the carbonated region, reduces the concrete`s ability to protect reinforcement from corrosion and develops in poor to medium quality concrete exposed to normal conditions within several months to several years of construction depending on conditions. The paper details a parametric study of service life assessment of RC structures based on service life model EXPERIMENTAL-REFERENCE for different exposure conditions based on European standard EN1992-1-1 "Eurocode2 (2004)” |
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Title : Stabilization of Soil Using Rice Husk Ash Authors : Abhishek Arya, N K Ameta
Abstract :
Sometimes soil does not possess the required strength for which soil stabilization is done. A foreign material is mixed in soil in order to improve its engineering performance. Nowadays many waste materials are used for soil stabilization. In this study the soil is stabilized with rice husk ash and the improvement in its properties is observed |
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Title : Energy Efficient Building Envelope Design: A Review Authors : Ar. Priyanka Mehta, Dr. Pulkit Gupta
Abstract :
Energy is the most important component of human life. Growing demand of energy due to rapid urbanization has focussed designer, building professionals and researchers to design energy efficient buildings and building envelopes. Energy efficient buildings encompasses various issues regarding energy, water, land and material conservation, together with environmental pollution and the quality of indoor and outdoor environment. Significant energy savings could be achieved through well designed building envelopes. This article strives to make an exhaustive review of the building envelope components and respective improvement from an energy efficiency perspective |
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Title : Analysis of Groundwater Quality using WQI and GIS Mapping in The Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, India Authors : E Sanjeeva Rayudu, D. Anush
Abstract :
The study of groundwater quality parameters is most important for irrigation and drinking water, and its quality is a serious problem around the study area. A systematic study has been carried out to access the water quality index of regions in Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh, India. 140 water samples were collected from different villages and analysed for water quality parameters. A water quality index provides a single number that expresses overall water quality at a certain location and time based on several water quality parameters. Six most important parameters such as pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, Chlorides, Sulphates, and Nitrates were taken for the calculation of WQI. It gives the public a general idea of the possible problems with water in a particular region. GIS is a powerful tool for representation and analysis of spatial information related to groundwater resources management. To attain this aim, the ground water quality parameters and WQI value integrated with GIS map. The indices and GIS map are among the most effective ways to communicate the information on water quality trends to the public or to the policy makers and water quality management for irrigation and drinking. WQI is a mathematical equation which was developed by Horton and modified by Tiwari and Mishra [7,8]As WQI is calculated from the physicochemical elements of water, this parameter is one of the most effective tools to obtain a general idea of water quality. [9]This parameter is a mathematical technique that transforms multiple water characterization data into a unique number that reflects overall water quality.It is simple and easy to understand for decision makers about quality and feasible use of any water body. [10]Water quality index (WQI) has been widely used to indicate a water quality class for drinking use. [11]GIS is a powerful tool to evaluate water quality to understand water availability and to understand and manage water resources which are present in the natural environment. [12]This study's objective is to evaluate the quality of groundwater in the Kurnool District for drinking purposes using the WQI and Geographic information system (GIS). The study mainly focused on the generation of the spatial distribution of water quality parameters using GIS, which helps the policymakers to evaluate and manage the available groundwater resources |
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Title : Removal of Fluoride from Water Using Low Cost Filter Materials with Various Combinations Authors : E Sanjeeva Rayudu, G.Nagesh Kumar, B.J.S.varaprasad, J.V.Gurumurthy
Abstract :
Fluoride content in ground water is now a global problem, which affects more than 21states of India. Most of Ground water in the West Bengal and Eastern states are contaminated with Fluoride. Clean water use being a prime concern in many communities of developing country. Fortunately, efficient and cheap water purification systems are being utilized and tried to be accessed worldwide for easy access to clean water. The present work is deals with the usage of low-cost material such as rice husk ash, quartz sand etc., for removal of fluoride from water with various combinations which is benefit to human society for purification of water |
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Title : Experiment on Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete Using Steel Fibre along With Polyester Fibre Authors : Loma Verma, Anil Suman
Abstract :
This project includes the experiment on hybrid fiber reinforced concrete in rigid pavement of M40 grade by using steel fibre and polyester fibre. The various factors that may lead to cracks in the concrete would be structural, environmental or economic condition. Hybrid fibre reinforced concrete can be utilized actually in many types of constructions because of its unique quality. The structural strength of the concrete could be evaluated through performing the compressive strength test along with flexural strength test. In this research work M40 grade of concrete is used and the ratio is determined with the help of testing of cement, sand and aggregate. This paper presents a comparison between ordinary concrete and hybrid fibre reinforced concretes. Steel fibres along with polyester fibres used in various percentages to check the durability of concrete. Addition of this fibre has helped us to find out the fluctuations in compressive strength along with flexural strength of hybrid fibre reinforced concrete |
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Title : An Experimental Study on the Influence of Sisal Fiber & Combination of Sisal and Steel Fiber Reinforcement on the Properties of Self Compacting Concrete & Conventional Concrete Authors : Spoorthi S, M Divyashree, T M Prakash
Abstract :
Self compacting concrete (SCC) plays a significant role in construction industry as it reduces labor cost, results in faster construction and provides smooth finishing surface. In the present study, by combining the properties of self compacting concrete and fiber reinforced concrete that delivers high performance in many fronts. Fresh and hardened properties of self compacting concrete were determined through various experiments. Compressive strength and flexural strength are evaluated for the specimen casted with varying percentage of sisal fiber (0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, and 0.75%) and combination of % sisal fiber and 0.25% steel fiber after 7 days and 28 days of curing for M35 mix design. The study gives an insight into the influence of incorporation of sisal fibers and combination of sisal and steel fibers on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete |
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Title : Investigating the Effect of Steel Fiber Reinforcement and the Combination of Steel & Sisal Fibers on the Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Authors : Divya P, M Divyashree, T M Prakash
Abstract :
Self-Compacting concrete is considered as a breakthrough in the Concrete industry from several decades due to its faster construction, easier placing even in the dense reinforcement, requiring less manpower, can have better durability,& segregation resistance. The major aim of the present work is to study the fresh and hardened state properties of SCC mix with steel fiber reinforcement. Hooked end Steel fibers of 35mm length, 0.5mm diameter were added to the SCC mix. These Steel fibers were used in the volume fraction of 0, 0.5, 1, & 1.5. Sisal fibers were cut into 3.5cm length and to study the effect of combination of both the fibers. This research work consists of 2 stages. The first stage involves developing the SCC mix design of grade M35. In the second stage, fibers were added into the SCC mix and determining their fresh and hardened state properties and also compared. From this study, it can be concluded that by the inclusion of Steel fibers to the SCC mix, its strength get increases when compared to normal SCC |
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Title : Analysis of Traffic Flow Characteristics and Estimation of Level of Service at Narsapur, Telangana Authors : Seshu Kumari B, Vamsi T, Samuel Peter Ch
Abstract :
Delay is one of the principal measures of performance used to determine the level of service (LOS) at signalized intersections and several methods have been widely used to estimate vehicular delay. Very few studies only have been carried out to estimate delay at signalized intersections under mixed traffic conditions prevailing in developing countries like India. In the present study various problems associated with delay estimation under mixed traffic conditions in a developing country (India) and the methods to overcome them were discussed and an attempt was made to improve the accuracy estimating the same.
Uncontrolled intersections are vital points on urban roads, the performance of which will influence the traffic flow on entire network. Delays to vehicles at urban uncontrolled intersections depend upon the several factors, the most important among these being major road approach volume, type of turning movement, and vehicular composition. The average delay caused to vehicles is an important measure to evaluate the performance of uncontrolled intersections. The performance of an uncontrolled intersection is described by the service delay experienced by low priority movements. Under mixed traffic conditions, the traffic compositions, apart from the conflicting traffic volume and proportion of turning traffic are vital factors influencing the service delay. Most of the earlier studies conducted on this subject, pertain to homogeneous traffic environment, and only a few studies with limited scope have been conducted under mixed traffic conditions. In this study, the service delay has been analyzed for the intersection located in Narsapur, Telangana. The level of service for the uncontrolled intersections taken under the study has been evaluated using the estimated average service delays. |
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Title : Economical and Sustainable Structure Design Using Bio Concrete Authors : Kuru Bhandari, Aashish Kumar Jha
Abstract :
As we all know concrete is the most widely consumed construction material on the earth, with its consumption rate increasing continuously over the period. One of its kind developed material is bio concrete or self-healing concrete. Bio concrete constitutes of conventional concrete mix with bacterial agents (bacillus along calcium lactate), ability to heal cracks and resistance towards corrosion is the main mechanism to be carried out. After several research and analysis, it is proven that the bio concrete is more efficient, durable, safe, convenient over conventional concrete mix on the bases of physical, chemical and mechanical properties. Most desirable to implement the bio concrete in construction under-water or in hydraulic environment. (tunnels, bridges, water retaining infrastructures etc.) In this paper our primary objective is to focus on the economical approach to bio concrete mix, with minimum maintenance cost over the service life of structures and sustainable design for greater adaptability in construction works. The greater demand of concrete is leading to exhaustion of minerals and cores due to which the extensive use of concrete should be optimized, the environmental degradation and lower accessibility to water is also the major concern. By this paper our aim is to motivate the young scientists to undergo evolution for its application in construction industry and also to attract the attention of researchers over the issue. Need of infrastructure and development in country like India, Bangladesh, Nepal etc. (developing nations) is prominent, so the use of bio concrete is an innovation in advance concrete technology for sustainable future |
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Title : Studies on the Utilization of Industrial By-Products in Self-Compacting Concrete: A Review Authors : Mohammad Faisal Bazaz, Sanjay Sharma
Abstract :
Self-compacting concrete is being widely used across the globe because of its sublime fresh and hardened properties. With speedy industrialization and growth in construction activities, the demand for natural river sand increased drastically leading to its enormous depletion. Furthermore, the disposal of industrial waste into the land causes environmental imbalance. Based on these reasons, the approach for sustainable construction is on the rise. Hence, in order to protect the environment and promote sustainable eco-friendly development, researchers have conducted experimental investigation on the suitability of alternative fines as replacement of river sand. This paper puts forward a thorough review of the physical and chemical characteristics of industrial by-products, followed by their effect on the fresh and hardened properties of SCC. Studies reveal that there is an encouraging future for the use of alternative fines in SCC. The key objective of this paper is to assess the work done by past researchers on the incorporation of alternative fines in SCC, provide sizeable information and the portion of work that needs to be done for future research |
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Title : Study on Hardness Removal from Water by Using Chara Algal Species Authors : T. Y. Sadare, C. H. Wagh
Abstract :
Bioremediation of hardwater using algae is a sustainable method, since algae are most freely available in abundance. Charophytes can be easily found in fresh ponds and lakes. Calcification has been reported most apparent in the Chara genera of Charophytes. Chara can be used in the treatment of hard water since they adsorb Calcium and Magnesium. It can also form calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium hydroxide (Mg (OH)2) precipitations. In this study a MacroPhotobioreactor (MPBR).is designed for treating the hardwater with Chara flaccida, considering the factors essential for the efficient removal of calcium and magnesium. Study was conducted on the effect of initial concentration of hardness for same inoculum size. Further study was conducted on effect of initial iniculum size on same hardness of water.In this study Hill-Deboer Isotherm Model, Fowler-Guggenheim Isotherm Model, Langmuir Isotherm Model, Freundlich Isotherm Model, Dubinin-Radushkevich Isotherm Model, Temkin Isotherm Model, Flory-Huggins Isotherm Model, Hill Isotherm Model, Halsey Isotherm. Model, Harkin-Jura Isotherm Model, Jovanovic Isotherm Model, Elovich Isotherm Model and Kiselev Isotherm Model were tested to analyse the equilibrium data. Tempkins Isotherm Model suited the best for Chara flaccida |
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Title : Comparative Study on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Building with and Without Fluid Viscous Dampers Authors : Wesam Al Agha, Dr. Nambiappan Umamaheswari
Abstract :
Controlling seismic damage and improving performance are creative ideas of earthquake designing in which uses definite demonstrating of the structure together with techniques. One of the most important tools to dissipate energy is dampers that are able to reduce vibrations. Especially Fluid Viscous dampers (FVD) which are used to investigate the response of Reinforced Concrete building when they are subjected to lateral load like seismic. A structure might be viewed as serviceable in the event where it can be satisfied by transferring loads to foundation. Since earthquake loads are imposed on a structure, vibrations occur. To resist responses and absorb energy, Fluid Viscous Dampers is used. With Equivalent Static, Response Spectrum and Time history method, it is vital to identify characteristics by (ETABS) finite element program where Models having ordinary RC moment- resisting frame by square column cross- sections with and without FVD. In this evaluation, it is utilized in linear and non- linear analysis where ETABS, Version (18.0.2), has been used. The results are shown that dampers (FVD) dramatically reduce the lateral deflection and enhance the performance of the structure. They also cause a decrease in Time period of maximum Psuedo Spectral Acceleration (PSA) in Response spectrum curves, increasing the story stiffness and decreasing the story Shear. Therefore, adding FVD to RC buildings is effective utilization due to its dissipation of energy. |
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Title : Analysis of Compressive Strength between Cubical and Cylindrical Concrete Authors : Nidhi Sharma, Aashish Kumar Jha
Abstract :
The compressive strength of concrete is the prevalent performance attribute engulfed by engineers while designing structures. This test is basically performed by breaking the cube and cylindrical specimens under compression testing machines. The compressive strength of the concrete tests formulates an idea about all the properties of concrete. Through these tests one can find out that whether Concreting has been performed in a corrected manner or not. For general construction, the Concrete compressive strength varies from 15 MPa to 30 MPa and in industrial structures and commercial structures is higher. The formula of Compressive strength for any of the material is the given as the load applied at the point of failure to the cross-section area of the face on which load was applied. This paper will clearly provide a difference between two different types of specimens of concrete for testing the compressive strength. |
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Title : Effect of Steel Fibers and Marble Dust on Strength Characteristics of Pavement Quality Concrete Authors : Sourabh Soni, Rahul Bhati
Abstract :
This study shows at that in view of the high flexural strength, high values of compressive strength and high values of split tensile strength, higher load carrying capacity and higher life expectancy, the combination of 10 to 20% marble dust replacement along with addition of 0.5 to 1% steel fibers is ideal for design of Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC). This study also shows developing pavement quality concrete mixtures incorporating marble dust as partial replacement of cement as well as steel fibers. |
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Title : Effect of Polypropylene Fiber on Shear Parameter of Expansive Soil Authors : Rajat Mangal, Sumit Gahlot, Saraswati Chand Dhariwal
Abstract :
The main objective of this study is to investigate the use of waste fiber materials in geotechnical applications and to evaluate the effects of waste polypropylene fibers on shear strength of unsaturated soil by carrying out direct shear tests and unconfined compression tests on two different soil samples. The results obtained are compared for the two samples and inferences are drawn towards the usability and effectiveness of fiber reinforcement as a replacement for deep foundation or raft foundation, as a cost effective approach. All the Direct Shear Tests were conducted at different mix compositions of polypropylene fiber with two different soil sample silty clay and clay. Based on direct shear test on soil sample- 1 and soil sample- 2, with fiber reinforcement of 0.05%, 0.15% and 0.25% it was observed there was increase in shear parameters cohesion and internal friction angle. On the basis of the experiments performed, it is determined that there was not that much on shear parameter cohesion and angle of internal friction of silty clay when used with polypropylene fiber is not effective but shear parameter cohesion and angle of internal friction of clay has considerably. |
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Title : Technological Advancements in Air Pollution Monitoring Systems: A Review Authors : Avnish Bora, Laxmi Chaudhary
Abstract :
Air pollution is one of the major issues in the current scenario of the technologically advanced world environment due the effects on the environment. Air is polluted due to various industrial, transportation and production activities. The contaminated air with harmful gases becomes serious risk to all the living creature and plants on earth. It has become essential activity to monitor and control of the air pollution in the industrial and metropolitan areas. Many conventional monitoring approaches are being used for the evaluation and controlling of air quality. But there is need of efficient and real-time systems air quality monitoring models which collect information about the concentration of air pollutants and also give assessment of the air pollution of the monitored area. This paper reviews the study of air pollution factors, air pollutants and various air monitoring methods. It also includes the brief study of the advance technologies like Internet of Things’ (IoT) with various sensors and Machine Learning (ML) based Artificial Intelligence (AI) model for the air quality data collection and analysis of the data for prediction and control of the air pollution. |
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Title : Impact analysis of Climate Change on Water Resources: A case study of Iran and Vietnam Authors : Mohammed Athar Mansury
Abstract :
Climate change refers to a period piece, ten years or longer in climate average state and deviation in which both occur significant change together in the sense of the statistics (Yang, 2011). Water plays a vital role in maintaining the balance in climate. Water covers nearly three-quarters of Earth. It is continuously moving above, on and below Earth's surface, cycling among ice, liquid water and vapor. This cycling of water shapes the climate by delivering rain and snow, and it supports life on Earth. Water and climate are deeply interconnected, and as the climate changes so does the distribution and cycling of Earth's water. As more greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, heat that would normally be radiated into space is trapped within the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the Earth’s temperature to increase. This research will cover various aspects of climate change such as: definition, impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation with cases of developing countries like Iran & Vietnam. |
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Title : Feasibility in Using Plastic Waste in Road Construction Authors : Lakshya Singh Solanki, Aashish Kumar Jha
Abstract :
About 6 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated in India and the toxic truth about these wastes that they are non biodegradable. India is the second largest populated country so as the use of resources is par to maximum and so as the generation of waste respectively. To adapt the sustainability between the resources available and the reusable waste, consuming plastic waste for recycling and reusing is fruitful for future generation. The organic polymer, plastic with high mass of molecules includes the substances like polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) while polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate is much used plastic compound. As per the studies, plastic is added to bitumin in two ways that is dry process and wet process, in both these processes dry process is preferred because it is less expensive compared to wet process and also wet process requires large areas which is not easily approachable. While approaching to plastic, waste of plastic is shredded first and heated up to melting point then mixed with bitumin to make the composite material which is known as plastic modified bitumin (PMB). Performing the laboratory experiments it is studied that 5-7.5% PET can be mixed with bitumin for road construction and adding plastic in bitumin helps in improving the rheological properties of bitumin and with this replacement it helps in less consumption of bitumin which in turn saves the resources and also best way of disposing the plastic waste. This review presents the plastic waste is used to adapt sustainability to maintain economic approach and to recycle and reuse the plastic waste as the best deed of disposal. It also seeks the attention of the environmentalist and the scientist to work upon the emission of toxic gases in the environment which endangers lives causing diseases to living beings after the plastic roads are laid. |
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Title : Measuring and Reducing Residential Building Energy Demand in India Authors : Neha Yadav
Abstract :
India has one of the fastest developing economies, yet it isn't anticipated to arrive at the degree of vitality utilization seen in other significant economies. It is the 2nd largest population, 3rd largest economy and 4th largest energy consumer in the world and soon would become 3rd. This growth in population has increased the demands for building services and comfort level leading it to increasing energy demand in the country. As this growth of energy consumption has raised concerns over exhaustion of resources and supply difficulties and adverse environmental impacts, now is the high time that these energy consumption and demand should be regularised and reduced via assessing the and measuring the same in India. Although India has the fastest economy but it is not able to reach the projection level of energy consumption like other such economies. According to EIA’s International Energy Outlook 2017 (IEO2018), Buildings energy consumption in India is expected to increase faster than in other regions. It also projects that among all regions of the world, the fastest growth in buildings energy consumption through 2040 will occur in India. Main contributor to this demand and consumptions would be residential sector adding to which as per as per Central Electricity Authority ,India’s domestic energy consumption has increased from 80 TWh in 2000 to 186 TWh in 2012, and constitutes 22% of total current electrical consumption. This research focuses on analysing how India has been a major contributor in increasing residential energy demand and addressing the opportunities and challenges of building energy consumption through identifying various measures and initiatives for reduction of energy demand. |
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Title : Improved Water Quality of River Ganga during the Covid -19 Pandemic Authors : Sheetal Singh, Dr. Vivek Prakash Pankaj
Abstract :
Many countries shut themselves off from the work due to the novel corona virus disease pandemic (COVID-19) that hit the world severely in the first quarter of 2020. The nationwide lockdown in India was imposed on March, 25, 2020, to curb spread of COVID– 19. Since the industries and people's activities have been shut off for a month or more in many parts of the world, it is expected to show some improvement in the prevailing conditions in the aforementioned spheres of environment. Here, a comparative assessment of pollution levels during pre-lockdown and lockdown periods was made through analysis of data generated from 36 Real Time Water Quality Motoring Systems. It showed overall improvement in water quality of River Ganga especially with regard to increased Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and reduced nitrate concentration. This may primarily be attributed to absence of industrial wastewater discharge, agricultural runoff and increased fresh water flow. The reduction in Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) concentration was relatively less due to continued discharge of domestic wastewater into the river, with estimated quantity of 3500 MLD (Million Litres per Day) of sewage, out of which 1100 MLD is treated. Industrial effluent is estimated to be about 300 MLD, which is about 9% of total wastewater being discharged into the river every day. Reduced activities at Ghats and entrainment of solid organic waste into the river may also have contributed to better water quality. |
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Title : Noise Quality Monitoring in Gorakhpur City Authors : Kriti Agnihotri, Siddharth Pandey
Abstract :
In Past few decades traffic noise has become one of the major sources of noise pollution. The main aim of the present study is to monitor and map the noise level which was carried out at different locations of Industrial zone, commercial zone, residential zone and silent zone of the city. As compared to the standard prescribed by central pollution control board (CPCB) Gorakhpur city is suffering from high level noise pollution. It was observed that the value of Leq is far beyond the standards very high above the permissible limits. The main reasons of Gorakhpur city to be in grip of noise are population, high traffic, fast livelihood, intolerance among public, disobeying noise act and rules made for different zones. The pace of the development in the city is very high and is the major source of increase in noise level. The regulation of traffic volume and speed can be implemented to control noise pollution. The Leq, noise levels are calculated with the help of noise level meter to assess the day and night sound level variations. Gorakhpur city is rapidly developing city of Uttar Pradesh. The outcome of the study may be of immense help in traffic planning and environment assessment with respect to noise pollution. |
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Title : Data Analytics and Modelling Of the Carbonation of the Recycled Aggregate Concrete Authors : Jitendra Singh, Ajay Kumar
Abstract :
In the current world scenario, the sites used for excavating natural aggregates are continuously getting depleted due to mining. Sustainable development is one of the main concerns for developing countries, especially in the field of building construction. While the mining sites of the aggregates are getting depleted, their prices of the aggregates are steadily increasing. Wastes generated from demolished structures are creating lots of pressure on land-filling. Recycling of the aggregates, which are generated from the demolished structures become the perfect solution for sustainable development. However, unlike natural aggregates, the structure of recycled aggregates is highly fractured. This affects the strength and durability properties of concrete made with recycled aggregates. Carbonation is one of the major durability concerns. The carbonation does not depend only on the recycled aggregate content. Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, aggregates, and additives. They all have a complex relationship with the mix proportion of the concrete. The main objective of this paper is to model the complex relationship of the mix proportion of the recycled aggregate concrete and the carbonation of the concrete. The data available for the durability properties of recycled aggregate concrete is often very limited. Thus, there is a need for multi-nation data analytics and problems like uniformity in the techniques of testing and results have to be sorted out. Linear models that are developed from the least square regression analysis are often ineffective in modeling the complex relationship of the carbonation of natural and recycled concrete. Machine learning algorithms are very effective in modeling such complex relationships with regards to the durability of recycled aggregate concrete. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the model generated from the linear regression and the artificial neural network and to evaluate the model in terms of accuracy and consistency. |
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Title : Recent Trends in Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil: A Comprehensive Review Authors : Kiran Bhoot, Dr. Divya Prakash
Abstract :
In this comprehensive review, comprising over past two decades from 2000 to 2020, a mechanistic literature of black cotton soil stabilization is presented here by reviewing 16 published research articles. Black cotton soils, Laterite, Compressible soils are problematic soils on which construction work should be avoided. Now a day due to growth in population land useful for construction is not available and so it becomes necessary to improve the ground by using stabilizers (additives) or by giving chemical treatment. Here total 16 papers are reviewed that consist experimental study on Black Cotton soils of India and in some cases abroad to improve its index as well as engineering properties. This work will help geotechnical engineers to opt for suitable stabilizers in the field. This paper will help the others to have idea about the varieties of additives to be used and its proportion and percentage improvement of its properties. |
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Title : Performance of Geopolymer Concrete in Sulphate Environment Authors : Shankar H. Sanni
Abstract :
The present paper focuses the experimental work done in accessing the durability of geopolymer concrete compared to conventional concrete in sulphate media. The molarity used for the preparation of geopolymer specimens is 12. The grade chosen for the investigation was M-30. The alkaline solution used for present study is the combination of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide solution with the ratio of 2.50. The test specimens were 150x150x150 mm cubes, cured in ambient room temperature. The performance evaluation of the specimens were assessed by immersing geopolymer concretes (GPC1, GPC2) and OPC specimens in 5% magnesium sulphate solution separately, periodically monitoring surface deterioration and depth of dealkalization, changes in weight and strength over a period of 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days. The test results indicate that the geopolymer concrete has an excellent resistance to sulphate attack when compared to conventional concrete. Thus we can say that the production of geopolymers have a relative higher strength, excellent volume stability and better durability. |
154-158 |
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Title : Applications of Geographical Information System in Transportation Planning (A Case Study of Nagda, Madhya Pradesh) Authors : Priyanka Yadav
Abstract :
Understanding the basic concept of GIS is a great start of the literature to allow those who don’t longer have an idea about GIS to understand what GIS is and what are its application in Transport Planning to deal with the issues of how GIS can be further developed and enhanced in order to meet the needs of transportation applications. GIS-T applications is interdisciplinary in nature and has many possible applications addressing real-world problems. The contribution and the practical application of GIS in transportation field is reviewed through two case study. The case study is local to show to which extent GIS application is used in transportation sector in Nagda under AMRUT Mission. The case study is followed by a conclusion of the main findings of study that how transportation issues has been resolved using GIS application. As a result, there is a broad application of GIS in transportation. On the other hand, there is a lot of value to GIS that is not yet being fully explored in transportation analysis and planning. |
159-163 |
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